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Problem Statement

Abraao da Silva
Independent Project – ENGR 400
Dr. Scott Milkovich

Problem Statement

This project aims to develop a low-cost, 3D-printed prosthetic arm that is controlled by muscle

sensors within 16 weeks. The goal is to create a device that is not only affordable but also functional and

easy to use. By utilizing 3D printing technology, the cost of production can be significantly reduced. The

use of Arduino as the microcontroller and MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor DEV-21265 for muscle impulse

detection allows for a more natural and intuitive control system.

The need for such a device is significant. It has the potential to drastically improve the quality of life

for individuals with upper limb disabilities by providing them with a more affordable, yet technological

prosthetic arm that can, perhaps, even vary the pressure applied on objects.

Background Research


The field of prosthetics has seen significant advancements over the years, yet the accessibility and

affordability of these devices remain a challenge. While high-end prosthetic arms with advanced

functionalities exist, they are often prohibitively expensive, especially for individuals in developing

countries. This project aims to bridge this gap by developing a low-cost, 3D-printed prosthetic arm that is

controlled by muscle sensors. Leveraging the capabilities of Arduino Mega microcontroller and EMG

muscle sensors, the project seeks to create a prosthetic arm that is not only cost-effective but also mimics

basic arm movements. This project is particularly crucial for improving the quality of life for people with

arm disabilities, offering them a cheap, yet functional solution.

The issue of limb loss and disability is a global concern affecting billions of people. According to the

World Health Organization [1], over a billion people, or about 16% of the world's population, experience

some form of disability. Of these, a significant number suffer from upper limb disabilities, including arm

amputations. The problem is even more pronounced in developing countries where access to healthcare

and rehabilitation services is limited.

Prosthetic arms serve as a viable solution to this problem, but they come with their own set of

challenges. High-end prosthetic arms with advanced functionalities such as individual finger movement

and sensory feedback are available but are often prohibitively expensive. These devices can cost between

$20,000 and $100,000 [2], making them inaccessible for the vast majority of those in need, particularly in

low-income countries.

The affordable alternatives, on the other hand, are usually mechanically controlled and offer limited

functionality. These prosthetics often rely on body-powered systems that use cables and harnesses, which

can be cumbersome and uncomfortable for the user. They also lack the finesse and range of motion

provided by their electronic counterparts, making everyday tasks like gripping objects or writing difficult.

The development of an affordable, 3D-printed prosthetic arm that is controlled by muscle sensors is a

complex endeavor that requires a multidisciplinary approach. This project brings together elements of

mechanical engineering, computer science, and biomedical engineering. Below is a general overview of

the components, hardware, software as well as some ideas that will be implemented in this independent



SG90 Micro Servo for Finger Movement

The SG90 Micro Servo is chosen for its compact size and high torque capabilities. Its small footprint

makes it ideal for the limited space available in the prosthetic arm's fingers. Despite its size, the SG90

provides sufficient torque for gripping and holding objects, making it a highly effective and efficient

choice for finger movement in this project.

MG 996R Servo Motors for Joints

The MG 996R Servo Motor is selected for its high torque and speed, which are essential for

controlling the elbow and potentially the shoulder joints of the prosthetic arm. The motor's robust

construction and high stall torque of up to 11 kgf-cm at 6.0v make it highly reliable for daily use. Its

versatility and performance align well with the project's requirements for durable and responsive joint



Arduino Uno R3

The Arduino Uno R3 serves as the primary microcontroller for this project. It is responsible for

receiving and processing EMG signals from the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor and controlling the servo

motors. The Uno R3 was chosen for its compatibility with the MyoWare Arduino Shield and its sufficient

number of analog and digital pins for this project's requirements.

EMG Sensors

MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor DEV-21265

The MyoWare Muscle Sensor is designed to detect the electrical activity generated by skeletal

muscles, known as electromyography (EMG). This sensor is compact and relatively easy to integrate into

wearable devices. The sensor will be attached to the user's residual limb to capture muscle impulses,

which will then be processed to control the prosthetic arm's movements [3].

Materials and Manufacturing

3D Printing Technology

3D printing offers a cost-effective and rapid method for prototyping and manufacturing the prosthetic

arm. Materials like PLA (Polylactic Acid) and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) are under

consideration for their durability and biocompatibility. 3D printing also allows for customization,

enabling the prosthetic arm to be tailored to the individual needs of the user.

Challenges and Considerations

Reliability and Longevity

One of the significant challenges is ensuring the reliability of the sensors and the longevity of the

motors. Given that the prosthetic arm is intended for daily use, these components must be durable and

reliable. Calibration and maintenance are also concerns that need to be addressed [4].

Ideas and Future Directions

Haptic Feedback and Machine Learning

One of the exciting avenues for future development is the integration of haptic feedback to provide

the user with a sense of touch using pressure sensors. Another is the use of machine learning algorithms to

improve the adaptability and responsiveness of the prosthetic arm. These features could significantly

enhance the user experience and functionality of the device [3].

Data Processing and Control System

MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor and Link Shield

The MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor captures the electrical activity generated by skeletal muscles (EMG

signals). The MyoWare 2.0 Link Shield is designed to easily connect the muscle sensor to the Arduino

Uno R3. It provides options for selecting the output mode for the raw EMG (RAW), rectified (RECT), or

envelope (ENV) signal. This setup allows for a more natural and intuitive control system for the

prosthetic arm.

MyoWare 2.0 Arduino Shield


This shield is designed to connect up to six MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensors and Link Shields, allowing

for the possibility of reading multiple muscle groups. It mates directly with Arduino boards that have the

Uno R3 standard footprint and reserves all six analog input pins (A0-A5) for this purpose.

Bluetooth Communication

An Arduino Bluetooth module (HC-05) will be used to send the processed EMG signals wirelessly to

an ESP32 module. Meanwhile, the ESP32 module will receive wireless EMG signals from the HC-05

Bluetooth module. It will, then, process these signals and control the servo motors wirelessly. The ESP32

was chosen for its dual-core processor, allowing for real-time data analysis and motor control.

Product Specifications & Metrics

Objectives and Metrics
Data Processing
 To process the electrical pulses from the muscles, filter the data, and control at least two servo
motors through Arduino.


 Processing pulses, filtering, sending to Arduino, and controlling at least 2 servo motors | 5
 Filtering data and identifying which muscle is responsible for each pulse, then sending data
to Arduino | 4 points
 Filtering data, identifying muscle sources, and converting the data into 0's and 1's | 3 points
 Only filtering data without further processing | 2 points
No data processing | 1 point

Hand Movement
 To achieve smooth and precise hand movement, including the opening and closing of fingers.


 Closing and opening fingers with ease | 5 points

 Closing or opening fingers | 4 points
 Moving servos in a somewhat coordinated manner | 3 points
 Moving servos but not in a coordinated manner | 2 points
 Not moving any of the fingers | 1 point

Joint Movement
 To achieve smooth and precise joint movement, particularly in the elbow.


 Opening and closing joints (elbow) with ease | 5 points

 Opening or closing joints (elbow) | 4 points
 Moving joints but not smoothly | 3 points
 Limited joint movement | 2 points
 No joint movement | 1 point

Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of the budget allocation for this independent project. Items
with a unit price of $0.00 were generously provided either by faculty members or fellow students, thereby
incurring no additional cost to the project.

Budget Table - ENGR 400

Part Name Quantity Unit Price (USD) Total
Arduino Uno R3 2 $0.00 $0.00
Servo SG90 5 $0.00 $0.00
Servo 996R 2 $0.00 $0.00
Breadboard 3 $0.00 $0.00
Jumper Wires 50 $0.00 $0.00
3D Printed Parts (PLA) 10 - 100 $0.00 $0.00
Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor 1 $45.00 $45.00
Myoware 2.0 Arduino Shield 1 $13.14 $13.14
Myoware 2.0 Link Shield 1 $16.33 $16.33
Myoware 2.0 Reference Cable 1 $3.89 $3.89
HC-05 Bluetooth Module 1 $8.59 $8.59
ESP32 ESP-32S WiFi+Bluetooth Module 1 $10.76 $10.76
Myoware Electrodes (50-Pack) 1 $28.99 $28.99
Myoware Electrodes (10-Pack) 1 $17.22 $17.22
Total Amount $ 143.92
Table 1 - Budget Table


Budget Constraint: The total cost of the project must not exceed $150.

Time Constraint: The project must be completed within the timeframe of the semester, 7 weeks left.

Hardware Limitations: The project must be built using non expensive hardware components which
could influence the quality of the data capturing (Arduino Uno R3, MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor DEV-
21265, SG90 and MG995R servo motors).

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

1.0 Identify Field of Interest
1.1 Robotics, Prosthetic Arm
2.0 Background Research
2.1 Prosthetic Arms
2.1.1 Mechanically Controlled
2.1.2 Electrically Controlled
2.2 Motors, Sensors, and Gears
2.2.1 Servo Motors MG995R
2.2.2 High Torque Servos (DS3218MG, DS3225MG)
2.2.3 EMG Sensors (MyoWare Muscle Sensor - SEN-13723)
2.3 Materials and Manufacturing Method
2.3.1 3D Printing
2.3.2 Material Selection
2.4 Data Processing and Software
2.4.1 Python for Data Processing
2.4.2 Arduino Programming
2.4.3 Real-Time Data Analysis
3.0 Problem Statement
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3.1 Define the Problem

3.2 Importance of Solving the Problem
4.0 Design and Development
4.1 Initial Design Sketches
4.2 3D Modeling
4.3 Prototype Development
4.4 Testing and Iteration
5.0 Revise Design
5.1 Review Test Results
5.2 Make Necessary Adjustments
5.3 Re-test Modified Design

6.0 Fabricate Deliverable

6.1 3D print parts
6.2 Source components
6.3 Assemble Components
6.4 Final Testing
7.0 Write Final Report
7.1 Introduction and Background
7.2 Methodology
7.3 Results and Discussion
7.4 Conclusion and Recommendations
7.5 References
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[1] "Disability," 7 March 2023. [Online]. Available:

[2] J. Berning, "FreeThink," 14 August 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 September 2023].

[3] N. G. G.-L. V. A. L. L. L.-L. D. H. P.-O. Karla Avilés-Mendoza, "A 3D Printed, Bionic Hand Powered by
EMG Signals and Controlled by a nOnline Neural Network," Biomimetics, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 255, 2023.

[4] S. S. S. Alok Prakash, Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2019, pp. 467-
479, 2019.

[5] "CS Electrical & Electronics," 25 July 2020. [Online]. Available:
applications/#google_vignette. [Accessed 3 September 2023].

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