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Machines 1 ·60 Single Phase Transformers

1~27VA Rating of Autotransformer

Let us compare theVz, rating of two winding transformer and the VA rating of two
winding transformer when connected as an autotransformer.
r---------------------------I Consider an autotransformer connected
f I
I I to the load as shown in the Fig. 1.40.
I AB = N1 :
BC= N2 :
For the autotransformer the
transformation ratio, neglecting the losses is,
The VA rating of autotransformer is,
Fig. 1.40
If the same transformer is used as a two
winding transformer with AC as primary and BC as secondary then its VA rating can be
obtained as,
(VAhw = VA rating as two winding transformer

= (V} - V2) x II = (I2 - II) V2

Now (VA hw = (V 1 - V2) II = VIII - V2 II

(VAhw = V1 11 - K VI II = (1 - K) VIII = (1 - K) (VA)AT

(VA)AT ~ 2K. (VAlTW I .. - for step down autotransformer

This is for step down autotransformer with K < 1. So (1 - K) < 1 and we get
(VA)AT> (VAhw·
Now consider the step up autotransformer as shown in the Fig. 1.41.
For the autotransformer, the. ratio remams
same as,

butnow K > 1 as step up.

Hence VA rating of autotransformer is same

Fig. 1.41

If the same transformer is· used as two winding transformer then BC acts as primary
with current I1 - I2,while AB acts as secondary.
Electrical Machines 1 - 61 . Single Phase Transformers

Hence its VA rating is;

(VAhw = VA 'rating of. two winding transformer

Now (VAhw = VI (11 - 12) = V1 II - V1 I2 but 12 = -IIK

= V1 11 - V1 -
= V1rl(1-~)

[ (VAhw = (K-I)
K (VA)AT ... for step up autotransformer

As K>1, (1-~ J is less than unity and thus we get (VA)AT > (VAhw·

Key Point: So whether autotransformer is step up or step down, its VA rating is always
marl' than the corresponding two ioinding version.
So the VA transferred in autot~ansformer, from primary to secondary is more as it is
due to both conduction and induction, .

1.28 Advantages of Autotransformer

The various advantages of an autotransformer are,
1. Copper required is very less.
2. The efficiency is higher compared to two winding transformer.
3. The size and hence cost is less compared to twowinding transformer.
4. The resistance and leakage reactance is less compared to two winding transformer.
5. The copper losses r2R, are less.
6. Due to less resistance and leakage reactance, the voltage regulation is superior than
the two winding transformer.
7. VA rating is more compared to two winding version.
8. A smooth and continuous variation of voltage is possible.
Electrical Machines 1 - 62 Single Phase Transformers

1.29 Limitations of Autotransformer

Apart from its advantages, an autotransformer suffers from following limitations,
1.. Low impedance hence high short circuit currents for short circuits on secondary
2. If a section of winding common to primary and secondary is opened, full primary
vol tage appears across the secondary resulting in higher voltages on secondary and
danger of accidents.
3. No electrical separation between primary and secondary which is risky in case of
high voltage levels.
4. Economical only where the voltage ratio is less than 2.

1.30 Applications' of Autotransformer

The various applies tions of an autotransformer are,

1. For safely starting the machines like induction motors, synchronous motors i.e. as a
sta rtor.
2. To give a small boost to a distribution cable to compensate for a voltage drop i.e.
as a booster.
3. As a furnace transformer to supply power to the furnaces at the required supply
4. For interconnecting the systems which are operating roughly at same voltage level.
5. It can be used to vary the voltage to the load, smoothly from zero to the rated
voltage. Such a device giving smooth and continuous supply using an
autotransformer is called variac. A single phase autotransformer used as variac is
shown in the Fig. 1.42.

Sliding contact

To load lv,

Fig. 1.42 Autotransformer as variac

The portion AB forms primary while with the help of sliding contacts, the
secondary turns can be changed. Thus by rotating sliding contact smooth variable
voltage can be obtained. Such variacs are commonly used for dimming the lights
in the cinema halls. Hence the variacs are also called dimmerstats.
6.. In various control systems as well as appliances.
Electrical Machines 1 - 63 Single Phase Transformers'

)))* Example 1.14: The Fig. 1.43 shows an auiotmnsjormer used to supply a load of 2 leW
a! no V [rom a 400 Va.c. supply. Find the currents in parts AC and Be, neglecting losses
and no load current .. Also [ind the copper saving due to the use of autotransformer instead of
lIsing tUJO winding transformer: Assume purely resistive load.

400 V

Fig. 1.43
The various currents are shown in the Fig. 1.44.
As the load is resistive, cos <I> 2 = 1

Pout = 2 kW = V2 12 cos <1>2

2 x 103 = 230 ,x 12 x 1
400 V

I2 = 8.6956 A ,

Now V1 = 400 V and V2 = 230 V

K = V2 = 230 = 0.575
Fig. 1.44 Vi 400

and K = 12 = 0.575 = 8.6956
11 = 4.9999 ~ 5A

Current in part AC = 5A
Current in part BC ,= I2 - 11 = 3.6956 A

For step down autotransformer,

Copper saving = K x WTW = 0.575 x WTW

% Saving = 57.5 %

)11. Example 1.15 :A 10 kVA, 230/110 V transformer is to be used as an autotransformer.

What will be the voltage ratio and output rating of an autotransformer.
Solution : The given values are,
Two winding transformer = 230/110 V
Electrical Machines 1 - 64 Single Phase Transformers

kVA rating = 10 kVA

Current through 230 V winding = YA2;~ing = 10 ;31g =

3 43.478 A

. VA rating lOx103
and current through 110 V wmding = 110 = 110 = 90.909 A

T Now as secondary voltage of two

winding transformer is 110 V, let us assume.
230 + 110 that autotransformer output voltage required
:::340 V is 110 V. So it can be connected as an
autotransformer as shown in the Fig. ·1.45

- B
The part AC is primary of two winding
while Be·· is secondary of two winding
Fig. 1.45 transformer.
Thus for an autotransformer,

Primary = AB, Secondary = BC

V] = 230 + 110 = 340 V

V2 = 110 V
Current I1 = current through 230 V winding = 43.478 A

K = V2 _ 110 = 0.3235
V1- 340

II 43.478
and K =

h = O. 3235 = 134.386 A

Output rating = V2 I2 = 110 x 134.386

= 14782.46 VA

= 14.782 kVA

So voltage ra tio = 0.3235 = 11/34

and output rating = 14.782 kYA

The problem may be solved by assuming output voltage required from an
autotransformer as 230 Y in which cas also the input voltage is 110 + 230 = 340 V. In such
case we get voltage ratio as 23/24 and output rating as 30.909 kVA. Students are expected
to solve this case.

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