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Reviewer :

1. Sunflowers are big and beautiful plants. What type of pollination occurs in them?
A. Self-pollination c. Multi-pollination
B. Cross-pollination d. Simple-pollination
2. A flower is considered as the reproductive part of the mots plants. Why are some flowers
considered complete while othes incomplete ?
A. Complete flowers contain both stamen ,pistil and other accessory parts such as
Petals and sepals .
B. Complete flowers contain stamen only and other accessory such as petals and sepals .
C. Complete flowers contain pitil only and other accessory parts such as petals and sepals.
D. Compete flowers do not have stamen and pistil but have other accessory parts such as
petals and sepals.
3. Some plants reproduce with the help of flowers. While others reproduce without flowers. What
do you call plants that consist of layers of modified leaves and contain a miniature flower or
sprout in the center?
a. Tubers b. bulb c. rhizomes d. stolon
4. Rhizomes are non-flowering plants that can reproduce on their own . How do rhizomes
reproduce ?
a. They have eyes from which the stems grow .
b. They have layers of modified leavews that contain miniature plants .
c. They grow underground or right at ground level with many growing points or eyes .
d. They run horizontally from the main stem of that plants.
5. Germination is the process by which a plant grows from a seed to a seedling . Why are the
foliage leaves important to the baby plant ?
a. They are not important to the baby plant at all .
b. They give the real appearance of a plant to the seedling
c. They are the baby plant’s first own seeds which help in germination.
d. They give energy to the baby plant, until it gets its own green leaves to photosynthesize .
6. Biotic and abiotic factors interest in the ecosystem. What is estuary ?
a. A wet, treeless prairie c. the changing of rivers
b. A place where the river meets the sea d. an area where soil is deposited by a river
7. Apart from estuaries , biotic, and abiotic factors interact in intertidal zones. What are intertidal
a. They are areas where the land and the sea meet, between the high tide and low tide.
b. They are areas where fresh water from streams and rivers spills into the ocean.
c. They are areas where rising sea level flood existing river valleys.
d. They are areas where brackish waters are formed.
8. Estuaries and intertidal zones are area of interactions betweek living and non-living things. It is
a vital part of the ecosystem. How do you conserve and protect the estuaries and
intertidal zones?
a. Encourage a cleanup drive at your community, organization , or school .
b. Continue to actively engage in urban development in your community.
c. Promote overfishing in coastal areas to give abundance in food service .
d. Watch TV and commercials even if it is not interesting.
9. The balance in the ecosystem provides abundance for both biotic and biotic and abiotic factors.
Why is it important to protect these ecosystems?
a. A healthy ecosystem helps purify the air we breathe and regulate climate control .
b. A healthy ecosystem provides many job opportunities to people alone.
c. A healthy ecosystem provides an area where waste can be disposed of properly.
d. A healthy ecosystem provides a dumping area for used petroleum products.
10. Some animals have similarities in their reproduction.What are common in the mode of
reproduction among butterflies, mosquitoes , and frog ?
a. They have 2 stages in their life cycle .
b. They have 3 stages in their life cycle.
c. They have 4 stages in their life cycle .
d. They have 5 stages in their life cycle.

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