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Final Exam

ECON 205 (Principles of Economics), Fall 2018-2019

Food Engineering
All questions are worth 5 points.

1. In a perfectly competitive market, 5. Solve for the value of monopoly pro…ts in the
above question.
(a) the e¢ cient level of output is produced
(a) 16
(b) price equals marginal cost
(b) 20
(c) long-run supply curve is horizontal
(c) 24
(d) market welfare is maximized
(d) 32
(e) all of the above
(e) 36
2. A …rm’s "market power" refers to its

(a) ability to in‡uence the government

6. The Her…ndahl-Hirschmann Index (HHI) in an
(b) ability to respond to the actions of com- industry is given by
(c) ability to a¤ect the price of its output (a) the sum of market shares of the largest 4
(d) ability to increase its output
(b) the mark-up divided by cost
(e) none of the above
(c) sum of the natural logarithms of market
3. A monopoly that practices …rst-degree price shares
discrimination earns pro…ts that are equal to (d) the sum of squares of market shares
(e) none of the above
(a) all of consumer surplus
(b) regular monopoly pro…ts
(c) duopoly pro…ts 7. Second-degree price discrimination refers to
(d) short-run competitive pro…ts
(a) setting di¤erent prices for di¤erent con-
(e) long-run pro…ts
sumer groups
4. Let the demand curve in a market be given by (b) selling each consumer at her willingness
the equation P = 9 Q; and marginal cost to pay
is given by c = 1: What is the quantity level (c) o¤ering quality-price pairs to consumers.
that will be produced by a monopoly in this
(d) selling each consumer at marginal cost
(e) none of the above
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3
(e) 2

8. Consider the following game where players are 10. Consider the following game
named 1 and 2, and strategies are named A
and B. The …rst entry in each box gives the Pl:2
payo¤ to player 1, and second entry the payo¤ Left Middle Right
to player 2. Pl:1 Up (1; 2) (2; 4) (2; 2)
Middle (2; 1) (2; 1) (3; 2)
Player 2 Down (3; 3) (3; 4) (0; 3)
Player 1 A (5; 5) (1; 4) The Nash Equilibria of this game are
B (6; 2) (2; 3)
(a) (Down, Middle)
The Nash Equilibria of this game are (b) (Middle, Right)
(c) (Middle, Right) and (Down, Middle)
(a) (A,A)
(d) (Down, Left) and (Up, Middle)
(b) (B,B)
(e) The game has no pure-strategy Nash
(c) (B,A) Equilibria
(d) (A,B) and (B,A)
11. Gross Domestic Product is
(e) The game has no pure-strategy Nash
Equilibria (a) market value of all …nal goods and ser-
vices produced domestically
(b) total expenditure for domestic production
(c) the total value added of domestic produc-
(d) total income due to domestic production
9. Consider the following game (e) all of the above

Player 2 12. Real GDP equals

Player 1 A (1; 1) ( 1; 1) (a) Nominal GDP divided by a price index
B ( 1; 1) (1; 1) (b) Growth in nominal GDP from year to
The Nash Equilibria of this game are (c) GDP per capita

(a) (A,A) (d) Nominal GDP multiplied by the rate of

(b) (B,B)
(e) None of the above
(c) (A,A) and (B,B)
(d) (A,B) and (B,A) 13. In an economy, all adults who are able and
willing to work can …nd employment in a rea-
(e) The game has no pure-strategy Nash sonable amount of time. This economy is in
(a) zero unemployment
(b) full employment
(c) excess employment
(d) saturated employment
(e) none of the above

14. The unemployment rate is calculated as 17. The Phillips curve states that

(a) the fraction of the unemployed in total (a) in‡ation and unemployment are inversely
population related in the short run.
(b) the fraction of unemployed in the labor (b) in‡ation and unemployment are posi-
force tively related in the short run
(c) the fraction of the unemployed in adult (c) unemployment and economic growth are
population inversely related in the long run.
(d) the number of people unemployed divided (d) an economy can never attain full employ-
by the number people employed ment.
(e) none of the above (e) none of the above.

18. If the reserve requirement is 10%, a newly

printed 50TL banknote will increase the money
supply by
15. Frictional unemployment occurs due to
(a) 50TL
(a) individuals who just entered the labor (b) 55TL
(c) 60TL
(b) mismatch between actual and required
(d) 100TL
(e) 500TL
(c) job-to-job transitions in a regular econ-
19. Open market operations refer to
(d) discouraged workers
(e) all of the above (a) operations by a central bank in order to
increase its stock of foreign currency
(b) operations by a central bank in order to
adjust the money supply
(c) operations by a central bank in order to
16. Fiscal policy refers to make pro…t

(a) the adjustment of government expendi- (d) operations by a central bank in order to
tures increase its reserves

(b) the adjustment of the reserve requirement (e) none of the above

(c) the adjustment of the policy interest rate 20. The real interest rate equals
(d) the adjustment of the money supply
(a) the in‡ation rate
(e) all of the above can be referred to as …scal
policy (b) the nominal interest rate multiplied by in-
(c) the nominal interest rate plus in‡ation
(d) the nominal interest rate minus in‡ation
(e) none of the above

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