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Name: _________________ Grade: 6 ( )

Date: __________________ EOT T2 Revision Sheet

➢ One of the most common types of micro-organisms..
➢ The smallest of all living organisms..

First question: label the following.

Bacteria can be :

Useful (Harmless):
• Decay bodies of dead plants and
Harmful: animals
Cause diseases like Salmonella • Keep us healthy
• Help in making cheese, yogurt,
wine, and vinegar.
• Help in treating human sewage.
2. Fungi
Second question: Label the following.

Third question: Compare and contrast between mould and yeast.

Yeast Mould
A) Budding
B) Fungi
C) Spores
D) Hyphae
E) Single-celled
F) Need Oxygen
G) Respire with or
without oxygen
3: Virus

✓ Don’t feed, respire, excrete, and move themselves.

✓ Viruses are always harmful.
✓ Can reproduce but only inside the cells of other living organisms.
✓ Parasites are organisms that take what they need to live from another organism
known as the host.
✓ They hurt the host and sometimes can kill it.

Fourth question: Fill in the blanks.

Microorganism Bacteria
Useful or harmful

Example Mould and yeast


Structure Protein coat and

genetic material

5. Microorganisms and decomposition

Fifth question: Define.

1. Sewage: ___________________________________________________

2. Compost: __________________________________________________
6. Micro-organisms and Disease-General Principle

There are two lines of defense in our bodies.

First line of defense

• Skin: covers and protects the body
• Acid in the stomach: can kill some bacteria and viruses
• Hair in the nose: helps filter the air we
• Cilia: Beat to move the mucus carrying dust, bacteria,
and viruses away from the lungs
• Scab: Stops bleeding, stops micro-organisms from
getting in, lets your new skin form underneath,
protected from any further knocks.
Second line of defense
• White blood cells: They are the
army of our body. They engulf
bacteria and viruses

7. Micro-organisms and Disease in animals

➢ Tuberculosis
• What is it caused by?
TB is a disease caused by bacteria that affects the lungs of people and animals.

• How is it transmitted?
Spread by droplet infection from coughs and sneezes. Transmitted if you drink untreated
milk from an infected cow.

• What are the symptoms?

1. Cough blood
2. Lose weight
3. Sometimes can cause death

• How is it treated?
It can be treated by antibiotics since it’s a bacterial disease.

• How to prevent it?

Vaccinations make people immune to the disease. Having good living and work condition.

➢ Polio
• What is it caused by?
Polio is a disease caused by a virus.

• How is it transmitted?
The virus is passed on in faeces and in contaminated food and water.

• What are the symptoms?

Attacks the nervous system and breathing muscles..
It can cause:
1. Paralysis
2. Death

• How to prevent it?

Vaccination makes people immune to the disease.

➢ Thrush
• What is it caused by?
It is a fungal disease; it is caused by a type of yeast that lives on our skin.
Most of the times it is harmless to people.
If you are ill these fungi will attack the skin.
The skin will be itchy and sore.

• How is it treated?
Anti-fungal chemicals kill the fungus and make you feel better.
Sixth Question: Fill in the blanks.

Microorganism Disease it Mode of Symptoms Treatment Prevention

causes transmission


Polio virus


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