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Understanding Urban Contexts

• Gain a deep understanding of the historical, social, economic, and
cultural contexts that shape urban environments.
2. Site Analysis and Assessment:
• Develop skills in site analysis, including the evaluation of topography,
climate, infrastructure, and existing land use patterns.
3. Design Principles and Strategies:
• Learn and apply design principles and strategies for creating functional,
aesthetically appealing , and sustainable urban spaces.
4. Sustainability and Environmental Design:
• Explore sustainable design practices and strategies for minimizing the
environmental impact of urban development, including considerations
for energy efficiency, water and drainage management and green open
5. Community Engagement:
• Develop skills in engaging with local communities, understanding their
needs and aspirations, and incorporating community input into the
design process.
6. Urban Planning and Zoning Regulations:
• Familiarize students with urban planning principles and zoning
regulations that govern land use and development.
7. Presentation and Communication Skills:
• Develop effective communication skills to articulate design concepts,
present ideas visually, and engage with stakeholders and the public.

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