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Personal SCOT Analysis

A personal SCOT analysis can help you identify your unique value proposition and set realistic and achievable goals. SCOT stands for Strengths,
Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats. . It is a tool that helps you assess your internal and external factors which may impact your growth. Personal
SCOT Analysis helps you identify and prioritize your goals, engaging in goal setting and preparing an action plan to achieve your goals. This
approach helps in increasing your productivity at both personal and professional front.

SCOT Analysis has the following components:

 Strengths– Internal attributes of a person which can bring successful outcomes. These are favourable for your growth.
 Challenges– Internal attributes which pose obstacles in the path of attaining desired outcomes. These are the areas of improvement that you may
work upon.
 Opportunities– Positive external factors that can support in overcoming challenges you face.
 Threats– Negative external factors that pose challenges and can create hindrances in overcoming challenges. However, you may be able to
lessen the effect , once you identify them.
Read through the given pointers for a better understanding of each component of the SCOT Analysis:

Strengths: Challenges:

 Your personality strengths  Any area of improvement

 What others see as your strengths  Any limitations faced at personal or professional life
 Set of skills that you possess.  Any area that other see as a challenge for you at home or your
 Specific tasks or activities that you are good at workplace.
 Subject expertise or knowledge  Any task at home or professional responsibility you feel
 Your passion or interests overwhelming in carrying out
 Your current strengths that help you carry out your  Specific skill or skills you see as a limitation in delivering your
professional responsibilities with confidence work or assigned responsibilities

Example: Example:

 Effective time management  Lack of self-awareness and understanding of strengths and

 Strong support system and mentors for guidance and feedback. weaknesses.
 Resilience and ability to overcome challenges and setbacks.  Poor time management and task prioritization.
 Adaptability and openness to change.  Procrastination and lack of motivation.
 Strong interpersonal and communication skills.  Limited access to resources and growth opportunities.
 Expertise and skills in a specific field or area  Inadequate support system and mentorship.
 Strong work ethic and dedication to professional responsibilities  Fear of failure and risk aversion.
 Open to continuous learning and professional development.  Difficulty balancing personal and professional commitments.
 Effective problem-solving and decision-making abilities  Resistance to change and new challenges.
 Team player  Imposter syndrome and self-doubt.
 Interpersonal conflicts and challenging relationships.

Opportunities: Threats:

Favourable conditions and resources available to you to address the Any hindrances or obstacles you may face or are currently facing in
challenges you are facing. overcoming challenges

Example: Example:
 Personal growth and development through learning new skills  Limited resources
and knowledge.  Unsupportive relationships or conflicts
 Networking and building relationships with mentors, colleagues  External distractions
and other people or professionals from same industry.  Health issues
 Access to resources and opportunities for self-improvement.  Personal setbacks.
 Developing a strong support system to provide guidance and
 Prioritizing personal well-being
 Setting and achieving personal goals for continuous
 Professional development programs and training to enhance
 Expanding knowledge and expertise through reading , training,
and seeking online-offline courses available

The following template is shared for your personal SCOT Analysis to identify your strengths, the challenges or areas of
improvement that limit you, the opportunities that exist for you to take advantage of, and any possible threats against which you
should make plans for.

Strengths: Challenges:
Opportunities: Threats:

Goal Setting-Setting a SMART Goal


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound

Goals should be clear and Goals should be Goals should be realistic Goals should align with the Goals should have a
well-defined, focusing on a quantifiable or have some and attainable, taking into overall objectives and specific deadline or
specific outcome or result. form of measurement consideration the available priorities of the individual timeframe for completion.
They should answer the criteria to track progress resources, skills, and or organization. They This creates a sense of
questions of who, what, and determine success. This timeframe. They should should be meaningful and urgency and helps
where, when, and why. allows for objective stretch an individual or contribute to the larger individuals stay focused and
evaluation and monitoring team but still be within picture or desired outcome. motivated. Setting deadlines
of the goal's achievement. reach. also allows for better
(Reflect on how does your
planning and prioritization.
goal fit with your career
vision and interests?)

Sample 1:

(Specific) (Measurable) (Attainable) (Relevant) (Time-bound)
Improve student Include at least three Implement a variety of Enhancing student Increase student
engagement in the Visible Thinking Routines interactive teaching engagement is crucial for participation of all the
classroom. in a week to encourage strategies, such as Visible creating a positive learning students by the end of the
discussions and student Thinking Routines, group environment and promoting current term.
engagement. work, hands-on activities, student success.
and use of graphic
organizers to actively
engage students.
Sample 2:

(Specific) (Measurable) (Attainable) (Relevant) (Time-bound)

Expand knowledge and Read at least 12 books Allocate dedicated time for Reading books is a valuable Complete reading at least
personal growth through within the next year. reading each day, set aside way to gain new insights, 12 books within the next
reading. distractions, and establish a broaden perspectives, and year.
1 Book per Month reading list with a variety of foster personal
genres and topics. development.
30 Minutes per day

1 hour during weekends and


Based on your SCOT analysis, the next step is to reflect upon what do you want to achieve and why do you want to achieve it. Identify the
key goal you want to work upon and complete the given template. Ensure your goal meets the criteria of being a SMART goal. Prepare a
detailed action plan to achieve your goal.

Goal Setting-Setting a SMART Goal

(Specific) (Measurable) (Attainable) (Relevant) (Time-bound)
Steps for preparing an Action Plan

1. Clearly state your goal in a specific and measurable manner.

2. Set a specific deadline or timeframe for achieving your goal.

3. Action Steps: Break down your goal into smaller, actionable steps. List the specific tasks or actions you need to take to move closer to your goal.

4. Resources Needed: Identify any resources or support you will need to accomplish each action step. This can include materials, tools, knowledge,
or assistance from others.

5. Timeline: Assign a timeline or target date for completing each action step. Be realistic but also set deadlines to maintain focus and progress.
6. Review you action plan regularly to track the status and reflect. Celebrate each milestone. 

Personal Action Plan

My Goal-

Tasks (What actions I Resources I need Time frame or Due date Status My reflection or
need to take to achieve my personal notes

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