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Using the Gifts given

My rector in the minor seminary would always remind us one basic truth which is this: we
cannot outdo God in generosity. God is Love and His generosity is beyond measure. God even
created us in His image and likeness. We are equal in dignity and unique. My parish priest when
I was a newly ordained priest would always say to the parishioners that “everyone is important
and we need one another so we have to be united.” God is always present and active in our lives.
Gift and Task
Since every person is created in the image and likeness of God, each one was given talents and
capacities to glorify God and to serve his brethren. The parish where I serve has an educational
assistance program. A big challenge for our team is to convince the parents and the students that
they have received so many gifts from God. Perhaps, some focus so much on what they do not
have so they do not see what God has given. In our program, we see the importance of elders as
fountains of wisdom. We encourage our scholars and other young people to learn from their
It is very crucial that we discover our gifts. We cannot see it on our own. We need the help of
others. As we discover our gifts, we need to develop it and to use it to glorify God. This is very
evident in J.R.R. Tolkien who used myth and faith story in order to teach us about our journey
towards union with God. His Catholic faith was shining in his novel and he was able to lift our
minds and hearts towards God.
The Church is preparing for the Jubilee Year next year. The best way to prepare is through prayer
so this year is the Year of Prayer. Today is Easter Sunday and may the Risen Lord teach us to
pray so that we can discover our gifts from God, develop it and serve others so that we can
glorify God.

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