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Detailed Lesson Plan in PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve personal fitness

B. Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve personal fitness

C. Learning Competencies:
Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments; (PE7PF-IIIa-h-23)

Topic: Self-Assessment on Physical Fitness

A. References:
1. Most Essential Learning Competencies p. 329
2. PE 7 Quarter 3: Module 1 Self-Assessment on Physical Fitness

B. Other Learning Resource: Powerpoint presentation, video clip, pictures, activity cards, tarpapel,
activity sheets

C. Values Integration: Staying healthy in the midst of a pandemic


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

Good morning students. Good morning, sir Niel. Good morning

2. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent in the class? None, sir.


3. Setting of Classroom Rules

Before we start our lesson, let us

First recall our classroom rules. Who can
Give me the first rule? Sit properly.

Correct. What are the others? Be quiet.

Listen attentively.
B. Developing Activities

1. Drill
Let’s have a short game.
Read each statement carefully. Identify
if the following statements are true or false.

a. Regularly engaging in physical activities

helps you become fit. TRUE

b. Sleeping for at least 7 hours makes

your body stronger. TRUE

c. Being fat is healthy. FALSE

d. Being thin is unhealthy. TRUE

e. If we are actively engaging in physical

activities, we will be able to develop our
muscles and reduce our fats. TRUE

C. Motivation

Before we proceed with our new

lesson, let us have a little warm-up. I have
here an activity sheet. Let’s test your
readiness and understanding.

Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Put a check mark (✓) before the statement that
applies to you and put an ( X ) mark before the one that does not apply to you.

_______ 1. I engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes several days a week.
_______ 2. I engage in physical activities that challenge my heart rate.
_______ 3. I feel pain in my chest when I do physical activities.
_______ 4. I like to participate in dance exercises and folk dancing in school or community.
_______ 5. I am/want to be a member of a dance group.
_______ 6. I take care of the environment by doing small deeds such as throwing my trash into the
_______ 7. I do warm-up, stretching, and cool-down exercises.
_______ 8. I am careful in choosing what to eat.
_______ 9. I love dancing, especially folk dance.
_______ 10. I always find time to do leisure activities such as dancing.

After answering the activity sheet,

count the number of checks. The number of check
marks will determine your Physical Fitness Result.

(Present the scale.)

Using this scale, identify the result of your

What are your scores? (The students will give answers.)

D. Presentation

Based on the score you got in our previous

activity, do you consider yourself physically fit? Yes, sir.

No, sir.

Why do you consider yourself fit? (The students will answer.)

Why is it important to be physically fit? It is important to be physically fit

in order to avoid diseases.

It is important to be physically fit

in order to look and feel good.

What do you think is the effect of having

a physically fit body? Having a physically fit body will
boost the immune system.

It will also help us become healthy.

It will help us avoid having diseases.

What can you do to become physically fit? Exercise every day.

Sleep for at least 7 hours.

Eat fruits and vegetables.

Well done. Today, let us learn how to

assess ourselves for physical fitness.

E. Discussion

Engaging in physical activity regularly is

fun and healthy and is basically our need to become
more active every day. Being active every day has
a positive impact in our lives.

When we engage regularly in physical

activities, we tend to reduce fats which can help us
maintain our weight and achieve a healthy body.
However, we should always check our health
before starting to become much more physically active.
We should see our doctor and get regular checkups.

If you are planning to be more physically

active, start by answering the questions in this sheet.
If you are between the ages of 15 and 69,
the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with
your doctor before you start.
This is the PAR-Q. Read the questions carefully and
answer each one honestly. Put a check ( / ) if your
answer is yes and a cross ( x ) if no.

_______1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do
physical activities based on his/her recommendations?
_______2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do any physical activity?
_______3. In the past month, did you feel any chest pain even if you were not doing a physical activity?
_______4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
_______5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical
_______6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (like water pills) for your blood pressure or heart
_______7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do any physical activity?

If you’re done, examine your answers.

If you answered YES to one or more questions, it
means you need to talk to your doctor before you
start becoming much more physically active or
before you perform a fitness appraisal. You have to
tell you doctor about the PAR-Q and the questions
you answered YES.

People who answered yes to the PAR-Q can

still engage in physical activities. They can do so
as long as they start slowly and build up gradually.

Aside from that, what can they do to become

physically active? They can choose activities that
are safe for them to do.

Correct. What else? They can speak with their

doctors and ask about the
kind of activities they want
to do.

Well done. If you answered no to all questions,

you can start becoming much more physically active.

You can begin slowly and build up gradually.

Values Integration:

Amidst the pandemic, we can still become

physically active. Even if gyms and basketball courts
are closed, we can still engage in physical activities
at home.

Why do you think being physically fit is

important during the pandemic? It is important to be fit to
avoid getting diseases.

It is important to boost our

immune system.
Correct. Our world is battling the pandemic.
Aside from washing our hands and following proper
health protocols, we must stay fit in order to avoid
other diseases such as diabetes.

Do you understand? Yes, sir.

F. Application

Let us have a group activity. I will group you

into three. In this activity, you need a notebook and
a ballpen.

I will give each group an activity card. You

will have to obtain your resting heart rate and do a
general and dynamic warm up which are all in
the activity cards.

After that, answer a series of questions

using brief sentences. Do you understand? Yes, sir.

Before we proceed, let us recall the guidelines

in doing a group activity. What are the rules? Read the directions

Cooperate with your


Respect your groupmates.

Let us begin the activity.

Directions: Follow the given instructions and procedure to assess your physical fitness.

Materials needed: a notebook and ballpen

1. Obtain your resting heart rate.

2. General Warm up: Do a 10-minute walking steps ( 4 forward, 4 backward, and 4 sideward L
and R).

3. Dynamic Warm up:

a. Do 16 close steps R and L (step-close)
b. Do 16 hop steps R and L (step-hop)
c. Do 16 skip steps in place R and L

4. Answer the following questions:

a. What did you feel while doing the dynamic warm-up?

b. Did the activity help you in imporiving your physical fitness? What part of the activity
made you move more?

G. Generalization

Let us recall our lesson for today. What is the

assessment used to check a person’s readiness for
physical fitness? It is called the PAR-Q.
Very good. What should a person do if he/she
answered yes in any of the questions in the PAR-Q? The person should consult with a
doctor before doing a physical

What else? The person may engage in

physical activities as long as it is
within his or her capabilties.

Correct. What should a person do if he/she

answered no in all of the questions of the PAR-Q? The person can engage in any
physical activities as long as it
is gradually done.


IV. Evaluation

Test One: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What can you do to become physically fit?

A. Eat a lot.
B. Play online games.
C. Sleep more and exercise less.
D. Engage in physical activities regularly.

2. Why is it important to be physically fit?

A. Because it is now a trend

B. Because I just want to be fit
C. Because my mother told me to benefit
D. Because it has great impact on our health

3. Does eating a lot of food make our body healthy? Why?

A. Yes, because I love eating.

B. Yes, because eating a lot of food make us stronger.
C. No, because I do not have money to buy a lot of foods.
D. No, because our body needs only an exact amount of calories otherwise it would be unhealthy.

4. All are examples of dynamic exercises, except ______________.

A. hopping
B. skipping
C. close step
D. stretching

5. It is a type of questionnaire that will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start
engaging in physical activities.
Test Two: True or False

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is
_________ 1. Regularly engaging in physical activities helps you become fit.
_________ 2. Sleeping 10 hours and more makes your body stronger.
_________ 3. Being fat is healthy.
_________ 4. Being thin is unhealthy.
_________ 5. PAR – Q is done after engaging in physical activity.

V. Assignment

Directions: Choose three health components that you consider as your weakness. Fill in the chart with
the necessary information. You will be guided by a sample provided for you.

Component Goal Activities To Do To Achieve

Your Goal

Cardiovascular endurance Increase my cardiovascular jogging

3-minute step test

walking at least 30 minutes a







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