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Problem 1: Is there a significant difference between the mean score of the level of the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing in their classroom officers when grouped according to their sex?

Objective: To compare the mean score of the level of leadership of the Bachelor of Science in
Nursing in their classroom officers when grouped according to their sex.

Step 1: State Ho and Ha

Ho: There is no significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.
Ha: There is no significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.

Step 2: Set significance level

α = 0.05
Step 3: Possible Test (T-test for independent samples/ Mann- Whitney U Test)
Preliminary Analysis:
1. Purpose is to compare the means of two independent groups (Male and Female Group)
2. The data is at least interval and is normally distributed by Central Unit Theorem By KS, p=
0.97338 for male and p= 0.71349 for female
3. Test of homogeneity (equal variances assumed) f= 0.59613, p= 0.451315

With the preliminary test, the appropriate test for the data is t-test for independent samples.

Step 4: Generate the Result

Male Female
N 10 8
Mean 20.7 24
Median 20.5 25.5
Standard Deviation 3.335 4.035556
Kurtosis 1.500807 -0.424654
p-value 0.97338 0.71349

Step 5: Decision

Acknowledge the Ho. There is no massive contrast between the mean score of the degree of
administration of Bachelor of Science in Nursing their study hall officials while assembled by their
Step 6: Interpretation

Table 2.

Sex Mean SD Test Statistic

Male 20.7 3.335 t = -1.90184,
p = 0.075353
Female 24 4.035556
*significant at 0.05**significant at 0.01
As per the table, the mean score of female Bachelor of Science in Nursing study hall officials'
degree of administration (m= 24, SD= 4.036) was higher than the male Bachelor of Science in Nursing
homeroom officials' degree of authority (m= 20.7, SD= 3.335). The t-test for free examples, in any case,
uncovers that there was no huge distinction in the mean score of the degree of administration of the
Bachelor of Science in Nursing in their homeroom officials when gathered by sex (t= - 1.90184, p=
0.075353). This demonstrates that the female Bachelor of Science in Nursing's degree of authority in
their study hall officials is higher than the male Bachelor of Science in Nursing's degree of administration
in their homeroom officials.

Problem 2: Is there a significant difference between the test scores of the Bachelor of science in
Nursing after the intervention by providing video lectures?

Objective: to determine the effects by providing video lectures to the test scores of the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing students.

Step 1: State Ho and Ha

Ho: There is no significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.
Ha: There is a significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.

Step 2: Set significance level

α = 0.05
Step 3: Possible Test (T-test for paired samples/ Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test)
Preliminary Analysis:
1. Purpose is to compare dependent/ paired samples
2. The data is interval
3. By CLT, the data is normally distributed (n=30).

With the preliminary test, the appropriate test for the data is Two-Sample t-test

Step 4: Generate the Result

The t-value is -9.975422. The value of p is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
Step 5: Decision

Reject the invalid speculation. There is a huge distinction between the mean score of the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing understudies to their exhibition level.
Step 6: Interpretation

Table 2.

Mean N SD t df P value
Pre-Test 14.83 30 2.704827528 -9.975422 29 <.00001
Post-Test 25.1 30 2.656806483

As per table 2, the presentation or skill of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing understudies
after the mediation is higher than before it gives video addresses, with a mean of 25.1 and a standard
deviation of 2.7. Besides, the outcomes show a huge distinction between the pretest and posttest, t (29)
= - 9.975422, p0.0. This exhibits that the mediation worked on the presentation or skill of the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing understudies. This suggests that utilizing video addresses as a mediation to work
on the presentation or skill of Bachelor of Science in Nursing understudies is compelling.

Problem 3: Is there a significant difference between the mean scores of the Bachelor of Science in
Nursing student in their performance level (30)?

Objective: To compare the mean scores to the performance of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Step 1: State Ho and Ha

Ho: There is no significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.

Ha: There is a significant difference between the mean score of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
students to their performance level.
Step 2: Set significance level
α = 0.05

Step 3: Possible Test (One sample t-test or One- sample Wilcoxon test)
Preliminary Analysis:
1. Purpose is to compare one sample to population sample.
2. The data is ratio and it is not normally distributed by 1-KS test (p= -1.04807) With the preliminary
test, the appropriate test for the data is One-Sample t-test

Step 4: Generate the Result

The t-value is -9.975422. The value of p is < .00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
Step 5: Decision

Reject the invalid speculation. There is a huge distinction between the mean score of the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing understudies to their exhibition level.
Step 6: Interpretation

Table 1.

Mean SD T df P value Mean Difference

21.7 4.557298 -9.975422 29 <.00001 -8.3

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing has a mean score of 21.7, as displayed in the table
above. Moreover, the one example t-test result shows a huge contrast between the mean score of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing understudies and their presentation level.

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