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Building the Body

Frank Zane Winter 2013

Coming Soon
The Art of Posing
Building the Body Email
Winter 2013 Quarterly
Do Your Workouts Work?
Published quarterly during each of
the four seasons, $24 a year in
U.S., $26.28 in California, $30 in L Glutamine
Canada & Mexico & $35 overseas.
The Old Weaver
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How to Grow
The Let’s Grow Routine
The Steve Clark Story
Fernandez wins Trophy
Bodybuilding and
Bermuda Shorts
Get Lats and Serratus
Egg White Perfection
ing out, you have to train regularly if
How to Grow you want to make gains, you have to
spend time in the mind gym as well.
This is what my new book is Let’s Grow is filled with thought
all about. How to grow starting with transformation techniques. It’s im-
the physical body: workout programs, portant to practice these because what
diet regimen, rest maintenance sched- you think leads to how you feel.
ules, everything needed to enable Your thought determine your mood
muscular hypertrophy. I like to think and feelings. You might say feelings
of ‘hyper trophy’ as meaning lots of are amplified thoughts. Carlos Cas-
trophies, lots of trophy for your win- taneda says the world is a feeling.
ning body. How
These pro- you feel is
grams are important
based on because it
what I did effects the
and am still physiology
practicing in of the body.
my own A lot of en-
growth. ergy is lost
But when under
the book is the influence
not just of anger,
about physi- depression,
cal growth. hatred or
How to other nega-
grow mus- tive emo-
cle is ad- tions. Feel-
dressed as a ings are trig-
major as- gered by
pect be- thoughts and
cause a if the
common thoughts are
aim with transformed
young men your attitude
is to get bigger and stronger. This changes. A happier state is reached
book tells how to do just that. Every- and the body conserves energy.
thing you need. But if you want to There’s lots of proof for this, just
reach your maximum potential as a check out Institute of HearthMath
body creator you need to attend to literature. Working with thought
more than just working out, eating transformation and resultant feeling
and sleeping. improvement will help you grow in
You need to train your mind all possible ways. Each feeds the oth-
and emotions. Meditation is a way to er.
train your mind and they all work in.
What I present is methods I’ve
worked with and am familiar because
of lots of practice. Just like in work-
The Let’s Grow Workout is a muscles to grow and get stronger. Es-
pecially if you train heavy you need
two way split routine. It should be more time to recuperate. If you don’t
done three times a week, or two times get the recovery you won’t grow in
a week at a minimum. It’s not how size or strength.
often your do it. It’s how well you do I like the way I feel after a
it, how good your workouts are. Get a three day layoff because I come back
pump on every set. And feel a little rested, strong and use heavier weights.
soreness the next day in the areas The Let’s Grow two way split
worked. You’ll know you are making routine is followed for three months
gains when this happens. Here’s the and is then advanced to the three way
workout: split routine: Day 1
Day One — Santa Monica 1979 I’d
Back triceps abs,
front of body, Day 2 Abs thighs
grown to 205 pounds. calves, Day 3 Chest
Day Two— shoulders biceps
back of body, abs.
Let’s Grow
abs is based on the
It’s im- EARN model where
portant to devel- E is exercise, A is
op a trim waist- attitude, R is rest, N
line with good is nutrition. Growth
abs as you grow is a product of exer-
that’s why abs cise, attitude, relaxa-
should be done tion rest recupera-
every workout. tion, and nutrition.
So what For maximum
is front of body growth you must a
routine? It’s perfect score in each
Chest, Front category. This
delts, biceps/ bodybuilding equa-
forearms, abs, tion is a mathemati-
quadriceps. cal way to track
Back of your growth. It’s all
body? Back, explained in the new book
rear & side delts, triceps, hamstrings, Watch for Let’s Grow
calves, abs.
Why this kind of split? Be- coming out early 2014.
cause the amount of work each time is
equal, the two workouts are approxi-
mately the same length. Even though
you are working upper body each time
you always get a day of rest in be-
tween. You might even do a train a
day and rest two days cycle. That
would be even better for growth be-
cause more rest between workouts
means more recuperation time for your
So what’s the Let’s Grow workout Leg Extension
routine? Do I have to buy the book? one leg back stretch
You do if you really want to
know all about it. It’s information as Erect Squat.
well as motivation for applying it. In one leg back stretch
the meantime you can practice the That’s ten exercises and 5
introductory routine before it comes different stretches. Your very first
out and then brush up on it after pub- workout do one set of 10 to 12 reps.
lication. After that do two sets 12 reps on the
I suggest doing it twice a week at first set, increase weight and then 10
first, something like Tuesday Satur- reps on the second. Do this as long as
day, Wednesday Sunday, Thursday you feel good from it and it’s effec-
Monday. Where you train a day, rest tive. This might be a month or two,
three days, train a day and gives you a total
rest two days. This of 20 sets for the
would be a great workout which may
maintenance program be enough. Then
done this way and a maybe after two
good program to do if months you can go up
you don’t have much to three sets of each
time to devote to your exercise doing 12 reps
training. Instead of then 10 then 8 reps
telling yourself you increasing the weight
don’t have time to each set. That would
train and skipping make 30 sets in a
workouts, do this pro- workout. If you go up
gram instead twice a to three sets and get
week on a regular ba- too sore afterwards cut
sis. Get a good pump back to two sets for a
and you’ll be moving a the right di- while.
So here are the exercises: Day 2
Hanging Knee up
Day 1 Front pulldown
Incline dumbbell press 2 arm lat stretch
doorway stretch Low cable row
Dumbbell flyes one arm lat stretch
doorway stretch Dumbbell pullover
Dumbbell front raise one arm shoulder stretch
one arm shoulder stretch 2 arm dumbbell extension
Alternated dumbbell curl one arm shoulder stretch
pronated arms back stretch Dumbbell kickback
DB hammer curl arms back stretch
pronated arms back stretch Rear Deltoid raises
Hanging knee up rear deltoid stretch
Partial situp One arm dumbbell side raise
seated twist one arm shoulder stretch
Leg Press
lats, calves, forearms and arms. Build
these peripheral groups and you won’t
gain much weight but you will look
more symmetrical. It’s a question of
balancing growth in big muscle
groups and smaller ones. It’s not
about how much you weigh, it’s about
how well you are developed.
But squatting is the best exer-
cise for growing since it not only
builds thighs and hips but it also
makes you breathe harder than any
other exercise. Ya gotta do it, but you
must do squats without hurting your-
self and as you go heavier and heavier
in squatting it can take its toll on low
back and knees. The answer is the
Leg curl Leg Blaster. Been doing all my
one leg up stretch squatting with it for last 30 plus years.
Donkey or leg press calf raise It’s kept muscle in my legs without
calf stretch injury. Check it out at
That’s eleven exercises just as .
on Day 1 so follow the same progres-
sion of sets and reps.
Why Squatting?
Because working the biggest
muscles in the body, i.e. thighs and
glutes enables you to pack on muscle
in areas that can accommodate it.
You can’t gain much weight by grow-
ing your biceps, triceps, forearms,
calves, even deltoids because they are
small muscle groups. The next big-
gest muscle group is back which co-
vers the back of the body from waist-
line to neck. Good to work back seri-
ously to grow. Next is chest, not as
big an area as back and you don’t
want to get your pecs too big or they
make adjacent muscle groups look
smaller. That’s the big issue with
growing fast, you need to work big
muscle groups to do this. Problem is
these groups, thighs, glutes, back,
pecs are located in the central part of
the body. For the best symmetrical
look you need to build delts, wide
The Steve Clark Story June 17, 2007, another signifi-
I can remember as a young cant turning point in my life, I met my
teenager, the longing to be a Pro Body wonderful wife Rebecca. After being
Builder. As a child I would do stom- married about 4 ½ years and us having
ach vacuums, not having a clue that it our little boy, Sharkey Joe, we decided
was the to join a gym on July 21, 2012. I be-
trademark gan to share with her my childhood
pose that dream and her response, was go for it.
belonged to So, I did just that. I trained
my now idol, hard for 9 months and competed in
IFBB Pro my first competition on April 13,
Mr. Frank 2013, I was hooked. I knew that I
Zane. wanted to compete again and she
As knew that Frank was my Idol.
with all child On Father’s Day 2013, she
hood dreams tells me “we are going to visit family
do, mine of in San Diego and I want you to do the
being a body 3 day Zane Experience.” How lucky
builder can a guy be? It was a dream come
quickly van- true, I im-
ished. I gave mediately
it a try, but called
constant Frank and
teasing from set it up
peers quickly for August
put it to rest, 2013.
as did nor- Man the
mal every- anticipa-
day life ac- tion nearly
tivities. drove me
Fast forward to 2003, In Zane.
dreams of becoming a body Arriving at
builder had long since been Frank’s
washed from my life. What was gym the
about to happen would change first morn-
my life forever. On March ing was
20.2003, I underwent emergency surreal to
Open Heart Surgery, to replace a me. I
genetically malformed Aortic couldn’t
Valve. Recovery from the sur- believe
gery itself was speedy, however that I was
the depression that resulted from about to
it would wreak havoc on my life be trained
for the next 2 ½ years. These be a man
next 2 ½ years saw divorce, loss that had
of employment, death of my grandfa- reached the pinnacle in the world of
ther and finally an attempt to end my Pro Body Building, not once but three
times. There were 140 competitors,
We started each day off with proving to be the organizations largest
discussions, the first day we took pho- show to date. I weighed in at 174.3
tos for Frank to review, and then we lbs, which placed me in Middle
trained Back, Biceps and Forearms. Weight Novice and I also crossed
The second day when I arrived we
went over my photos. Frank pointed
out both strong and weak areas and
what I needed to do to improve. He
also altered the photos to show me
what I could potentially become if I
trained properly. On this day he also
invited me to come back on a 4th day
to pose with the infamous Fernandez,

over in the Medium Height

Open Class. Prejudging
went very smoothly and
the night show was a blast.
In conclusion, I took 1st
Place in Novice MW
Class, Overall Novice
Winner and 4th Place in
the MH Open Class. My
goal for the year had been
achieved. I received so
many compliments on my
posing and asymmetrical
I obviously accepted. On this day we lines shown. I knew this was all to be
trained Legs and on the third day we accredited to none other than, Mr.
trained Chest shoulders and triceps. Frank Zane. I am still a baby to the
Man what an experience, I was like a sport, but I am enjoying every minute
sponge soaking up every piece of in- of it. I would highly recommend the
formation I could. Zane Experience to anyone that is
Frank came out to greet my serious about taking their training to
wife every day at the end of training the next level.
and on the last day, he told her,”You
can have your Champion back now”,
words that I will never forget. Mr.
Zane thank you, from the bottom of
my heart for the secrets and training.
Ten weeks after I completed my Zane
Experience, I traveled to Atlanta, Ga
and competed in the SNBF Grand
Finale Pro Am.
Fernandez wins
He was due and true to
form he pulled it off.. It was the
Mr. Border States Contest held in
San Diego early October. Last year
he came in sixth place in a field of
16 contestants over 40 years of age.
This year the field had narrowed
considerably because contestants
either decided not to enter or opted
for the Men’s Physique division,
aka to us as the Bermuda Shorts
Contest. With only 4 contestants in
the over 40 division the competi-
tion was between Fernandez and
the other guy who won .
I was unable to make the
prejudging but F. had plenty of sup-

port from friends who attended. “It’s

between me and this other guy” he
told me after the morning’s scrutiny,
“That’s what my friends are telling
me”. I’d have to wait and see at the
evening show….And sure enough he
looked impressive, more defined than
last year and better shape and propor-
tion all over. I’m amazed that his
skin tightened back to where it is now
after being stretched out when he
weighed 290.
His posing was a lot better
too. As I sat in the front row with
wife and kids I was very impressed
with how he presented himself. He
definitely was in the best condition of
everyone competing in the over 40
division. But the guy who won was
bigger and had great shape and pro-
portion and looked good in his posing
although he lacked
Fernandez definition.
If the judging was
based on conditioning
alone Fernandez
would have won.

Happiness is that
sought after tro-

Fernandez girls cheer Dad’s victory

show he attended in Florida where
Bodybuilding and there were a handful of contestants in
Bermuda Shorts the real bodybuilding contest but
hundreds in the long pants event. I
It looked like a casting call think potential harder core body-
for a surfer movie. Bodybuilders building competitors see an easier
oiled up strutting on stage wearing way to win a trophy without going
Bermuda shorts. They call it ‘Men’s through the hard work of posing. I
Physique’ competition. How can don’t see anything wrong with this
they when the thighs can’t be seen? except for the Bermuda shorts. It
Whose great idea allows competitor
is this? to get by without
It proba- having to show
bly started as an their thigh devel-
attempt to get opment and this
away from is not the idea of
freaky muscle a compleat phy-
competitions. sique.
The bodybuild- The fact
ing contest run- that not much
ning experts posing (little tra-
have pushed the ditional posing if
game in a ridicu- any) is involved
lous opposite makes it easy to
direction. Now judge and hun-
aspiring body- dreds of bodies
building compet- can be surveyed
itors can skip leg in record time
work, get a long when compared
pair of Bermuda to the arduous
shorts, oil up, do work of judging a
a few pirouettes traditional body-
on stage and building event.
hope to win a So why
trophy. But not just wear
there are so speedo type bath-
many of them ing suits or better
looking the same yet the cut of pos-
doing the same ‘routine’ that their ing trunks in the 50s thru 70s, that
chances are slimmer than before the mandate thigh development?
inception of Bermuda short contests.
These contests are catching
on. Last year Fernandez competed
against 15 competitors in his class,
this year it was only 4 guys, the ma-
jority of them going in the Bermuda
shorts event. And it’s happening all
over. A client recently told me of
100-fold above the uncooked state
AGEs & AGING across food categories.
Frank, Animal-derived foods that are
FYI. Similar results to the high in fat and protein are generally
2004 paper by Vlassara’s group - but AGE-rich and prone to new AGE for-
this 2010 paper brought up a new mation during cooking. In contrast,
method of reduc- carbohydrate-rich
tion of AGEs in foods such
cooked foods tech- as vegetables, fruits,
nique – marinate whole grains, and
the food before milk contain rela-
cooking in lemon tively
few AGEs, even
juice or vinegar. after cooking. The
Ed Kellogg formation of new
dAGEs during cook-
ABSTRACT ing was prevented
Modern diets are by the AGE
largely heat- inhibitory compound
processed and as a aminoguanidine and
result contain high significantly reduced
levels of advanced by cooking with
glycation end prod- moist heat, using
ucts (AGEs). Die- shorter cooking
tary advanced gly- times, cooking at
cation end products lower temperatures,
(dAGEs) are known and by use of acidic
to contribute to in- ingredients such as
creased oxidant lemon juice or vine-
stress and inflam- gar. The
mation, which are new dAGE database
linked to the recent provides a valuable
epidemics of diabe- instrument for esti-
tes and cardiovas- mating dAGE intake
cular disease. This and for guiding food
report significantly choices to reduce
expands the availa- dAGE intake.
ble dAGE database, J Am Diet Assoc.
validates the dAGE 2010;110:911-916.
testing methodolo-
gy, compares cook-
ing procedures and
inhibitory agents on
new dAGE for-
mation, and intro-
duces practical approaches for reduc-
ing dAGE consumption in daily life.
Based on the findings, dry heat pro-
motes new dAGE formation by 10- to
The Forgotten with a swingbell. (a swingbell is a
dumbbell bar loaded with plates at
Serratus the center and gripped at the ends.
That plus lots of dumbbell work for
chest like dumbbell flyes and ‘around
the world’ gave me good serratus
from the start.
But it wasn’t until I started
specializing on serratus that they got
really good. I worked up to 10 reps
with a 125 pound dumbbell doing
pullovers lying across a bench. My
favorite routine was
Close grip pulldown
DB Pullover
Stiff Arm Pulldown
I’ve done many training rou-
tines but all of them have included
serratus work at least once or twice a
week. My new upper body split rout-
ne emphasizes serratus because I
work the area twice a week with: db
pullover one workout, pullover ma-
chine other workout.

I could be posing for an un-

der arm deodorant commercial. In
any case I’m showing serratus.
These seldom developed muscles are
scarcely exercised. They are im-
portant showcase muscles for com-
petitive bodybuilders because they
make poses with arms overhead look
way better. The main exercise I’ve
done to develop serratus is dumbbell
pullover. When I first started training
as a teenager there was a section of a
log about 3 feet in diameter and I
used to lie across it and do pullovers
Top deadlift—used to do them 1979
Get Lats on a power rack and my back got
My current back routine is thicker and wider.
front pulldown super setted with Wide grip pulldown
Cable crossover behind neck Wide grip barbell bench press. I think
it can help especially if you keep your
Low cable row super setted with elbows out to the side when pulling
Rear deltoid machine and pushing. I used to do barbell
Dumbbell pullover bench press wide grip and was strong-
And then I work triceps. er until I got a shoulder injury and
Doing pullovers pumps the went with a narrower grip. I don’t
lower lats and serratus and the poste- recommend wide grip bench press..
rior triceps too so I go into triceps Been doing three sets of 12,
work after working back. I’ve no- 10, 8 reps each exercise increasing
ticed being stronger in triceps so this weight each set. Form is strict, nega-
is a clue that they will grow. Sure are tives are slow. A good three minute
sore after workouts since I’m using rest between super sets allows a total
heavier weights on triceps movements of 15 sets for back. And as I stretch I
because they are not pre-exhausted like feeling really wide lats.
from pushing movements. Triceps
adjacently border rear deltoids which
are worked with back doing the rear
deltoid machine
Does a wide grip give you wide lats?
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Frank Zane’s Egg


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fection formula contains L-Glutamine in free form to
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carbohydrate cravings, digestive enzymes papain and
bromelin, sunflower lecithin, natural vanilla flavor
and sweetening (stevia). It is flavor engineered to
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in seconds.
This product is made from the finest natural in-
gredients. with free form L—Glutamine help me train
harder and feel my best. For a quick protein fix pour
8 ounces of juice in a shaker, add one scoop of pro-
tein, and shake for 10 seconds. As a delicious dessert
take ten strawberries, add yoghurt, two scoops of pro-
tein, mix with a spoon, add handful of walnuts, and
eat. Or sprinkle on top of freshly cooked oatmeal and
sweeten with agave. My secret of great muscle tone
and definition is to maintain an optimum protein to
carbohydrate ratio while you keep fats in check.
You can do it with Egg White Perfection.
pure EGG WH
plus L-G
get 10% discount!
digestive enzymes papain (papaya) and bromelin (pineapple), sunflower
e fuel. L-Glutamine has been shown to help maintain muscle mass when
ng for sweets, and promote a feeling of alertness and well-being.

g White Perfection

INGREDIENTS: Pure high solubility egg albumen,

proprietory blend of L-Glutamine, sunflower leci-
thin, papain, bromelin, vanilla flavors, stevia. ..

Two rounded scoops = 50 grams contain

Protein 40 grams
Calories 150
Fat 0 grams
Carbohydrates less than 1 gram

I add a scoop of my egg white protein to oat-

meal in the morning (two hours before
workout), a juice drink with aminos after
workout, and another as a shake with aminos
late afternoon for a total of 3 to 4 scoops a day
for 60 to 80 grams of protein, no fat and less
than 3 grams of carbs.

2 pounds

Zananda Inc.
La Mesa, CA 91944
more and more bike is I feel better
Layoffs from it, starting with the endorphin
rush coming on after I finish. And I
Working out with those who look forward to doing this because
come for a Zane Experience program I’m feeling better, seeing more defi-
is what makes our program unique. nition and endurance, and enjoying
My goal is to keep doing this and in the high.
order be successful I have to pace So if you balance workout
myself. Timed layoffs enable me to frequency and intensity with rest pe-
balance workouts with recuperation. riods between workouts you can
Recently, in order to be able reach an ideal place of growing more
to effectively train with some upcom- muscle and feeling really good. My
ing clients I took a three day layoff. rule is to feel good before and during
By the time I was training there was a workout and get a really good
no soreness going into the workout pump. As I maintain this feeling
and I was stronger and had more en- I can feel myself growing
ergy. Got a better pump and thought Look your best and then get
‘why can’t it be like this all the some rest. Enough rest so that you
time?’ work through the soreness cycle:
Most of my workouts have train, rest and experience soreness
been overtraining, overtraining bal- next day, oops I mean ‘soarness’ and
anced by rest. Rest is when the body then either rest another day or train
heals itself and grows. You need it. depending on your schedule. I have
As I mature there is much more need another rule: ‘when in doubt, don’t
to rest and conserve energy. So in- workout’. I don’t force myself to
stead of training 5 or 6 days a week, I train, I really want to do it, but not
hit it three times a week and it is just overdo it.
enough. Now that I’m getting in bet- Here are the different recommended
ter shape there’s riding recumbent layoffs:
stationary bike one minute more each
time I do it. Averaging 3 times a Normal layoff between workouts is
week, my next ride is 37 minutes. one or two days when training three
I found a great way to stay on times a week as I like to do.
the bike for longer periods of time If you are training twice a week as
and that is with the Mind Muscle Ma- you could with the Let’s Grow two
chine. Wearing the glasses and see- way split, then it’s a 3 day and a two
ing a kaleidoscopic light show day layoff between sets (e.g. Tues-
through close eyelids makes me for- day/Saturday workouts).
get I’m riding the bike and I go to
some faraway la la land. Before I When something comes up like ex-
know it the time is up. The bike is cessive soreness or overtraining or a
easy, I don’t use a high tension and I minor injury I take a three day layoff
feel it in both quads, hamstrings, abs and if it an injury I do therapy. I feel
and obliques. The ride is about 7 real good after a 3 day layoff and I’m
miles and I’m pushing it upwards. strong in my workouts. When this
Christine does 22 miles three to five happens it makes me wonder why not
times a week. train once every fourth day? It would
The nice thing about doing be a restful routine with time to do
plenty of other things and still main- light doing only one or two sets of
tain. But I think more training is each exercise for the first few
needed than that to make progress. workouts. For more than a week
I’m just coming off a 5 day layoff I practically start over, going
layoff after dental surgery. When I to a 2 way split routine with minimal
start back it will be light with two sets the first few weeks.
sets of each exercise. I’m not in a Do not rush coming off a
rush to make up lost time; there is no layoff. Consider your first
lost time but there would be lost time workouts back as if you are start-
and suffering if I trained too much ing over because you are. Pro-
too soon. I know because I’ve done gress gradually and you’ll be back
this. Take your time and do a good without losing much time.
job is what I tell myself.
The longest layoffs I’ve tak-
en are due to illness or surgery. Last
year I took almost three weeks off to
recover from illness. Had to start
back from square one with a one set
per exercise of a two way split rou-
tine. At that time it was upper body,
rest a day, and then work lower body.
After two weeks of that, and allowing
myself to work up to two sets of each
exercise, I switched to the three way
split routine done three times a week.
Early in my training I met a promi-
nent bodybuilder who came back
from layoffs by training the full body
every day several days in
a row doing one set of
each exercise. It meant a
little soreness each day
until he got used to it
and then it was back to
his normal routine.
The main conse-
quence you need to ad-
just to coming off a
layoff is living with the
soreness. So you don’t
want to create too much
by doing too much too
soon. My rule is this: I
procede normally after a
three day layoff and feel
stronger. But after a 5 to
7 day layoff I come back
The Art of Posing
I like calling posing ‘kinetic
The body
assumes stat-
uesque like
positions and
moves in a
dynamic yet
graceful fash-
ion from one
pose to the
next. It’s a
Tai Chi type
tention should
be paid to the
between pos-
es, it shouldn't be clum-
sy. These positions
should be photo oppor- Can you visualiz
tunities just like the right position is reached
poses. Here are some it is held for varying
positions caught be- lengths of time depend
tween poses. We call on the effect desired. I
them ‘transitions’. always held poses for a
With‘kinetic good amount of time on
sculpture” the body stage to give photogra-
moves (kinetic) from phers good looks. This is
one statuesque position statuesque posing and
to another. When the virtually every position
of the body is a pose.
Not strictly muscle poses
but showing muscle and
flow of movement.
These photos are stop
action of movement.
Point is the body should look
good in all positions and whenever you
stop and hold a position you give every-
one a good look at your development. So
you better be built to do this. Many pos-
ers I competed with didn’t hold poses
more than a fraction of a second, the
movement was good but the ‘statue’
couldn’t be judged because it wasn’t
standing still long enough.
ze the transitions from pose to pose?

What is the expression going into a pose?

No one showed this better than Ed Corney.

Show attitude
tioner a clearer understanding of ourselves
Email beyond the physical.
Of course, the physical is real
Dear Frank, and needs to be respected and operated
Id like to thank you for the most properly. That's why you recommend
incridible experience of my life. For me it products such as your XYZ powder. But
was a dream come true to learn from you. you don't claim that XYZ powder will
I learned lot not only in training but in make you enlightened. Cobbold seems to
life. Thanks for the flute, the harmonica, think that increasing a man's testosterone
books, bananas and your words. It meant a level will remove his self-doubts and feel-
lot to me and they will never be forgotten. ings of inadequacy about who he is. Yes,
You are truly a free spirit with a he is right to warn about ingesting sub-
tiger's heart. Powerful combination. stances (the "hidden enemies" he men-
Gate gate paragate parasangate bodhisvaha tions) which are biologically harmful, but
he is wrong about the value of ingesting
R= substances to make us "a man."
Why? Because our identity as
Frank, human beings is be-
As always, I en- yond gender. As Bud-
joyed reading the latest dha put it, with neither
BTB. Thanks for allowing a male nor female
Steve Cobbold to express body will enlighten-
his view of human identity ment be attained.
in his article "From Mice Cobbold's view might
to Men." However, left best be described as
me rather disappointed. incomplete rather than
Cobbold seems to wrong. He's pointing
reduce manliness to little men in the direction of
more than testosterone. attaining a fully func-
His view of human identity tional ego, rather than
seems materialist, as if our going beyond the ego.
mentality is determined He's defining a man as
strictly by biological fac- someone who has
tors. To put it into yogic brute, aggressive
terms, Cobbold's view of strength (his words,
human identity is limited to not mine) rather than
nothing above the third an enlightened person
chakra (although he does recognize what in a male body who can employ his physi-
used to be part of the socially desirable cal traits and abilities as needed to help
masculine identity, namely, good man- others.
ners—"old-fashioned" manners—such as I recently published a book on
holding open a door or offering a seat to Amazon entitled WOMEN AND THE
someone). WARRIOR WITHIN: A Guide for the
The view I have of human identi- Spiritually Aspiring Female. In it, I dis-
ty is congruent with yours, which goes cuss the male psyche and how women
well beyond Cobbold. You see the human need to understand it for their own growth
person as having a physical, mental and and higher hum a development. I'm send-
spiritual aspect which unfolds as we go ing you a copy just for your possible inter-
through life. Our unfoldment of the high- est.
er aspects of ourselves can be accelerated
by psychological and spiritual activities, Best thoughts, John
all the way from the psychotechnological
devices you employ to old-fashioned med- Hello Frank
itation practices. Those give the practi- I discovered bodybuilding thru
art and my fascination with greek and Eric
renaissance sculpture. I jumped into train- Eric,
ing feet first especially after seeing your The body thrives on routine, the
physique and your peers from the 60's and mind craves variety. I seldom change the
70's. Those black and white photos are exercise I’m doing in my workouts. I ex-
still what propel my workouts. I recently periment from time to time with new
took up focused training again and dis- movements, add some, delete others. But
covered some old artwork I thought long there are only so many exercises I can do,
lost from my high school years. I was fan about 50 in my gym, everything I need.
to say the least. Don’t do ‘em all all the time, but I do
I hope you are well and this varietize them. I do not consciously
finds you well. I hope you are able to change my routine frequently, it changes
view the piece. A back double biceps shot itself. Even though I follow the same
with that classic twisted torso. You did it basic pattern in my training the body
man and no one has since. needs something to adapt to, to get good
at, so I keep relatively the same move-
Thank you for your time ments which after almost 60 years of
Jesse Stuber practice I’ve become quite skilled. Even
though I follow
Hi Frank, the same basic
I really routine for peri-
enjoyed reading ods of years, no
your book "The two workouts
Zane Way To A are exactly the
Beautiful same. I know
Body". I am because I write
curious about them all in my
your perspec- journal. My
tive regarding rule for drop-
exercise variety ping an exercise
and its role on is if it hurts
improvement. don’t do it (joint
Some body- pain), regular
builders, such squats, bench
as Bill Pearl for example, would include a press, deadlifts have been out for a long
lot of variety in their programs and be- time. To create variety we do a random-
lieved it to be very important to change ized routine on the 5-5-4 day cycle as
exercise routines every month or two to described in High Def Body.
keep the body from adapting to a particu- FZ
lar stimulus. Do you think that changing
exercises after a period of time is a good
way to prevent muscle stagnation and
ensure continued improvement, or can
good progress be made with sticking to a
particular bodybuilding routine using the
same basic movements for months and
years? Do you feel the basic movements,
such as squats, bench presses, barbell
curls, barbell rows, etc. should be includ-
ed in every routine from beginner to ad-
vanced levels and should not be replaced
by other movements.
Thanks in advance for your time!
Do Your Do I fall asleep easily? YES
Can I relax at will? YES
Workouts Get answers like this and
your workouts are working and you
Work? are doing things correctly. Let’s look
at each one:

If they dont, change them. If

they do keep them. But first ask
Am I getting a pump in my workouts?
Do I feel tired a lot? NO Taken at the 1976
Am I getting stronger? YES Olympia Frank was in
Do I feel like I’m growing? YES amazing shape for that
Do I enjoy my workouts? YES show because his
Do I feel good from training. YES
Do I feel tired after training. NO workouts and nutrition
Do I get enough sleep? YES were near perfect be-
Do I yawn a lot during the day? NO fore the competition.
Am I calm most of the time? YES
It’s important to get a pump when I’m sore.
on every exercise. Do reps slowly When my training is going
(slower on the negative) with rhythm good I feel growth and I’m getting
and stretch the bodypart you’re work- stronger. And this makes me happy
ing between sets. You should have a and I enjoy my workouts even more
good pump after two or three sets of because they are working.
each exercise. I feel exhilarated after a
You can feel tired from train- workout and later that evening start
ing and when you do it’s important to getting sleepy so that by 11 pm I’m
rest. Sleep or meditate. Fact is medi- ready for sleep. Some aminos
tation is two times more restorative (especially tryptophan and arginine)
than sleep. I find myself sleeping with a piece of fruit and in a half hour
less (5 hours a night) and meditation I’m drifting off into deep dreamlike
more (1 to 2 hours sleep. No need
a day) as I ripen to yawn the
with age. But over next day after
time as you train deep restful
and get in better sleep because
shape, doing en- I’m totally re-
durance work as laxed and calm
well as weight as I go about
training, you will the day’s activ-
feel more energet- ities.
ic. I notice this as You
I’ve worked up to need your
30 minutes of sta- workouts to
tionary bike 3 work in order
times a week. to make pro-
A big is- gress. The fi-
sue in bodybuild- nal verdict on
ing is overtraining, your progress
many people do it. is what kind of
The only time you changes in your
should overtrain is body do you
in preparing for a see in photos
contest. As your taken over
workouts intensify the last month time. The key is to keep doing every-
prior you work yourself into a state of thing right.
overtraining 6 days before. And then
you rest and rebound from it in fan-
tastic shape.
The key to making workouts
work is balance. You have to train
hard enough to elicit a little soreness
the next day in the bodyparts worked.
If you do too much you may get sore
two days after your workout because
it takes longer to heal. I stretch a lot
L-Glutamine uations.
L-glutamine serves as the
. Our new Egg White Protein has a most important nitrogen shuttle, sup-
protein efficiency ratio of almost 90 plying nitrogen for metabolic purpos-
percent. It has many advantages: It es (from glutamine-producing tissues,
contains natural ingredients like sun- such as skeletal muscle) to gluta-
flower lecithin and it is sweetened mine-consuming tissues.
with Stevia and vanilla flavoring. L-Glutamine participates in
The amino acid L-Glutamine is added protein synthesis, energy production
to boost the effectiveness of the prod- and, if necessary, the production of
uct. With digestive enzymes papain D-glucose and glycogen. Importantly,
from papaya and L-glutamine can
bromelin from GLUTAMINE serve as the pri-
pineapple make mary respiratory
My morning scene substrate for the
it easy to digest
and it mixes in- Is L Glutamine production of
stantly with any It wakes me up energy in entero-
juice or any liq- my attention is keen cytes and lym-
uid because of In the brain phocytes. L-
it’s highly solu- turns into glutamate glutamine is con-
ble texture. Excititatory neuro sidered an im-
Here’s why you munonutrient,
transmitter supreme and supplemental
should supple-
ment your diet
Before my workouts L-glutamine is
with L- makes me feel great used in medical
Glutamine: Taking glutamine foods for such
Under I feel real lean stress situations
normal circum- I’m not foolin as trauma, cancer,
stances the body L Glutamine is fuelin infections and
can synthesize burns.
L Glutamine is fuelin
sufficient L- Supple-
my training machine mental L-
glutamine to
meet physiologi- glutamine may
cal demands. have immuno
However, there are conditions where modulatory, anti-
the body cannot do so. Recently, L- catabolic/anabolic and gastrointesti-
glutamine has come to be regarded as nal mucosal-protective actions. It
one of the most important of the ami- may also have antioxidant activity.
no acids when the body is subjected Supplemental L-glutamine's possible
to such metabolic stress situations as immunomodulatory role may be ac-
trauma (including surgical trauma), counted for in a number of ways. L-
cancer, sepsis and burns. Under such glutamine appears to play a major
conditions, L-glutamine becomes an role in protecting the integrity of the
essential amino acid, and it is there- gastrointestinal tract and, in particu-
fore very important to ensure ade- lar, the large intestine.
quate intakes of the amino acid in Therefore, supplying supple-
order to meet the increased physio- mental L-glutamine under these con-
logical demands created by these sit- ditions may do a number of things.
For one, it may reverse the catabolic aminos: tryptophan is bitter, so is ar-
state by sparing skeletal muscle L- gine, and leucine has the worst taste of
glutamine. all. That’s why I wonder when people
There is some evidence that are taking an nitric oxide formula as a
glutamine can help protect against drink containing arginine. Can’t be
some of the immune impairment that is much arginine (which produces the
sometimes seen in exercise vasodilator nitric oxide) in these prod-
"overtraining." Lower resting levels of ucts, if there were the taste would be
plasma glutamine have rank. Our Egg White Perfection for-
been observed in some mula tastes good and
athletes suffering from glutamine not only pro-
overtraining syndrome, vides all the benefits
characterized, in part, described but also con-
by transient immuno tributes to good taste.
suppression. In a few All of the ingre-
preliminary studies, dients of our new Egg
oral glutamine supple- White protein make it
mentation appears to the only protein supple-
improve some ment you’ll need. I like
measures of immunity to add a scoop (two ta-
and to decrease post- blespoons) to a high
exercise infection. fiber cooked cereal like
Kashi 7 whole grain
In a placebo- pilaf sweetened with
controlled study exam- agave before my
ining infectious mor- workouts. After my
bidity in multiple trau- workouts I have a small
ma patients, oral gluta- drink with two scoops
mine was credited with of protein my favorite
significantly reducing juice. Got a Bullet
the incidence of pneu- Blender recently and
monia, sepsis and bac- now I’m pulverizing
teremia. In another spinach, pear, banana,
recent randomized orange, pecans (not all
study of critically ill at once of course) in a
patients, supplementa- delicious drink and feel-
tion with oral gluta- ing great from it! .
mine was said to have
significant hospital
cost benefits, reducing
cost per survivor by
30%. Oral glutamine might help curb
alcohol craving.
What I really like about gluta-
mine is the taste, Whereas most amino
acids taste terrible, glutamine has a
sweet taste. Not an oversweet taste but
a flavor that makes it unnecessary to
take in capsule form. Not so with other
the garden and set up a lamp there.
The Old Weaver The old weaver heard the
In the city of Sandhonagara sound of the man and wondering to
there lived a weaver with many sons. himself who it might be, asked,
Through his weaving he became “Who is that making the noise/” “I
wealthy and married wives of good am a gues, a man of the Dharma,” the
family to all his sons. He continued master answered. “Who are you/” “I
to live with them and the entire fami- am a weaver” was the reply “the fa-
ly of this weaver prospered without ther of the house. When I was a
measure. The wife of the weaver young man I was the real owner of
died when the weaver himself was this place and its property. Now all
eight nine years and had become my sons and daughters in law ridicule
aged, decrepit, and infirm in body. me, so I have been put here in this
He would eat successively with each garden. Indeed, the things of the
of his daughters in law, but everyone world are insubstantial.”
laughed and made fun of the behavior Then the guru said to the
cause by his age. weaver, “All composite things are
The impermanent. All the world is pain-
daughters all ful. All existing
met together, things are without
for they saw substance. Only
that people nirvana is peaceful
were truning and happy. Do
away from you want the
seeing their Dharma which is
old father in the provision for
law, and they death?’ And the
were accu- weaver said, “I
mulating evil. want it.” The guru
“Let us build then gave the
a thatched hut weaver the initia-
in the gar- tion into the man-
den,” the said, “and feed him there.” dala of Hevajra,
They all agreed to this and acted ac- gave him instructions, and started
cordingly. him meditating. And then he left.
By chance the guru Jalan- The weaver committed the
dharapa came to that area and went to guru’s instruction to memory, but he
the house of the weaver’s eldes son did not tell these instructions to any
asking for food. They invited him to of his family. He practiced for
sit down, and when the wife had twelve years and obtained many qual-
completed the cooking preparations, ities which were observed by men.
she invited him in. The guru went At this time the eldes son had
inside and ate the food prepared for just finished weaving a fine cloth of
him and as he was preparing to leave silk, and was giving a party to cele-
the wife of the eldest son said to him brate, so he forgot to bring food to his
“Guru, sleep her. Do not go to anoth- father. That night the daughter in law
er place”. Please sleep in our beauti- remembered and unseen by her hus-
ful garden.” So they led him out to band and the guests, went to take
food to the old man. from his body and none could bear to
Inside the hut there was a look upon him. His body was like
great brilliance. The old weaver was a polished mirror, and everything ap-
surrounded by fifteen maidens, and peared as light.
there were many kinds of food in The old weaver became fa-
view. The woman, seeing ornaments mous everwhere as Tantipa and did
and clothing not belonging to the measureless deeds for the benefit of
world of men, hastily returned to the living beings. Finally he went bodily
house. She said to her husband, “Go to the realm of the Dakas, together
and see your old father!” with an uncounted number of living
The husband began weeping, beings from Sandhonagara. By hav-
thinking that his father was dead, but ing faith and devothion and listening
the other men went into the garden to to the instructions of the guru, this old
look. All of them saw these things man was able to gain the success of
and were amazed. After returning Mahamudra in this very life.
indoors they said among themselves, from Buddha’s Lions,
“This is not human—it must be the Lives of the 84 Siddhas.
work of a demon.” But by the next
morning the news had spread and all
the people of Sandhonagara came and
gave reverence to the weaver.
He then cam forth, transform-
ing his body into that of a sixteen year
old. Measureless rays of light arose
Frankly Speaking acquire Frank’s Symmetry and High Def
Body books, the Workout DVD to study
I intend to keep teaching Zane exercise form, and the Let’s Grow book
Experience programs for numerous rea- when it is published.
sons, the most important of which is it Get Symmetry free when you buy
helps me stay in shape. Pushing 72 years
High Def Body and the DVD
of age I’m hoping to teach this program
well into the future, but if you really want $75 postpaid in USA, $90 Canada, $95
to learn from me personally I’d do the pro- overseas
gram soon. Training was going great up until
Win with your Posing is a new service for early late November when I had to have
those preparing for bodybuilding competi- oral surgery. This impaired my eating hab-
tion, I will personally help you its and forced me to take a week off from
put a posing routine together in training. And then com-
2 hours for $250. ing back gradually I’m
getting the hang of it again
Phone Consultation—email a and doing my new three
few full body photos in a bath- way Let’s Grow routine:
ing suit along with a short de- Tuesday Chest biceps
scription of current training forearms, Thursday legs,
and diet and we’ll schedule a Saturday back triceps, abs
half hour phone consultation. and stationary bike every
$95 workout day. I still have-
One Day Quick Zane Experi- n’t reached a peak alt-
hough I can feel myself
ence is a 3 and a half hour getting leaner. My goal is
program to give you a training to print some good photos
routine and nutritional advice. in this publication so I’m
You will learn good form and keeping up the regular
what to eat.. $495 or $395 training with a reasonable
each with a friend. diet and gradually get bet-
Two Day Zane Experience (7 ter and better, just like in
hours total) is for intermediate trainees and the 1970s.
teaches the two way split routine working So I’m working on the Let’s Grow
upper body one day and legs the next, book with target publication date early
along with nutritional advice photos are 2104, it will be the same size as Symmetry
taken and you are shown what your body book and cost the same $29.95 plus post-
could look like. age. You can reserve an autographed copy
$995 or $895 each with a friend. and get an autographed photo of your
choice by simply emailing me your request
4 Day Zane Experience (12 hours) is for along with what photo you want. Then
advanced bodybuilders preparing for com- when the book comes out you’ll be high on
petition or those seeking personal trainer the list to get it quickly. I’m liking the ma-
certification. It includes photo analysis. terial in this book, and I think you’ll like
The 3 way split is taught and you work out the growth programs which are working
with Frank. $1995 well for me. FZ
3 Day Zane Experience is same as 4 day
with out personal trainer or contest prep
program, just 3 days of training the 3 way
split with Frank. $1495.
Before you do any of the programs
including phone consultation it helps to
have some background and suggest you
NEW sweetner (it’s a low glycemic sweeten-
er from the blue agave cactus) two hour
Frank’s Egg White Perfection—This before training.
formula far surpasses anything on the After workout:
market. The addition of glutamine One VitaminZ Plus with 3 aminos fol-
makes it a super food which is easily lowed by One scoop Egg White protein
added to your diet. $59.95 plus post- in a drink with fruit.
age for a two pound container. Paid This plan gives me protein and
subscriber price is $54 + $6 shipping carbs before and
for a total of after my
$60 postpaid workout. I
priority mail. know it’s work-
Get a month’s ing from the
supply of two tremendous
2 pound con- pump I feel
tainers for when training.
$119 post- You can
paid. customize your
Super Sports program even
Aminos Tak- more by adding
ing these 15 Super Sports
aminos in free Aminos, Vita-
form give you minZ Plus, Argi-
the end prod- nine, Trypto-
uct of protein phan, Liver Ex-
digestion and tract, Fenugreek,
allow you to Megazyme at a
get the sub- 10 % discount.
stances your This is a
cell are me of superior nutri-
without in- tional program,
creasing calo- easy to follow
ries. Taking and keep follow-
aminos ing. It removes
throughout the the guess work
day was al- and hassle of
ways the way I prepared for competi- having to open lots of pill bottles. I’ve
tion. month’s supply is $50. Good idea experimented a lot over the years trying
to take one VitaminZ Plus when you everything, and this program is the best
take your aminos. one yet. I am taking feeling good for
VitaminZ Plus has all the vitamins and
minerals you need and it helps the ami- All the best,
nos absorb. $40 for month’s supply FZ
Here’s the plan, it’s how I do it:
Pre workout:
3 aminos with one VitaminZ Plus.
One to two scoops Egg White Perfec-
tion sprinkled on oatmeal with agave as
Building the Body Winter 2013

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