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Bachelor of Science

(Civil and Structural Engineering)

BCS108S: Construction Engineering


Topic 12
Practice for Presentation

CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971
This week is designed to help you get prepared for your presentation and sort out
any technical difficulties.

I am available here for at least half an hour if you have any questions or
uncertainties about the presentation and peer evaluation and report.

Key things points.

You need to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes and highlights

your report.

During week of 5 to 11 of June (or before) I would like you to voice over record on
your PowerPoint slides your talking and presentation.
Submission location is on Moodle.

Full report submitted by 16 June or before as per moodle.

I will advise you when the presentations recordings are on moodle for you to listen
to. You will get up to 10 marks for submitting to me your peer evaluation of at least 5
other student presentations,.

CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971
Please review at least 5 student presentations
By completing this checklist peer evaluation in a helpful way will make you eligible
to earn up to 10 marks in assessment 4

Assessment 4 is worth 40% of your total mark and is “exam equivalent”
It will be marked out of 100 and marks will be
Voiced Powerpoint presentation 40 marks
Peer review excel of 5 presentations 10 marks
Project report 50 marks
CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971
CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971
This is set up so far on Moodle

CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971
CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | Higher Education Provider Number: 14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971

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