Annotated-Philosophy 20assignment 20 - 20google 20docs

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‭Qyra Garrison‬


‭Lori Cory‬

‭October 17, 2023‬

‭Philosophy Assignment‬

‭Philosophy means love and wisdom. The definition of it is the systematic study of‬

‭general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value,‬

‭mind, and language. Philosophy in teaching plays a big role in how your students will respect‬

‭you, your classroom management, and so much more. I feel it is important for every teacher to‬

‭have a philosophy because it sets a guideline for them and the students. It's also a big part that‬

‭plays into classroom management. This will help with creating goals for how your students are in‬

‭your classroom.‬

‭Lori Cory's classroom philosophy is centered around three things. It needs to have‬

‭relevance, engagement, and building connections with her students. To her, learning has to be‬

‭relevant, learning should be engaging, and it's important to make connections with students. I see‬

‭Lori making learning relevant in her classroom by the way she teaches with such passion.‬

‭Engagement is shown in her classroom by doing activities where students aren't just sitting down‬

‭the entire time. Also, students are not just sitting there listening the entire time while she‬

‭teaches. Making connections with her students is something she shows in her classroom by just‬

‭greeting every student by their name right away. She tries to remember and ask them about the‬

‭things they enjoy..‬

‭Julianne Manock classroom philosophy centers around eight things. The first four are‬

‭students learning with project based learning, keeping information relevant, useful things to help‬

‭in career, and giving every student a fresh start. She shows student based learning in her‬

‭classroom by the different ways she gets us thinking on topics. She keeps information relevant‬

‭by the way she teaches us how things are developing differently from when she started teaching.‬

‭She shows having useful things for a career is shown by the things she teaches us. What she‬

‭teaches us will benefit us in some way for a future career. Giving every student a fresh start is‬

‭shown in her classroom by just how understanding she is as a teacher.‬

‭Julianne’s four other philosophies are to have fun and be positive, all students have the‬

‭opportunity to learn, create a welcoming environment, and if students feel cared for they will‬

‭learn. She shows having fun and being positive by the way she is just always so positive. This‬

‭will rub off to other students. Having fun is something that is shown by her activities she has in‬

‭her class. All students have the opportunity to learn as shown by the way she gives kids chances.‬

‭She is always there to help to give them the chance to learn. Creating a welcoming environment‬

‭is shown through the atmosphere of her classroom. Julianne is positive every morning and makes‬

‭you feel welcomed. In her classroom she shows students feeling cared for that they will learn.‬

‭This is shown by the way her students are doing in her class now.‬

‭Plato, is an philosopher of education who lived around the 4th century BCE. He‬

‭advocated for a profound educational philosophy. His beliefs revolved around the idea of‬

‭transformative learning. This is where students embark on a journey to attain intellectual and‬

‭moral enlightenment. Plato's educational philosophy in 2023 I think continue to hold value to‬

‭today. As you still see transformative learning from students and teachers.‬

‭Jerome Bruner, is an educational philosopher of the 20th century. He was a strong‬

‭advocate of constructivism. His philosophy revolved around the idea that learners actively‬

‭construct knowledge through interaction with their environment and peers. Bruner believed that‬

‭the curriculum should be structured to align with learners' cognitive development stages, and‬

‭instruction should be engaging and interactive to foster deep understanding. In 2023, Bruner's‬

‭educational philosophy is still relevant to today. Construcutivism is something you still use today‬

‭in a classroom.‬

‭Immanuel Kant, is an educational philosopher from the 18th-century. He didn't provide a‬

‭comprehensive philosophy of education, but his broader philosophical ideas offer valuable‬

‭insights for educational theory and practice. Kant's emphasis on individual autonomy, moral‬

‭reasoning, and universal principles aligns with contemporary education's focus on fostering‬

‭critical thinking, ethical development, and student agency. I think his philosophy is still relvent‬

‭to today. As educational theory and practice are huge things.‬

‭The educational philosophies of Plato, Jerome Bruner, and Immanuel Kant share some‬

‭commonalities while also exhibiting distinct differences. All three philosophers emphasize the‬

‭importance of critical thinking and intellectual development in education. They believe in‬

‭fostering moral character growth. However, their approaches differ significantly. Plato focuses‬

‭on a transformative learning process guided by moral ideals and intellectual exploration. Jerome‬

‭Bruner champions constructivist learning, where learners actively construct knowledge through‬

‭interaction and hands-on experiences. Immanuel Kant's philosophy centers on individual‬

‭autonomy and rationality, emphasizing moral reasoning and universal principles. I agree most‬

‭with Jerome Bruner's constructivist philosophy, as it places learners at the center of the‬

‭educational experience.‬

‭As a result of researching and writing about philosophies it has helped me learn‬

‭what I would need to include in mine. My philosophy of education would be a supportive‬

‭learning environment where I create positive relationships with my students. I expect my‬

‭students to be active participants in their education. Collaboration is something I think will be‬

‭beneficial by working together with colleagues, parents, and the community to provide a good‬

‭education for my students. My most important learning goals include personal growth and‬

‭character development.‬

‭In conclusion, exploring various educational philosophies. By researcher and writing‬

‭about educators and thinkers like Lori Cory, Julianne Manock, Plato, Jerome Bruner, and‬

‭Immanuel Kant, I have gained a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of education. I‬

‭have come to realize that my own philosophy will be rooted in a supportive learning‬

‭environment, where positive relationships, active student participation, and collaboration.‬

‭Work Cited Page‬







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