Marketing Plan 4

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Proffesor: Đỗ Khắc Xuân Diễm

Students: Đào Phát Huy

Nguyễn Minh Hữu

Nguyễn Mai Hoàng Linh

Trần Thị Kim Ngọc

Trần Mai Xuân Thy

TP HỒ CHÍ MINH, 11th APRIL, 2023


A. COMPANY INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 3

I. About us................................................................................................................................. 3
II. Business field ....................................................................................................................... 3
III. Mission................................................................................................................................ 3
IV. Core Values ......................................................................................................................... 4
B. MICRO ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................. 4
I. Marketing analysis ............................................................................................................... 4
II. Customer analysis ............................................................................................................. 11
III. Competitor analysis......................................................................................................... 13
C. MACRO ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 16
D. SWOT................................................................................................................................. 18
I. Strength ............................................................................................................................... 18
II. Weak ................................................................................................................................... 19
III. Opportunity ..................................................................................................................... 19
IV. Thread ............................................................................................................................... 19
E. FINANCIAL GOALS ....................................................................................................... 19
I. Increase revenue: ................................................................................................................ 19
II. Increase profits: ................................................................................................................ 20
III. ROI ............................................................................................................................... 20
F. MARKETING STRATEGY ............................................................................................. 20
I. Target customer .................................................................................................................. 20
II. Product positioning, differentiation ................................................................................ 24
G. MARKETING TACTICS: ............................................................................................... 25
I. Product: ............................................................................................................................... 25
II. Price: .................................................................................................................................. 27
III. Place: ............................................................................................................................... 30
IV. Promotion: ........................................................................................................................ 31
H. EXECUTION CONTROL ............................................................................................... 32
I. Marketing plan milestones ................................................................................................ 32
II. Campaign control plan:.................................................................................................... 33

I. About us
Coffee business is one of the hot industries of the Vietnamese market today. With a series
of brands, many large and small coffee shop chains at home and abroad appear and compete
with each other. Coffee shops cover all provinces, from big cities to rural areas, from main
roads to alleys, everywhere you go.
With that reason and passion for the beverage business, we have established Felicia Trading
Production Co., Ltd. 2018, in the form of a partnership with 5 members as the owner. Felicia
means luck and success. We named the company Felicia with the hope that the initial start-up
will operate effectively and without many difficulties and obstacles. In addition, we have a
strong desire that the company in the future will be very successful and more people will know
the tea and coffee brand "Felicia".
Before establishing Felicia, we were just university students with dreams and ambitions,
after graduating from school, we would set up a company together. And finally, after many
efforts, we made it in 2018, Felicia Trading Production Co., Ltd was born. From 5 people with
an initial capital of 500 million and a small number of employees. But at the end of 2018, we
opened our first store in the center of District 1.
3 years later, thanks to the effort to discover and create new drinks, fortunately, it attracts
a lot of customers. We have opened 3 more branches in other central districts: districts 3, 5, 7.
In 2023 the company developed more stores in Binh Thanh. Felicia's drinks are increasingly
diversified in product categories: tea, coffee, milk tea. Currently, we are researching to develop
a new product collection called "Nut milk tea" with ingredients of 100% vegan and pure
Vietnamese ingredients, towards the health of consumers. In the future, our company plans to
open more branches in other cities in Vietnam and bring Felicia's beverage products, especially
the new "vegan, pure Vietnamese" product line to many customers.
II. Business field
Trading in tea and coffee products.
Beverage service business at the store system: Beverage, door-to-door delivery service.
III. Mission
Become a pioneer in the field of tea and coffee with innovative ideas.
Together bring the brand shine with drinks from pure Vietnamese ingredients to customers
with the desire to protect the health of consumers.

Create high value with understanding, empathy and real value propositions, satisfying
customer satisfaction.
IV. Core Values
For customers: Committed to providing the best products and services.
For employees: Build a dynamic and creative working environment, create conditions for
development and equal opportunities.
For society: Highly active contribution to community activities, showing a sense of
responsibility towards society.

I. Marketing analysis
1. Product quality
The Felicia company mainly focuses on ingredients that are beneficial to consumers' health.
With the slogan "Fatty Not Fat", the brand wants customers to still feel the sweetness and
deliciousness of milk tea when drinking milk tea, but without the fear of getting fat when
drinking. “Fatty Not Fat” nut milk tea There are three main ingredients: organic seeds, tea, and
jaggery. To highlight the difference in products with the mission to bring the best product
quality to customers, especially those who are "addicted" to milk tea. After a long time
searching for raw materials across countries and continents, our company team found and chose
Vietnam. Because this is a place with rich, rich and diverse mineral resources. We find the
Central Highlands to be the land that owns the best and quality nuts.(Company name) use
organic nuts grown and harvested using organic techniques, according to standard procedures,
without contact with any chemicals. Our selected organic nut products are 100% safe and have
an abundant source of nutrients. As a result, our brand's organic nut ingredients will be more
nutritious than conventionally grown seeds. Regarding tea, we directly import tea from Thai
Nguyen land, famous for its distinctive taste; sweet aroma with mild acrid taste and deep sweet
aftertaste; grown, harvested, and carefully selected from the skillful hands of the "artisans" of
tea cultivation, will surely make those who like to drink milk tea with strong tea flavor. In
addition, Felicia chose An Giang's jaggery is the final ingredient in our nut milk tea. Palm sugar
can aid in weight loss, as it can help improve digestion. One of the keys to a healthy weight
loss journey is good digestion.That is also the purpose that our company wants to bring to
customers: "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea is at the forefront of quality and protects the health of
customers because our ingredients are completely from 100% organic ingredients. natural part

with strong tea flavor; fragrant, sweet, fatty from seeds; and using jaggery to help customers
not be afraid of getting fat when drinking milk tea.
2. Service quality
Not only care about product quality to protect the health of customers, but our company
also invests in quality of service so that customers feel satisfied and comfortable when enjoying
our drinks. First, understand and know that the employee will be the person to contact and
communicate with customers, is the face of a store, when recruiting we must select and train
very carefully. Our company will have 3 training sessions to train employees and 1 session to
check and evaluate whether that employee is really suitable for the job we require or not.
Fortunately, since the establishment of the company until now, the staff at the stores have
always been rated by customers as agile and understanding customers. In addition, staying at
the company's stores has many forms of payment: cash, momo, zalopay, bank card for
customers' convenience in payment. At each checkout counter, we always have a qr code so
that customers can evaluate the service quality of the store so that we can try to improve the
disadvantages and promote the advantages to be better every day. . Third, all branches of milk
tea with full products of our brand are available on all e-commerce platforms so that customers
can more conveniently and order online to save time. In each store, we always arrange many
employees, divide the work reasonably to be able to complete the dishes fastest for customers
without having to wait. Therefore, our brand has also been appreciated by customers for its
good and fast delivery service, without having to wait too long for the item. Although the
company has been formed and developed for 6 years, we are trying every day, taking into
account the comments of our customers so that the company can become better. Therefore,
Felicia aims to become one of the companies selling milk tea with the best service quality and
the most loved by customers.
3. Distribution efficiency
To achieve the best distribution effect, the "Fatty Not Fat" milk tea brand chooses to
distribute directly at branches throughout Ho Chi Minh City. We choose to distribute in the Ho
Chi Minh City area because we want to directly grasp the situation of the places where we
distribute nut milk tea, and control the product quality well so that customers can experience
the taste. seed milk tea at the nearest place without any change in quality. In addition, the choice
of distribution method in the region is so moderate, helping the company to ensure exclusivity.

4. Effective promotion
In order to attract customers to use and get closer to the new product, "Fatty Not Fat", the
company decided to have promotions such as: The company will set 1 or 2 drinks. If you buy
old drinks with a new drink, you will get a discount of 1,000 VND, 50% discount on new drinks
for loyal customers, Increase in cup size when customers refer friends or relatives,... According
to the results of the company During the past 6 years, when implementing such promotions,
the company always reaches a lot of customers using new products. Thanks to effective
promotions, every time our company brand launches a new product, it is always supported and
expected by customers.
5. Geographic scope
Felicia Company chooses to develop in Ho Chi Minh City in central districts with people
with stable economic conditions and circumstances such as: Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, Binh Thanh.
Because Ho Chi Minh City is a densely populated city with the highest standard of living in
Vietnam and a developed economy, health always comes first. It has special advantages to
develop the commodity market compared to other localities in the country. On the other hand,
Ho Chi Minh City has a rich and diverse distribution system of goods such as supermarkets,
commercial centers, restaurants, milk tea shops, etc. It is the above factors that have helped the
city. Ho Chi Minh City becomes an attractive geographical area to attract large and small
businesses to invest in it. Moreover, the customers we target are those who have stable income
and living standards, so we have selected central districts to develop the milk tea brand and
provide drinks suitable to the needs of customers. their demand.
On the other hand, because Ho Chi Minh City has such favorable conditions, it means that
the level of competition between businesses is very fierce and harsh. Therefore, our company
must always maintain a firm stance and stance to face the disadvantages and accept to deal
with the unfortunate risks that will happen to our company.
6. Finance
a) Expenses or available funds
To launch the "Fatty Not Fat" seed milk tea product, the company prepared and carefully
calculated costs and capital sources clearly. The available capital from the company's sales
business during the past 6 years is currently: 50 billion. We believe this is a reasonable amount
of capital to be able to invest in the strategy to promote this new product.
These are the amounts we expect to pay to invest in the new product "Fatty Not Fat" milk tea.
The company has divided the items and the appropriate amounts, which items need a lot of

money, which ones need a small amount, we have planned it clearly and practically after careful
discussion. together:
 Cost or availability of capital
Available capital: 50 billion VND
 Cash flow
Amount spent: 4 billion (for 30,000 products)
Amount to be spent: 2.488.930.000 (for 30,000 products)
→ Positive net cash flow: 1.511.070.000 VND
 Materials and packaging for cups
- 360ml: 26,650 VND/cup
- 500ml: 35.185 VND/cup
- Transport: 10,000VND/cup
- 360ml: 36,650 VND/cup
- 500ml: 45.185 VND/cup
 Materials
- Thai Nguyen green tea from Xinjiang supplier: - 150.000đ/kg
- An Giang palm sugar:- 30,000 VND/kg
- Simply sunflower oil: - 50,000 VND / 1 liter
- Seed:
+ Almond: Organic almonds: 300,000 VND/kg
+ Walnut: Vietnamese wild walnuts: 200,000 VND/kg
+ Cashew nuts: 150,000 VND/kg
+ Peanuts: 15,000 VND/kg
- Macadamia nuts: Vietnamese macadamia nuts shelled: 500,000 VND / 1 kg
 Packaging
- Paper cups (including logo printing costs):
+ Size S: 700 VND/1ly
+ Size M: 900 VND/1ly
- Straws from bagasse: 100 VND/1ly
 Cup of 360ml:
- Thai Nguyen Green Tea: 120 gram - 18,000 VND
- An Giang Palm Sugar: 25 gram - 750 VND
- Simply Sunflower Oil: 100 VND/cup
- Average price of nuts: 233.000 VND/kg
→ Per glass: 30 grams of seeds: 7,000 VND
26,650 VND/1 ly
 Cup of 500ml:
- Thai Nguyen Green Tea: 150 grams – 22.500 VND
- An Giang palm sugar: 35 grams – 1.050 VND
- Simply Sunflower Oil: 150 VND/cup
- Average price of nuts: 233.000 VND/kg
→ Per glass: 45 grams of seeds: 10.485 VND
35.185 VND/1 ly
 Transportation costs:
All materials: 100 million/month
→ New product materials account for 30%
→ Shipping cost for new products: 30 million/month
→ Shipping cost for 3,000 cups/month: 30 million VND
→ Shipping cost for 1 cup: 10.000 VND
 Workers cost:
- Fixed salary of 50 employees (branch of parent company): average 12 million/person/month
→ 600,000,000 VND
- Solid salary for part-time employees at the store (10 employees rotating shifts at 1 location
→ 5 branches: 50 employees): 2 million 880/person/month → 144.000.000
- Total: 750.000.000 (hard salary + bonus)/month
 Fixed costs:
- Expenserent root cause: District 1: 100 million/month; Bình Thạnh: 30 million/month;
Districts 3, 5, 7: 50 million/month → Total: 280,000,000/month
- Staff cost for 50 employees: 600,000,000 (hard salary + bonus)/month
- E-commerce floor fees (ShopeeFood, Baemin, Grabfood): 30 million/month
- Tax: 360.000.000/month
→ Fixed costs: 280.000.000 + 600.000.000 + 30.000.000 + 360.000.000 =
→ Fixed cost for new products is: 381.000.000/month/3.000 new products (Because new
products account for 30% of all products)
→ Fixed cost for 1 product: 127.000 + 650 = 127.650 VND
 New equipment:
- 3 Bulk grain mill (320kg): 300.000.000/machine → 3 machines → 900.000.000
 Marketing expense
Marketing with Viral Clip Fatty Not Fat
- Animated video cost: 20,000,000VND
- Run advertising ADS:
+ Facebook: 10.000.000 VND/ 14 days
+ R&F Tik Tok: 4.800.000 VND/4 weeks
Healthy Ladies Tea Campaign
- Run promotional hashtags in TikTok: 900.000.000 VND/70 days
- Renting KOLs: 300.000.000 VND
→ Total: 1.142.800.000 VND
Ly 360ml: PRICE OF CAPITAL: 36.650 VND
Ly 500ml: PRICE OF CAPITAL: 45.185 VND
b) Financial stability
The company has made a list of items and items to spend on new products and has prepared
adequate capital. Therefore, we firmly believe and ensure that we will use the capital
reasonably, not to incur risks, if any, there is an estimated fee to solve unexpected problems.
7. Manufacturing (R&D)
a) Facilities
To launch "Fatty Not Fat'' nut milk tea with the following criteria: delicious and healthy for
customers. We learned about new machines and equipment to make the best nut milk tea for
our customers. We bought and invested inNew modern equipment: a grain mill. In addition,
old equipment such as milk tea maker, tea filter, etc. are still used and preserved. Our company
always puts food safety and hygiene for customers on the top, so the equipment and machines

to create products are always 100% disinfected by us. All machines and equipment in our store
locations are subjected to rigorous hygiene checks every day. Every month, they are checked
for damage or problems to promptly overcome and handle. In addition, we also have a checklist
Products need to be renewed every day. Rigorous in the management of such facilities, the
purpose is to give customers a great experience.
b) Economies of scale
When our company decided to spend a sum of money to invest in new machinery and
equipment, we also calculated it very carefully. Not only brings efficiency in product quality
for customers, but also gives the company higher productivity and efficiency in the process of
processing and creating finished products. The advantage of investing in modern machinery
and equipment has helped the company save costs for human resources. That means that the
investment policy in modern machinery and equipment is completely correct. Because it will
help the company in the long run to save a lot of costs but still bring good productivity.
c) On-time production ability
The investment in current equipment ensures the production of products on time to serve
the needs of customers. We have listed a few items that are currently maintained at the stores
so that the creation of the finished product is always on schedule but still ensures the quality
such as: stocking materials in advance to ensure correct progress to serve customers' needs,
make sure to train staff's skills in using machines and serving customers to ensure on-time
production schedule.
8. Organization
Felicia Company was born in the form of a partnership: owned by 5 individuals. Each
individual will be responsible for maintaining and ensuring the performance of employees in
each department. We understand that maintaining the company must go hand in hand with staff
management. During the past 6 years, our company's organization has always been within the
framework of: dedicated, understanding employees, doing their jobs well. Because we always
put ourselves in the hands of employees to listen and understand. understand. As a result, after
so many years of efforts, we have a company with more than 1000 employees, including
employees in the company and employees at stores located in areas in Ho Chi Minh City. Chi
Minh. Our company has 5 departments, each department performs and is in charge of its own
 Business Department

Its function is to guide and direct research and development activities to improve
mouthwash products to meet market needs. These activities will contribute to the expansion
and development of the target market for the business.
 Engineering department, production
Responsible for the smooth running of the product production line. In addition, it also plays
an important role in solving problems when incidents occur and providing timely remedial
Finance and accounting department
Helps track revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) while ensuring compliance with all
legal requirements. They also provide quantitative financial information to management,
lenders, investors and other stakeholders.
 Marketing department
Planning, pricing, promoting and delivering products/services to consumers. The marketing
department will market products and attract customers to the company for the purpose of
optimizing profits.
 Quality control department
Fulfill quality requirements. Quality control is the control of the processes that create
products and services through controlling factors such as people, machines, materials, methods,
information and working environment.
Thanks to such a division into 5 divisions, every time the company prepares to launch a
new product, the departments work very efficiently. Employees know the work, so when we
ask, they will set up the work right away and solve it together. We firmly believe that the most
successful and proud thing my company wants to affirm is the organization within the
company. With a large size and number, but they always try to support, help each other and get
the job done very well. Above all, the management team and executive board in our company
are always stable, hardworking, and creative. It is important to know how to work together to
develop the company better every day.
II. Customer analysis
1. Social factors
 Reference group
Years before we started our business, we interviewed people who came to our store to enjoy
milk tea. A small part of the group of people said that because they saw that the brand was
promoting, they came to try it, the rest of them said that because they had friends and family

around, it was delicious, so they recommended it to them. Until now, we still realize that word
of mouth from the reference group when going to a certain store is a very important factor.
Typically, reviews from KOLs on social networking platforms: Tiktok, Facebook, Youtube, ..
Because customers now most of them will easily trust the people around them, who have used
good products. certain services will have an objective view and a more honest description.
Grasping that mentality of customers, our company invests a lot in good service and product
quality so that the reference group has an objective view and will bring great experiences from
the brand. We spread it to the people around us.
2. Personal factors
 Occupation and economic situation
According to Professor Douglas Kenrick of the University of Arizona, Maslow's tower is
so attractive and permeable because our brains love simplicity. I love shortcuts to
understanding the complex world. Especially when Maslow's theory can be easily observed in
the surrounding life. So, dBased on 5 levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological
needs, security needs; safe. social needs, esteem needs, self-expression needs, we easily
analyze customers' desires for products
In the past, people only had a need to "eat well - dress warmly" and when this need is
satisfied, people will want a higher need than "eat well - dress well". That is to say, when people
have a better standard of living and economic conditions, what they care about is not only the
food they put in their body, but they also care about its quality, because it will have long-term
effects on their health. Typically today's upper class, they are very interested in food and health
issues, they aim to live a healthy and balanced life, care for the smallest things that affect their
health, because for them their economic condition is too good coupled with their desire to pay
large sums of money in exchange for good health. That's why there are now a lot of functional
foods on the market for the body, the purpose is to serve the needs of people with good
conditions, they are willing to pay large amounts of money with the desire.
 Lifestyle and values
The highest need and the last need in Maslow's pyramid is to be able to express themselves,
which means that businesses are required to make customers feel confident in themselves and
feel the decision to use services or buy goods. of your business is correct. To do that, we learned
about the lifestyle of the brand's target customers, who are healthy and balanced lifestyles. We
launched the "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea product with the desire to bring an objective view of
people who are afraid of being fat, have diabetes but can still drink milk tea. Because the

ingredients in our nut milk are from organic seeds and diet sugar, customers can enjoy it with
peace of mind. We believe that these things will be the link between the brand's new product
and potential customers with a healthy lifestyle, helping them to be confident in their decision
to use Felicia's products and the company's products. be with it.
3. Motivation
The company's target customers are people from the wealthiest and most developed places
in Ho Chi Minh City. That's why all stores are located in central districts: 1, 3, 5, 7, Binh Thanh.
That means that their need to eat well and dress well while living in this area has been fully
met. Therefore, their biggest concern is about health. They not only want to eat well and dress
well, but their needs are even higher than that of finding products that meet their health needs
and desires. This is what stimulates customers to use Felicia's "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea.
Currently, there are many milk tea shops in Ho Chi Minh City. But for many reasons it does
not meet their health needs, so it will cause disappointment for customers for milk tea products
in the market. For example, in The Coffee House's healthy tea product portfolio, they only have
fruit tea, not a variety of products. That leaves customers with no choice, because if they want
to enjoy healthy milk tea, then The Coffee House cannot meet their needs. They will look to
brands with more variety of dishes and meet the needs of the desire to enjoy both tea and milk
tea, but must ensure the safety factor for health. Therefore, "Fatty Not Fat'' nut milk tea was
born with the mission of overcoming customers' disappointment, giving them a fresher look at
the current milk tea category available on the market. In addition, their disappointment with
milk tea products on the market because the quality of milk tea of most current brands has not
yet met the health needs of customers. For example, the Phuc Long brand still uses fat as fat
and milk powder to make milk tea, which leads to diabetes. In contrast, "Fatty Not Fat'' nut
milk tea has a breakthrough in a new formula: not using powdered milk, but sweet; Fat is from
organic seeds that are pureed and mixed with soybean oil, using jaggery instead of granulated
sugar for the purpose of good health and not causing disease for customers.
Therefore, to meet the demand for healthy drinks, replace milk tea products on the market. That
is the driving force behind our company's launch of the "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea product
with the desire to serve customers who are aiming for a healthy and balanced life.
III. Competitor analysis
Analysis of competing brands in the product category: The Coffee House's Healthy Tea,
Naila Nut Milk Tea, YuTang Nut Milk Tea

1. Targeted customer
- The Coffee House (Hi-Tea): Beautiful skin and slim body
After Covid-19, healthy drinks took the throne and became the first choice of many people.
With many good health benefits, Hi-Tea Healthy is considered a collection of drinks that catch
up with user tastes. Not only is it suitable for Gen Z standards, Hi-Tea Healthy is also suitable
for diners of all ages.
- Naila nut milk tea: Fresh tea with nuts
Naila's customer target is diners of all ages who aim for healthy products.
- YuTang nut milk tea:
YuTang's vegan milk tea category is aimed attheThe guest has strict dietary requirements and
looks for products that guarantee health.
2. Product Positioning

Customer Product Product Technical Selling

Awareness Quality Availability Assistance Staff


tea (The

Naila nut F AND F P AND

milk tea

Yutang G F P AND F
nut milk

3. Marketing mix (4Ps)

Product Price Place Promotion

Trà Hi-tea Less Slightly Stores Use many promotions:

(The Coffee product higher spread buy large cups, get
House) prices small cups, … There

variety, across are many campaigns
mild taste Vietnam for the community

Naila nut milk Product Expensive Located in Use KOLs to promote

tea variety, the central brands and products on
bold taste district: social networking
District 3 platforms: Tiktok,
and Binh Facebook, Youtube.

Yutang nut No product Expensive The stores Do not use media

milk tea variety, are spread campaigns
medium in the
taste North, there
is only 1
location in
the suburbs
of the
South: Thu

9. Map to locate brands

1. Demographic:
Vietnam's economy is growing and has a young population, as of today 07/04/2023, the
population of Vietnam is estimated to be 99,525,694 people, according to the latest data from
the United Nations (Source: Between the ages of 15-64, 69.3% of
the population was shocked. There, youth from 10-24 years old, accounting for 21% of the
population. These are the age groups that consume the most milk tea in Vietnam. Therefore,
the milk tea market in Vietnam is an extremely open market. At the same time, the young
population density shows that Vietnam is a labor-rich country and therefore, our business does
not have to worry about labor shortage.
2. Economical:
According to the latest information from the General Statistics Office, in 2022. The average
income per capita is estimated at 4.6 million VND/person/month, up 9.5% compared to 2021
(4.2 million) and reaching the highest increase in the period 2011-2022. (GOV)
Gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated to increase by
5.92% over the same period last year, although higher than the growth rate of 4.7% and 5.17%

of the same period in 2020 and 2021, but lower than than the growth rate of the fourth quarter
of the years 2011-2019
It shows that the living standard of Vietnamese people is increasing. People will have more
needs for food and drink used in life. This is an opportunity for the company to develop more
new and better quality products to meet the needs of customers.
From Popular news site in Singapore The Straits TimesVietnamese people spend about
362 million USD (equivalent to about 8,400 billion VND) to drink milk tea in a year. This is a
huge number and according to this news site, Vietnam ranks 4th among Asian countries that
consume the most milk tea.
That shows that the company can hit hard on this type of product and launch more new
products about milk tea.
3. Nature:
Natural conditions such as soil, water, and climate are factors that greatly affect the quality
of tea. If the climate changes, unfavorable weather will affect tea cultivation, supply is not
guaranteed, and directly affect the business activities of businesses like ours.
A research team led by biologist Colin Orians from Tufts University has been studying the
effects of climate change on the health and quality of fish. They concluded that “Tea quality is
determined by many chemicals, which are climate dependent, so climate change could have
serious consequences for the tea market,” said Professor Orians. know. “People buy tea and
drink tea for some special reason. Without those assets, they probably wouldn't buy tea."
The Covid-19 epidemic situation is a threat to the business of many stores and businesses.
But we have seen a favorable point to develop new products after the epidemic. It is after the
last epidemic, that we humans tend to care more about health, eat healthier and move towards
healthy products. Therefore, the company has developed new products that are good for health
but still ensure the taste.
Environmental protection is also a concern of businesses, especially F&B companies like
us. Therefore, the company has strongly focused on reducing plastic waste, we have completely
replaced plastic objects with natural ones such as using paper cups, straws made from bagasse
and even bags. paper container.
4. Culturally:
Tea has appeared and is associated with the life of Vietnamese people throughout its 4000
years of history. Tea drinking culture is part of Vietnamese life and soul.

This is considered a cultural feature because it is widespread, reflecting the customs and
character of the Vietnamese people. Drinking delicious cups of tea while chatting is also one
of the Vietnamese customs. People often spend a lot of time going to coffee shops to study,
work,... Going to coffee shops to drink a cup of peach tea or milk tea is becoming a habit of
modern people.
According to statistics of the Vietnam Tea Association in 2020, each Vietnamese person
uses 0.47 kg of tea per year on average, equivalent to 45,000 tons, reaching a revenue value of
7,245 billion VND (315 million USD).
That shows that Vietnam is one of the major tea consuming countries. And this is a very
potential market, a great advantage for the company to develop the tea market in Vietnam. At
the same time, creating more novel products to add diversity to Vietnam's tea market.
5. Technology:
Doing business in the F&B industry needs to apply a lot of scientific and technical
achievements. From machines for dispensing, serving, to technology to reach customers,
promote, expand influence,...
According to a survey by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, currently, about 61% of
Vietnamese enterprises are still standing outside the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and only 21%
have just started preparing for operation.
Today the number of Internet users is very large, in Vietnam the rate of Internet users is 73.2%
- an increase of 4.9% compared to the same period in 2021. By February 2022, the number of
social network accounts has been activated. active is 76.95 million. This number increased by
nearly 5 million accounts over the same period last year and sharply increased by nearly 12
million accounts over the same period. That's why selling and advertising on social media and
apps is becoming more and more popular.
Therefore, our company must be extremely flexible to fully apply technology to its
business. We have to keep up with the trend of young people using social networks,
propagating and promoting our images on social networking sites. At the same time, it must be
combined with large e-commerce sites to trade the company's products on it.

I. Strength
- As a company established and developed before, we have had a certain position in the market
of F&B industry in general and milk tea industry in particular in Vietnam, our brand name is
also present in the market. mindset of customers with proof that we have 5 branches in HCMC

- We have quality products with creativity in creating new products, so we have a variety of
different products.
- The company's product quality is high but the price is not too high, so we can penetrate many
different markets
- The company's available capital and costs are high, this is a strong point for us to be ready to
develop new products and allow us to fully meet all the wishes of our customers.
There's more
II. Weak
- High quality products that's why we have to find clean and natural sources of raw materials.
That will increase the price of the product.

- Brand positioning is a main quality product, so our potential market is also narrowed, suitable
for people with middle to high income.

III. Opportunity
- Vietnam is a huge consumer of milk tea, and tea is easily found in Vietnam. Therefore, this
is an opportunity for our company to develop more milk tea products
- After the Covid-19 epidemic, people are more and more concerned about health issues, so
developing a new product helps customers enjoy a cup of delicious and healthy milk tea. health
will be an opportunity for us to attract more customers
- The market for healthy milk tea, nut milk tea, has quite a few competitors. In particular, our
direct competitor is a small and new business, so we have an advantage in entering this market.
IV. Thread
- If the market for nut milk tea has few competitors, the milk tea market and the F&B market
have a huge number of competitors. Therefore, our company will still compete with other big
competitors such as Phuc Long, The Coffee House, Koi,...

There are 2 goals for each stage
I. Increase revenue:
Focus on introducing new products to customers via social networks and banners at stores.
 At social networks
- Will increase advertising of nut milk tea products on social networking platforms such as
Facebook, Tiktok,... placing advertising banners at businesses' stores and commercial centers
to collect information and find Searching for potential customers the company uses keywords

related to the product to increase brand recognition. Make customers who do not know the
company's products can try the experience.
- When customers buy products, they will save their phone numbers from which we will send
promotional messages for new products including promotions, encouraging customers to come
back to buy new products.
- Linking with e-commerce platforms such as grab, gojek, shopee food... so that customers can
buy products online without going to the store, reducing the inconvenience of moving for
 At stores
- The company always improves the image quality, decorates the store according to the
holidays to attract and remind customers to buy products. Offer promotional campaigns such
as discounts and gift vouchers to member customers. This helps to increase the number of new
customers while retaining the customers who have already purchased the product.
II. Increase profits:
Focus on increasing the quality and quantity of products.
- With the motto "customer is king", the company will not for the sake of increasing profits but
cut investment costs in products that reduce quality, besides, the company will collect customer
opinions on products. products, then focus on products that are popular with customers and cut
back on those that are not.
- After a stable increase in profit, the company will move forward with a plan to affirm the
brand with competitors by reducing the discount strategy instead, only promoting on holidays
or special and priority days. for VIP members.

I. Target customer
Typical customer segments in the milk tea market:

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4

- Age: 15-18 - Age: 18-25 - Age: 24-35 - Age: over 35
- Gender: - Gender: female - Gender: female - Gender: female
female; male - Occupation: - Occupation: - Occupation:
- Occupation: mainly students Mainly office Mainly office
student and unskilled worker worker
- Income: workers - Income: - Income:
depends on - Income: low, medium, high medium, high
family medium - Status: single or - Status: married
married or single

- Focus on - Influenced by - Focus on - Focus on price

price rather price but still quality, taste and product
than product concerned about rather than price. quality.
quality. quality. - High service - Concerned about
- The best non- - Demand for requirements. the value of
essential taste is more than - Concerned about products brought
service. product quality. the value of to consumers'
- Wide variety - Service is up to products affecting health.
of drinks to standard. the health of - Requires good
choose from. consumers. service quality.

- It is easy to - Easy to change - Easily attached - Stick with

become a loyal different brands to the brand is brands that have
customer when because of the also easy to many promotions
the drink is price comparison become negative and good service
tasty but nature. with the brand. quality.
cheap. - Frequency of - Frequency of - The frequency
- Frequency of regular purchases. occasional of purchases is
regular purchases. low but the
purchases. quantity is high
because they tend
to buy for the
whole family.

Conduct a segmentation comparison based on 5 competitive forces:

Industry Potential Alternative Bargaining Pressure

Competitors Competitors products pressure from
(1) (2) (3) from suppliers
customers (5)

Segment H H L M L

Segment H H M M L

Segment H M M M L

Segment L L H H L

H: high; M: medium; L: low

Based on the above table, we find that segments (1), (2) have high competitive forces but
are markets with strong growth and attractive sales. However, under the influence of too many
product suppliers, it will quickly lead to market saturation. Segment (4) is not an attractive market
even though competitors or potential competitors are low, but pressure from substitute products
and bargaining pressure from customers is very high. Because the demand of customers in this
segment is low, there are very few business investors in this field. In addition, they tend to choose
alternative products over milk tea because of the low price but stable quality. Segment (3) despite
having relatively many competitors in the industry, it still has barriers for non-industry competitors
to enter and the substitute products are also average. This is also a potential customer segment that
we target.
Description of target customers:
a) Geography:
We selected stores in the southern branch, specifically Ho Chi Minh City, to launch a new
product line of "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea. Because Ho Chi Minh City is the most populous city
with a population density of 4,292 persons/Km2 (in 2021) and has a young population structure.
Their living standards are stable and high with GDP: 6,008 million/person/month (in 2021), ranking

second in the top 10 provinces with the highest per capita index in Vietnam. With the typical
climate of Ho Chi Minh City, it is hot and sunny all year round, with only a few rainy seasons. All
of these factors are ideal conditions for our new product line to develop.
b) Demographic:
"Fatty Not Fat" seed milk tea is a suitable product line for women because of its completely
natural ingredients, rich in nutrition and low in calories. Therefore, we target female customers
with the age from 24 to 35. Their occupations are mostly office workers and intellectual workers
with incomes over 8,000,000 VND/VND. They are often single women, leading a healthy life with
health and beauty first.
c) Psychology:
This group of customers can also be those who are towards a vegan lifestyle and are careful in
their daily food choices. Therefore, they are willing to spend a relative amount of money on product
quality. In addition, they are also lovers and supporters of Vietnamese agricultural products.
d) Consumer behavior:
Needs and Benefits:
This group of customers has the desire to enjoy milk tea with a new and delicious taste.
Besides, they also require the product to be a healthy drink with high quality and corresponding
User and usage - related variables:
We choose to target potential customers such as: customers with a history and pathology of
diabetes, mild obesity. Or customers who are in the process of losing weight, have a desire to keep
fit and beautiful skin as well as customers who are aiming for a vegan lifestyle. In particular, the
group of customers who do not know the brand and have never used the product is better. Because
we can increase our brand awareness.
In addition, we also choose the customer segment that has little demand for traditional milk
tea, because we realize that this is an easily accessible customer segment for new products because
they do not have a favorite milk tea product. certain preferences and accessibility to motivate them
to try new products.
In addition to the purpose of increasing brand recognition, we also aim to provide more diverse
and innovative choices for loyal customers to increase their association with the brand. The
customer market “shifting loyals” is also a customer segment that we are interested in. The first
purpose is to satisfy their needs for the brand and make them become our loyal customers. On the
other hand, with this group of customers, we will easily attract customers from rival companies and
conquer them so that they leave the rival company and come to our brand.

We also target a segment of customers who have a positive attitude towards the brand because
this segment group will quickly access “Fatty and Fat” products and they are willing to pay some
money to taste the taste. novelty and uniqueness of our brand.
Target market: Marketing Focus
We choose the focused marketing market to be the target market for the new product line of
"Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea. As such, we will focus on optimal product development to meet all
the needs of this customer segment. By choosing a centralized marketing market, we will avoid
direct confrontation with big brands, reducing competition. At the same time, it will also be easy
for us to establish our own market for our brand and become a leader in that market.

II. Product positioning, differentiation

1. Value proposition:

2. Product positioning:

 PODs:

“Fatty Not Fat '' nut milk tea was born with the aim of providing customers with a healthy
drink with a new taste but it is easy to drink, full of delicious and nutritious taste. In addition,
we are committed to fast, convenient delivery to meet the needs of delivery in a short time for
guest goods by the company's available transportation force. In particular, "Fatty Not Fat '' nut
milk tea is completely made from vegan natural ingredients, has no milk powder, no refined

sugar and is researched to estimate the minimum calories in each cup of milk tea are less than
other milk teas. Other regular milk tea cups for customers. Therefore, when using our new
drink, we guarantee the health and beauty benefits for each customer.

 POPs:

"Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea, although made from natural ingredients, still retains the fatty
aroma of milk, the strong smell of tea like many other milk teas available on the market. Our
products are aimed at the needs of a healthy life, keeping the skin beautiful for female
customers. In addition, we are committed to product quality and service quality are improved
every day to give customers the best experience moments.

From identifying our brand's POPs and PODs against other brands and analyzing
competitors' painting In the micro part, we realize that the strengths and personal benefits we
bring to customers are a drink with a new taste but still keeping the characteristic fatty aroma
of milk tea and extremely good for consumers' health.
3. Product differentiation:
“Fatty Not Fat '' nut milk tea is placed first on product quality and consumer health. We use
all kinds of low-calorie, nutritious, natural, vegan ingredients like organic nuts, Thai Nguyen
tea, palm sugar, sunflower oil. And say no to artificial ingredients. Although there is a big
change in ingredients, nut milk tea still retains the inherent fatty flavor of milk and the rich and
fragrant taste of tea. The product has a rich flavor but contains less calories than other similar
products. Especially, when customers buy "Fatty Not Fat'' nut milk tea, they will be provided
with serviceFree gift wrapping and handwritten cards when customers buy new products
around the holidays. In addition, we will provide pandemic personalized service by updating
customer's own signature (signature, sticker, letter) on the membership card when they
purchase new products. And these unique symbols will be printed on the cups when they shop
at the store until later.

I. Product:
With all our enthusiasm, we have launched the "Fatty Not Fat" seed milk tea product line
completely made from nature with the aim of protecting consumers' health from diseases caused
by sweets. Each customer has found that 70% of human health is determined by each food loaded
into the body and the remaining 30% is due to the lifestyle and exercise regime. Therefore, the

customer demand for clean foods is increasing and "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea was born with that
noble mission.

Describe the product by the theory of 3 levels as follows:

1. Core products:
The product is made from vegan ingredients, ensuring low calories and no bad fats for
consumers' health.. It is a healthy drink and has a refreshing taste combined from the fatness of the
seeds. and the richness and deliciousness of the tea. "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea is guaranteed to
be a low-calorie milk tea line but still retains the inherent fatty aroma of traditional milk tea.
2. Specific products:
“Fatty Not Fat” nut milk tea is made from fresh and clean ingredients cultivated and cared for
by the hands of Vietnamese farmers. This is a unique combination of organic nuts such as walnuts,
almonds, cashews, ... with teas in Thai Nguyen hills such as oolong tea, red tea, jasmine tea, etc.
..And it is sweetened by An Giang palm sugar - a specialty of Vietnam.
The product processing process is quite simple and fast, but requires skilled staff to be proficient.
Felicia's teas are all brewed by machines to ensure the best tea quality and food safety. Next, we
select quality nuts and bring them to a boil, then puree them and add a little pink salt and sunflower
seed oil to thicken the mixture. Finally, we get a thick paste and filter it to make it smoother. We
use liquid jaggery to facilitate the preparation of milk tea. In particular, milk tea will also be shaken
by a machine to ensure the best solubility between ingredients.

Our new product is called "Fatty Not Fat" which means greasy but not fat to emphasize the
purpose of the product's birth to protect consumers' health from diseases caused by sweets, It also
creates curiosity and stimulates customers to try our new products.
The quality of "Fatty Not Fat" milk tea ensures to bring the best quality to customers. All natural
ingredients, no preservatives, no fragrances or colors. We commit that the products sold to
customers are made with new ingredients on the same day.
We will design a glass model specifically for the new product line to better serve our
personalized service. Although we design new packaging for the product, we still prioritize the use
of environmentally friendly materials. Besides, we also designed a new logo for the product which
is a picture of a squirrel drinking Fatty Not Fat milk tea. The squirrel is representative of people
who are extremely passionate about nuts or those who aim for a healthy, vegan lifestyle. The use
of Fecilia's new product by the squirrel implies that our brand offers its buyers a milk tea drink of
the highest quality.
3. Incremental products:
When customers buy "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea, we will put the milk tea in small bottles so
that when the milk tea is shipped, the taste will quickly pale, and customers can add more milk tea.
added to ensure the full flavor.
We support all types of payment for customers. Besides, we also equip our own delivery force to
support shipping if customers need to receive products quickly.
Especially, when customers buy our new products, we will keep the customer's own signature on
the membership card. Customers who come to buy goods have accumulated points with the card,
the staff will rely on that character to print separately on the cups for customers to make a

II. Price:
We launch new products with the aim of becoming one of the leading brands in product
quality in the field of Food and Beverage in Vietnam. Realizing that the needs of customers
are increasing day by day, they not only require food with good taste and low price, but also
ensure the health and safety of consumers. Therefore, we have launched the "Fatty Not
Chubby" nut milk tea product line that fully ensures the criteria consumers set for a healthy
milk tea drink.
The Coffee & Tea sector is a monopolistically competitive market with very high elasticity
of demand. It proves that the price sensitivity of customers in this market group is very high.
In addition, this is a market with quite a lot of heavyweights who are named as big players in
the industry such as Phuc Long, Highland, Starbuck, The Coffee House,... and the competition

from substitute products as well. not small by the variety of drinks. Besides, this is also an easy
market to enter from potential outside competitors. We therefore decided that the “Fatty Not
Chubby” product would cater to a target market of its own. We target small segments in the
large market to create our own market share. This allows us to avoid direct competition with
larger competitors and create barriers to entry from potential competitors by offering a good
quality product at the maximum price. .
Currently, we see that there are 3 direct competitors with the new “Fatty Not Chubby”
product line. They aim for health and provide new flavors to customers. After analysis, we
have summarized using the table below:

Production cost Product selling price Endow

Hi tea – The Coffee House High 49,000 VND High

Naila nut milk tea Medium 55,000 - 60,000 VND Low

Yutang Medium 40,000 - 59,000 VND Low

Based on the above competitor analysis and product positioning map, we find that Naila
is the leading brand in the healthy milk tea product line with prices ranging from VND 55,000
- VND 60,000 . Therefore, the maximum cost for a customer to pay for a healthy cup of milk
tea is 60,000 VND. If this price is exceeded, the new product will be difficult to reach customers
and the number of products sold will be low. Because customers have a wide choice of
alternative products and there are many big brands with niche product lines. This creates
obstacles when customers easily compare our prices with other products and they will be afraid
to try a new product at a higher price than the general market price. Besides, if we price the
new product at the same price as Naila but provide a better quality of service and better product
quality, we firmly believe that it will create competitive advantage. competition and maximize
profits for our company.
The production costs we estimate for each new product are as follows:
 Fixed cost: 381,000,000 VND
 Variable cost per unit: 26,650 VND/SP (size S) and 35,185 VND/SP (size M)
 Expected unit sales: 30,000 products (12,000 size S and 18,000 size M)

With the above prediction data, we propose to sell the product at a price of:
 49,000 VND/ cup (size S - 360ml) (excluding VAT)
 59,000 VND/ cup (size M - 500ml) (excluding VAT)
Our breakeven point with the expected selling price is:

With this suggested price we can shorten the breakeven time and quickly turn a profit.
Besides, offering two prices with two different sizes will give customers more choices in price
and suit their needs and economic conditions and it also motivates them to choose. buy size M
more because the price difference between 2 sizes is not much.
With the goal of innovating products to improve product quality and bring customers great
value, we decided to take advantage of that strength to choose a pricing strategy that is “Value
Pricing”. We bring customers great values to satisfy their needs as well as achieve perfect
engagement from customers. The "Fatty Not Chubby" seed milk tea product line with
ingredients entirely from Vietnamese natural agricultural products gives customers a
completely new taste of milk tea but still retains the inherent rich, aromatic flavor. We have
constantly researched, tested and selected ingredients rich in nutrients but with extremely low
calorie content to ensure the health of consumers. In addition, we ensure that when customers
come to Felicia milk tea, we will provide you with a cool space, with a unique design and a
team of professional sales staff, always serving and serving customers. customer support at all
times. Especially, when buying a new product "Fatty Not Chubby", customers will have their
own signature printed on the cups as a mark of sovereignty. With all the value we bring to our

customers, we believe that the suggested price from 49,000 - 59,000 VND is perfectly suitable
for our target customer market.
III. Place:
We use a B2C sales model through zero-level marketing using two distribution channels: direct in-
store distribution and social media distribution to meet different customer segments.

We focus on distributing new products in 5 existing stores in Ho Chi Minh City. The purpose
of this is to bring the new product closer to the loyal customer group of our brand. We will ask the
available staff at the store to introduce and directly advise new products to customers in order to
increase the rate of persuading customers to try "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea. Besides, the
distribution of new products at the store will also meet the service needs: providing a space for
customers to work, rest, chat with friends or take pictures. This makes it easy for customers to come
buy and try our new products. At the same time, this direct distribution channel will meet the
purchasing needs of some demanding customers when they want to experience our company's new
products and services directly. By direct distribution at the store, we easily and quickly receive
feedback from customers to improve and develop better products.
Moreover, we also distribute products on the company's website and e-commerce platforms
such as: Shopee Food, Grab Food, Baemin, Loship,... to meet the convenience needs of customers.
when they don't have time to go to the store to experience the product. In particular, when customers
ordering on the website can send a request for fast shipping when they are urgently in need of the
product, the store's delivery force will bring the goods to the customer as quickly as possible.
Besides, the product distribution channel on the Internet platform is also a potential marketing
channel of the company. We can take advantage of the rapidity of information on the Internet to

bring new products to new customers, creating favorable conditions for increasing brand awareness
and expanding market share.
Using the above direct distribution channel will help us to well manage the quality of products
and services, maintain the brand's reputation, proactively and quickly solve possible risks and
ensure the integrity of our products. product exclusivity. Besides, it also creates an opportunity for
us to connect with our customers more, creating trust for customers from our company's
experiences and services.

IV. Promotion:
We carry out two advertising plans through the Internet to increase brand awareness of new
products to customers. Besides, based on the new product positioning, we also want to build a new
product image in the minds of customers through two communication strategies, which is a product
of high quality and very good for the health of customers. consumers. From there, we will also
promote brand awareness to new customers through the "Fatty Not Fat" nut milk tea product line.
 Plan 1: Viral Clip Fatty Not Fat:
We will hire a graphic design company to create a viral clip of a new product within 30 seconds.
The clip name will be the name of the brand name of the new product "Fatty Not Fat" and the clip
content will be the squirrel - the symbol of nut milk tea, it is dancing with exercise movements with
two cups of "Fatty" milk tea. Not Fat” like two dumbbells in hand. Besides, it will sing the signature
song “Fatty Not Fat” which is voiced by company employees. We build such content with the
intention of affirming that nut milk tea will contribute to protecting the health and safety of
consumers. This viral clip will be posted on youtube, facebook, tiktok of the company. We will
focus on promoting the promotion of clips on the Tiktok platform because this is an application
that uses short video data to create trends for users. We will use Tiktok's advertising service to
bring viral clips to reach a large number of potential customers as well as increase brand awareness
of new products.
 Plan 2: Healthy Ladies Tea Campaign
Based on the wide coverage of the viral clip “Fatty Not Fat”, we will launch the campaign
“Healthy Ladies Tea” to invite female customers to participate in the content creation race “Healthy
Lifestyle”. ” on tiktok and used the “Fatty Not Fat” background music with the hashtag
#HealthyLadiesTea #FattyNotFat #HealthyLifestyle to receive a discount on our new product. To
help the campaign quickly reach consumers, we will hire 3 KOLs who are leading tiktokers in
creating trends and making health content such as: Hana Giang Anh, Eatclean hong - Thu Nhi,
Ngoc Khanh became the first contestant forces of the campaign. At the same time, we signed up
for Tiktok's 70-day advertising package to increase campaign impressions and user reach. We

created this campaign with the desire to help consumers have a new look at health protection and
increase awareness of new products.
Through the above two communication plans, we wish to successfully build the image of the
"Fatty Not Fat" milk tea product in the minds of customers in accordance with its positioning that
we have set out. First, the Viral Clip “Fatty Not Fat” aims to increase the awareness of the new
product brand “Fatty Not Fat” as well as the Felicia corporate brand to new customers. We advertise
through viral clips with the desire to simplify the message conveyed but full of details so that
customers can understand the position of the bean milk tea that we bring. After that, we launched
the “Healthy Ladies Tea” campaign to increase the time for the “Fatty Not Fat” plan to be hot, and
see how the customers reacted to our new product line. so that we can come up with a solution in
a timely manner. Our main purpose when launching the above two communication strategies is to
increase the brand awareness of our customers for our company.

I. Marketing plan milestones

Activities Start time End time Expense Part Target

Marketing plan 4/4/2023 11/4/2023 0 Marketing Get a complete and

approved Marketing plan.

Viral Clip 19/4/2023 24/4/2023 20tr Outsourcing Get a fully animated viral
(Advertising clip, inserted with music
Clip) and approved by the
marketing department.

R&F Tik Tok 24/4/2023 25/5/2023 4.8tr Marketing Reach more people who
know the product.

Facebook Ads 25/4/2023 9/5/2023 10tr Marketing Attracted 5.6k - 16.3k hits.

Ads Clip dance 1/5/2023 10/7/2023 900tr Marketing Make the clip of dancing
with Hashtag go viral
within 1 month from the
date of running Ads.

Negotiate and 12/4/2023 19/4/2023 300tr Marketing Must successfully negotiate

hire KOL and hire 3 KOLs.Must have

Video within before

II. Campaign control plan:

- Viral clip: usually monitors the measurement indicators on social networks, if it is detected that
the number of people receiving is not with the plan, the Marketing department must take remedial
measures to reconsider how to run ads. In case the Marketing department can't fix it, it will hire an
outside advertising department, or call for help from facebook ads.
- Ads Clip dance: encourage or have promotions for company employees and also social network
users due with videos or record their own clips with hashtags of products and companies.
- Negotiate and hire KOLs: in case the KOLs do not accept the contract, the Marketing department
must find more characters who are having a phenomenon on social networks and convince them to
participate in this project. Some examples of influential people like Tiktoker with the nicknames


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