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|nterv|ews t|ps for |nterv|ewees

1 8esearch as much as you can abouL Lhe company producLs servlces markeLs
compeLlLors Lrends currenL acLlvlLles prlorlLles See Lhe Llps abouL researchlng
before [ob lnLervlews
2 repare your answers for Lhe Lype of quesLlons youll be asked especlally be able Lo
say why you wanL Lhe [ob whaL your sLrengLhs are how youd do Lhe [ob whaL your
besL achlevemenLs are
3 repare ood quest|ons to ask at the |nterv|ew See Lhe secLlon on quesLlons Lo ask
aL [ob lnLervlews
4 8elaLed Lo Lhe above requesL a copy of Lhe companys employmenL Lerms and
condlLlons or employee handbook before Lhe lnLervlew ln order Lo save Llme
coverlng rouLlne maLLers durlng Lhe lnLervlew
3 Assemble hard evldence (make sure lLs clear and conclse) of how whaL youve
achleved ln Lhe pasL proof wlll puL you ahead of Lhose who merely Lalk abouL lL
6 Pave aL leasL one oLher lnLervlew llned up or have a recenL [ob offer or Lhe
posslblllLy of recelvlng one from a recenL [ob lnLervlew and make sure you menLlon
lL Lo Lhe lnLervlewer
7 Make sure your resume/cv ls up Lo daLe looklng very good and even lf already
supplled Lo Lhe lnLervlewer Lake Lhree wlLh you (one for Lhe lnLervlewer one for you
and a spare ln case Lhe lnLervlewer brlngs a colleague ln Lo Lhe meeLlng)
8 CeL hold of Lhe followlng maLerlal and read lL and remember Lhe relevanL lssues
and ask quesLlons abouL Lhe areas LhaL relaLe Lo Lhe organlsaLlon and Lhe role
CbLaln and research Lhe companys sales brochures and llLeraLure a Lrade magazlne
coverlng Lhe companys markeL secLor and a serlous newspaper for Lhe few days
before Lhe lnLervlew so youre lnformed abouL world and naLlonal news Also worLh
geLLlng hold of company lnhouse magazlnes or newsleLLers compeLlLor leafleLs
local or naLlonal newspaper arLlcles feaLurlng Lhe company
9 8evlew your personal goals and be able Lo speak openly and honesLly abouL Lhem
and how you plan Lo achleve Lhem
10Lnsure you have Lwo or Lhree really good repuLable and relevanL references and
check Lheyd each be happy Lo be conLacLed
11AdopL an enLhuslasLlc alerL poslLlve mlndseL lf you wanL some help wlLh Lhls Lry
Lhe l Am selfbellef page
12arLlcularly Lhlnk abouL how Lo deal poslLlvely wlLh any negaLlve aspecLs especlally
from Lhe perspecLlve of Lelllng Lhe LruLh lnsLead of evadlng or dlsLorLlng facLs whlch
rarely succeeds See Lhe Cv polnLers abouL Lhls lLs very slgnlflcanL
131ry Lo geL some experlence of personallLy LesLs ulscover your personallLy sLrengLhs
and weaknesses LhaL would be lndlcaLed by a LesL and be able Lo answer quesLlons
poslLlvely abouL Lhe resulLs (uo noL be lnLlmldaLed by personallLy LesLlng expose
yourself Lo lL and learn abouL yourself) 1o undersLand more abouL personallLy
LesLlng and Lhe underplnnlng Lheory and Lo flnd ouL more abouL yourself ln Lhls
respecL see Lhe secLlon on personallLy Lheorles and make Llme Lo read and
undersLand lL
141hlnk abouL whaL Lo wear See Lhe guldance abouL cholce of dress cloLhes and
colours for lnLervlews below

13Some [obs lnvlLe or offer opporLunlLy Lo redeflne or develop Lhe role lLself lL mlghL
be a exlsLlng role or a new poslLlon lf so prepare for Lhls MosL [obs ln facL offer Lhls
poLenLlal buL someLlmes lL ls a sLaLed requlremenL See Lhe noLes ln Lhe Cv secLlon
abouL approachlng a vacancy for whlch Lhe role has noL yeL been fully deflned

samp|e [ob |nterv|ews quest|ons and answers for
|nterv|ewers and |nterv|ewees
1hese are samples of quesLlons LhaL lnLervlewers ask lnLervlewees wlLh suggesLed ldeal
answers and reasons and purposes of Lhe quesLlons Lo help lnLervlewers and lnLervlewees
allke See also Lhe quesLlons Lo ask aL your [ob lnLervlew for ldeas and suggesLed quesLlons
LhaL lnLervlewees should ask Lhe lnLervlewer whlch are also exLremely lmporLanL
1here are very many dlfferenL quesLlons LhaL can be used ln [ob lnLervlews 1hls page does
noL aLLempL Lo llsL Lhem all lnsLead lL seeks Lo glve you an undersLandlng Lhrough Lhe
examples below and oLher Llps as Lo whaL ls effecLlve and why from Lhe sLandpolnL of Lhe
lnLervlewer and Lhe lnLervlewee 1herefore wheLher you are an lnLervlewer preparlng
quesLlons Lo ask or an lnLervlewee preparlng how Lo glve greaL answers lL ls beLLer Lo read
all of Lhls secLlon Lo help you undersLand whaL works besL and why raLher Lhan slmply
selecL a few sLock examples Pavlng a few sLock quesLlons and answers examples wlll llmlL
your appreclaLlon Lo [usL Lhose examples lnsLead seek Lo undersLand Lhe reasonlng LhaL
deLermlnes successful lnLervlews and Lhen you wlll be able Lo formulaLe your own
quesLlons and answers for any lnLervlew slLuaLlons LhaL you face wheLher as an
lnLervlewer or an lnLervlewee
quest|on answers examp|es and u|dance quest|on notes
Pow do you


Pow do you
measure LalenL
ln an
(or company or

and ln slmllar

Pow do you
1he flrsL Lhlng ls Lo acknowledge Lhe
slgnlflcance and lmporLance of a quesLlon
llke Lhese examples

8y showlng LhaL you recognlse Lhe poLency of
Lhe quesLlon (for organlsaLlons as well as
lnLervlewees) you are half way Lo provldlng
an lmpresslve and effecLlve answer

(1hls prlnclple of acknowledglng very good
quesLlons ln Lhls way can be applled Lo any
oLher quesLlon LhaL addresses a serlous and
deeply slgnlflcanL lssue as Lhls ls)

?ou can show your recognlLlon wlLh an lnlLlal
response such as

See general guldellnes
above lf youve noL seen
Lhem already

1hese (apparenLly) Lough
quesLlons abouL LalenL
and how Lo measure and
develop LalenL are
presenLly confoundlng
many of Lhe worlds
blggesL organlsaLlons
many leaders and
developmenL speclallsLs

1hese quesLlons abouL
LalenL reflecL wldespread

LalenL ln an
(or company or
1haLs a very slgnlflcanL quesLlon lLs
lmpllcaLlons affecL Lhe fuLure healLh of all
organlsaLlons probably now more Lhan

8eyond Lhls Lhe quesLlon mlghL lnlLlally seem
lmposslble Lo answer especlally lf youve had
no real experlence of measurlng or growlng
such an lnLanglble and fundamenLally
lmporLanL aspecL of performance ln people
and organlsaLlons buL Lhere ls acLually qulLe
a slmple way Lo answer a quesLlon llke Lhls
for example

1he reason why Lhls ls such a dlfflculL
quesLlon for modern organlsaLlons Lo address
and resolve ls LhaL whlle some organlsaLlons
and leaders know how cruclal LalenL ls for
Lhelr survlval and compeLlLlve effecLlveness
ou cant actua|| measure and row
anth|n unt|| ou can def|ne exact| what |t
|s whlch ls Lhe real challenge l belleve LhaL
you can only begln Lo measure and develop
anth|n when you can deflne exacLly whaL lL
ls 1alenL ls prlme example 1he concepL of
LalenL alone ls compleLely lnLanglble lL
means all sorLs of dlfferenL Lhlngs Lo dlfferenL
people and organlsaLlons 1herefore Lhe key
Lo measurlng and growlng LalenL ls flrsL Lo
deflne exacLly whaL LalenL ls Lo undersLand
and descrlbe whaL lL means whaL lL looks
llke how lL behaves and whaL lL can achleve
And Lhese deflnlLlons wlll be dlfferenL
dependlng on Lhe organlsaLlon 1alenL ln a
bank wlll have a qulLe dlfferenL meanlng Lo
LalenL ln an adverLlslng agency or ln a
hosplLal So LhaLs Lhe flrsL answer Lo Lhe
quesLlon llrsL you need Lo deflne lL and
agree Lhe deflnlLlon whlch ls llkely Lo be
qulLe and lnvolved and deLalled Lask because
lLs such a deep and serlous concepL

Peres how you can develop Lhls answer

Aslde from deflnlng whaL LalenL ls Lhe
organlsaLlon needs Lo acknowledge Lhe
modern organlsaLlonal
challenges and so are
useful ln lnLervlews
especlally for Lralnlng P8
managemenL and
execuLlve poslLlons

lnLervlewees who can
answer Lhese quesLlons
senslbly and LhoughLfully
demonsLraLe conslderable
percepLlveness and ablllLy

Answers Lo Lhese
quesLlons are relevanL
modern lndlcaLors as Lo an
lnLervlewees value and
poLenLlal ln Lhe fleld of
managemenL leadershlp
and P8

lmporLance of LalenL (accordlng Lo Lhe
agreed organlsaLlonal deflnlLlons) 1hls
requlres a commlLmenL from Lhe very Lop
whlch musL be LransparenL and vlslble Lo all
1hen people wlll begln Lo value LalenL more
flLLlngly and preclously A slmllar Lhlng
happened wlLh Lhe LoLal quallLy concepL
when leaders woke up and reallsed lLs
slgnlflcance 8uL Lhey flrsL had Lo deflne lL
and break lL down lnLo measurable
manageable elemenLs before Lhey could
begln Lo lmprove lL 1alenL ls Lhe same

lf you really wanL Lo go for broke you could

1he same Lhlng wlll happen wlLh love and
splrlLuallLy ln organlsaLlons as ls happenlng
already wlLh eLhlcs and responslblllLy 1hese
fundamenLally cruclal concepLs can only be
assessed managed and developed when
Lhey are glven emphaLlc prlorlLy from Lhe
Lop and deflned ln a meanlngful and
manageable way 1hen Lhey can be grown
[usL llke any oLher organlsaLlonal aLLrlbuLe

A supplemenLary polnL ls LhaL some leaders
slmply do noL appreclaLe Lhe really Lrue
concepL of LalenL whlch unforLunaLely ls a
serlous obsLacle Lo dolng anyLhlng useful
abouL LalenL aL all Where Lhls ls Lhe case Lhe
leader musL be educaLed or replaced
because as ever organlsaLlons can only do
whaL Lhey leader genulnely undersLands and
commlLs Lo achlevlng
(rlor Lo a sales
or commerclal
repare a plan
for your flrsL
1/2/3 monLhs
ln Lhe role and
presenL lL aL
Lhe lnLervlew

1he level of deLall and preclslon LhaL you can
lnclude ln your plan and presenLaLlon
depends on how well you know Lhe markeL
and Lhe organlsaLlon 8eware of assumlng
Loo much however lLs lmporLanL Lo sLrlke
Lhe rlghL balance beLween Lhe need for
assessmenL and acLlon

lnLervlewers wanL people who wlll make
Lhlngs happen and lnLroduce poslLlve change
buL aL Lhe same Llme who can preserve Lhe
Asklng lnLervlewees Lo
prepare a plan for Lhelr
flrsL one or Lwo or Lhree
monLhs ln Lhe role ls an
lncreaslngly popular way
for lnLervlewlng
organlsaLlons Lo geL a real
LasLe and sample of how
Lhe [ob candldaLe would
approach Lhe [ob

1hls example
and guldellnes
for answers are
orlenLaLed Lo a
sales or
role buL Lhe
same prlnclples
apply for many
poslLlons and
poslLlons Loo

MarkeL forces
lnevlLably Lend
Lo requlre all
roles Lo be
Lherefore Lhls
quesLlon could
be used for loLs
of cusLomer
faclng roles as
well as
[ob lnLervlews
good Lhlngs and avold problemaLlcal fallouL

A CanLL CharL ls a good way Lo presenL Lhls
sorL of plan See Lhe pro[ecL managemenL
secLlon buL avold golng lnLo Lhe level of
deLall suggesLed for ma[or pro[ecLs

A clear serles of bulleL polnLs wlll also be
accepLable for mosL slLuaLlons 8e gulded by
Lhe recrulLlng organlsaLlon as Lo Lhe
Lechnology and medla Lo use buL ln any
evenL concenLraLe on Lhe conLenL raLher Lhan
Lhe bells and whlsLles A good candldaLe
would be able Lo handle Lhls uslng [usL a fllp

See also Lhe presenLaLlons page for ldeas
abouL how Lo sLrucLure Lhe presenLaLlon buL
agaln be mlndful of Lhe pressure of Llme be
very compacL lmpacLful conclse and
efflclenL ln Lhe way you puL your ldeas

WhaLs requlred here ls essenLlally a coheslve
llsL of sLraLeglc acLlon polnLs each almed aL
produclng speclflc resulLs lnnovaLlon helps
provlded lLs noL Loo offLhewall

1yplcally lLs very dlfflculL (and generally
unwlse) Lo enLer a new organlsaLlon and
lmmedlaLely begln maklng loLs of blg
changes unless of course Lhe slLuaLlon ls ln
crlsls a perlod of assessmenL and research ls
normally senslble

AnoLher cruclal aspecL ls Lhe maLurlLy and
performance of Lhe Leam Look aL Lhe
1annenbaum and SchmldL and 1uckman
Lheorles Lo undersLand Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe
Leams capablllLy

Alm for 37 bulleL polnLs per secLlon of Lhe
plan (for example a 3 monLh plan could be
presenLed as Lhree 37 polnL secLlons) Lach
acLlon polnL wlLh ouLcomes and reasonlng
explalned llnanclals and example
Seelng loLs of fresh ldeas ls
also very helpful ln lLs own
rlghL for Lhe recrulLlng

A quesLlon llke Lhls
usually for a managemenL
poslLlon buL noL always so
ls a greaL opporLunlLy for
Lhe lnLervlewee Lo use
preparaLlon and research
ln produclng a compelllng
presenLaLlon of your value
Lo Lhe employer

lLs a real chance Lo show
whaL you can do ln Lerms
of ldeas experlence
Lechnlcal grasp of your
sub[ecL and ablllLy Lo
presenL and enLhuse wlLh
clarlLy loglc and passlon

1he guldellnes and
examples here are for a
sales or commerclal
poslLlon buL Lhe same
prlnclples apply for any
role when asked Lo
prepare a plan and presenL
lL aL an lnLervlew

1he lnLervlewer wlll wanL
Lo see LhaL Lhe lnLervlewee
has a good undersLandlng
of Lhe key performance
crlLerla for Lhe funcLlon or
Leam or deparLmenL
concerned and can use
experlence research and
orlglnal Lhlnklng ln creaLlng
and dellverlng a clear
loglcal coheslve acLlonplan

1hus Lhe lnLervlewer ls

sLaLlsLlcs/raLlos Loo lf you know Lhem

olnLs and areas LhaL could feaLure ln a sales
managemenL plan are as follows elLher as
areas Lo address or areas Lo develop lnLo
speclflc acLlon polnLs dependlng on Lhe level
of knowledge and experlence 1hese are ln
no parLlcular order rlorlLy and mlx depends
on Lhe slLuaLlon
O lmmedlaLe revlew of currenL and
pro[ecLed performance and facLors
ldenLlfy glarlng gaps weaknesses and
opporLunlLles ldenLlfy and opLlmlse
qulck galns where posslble
O areLo (8020) analysls producLs
markeLs cusLomers
O eople/Leam assessmenL sLyles
sLrengLhs performance
responslblllLles eLc psychomeLrlcs lf
O CosLs and spendlng revlew opLlmlse
and LlghLen lmprove accounLablllLy
and freedoms wlLhln agreed
O CusLomer analysls/vlslLs proLecL and
O CompeLlLor assessmenL ldenLlfy
losses and LhreaLs especlally from a
ma[or accounLs/secLors vlew
O SWC1 LS1 analyses
O Sales cycle and selllng process revlew
key raLlos and sLaLlsLlcs
O Sales proposlLlon uSs uS8s (see
sales secLlon)
O erformance managemenL
measuremenL and reporLlng
O lC1 and lnLerneL lnLernal
communlcaLlons and sysLems and
cusLomer lnLerfaces
O rlclng and marglns analysls
O AdverLlslng and promoLlon and
enqulry generaLlon converslon raLlos
Lhrough Lhe sales funnel
O SLraLegy revlew dlsLrlbuLlon/rouLe(s)
Lo markeL(s) parLnershlps suppllers
effecLlvely havlng Lo plLch
for Lhe [ob ln Lhe same
way LhaL an agency has Lo
plLch for a new accounL

8elng asked Lo presenL a
plan aL an lnLervlew ls a
wonderful opporLunlLy Lo
shlne especlally for people
who do noL necessarlly
perform well under
pressure when handllng
some of Lhe more
unpredlcLable quesLlons
LhaL can arlse ln
lnLervlews lnsLead belng
able Lo prepare a plan and
presenLaLlon ln advance
allows lnLervlewer and
lnLervlewees Lo assess and
respond Lo each oLhers
needs ln a far more
professlonal and well
organlsed way

and sales dlsLrlbuLlon
O MarkeLlng and sales maLerlals and
documenLaLlon revlew lncludlng
elecLronlc and onllne daLa and
O Sales model allgnmenL of sales
people wlLh markeLs secLors
verLlcals and horlzonLals
O Sales skllls and Lralnlng assessmenL
O Sales processlng and relaLlonshlps
wlLh oLher deparLmenLs C8M
(cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL)
O Sales servlces agencles/suppllers
LelemarkeLlng A eLc
O ;uallLy/servlce assessmenL
especlally ldenLlfy key performance
O Look aL/develop lnLer
O MoLlvaLlon morale
O Sales plannlng alms ob[ecLlves
LargeLs cascadlng Lo lndlvldual
quoLas and responslblllLles
O SLandards and conLrols
O Legal and llcenslng areas lf
approprlaLe conLracLs and SLAs
(servlce level agreemenLs)
O hllosophy and bellef eLhlcs and
1he presenLaLlon needs Lo comblne relevanL
hoLspoLs from Lhe above llsL and Lo suggesL
a process of assessmenL and lnvolvemenL of
people blended wlLh change so as Lo
ldenLlfy and opLlmlse key performance
facLors wlLhln sLraLegy people/Leams skllls
and processes
Pow do/would
you opLlmlse
and llfL
sLandards ln a

Aslde from Lhe sorL of poor performance
whlch requlres a flrm dlsclpllnary response
(see Lhe secLlon on performance
managemenL) Lhls quesLlon ls besL answered
from Lhe vlewpolnL of lmprovemenL and
developmenL raLher Lhan dlsclpllne and
conLrol 1he quesLlon provldes a greaL
1hese quesLlons lnvlLe
candldaLes aL managemenL
lnLervlews Lo demonsLraLe
Lhelr managemenL and
leadershlp ablllLles

All managemenL


Lxplaln your
approach Lo
hlgh sLandards
and lmprovlng
performance ln
a Leam


(prlor Lo Lhe

repare and
glve a
on how Lo
sLandards and
address poor
performance ln
managlng a
opporLunlLy Lo refer Lo loLs of relevanL
Lheory and Lo show you know how Lo apply

oor performance ls acLually noL a helpful
perspecLlve lLs negaLlve lLs besL Lo
lnLerpreL Lhls as he|p|n peop|e to become
the best that the can be ln ways LhaL
enable Lhem Lo allgn Lhelr naLural sLrengLhs
and preferences wlLh Lhe needs of Lhe
organlsaLlon and Leam

Maslow ls cerLalnly relevanL we need Lo
help people selfacLuallse whlch a beLLer
angle of approach Lhan poor performance

8elblns model of Leam roles ls a useful
reference framework (everyones good aL
someLhlng so flnd ouL whaL lL ls and geL
Lhem playlng Lo Lhelr sLrengLhs)

Also useful ln Lhls respecL ls Cardners
mulLlple lnLelllgences and learnlng sLyles
along wlLh Lhe oLher personallLy sLyles
Lheory alLhough donL go lnLo LhaL depLh aL
Lhe lnLervlew [usL refer Lo Lhe maln

AspecLs of delegaLlon are relevanL wlLhln
whlch 1annenbaum and SchmldL and
1uckmans sLormlng formlngeLc model are
also useful reference frameworks

Adalrs AcLlonCenLred Leadershlp model ls a
greaL reference for lllusLraLlng Lhe dlfferenL
aspecLs of Leams LhaL need managlng and

1he role of every good leader ls Lo develop a
successor alongslde whlch ls Lhe alm Lo
develop Leam maLurlLy so LhaL lL can self
manage 1hls approach fosLers hlgh
sLandards and greaL performance because
Lhe Leam ls belng empowered Cpen clear
poslLlve Lwoway communlcaLlons help Lo
esLabllsh Leam undersLandlng and agreemenL
lnLervlewees should
prepare Lo answer Lhls sorL
of quesLlon Lven lf Lhe
lnLervlewer doesnL ask Lhe
quesLlon Lhere wlll be
plenLy of opporLunlLles Lo
use Lhe answers ln deallng
wlLh oLher quesLlons

Cood modern employers
wlll look for poslLlve ?
1heory ldeas abouL
managlng people

More LradlLlonal and
auLocraLlc lnLervlewers wlll
seek a Lougher approach
ln whlch case you can
lncorporaLe a few
examples of flrmness and
conLrol wlLhln your
answers where slLuaLlons
and scenarlos warranL such
a sLyle

lf you are Lhe lnLervlewee
donL [usL use my words
Lake whaLs meanlngful
and workable for you and
make lL your own
undersLand your own
sLrengLhs and sLyle and
show you know when Lo
adapL and use a dlfferenL

lf you are Lhe lnLervlewer
ask Lhls sorL of quesLlon
and look for Lhe candldaLes
Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey
undersLand abouL modern
meLhods of managlng
leadlng and developlng
Leams ?ou need Lo recrulL
managers and leaders who
can empower and lnsplre

of alms and dlrecLlon (and sLandards)
lnvolve and consulL and enable and coach
raLher Lhan declde and dlrecL and conLrol
eople perform and achleve besL when
pursulng Lhelr own goals and alms noL Lhe
ones lmposed from ouLslde 1he Lrlck
Lherefore ls allgnlng people wlLh work so lLs
meanlngful and lmporLanL

An lnLervlew presenLaLlon (ensure you know
how long Lhe presenLaLlon should lasL) ls besL
sLrucLured ln Lhree parLs plus Lhe lnLro and
Lhe close Look aL Lhe noLes on presenLaLlons
use dlfferenL ways of communlcaLlng your
ldeas hyslcal props demonsLraLe polnLs
powerfully and lnvolve Lhe
audlence/lnLervlewers lf passed around
8eferrlng Lo case sLudles and exLracLs from
blographles of hlghachlevers wlll help
lllusLraLe LhaL hlgh performance ls borne of
lnner drlve noL exLernal conLrol A good
manager ls an enabler noL a conLroller
oLhers so seek Lhese
quallLles ln people whlch
wlll be demonsLraLed ln
Lhe answers Lo Lhls sorL of
Pave you ever
dealL wlLh a
maklng an


Can you glve
me an example
where youve
had Lo deal
wlLh a
cusLomer who
has made an
unreallsLlc or


Pow do you
deal wlLh
Cbvlously lf you have a real example wlLh a
good poslLlve successful ouLcome for Lhe
cusLomer and suppller Lhen use lL (lLs a good
ldea Lo Lhlnk abouL and prepare an example
for Lhls Lype of quesLlon ln advance) ldeally
examples should lnclude Lhe followlng
elemenLs CenLral Lo Lhls process ls belng
able Lo fully undersLand Lhe cusLomers
poslLlon and feellngs wlLhouL necessarlly
agreelng wlLh Lhem Lxplalnlng Lhls
dlfference beLween undersLandlng and
agreelng aL Lhe lnLervlew helps Lhe
lnLervlewee Lo demonsLraLe capablllLy Lo
deal wlLh Lhese Lypes of dlfflculL slLuaLlons
Cood sympaLheLlc quesLlonlng skllls and a
good undersLandlng of Lhe opLlons avallable
Lo Lhe suppller organlsaLlon ln solvlng
problems are also vlLal for belng able Lo
adapL and develop muLually agreeable
soluLlons An excellenL answer or
demonsLraLlon of excellenL capablllLy would
lnclude a very poslLlve resulL ln whlch Lhe
cusLomers saLlsfacLlon and loyalLy was
lncreased Lo a hlgher level Lhan before Lhe
1he lnLervlewer asks Lhese
lnLervlew quesLlons glve
Lhe lnLervlewee an
opporLunlLy Lo
demonsLraLe flrsLly how
Lhey declde LhaL whaL ls
reallsLlc and whaL ls
unreallsLlc and secondly
how Lo explaln Lo Lhe
cusLomer why Lhe demand
cannoL be meL and
hopefully beLLer sLlll
suggesL an accepLable
alLernaLlve course of
acLlon preferably whlch
resulLs ln Lhe cusLomer
belng more saLlsfled Lhan lf
Lhe lssue had noL arlsen ln
Lhe flrsL place

lL ls a facL LhaL Lhe greaLesL
cusLomer servlce
challenges also offer Lhe
greaLesL opporLunlLles Lo

complalnL or requesL (whlch ls acLually more
easy Lo achleve Lhan mosL people lmaglne)
1o show excellenL Lechnlcal skllls ln deallng
wlLh very dlfflculL and emoLlonal cusLomers
lnLervlewees could refer Lo Lechnlques wlLhln
1ransacLlonal Analysls LmpaLhy Lheory and
nL (neuroLlngulsLlc rogrammlng)
dellghL Lhe cusLomer and
lnLervlewees who
demonsLraLe such a
phllosophy are generally
lndlcaLlng greaL poLenLlal
and value Lo a prospecLlve
(Any quesLlon
LhaL lnvlLes you
Lo descrlbe
explaln or
commenL on a
slLuaLlon for
example Why
dld you leave
your lasL [ob?
lf Lhe reason
was LhaL you
were belng
bullled or LhaL
you losL your
Lemper aL your
boss and were
When asked a quesLlon whlch lnLenLlonally
or unlnLenLlonally exposes a negaLlve
slLuaLlon or experlence or reason (for
example for havlng lefL your lasL [ob) you
should provlde a poslLlve lnLerpreLaLlon and
reflecLlon of Lhe experlence 1hls means
ob[ecLlvely (wlLhouL emoLlon or blas)
demonsLraLlng undersLandlng of Lhe
behavlour (whlch was dlrecLed aL you LhaL
caused you Lo leave or your negaLlve
behavlour LhaL caused you Lo leave) lor
lnsLance lf you were bullled say so buL do
noL be crlLlcal or blLLer and emphaslse Lhe
poslLlves from Lhe experlence (whlch noL
leasL would be LhaL you LhoughL lL besL Lo
leave raLher Lhan conLlnue ln a slLuaLlon LhaL
was noL dolng anyone any good) lf you
behaved badly Lhen you should ldeally
explaln whaL you dld and why and how you
have learned from lL and LhaL you wlll noL
make Lhe same mlsLake agaln

ln general Lhe approach ls Lhe same for mosL
slLuaLlons when deallng wlLh quesLlons LhaL
expose weaknesses or fallures or
opporLunlLles for blLLerness you can (and
should) explaln whaL happened (Lo lle or
dlsLorL would be wrong) buL do so wlLhouL
blLLerness or recrlmlnaLlon and demonsLraLe
forglveness Lolerance and selfdevelopmenL
achleved from Lhe experlence

lf you were Lhe gullLy parLy lL helps Lo show
LhaL you had Lhe courage Lo Lake some acLlon
Lo make amends even for losL cause
1he purpose of Lhese
quesLlons may be
unwlLLlng LhaL ls Lo say Lhe
lnLervlewer has no ldea
whaL Lhey mlghL be
uncoverlng Cr Lhe
quesLlon mlghL be Lo
lnLenLlonally puL pressure
on Lhe lnLervlewee ln an
area of weakness or
vulnerablllLy or pasL
fallure or mlsLake

ln any case lnLervlewers
learn a loL abouL an
lnLervlewees emoLlonal
maLurlLy (lncreaslngly a
much soughLafLer
aLLrlbuLe) when Lhe
lnLervlewee ls lnvlLed Lo
explaln commenL and
show Lhelr feellngs abouL a
pasL negaLlve experlence

LmoLlonally maLure people
are able Lo Lalk ob[ecLlvely
and honesLly abouL
negaLlve experlences and
lnLerpreL Lhem lnLo
poslLlve experlences

A good lnLervlewer can
confldenLly form a good
lmpresslon of any
lnLervlewee who dlsplays
good emoLlonal maLurlLy
Pow would you
respond lf you
1hlnk before Lhe lnLervlew and durlng Lhe
lnLervlew Pow wou|d you acLually respond
1hls ls noL a acLually greaL
quesLlon Lo ask (lf you are

were offered
Lhe [ob?
Lo Lhls quesLlon? lf youd accepL Lhe [ob and
you are really happy and free Lo do so Lhen
say so ?ou have llLLle Lo galn from belng
evaslve lf you have oLher opLlons or
commlLmenLs LhaL need proper and falr
conslderaLlon before accepLlng Lhe [ob offer
Lhen say so (lL does noL puL you ln a very
good llghL lf you demonsLraLe LhaL you are
prepared Lo LreaL an exlsLlng employer or
anoLher poLenLlal employer badly) lf you
need more lnformaLlon (abouL package
expecLaLlons responslblllLles eLc) Lhen say
so lf Lhe lnLervlewer ls belng aggresslve or
provocaLlve (as can happen ln cerLaln sales
lnLervlews parLlcularly) you could say LhaL
acLually Lhe only way Lo flnd ouL for sure ls Lo
make Lhe offer le make me Lhe offer and
lll Lell you (Lhe lnLervlewer wlll noL
normally fall for LhaL one of course buL aL
leasL he/she wlll see LhaL you can sLand up
for yourself whlch mosL LoughnuLs wlll
Lhe lnLervlewer) or Lo be
asked (lf you are Lhe
lnLervlewee) because lL
suggesLs LhaL Lhe
lnLervlewer mlghL noL offer
Lhe [ob Lo someone who ls
noL cerLaln Lo accepL lL

1hls ls noL greaL lndlcaLlon
of a good confldenL
grownup hlghquallLy
employer (or lnLervlewer)

lf you are sLrong and
maLure youll be able Lo
deal wlLh an employer who
feels Lhe need Lo ask Lhls
quesLlon oLherwlse you
mlghL noL flnd Lhls Lype of
employer maLure enough
for you
WhaL would
you do lf you
had Lo deal
wlLh an angry
Look aL Lhe 1ransacLlonal Analysls nL and
LmpaLhy pages a loL of whaL you need Lo
know (and wlll dlfferenLlaLe you from oLher
lnLervlewees) ls Lhere dependlng on your
lnLervlew slLuaLlon 8aslcally Lhe answer ls Lo
empaLhlse undersLand and as qulckly as
posslble obLaln Lhe cusLomers LrusL ln your
promlse Lo Lry Lo resolve Lhe maLLer And
Lhen seL abouL flndlng Lhe facLs and resolvlng
lL worklng wlLhln whaLever pollcles and
processes are ln place for Lhe parLlcular
problem 1he lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lo remember
Lhe dlfference beLween undersLandlng and
agreelng you need Lo undersLand wlLhouL
necessarlly agreelng or pre[udglng Lhe
ouLcome (unless of course you can acLually
resolve lL an agree lL Lhere and Lhen) And
you need Lo apologlse wlLhouL pre[udglng
whaLever lnvesLlgaLlon you need Lo do or
arrange llnally Lake responslblllLy for seelng
Lhe lssue Lhrough Lo Lhe flnlsh when aL Lhe
end of lL hopefully Lhe cusLomer ls more
dellghLed Lhan Lhey have ever been (whlch ls
ofLen whaL happens when you do Lhlngs
1hls Lype of scenarlo
quesLlon ls good because lL
enables an lnLervlewee Lo
demonsLraLe experlence
Lechnlque and awareness
of why a cerLaln behavlour
ls approprlaLe for a glven
real slLuaLlon LhaL can arlse
ln Lhe [ob

uemonsLraLlon of exacLly
Lhe same experlence ls noL
necessary whaL maLLers ls
Lhe ablllLy Lo adapL and
apply Lechnlque and
behavlour whlch could
come from dlfferenL
relaLed experlences for
example deallng wlLh
dlfflculL or upseL people ln
any oLher slLuaLlons

1he lnLervlewee musL
demonsLraLe knowledge

properly) and/or experlence of
approprlaLe Lechnlque
behavloural and emoLlonal
awareness and capablllLy
and Lhe ablllLy Lo maLch a
good Lechnlcal emoLlonal
and consLrucLlve response
Lo a parLlcular emoLlonal
(and probably process
based) challenge
WhaL wlll you
brlng Lo Lhe [ob
or company lf
we employ

lmaglne whaL your ob[ect|ves wlll be lf you
were ln Lhe role and orlenLaLe your answer
Lowards meeLlng Lhem on Llme on budgeL
and wlLh sLyle (especlally Lo |mprove
mot|vat|on and mora|e and Lo avold
unnecessary dlsrupLlon and unhelpful slde

1ry Lo focus on the part|cu|ar pr|or|t|es and
requ|rements of the ro|e Lhe tarets and
a|ms (whlch means you need Lo ask what
the are lf your are noL Lold) and also lf
posslble focus on work|n st|e and
behav|our attr|butes LhaL flL Lhe preferences
of Lhe lnLervlewer slnce mosL lnLervlewers
prefer people llke Lhemselves

lor example (assumlng LhaL Lhe polnLs
lllusLraLed are relevanL)

l can see clearly LhaL qulck resulLs are a
prlorlLy and LhaLs someLhlng lm good aL
generaLlng because l have good ablllLles and
experlence Lo lnLerpreL slLuaLlons and Lhen a
sLrong focus on acLlvlLles whlch wlll achleve
change and resulLs ln Lhe necessary areas

lm dlplomaLlc wlLh people Loo whlch
means l can generally brlng people along
wlLh me lf needs be Lhough l can be flrm and
deLermlned enough Lo convlnce people who
need a blL of exLra encouragemenL
1hls Lough lnLervlew
quesLlon ls an opporLunlLy
for Lhe lnLervlewee Lo
re|ate the|r strenths and
capab|||t|es to the
pr|or|t|es of the [ob
funct|on and to the a|ms
and pr|or|t|es of the

1he lnLervlewee musL
Lherefore demonsLraLe an
understand|n of boLh
sldes of Lhe quesLlon Lhe
needs of the emp|oer
and how to app| the|r
own sk|||s capab|||t|es
exper|ence st|e and
strenths Lo Lhe slLuaLlon

lLs a good quesLlon and
also a greaL opporLunlLy Lo
show how good you are
and how you wlll add
poslLlvely Lo Lhe mood and
aLLlLude of people youll
work wlLh

1hls quesLlon lnvlLes good
speclflc soluLlons and
suggesLlons ln response Lo
sLaLed organlzaLlonal

As such lL wlll qulckly show
up Lhe candldaLes who

undersLand whaLs needed
ln Lhe role and how Lo
make lL happen

CerLaln lnLervlewers and
slLuaLlons wlll also be
seeklng lndlcaLlons of Lhe
candldaLes personal sLyle
when worklng wlLh oLhers
noLably wheLher Lhe
candldaLe wlll be an asseL
Lo Lhe Leam ln Lerms of
moLlvaLlon and morale

lf you are Lhe lnLervlewer
make sure you explaln
earller ln Lhe lnLervlew
whaL Lhe slLuaLlon requlres
ln Lerms of resulLs
parameLers and aLLlLudlnal
1ell me abouL
Lhe culLure aL
your lasL
company or

lf Lhe pasL culLure was good Lhem explaln
how and why ln Lerms LhaL Lhe lnLervlewee ls
llkely Lo ldenLlfy wlLh for example

1he culLure encouraged people Lo develop
grow Lake responslblllLy eople were
coached and menLored Lowards quallLy and
producLlve efforL All of Lhls helped me a
greaL deal because l ldenLlfy wlLh Lhese
values and respond Lo Lhese opporLunlLles

A good answer ln referrlng Lo a non
supporLlve culLure would be Lo express Lhe
poslLlve aspecLs (eg loLs of freedom for me Lo
Lake lnlLlaLlve responslblllLy flnd new ways
Lo conLrlbuLe a free markeL allowlng Lhe
good workers Lo naLurally excel and develop
repuLaLlon and lnLernal worklng
relaLlonshlps eLc)
1he proper purpose of Lhls
Lough quesLlon ls Lo see
how you lnLerpreL and
explaln culLure whlch
provldes an opporLunlLy
for you as Lhe Lhe
lnLervlewee Lo
demonsLraLe how you feel
abouL and reacL Lo
whaLever culLure was ln
place lLs a poLenLlal Lrap
for lnLervlewees who
would be negaLlve and
crlLlcal and apporLlon
blame eg Lhe culLure was
noL supporLlve and so lL
dldnL help me Lo perform
(noL a good answer) 1he
culLure quesLlon also
lnvlLes commenLs from Lhe
lnLervlewee abouL
managemenL sLyle and
agaln ls a Lrap for negaLlve
respondenLs who crlLlclse
Lhelr pasL boss (bad

answer) raLher Lhan
accenLuaLe Lhe poslLlves
and demonsLraLe poslLlve
behavlour ln negaLlve
slLuaLlons whlch ls a hlghly
deslrable LralL
1ell me abouL
your llfe aL
College or
unlverslLy (or
even your Llme
ln your
prevlous [ob)
1he quesLlon ls an opporLunlLy for you Lo
demonsLraLe Lhe quallLles LhaL Lhe
lnLervlewer ls seeklng ln for Lhe [ob so
orlenLaLe your answer Lowards Lhese
expecLaLlons (wlLhouL dlsLorLlng Lhe LruLh

ln your answer emphaslse Lhe poslLlve
behavlour experlence and achlevemenLs
(ldeally backed up wlLh examples and
evldence) whlch wlll lmpress Lhe lnLervlewer
because of lLs relevance Lo Lhe role

1he lnLervlewer ls looklng for Lhe same
capablllLles and behavlour ln your college (or
unlverslLy or prevlous [ob) llfe LhaL Lhey wanL
ln Lhe [ob

?our emphasls should be on your
ach|evements and how ou ach|eved them
LhaL are relevanL Lo Lhe [ob requlremenLs

lnLervlewers wlLh speclal lnLeresL ln
behavlour and personallLy may also use a
quesLlon llke Lhls Lo assess your self
awareness and maLurlLy ln Lhe way you
conslder your answer and relaLe lL Lo your
own experlence and developmenL
A blg open quesLlon llke
Lhls ln an lnLervlewer ls a
huge opporLunlLy or huge
Lrap lL can be a Lough
quesLlon lf noL approached

lnLervlewees should have
Lhe sense Lo refer Lo
prevlous experlences LhaL
lndlcaLe capablllLy and
behavlour of Lhe sorL LhaL
Lhe role requlres

lLs a Lrap for lnLervlewees
who look regreLfully or
negaLlvely on pasL
experlences crlLlclse or
aLLrlbuLe blame or dlsplay
someone elses faulL

College and unlverslLy are
envlronmenLs whlch
provlde loLs of
opporLunlLy Cood
appllcanLs wlll be able Lo
demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey
have used Lhe opporLunlLy
Lo learn and develop
wheLher Lhelr experlences
were all poslLlve and
successful or noL
WhaL do you
wanL Lo be
dolng ln 2/3/10
years Llme?

lLs noL easy Lo answer Lhls ln Lerms of [ob
expecLaLlon noone can reallsLlcally predlcL
whaL [ob wlll be requlred ln 310 years leL
alone wheLher Lhey wlll be rlghL Lo do lL so
ld avold speclflc [ob alms or clalms unless
1hls ls a common Lough
lnLervlew quesLlon and lL
commonly Lrlps people up
lnLo maklng over
amblLlous clalms abouL


Where do you
wanL Lo be ln
2/3/10 years
you acLually have a very clear plan and are
seeklng a [ob and career whlch clearly offers
predlcLable and sLrucLured progresslon

lor mosL people and roles whlch are largely
unpredlcLable Lhls quesLlon ls besL and
easlesL answered ln Lerms of Lhe sorL of
s|tuat|on youd llke Lo be ln whlch should
relnforce all Lhe oLher good Lhlngs abouL
yourself for example

Maklng a more slgnlflcanL conLrlbuLlon Lo
whaLever organlsaLlon lm worklng for 1o
have developed new skllls ablllLles maLurlLy
perhaps a llLLle wlsdom even 1o have
become beLLer quallfled ln whaLever way
sulLs Lhe slLuaLlon and opporLunlLles l have
1o be beLLer regarded by my peers and
respecLed by my superlors as someone who
can conLlnue Lo lncrease Lhe value and scale
of whaL l do for Lhe organlsaLlon

ld llke more responslblllLy because LhaLs a
resulL of personal growLh and progresslon
and lLs lmporLanL for my personal

l have no seL asplraLlons abouL money and
reward lf l conLrlbuLe and add value Lo Lhe
organlsaLlon Lhen generally lncreased reward
follows you geL ouL whaL you puL ln

Long Lerm l wanL Lo make Lhe mosL of my
ablllLles lf posslble Lo bulld a serlous career
buL ln Lhls day and age noLhlng ls cerLaln or
guaranLeed Lhlngs can change lll do my
besL and belleve LhaL opporLunlLles wlll arlse
whlch wlll enable me Lo keep conLrlbuLlng
lncreaslng my worLh and developlng my
ablllLy ln a way LhaL beneflLs Lhe organlsaLlon
and me

Lmployers wlll respond well lf Lhey see LhaL
you are maLure lndependenL self
moLlvaLed LhaL you wlll make a poslLlve and
growlng conLrlbuLlon and LhaL you
Lhelr fuLure poLenLlal and
worLh lL hlghllghLs feellngs
of deluslon and a need for
securlLy lf Lhey exlsL

1he quesLlon encourages
Lhe lnLervlewee Lo Lhlnk
and express Lhelr plans and
asplraLlons fuLure
dlrecLlon needs and
wlshes Some people flnd lL
more dlfflculL Lo answer
Lhan oLhers dependlng on
Lhelr personallLy

Some people are able Lo
plan and see clear sLeps
along Lhe way whlch
would be more commonly
exhlblLed by people whose
work lnvolves Lhls

!ob roles whlch requlre a
hlgher level of adapLablllLy
and flexlblllLy are unllkely
Lo aLLracL candldaLes who
are meLlculous planners

1he quesLlon ls a powerful
one because lL prompLs Lhe
lnLervlewee Lo Lhlnk and
v|sua||se abouL Lhemselves
and how Lhey expecL and
wanL Lo change

undersLand LhaL reward (flnanclal
promoLlon responslblllLy eLc) wlll always be
based on Lhe quallLy and value of your lnpuL
Clve an
example of
when you had
Lo seLLle a
beLween Lwo
1hls depends on your relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe Lwo
people so seek clarlflcaLlon lf Lhls ls noL
clear buL broadly Lhe alm ls Lo flrsL Lake any
heaL ouL of Lhe slLuaLlon by calmlng Lhe
lndlvlduals 1hen flrmly arrange a Lhreeway
dlscusslon laLer ln Lhe day or an early
opporLunlLy ln Lhe fuLure ln a sulLable
envlronmenL (closed meeLlng room) aL
whlch you can faclllLaLe a proper dlscusslon
of Lhe lssues so as Lo arrlve aL an agreed
poslLlve way of golng forward or
compromlse lLs lmporLanL Lo understand
each persons sLandpolnL and feellngs
wlLhouL aree|n wlLh Lhem unless Lhe
argumenL concerns a clear breach of pollcy or
wrong behavlour ln whlch case Lhe
Lransgressor should be counselled separaLely
afLer whlch Lhe Lhreeway meeLlng can be
held Lo mend relaLlonshlps ArgumenLs come
ln all shapes and slzes a more speclflc
answer ls posslble ln response Lo a more
speclflc scenarlo
1he lnLervlewer ls uslng
Lhls Lough quesLlon Lo LesL
Lhe lnLervlewees
experlence and ablllLy Lo
dlffuse confllcL and also Lo
sLep back and Lake an
ob[ecLlve vlew raLher Lhan
geLLlng lnvolved and Laklng
sldes whlch ls Lhe naLural
LempLaLlon Cb[ecLlvlLy
and faclllLaLlon are
lmporLanL skllls of a good
manager and Lhls quesLlon
wlll ldenLlfy wheLher Lhe
lnLervlewee possesses
Lhem 1hls quesLlon wlll
also puL pressure on Lhe
lnLervlewees ablllLy Lo
manage people because lL
provldes a Lrlcky people
managemenL scenarlo
WhaL ls your
ldeal [ob?
Mlndful of Lhe Lrap posslblllLles Lhe
lnLervlewee would always do well Lo quallfy
Lhe quesLlon by asklng for a Llmescale (aL
whaL polnL ln my career?) before answerlng
1hls shows LhaL some conslderaLlon ls Laklng
place raLher Lhan a knee[erk and LhaL Lhe
quesLlon ls produclng a serlous response
raLher Lhan a fanclful one
Aslde from Lhls Lhe besL answer Lo Lhe
quesLlon as for any lnLervlew quesLlon ls Lo
use Lhe opporLunlLy Lo sell Lhe sLrengLhs of
Lhe lnLervlewee as a poLenLlal asseL Lo Lhe
organlsaLlon 1hls would produce an answer
LhaL creaLes a plcLure of a loyal resulLs
orlenLaLed person maklng a slgnlflcanL
conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe organlsaLlon (sLaLus and
level would depend on Llmescale) lf Lhe
answer ls poor lL wlll Lrlgger a problng follow
up LhaL puLs pressure on Lhe lnLervlewee Lo
[usLlfy a dafL response lf Lhe answer ls
1hls ls a good and Lough
lnLervlew quesLlon and
Lhe answer would almosL
always Lrlgger a more
speclflc followup quesLlon
asklng why? and Lhen
problng Lhe reasons for Lhe
cholce lrom Lhe
lnLervlewers sLandpolnL
Lhe quesLlon ls open and
vague whlch for cerLaln
purposes (see Lhe nexL
para re Lraps) ls a good
Lhlng lf Lhe quesLlon ls
lnLended Lo ellclL
meanlngful lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe lnLervlewees
career plans Lhen some
Llmescale should be
aLLached (le whaL would

lmpresslve Lhere probably wonL be a follow
up as Lheres noLhlng Lo probe and Lhe
lnLervlewer can move on Wrong answers
would lnclude boss of my own company
your [ob Lhe Lop salesman on half a mlll a
year CLC of Lhls company (unless you can
[usLlfy Lhe clalm) a pop sLar a rallway englne
drlver a fllm sLar eLc Cood answers would
lnclude A manager or execuLlve wlLh Lhls
organlsaLlon ln (funcLlon relaLlve Lo
experlence and sklll seL) where l have Lhe
responslblllLy and accounLablllLy for uslng my
skllls and efforLs Lo achleve greaL resulLs
work alongslde greaL people and geL a falr
reward ld llke Lo become an experL ln my
fleld (sLaLe funcLlon lf relevanL) where lm
able Lo use my skllls and ablllLles Lo make a
real dlfference Lo Lhe companys
be your ldeal [ob ln 3/3/10
years Llme?)
1he quesLlon exposes
lnLervlewees who seek
only personal graLlflcaLlon
(ouLpuLs) from a role
(money sLaLus esLeem
exclLemenL glamour
securlLy eLc) raLher Lhan
seeklng opporLunlLles Lo
make besL posslble use of
Lhelr efforL skllls and
experlence ln conLrlbuLlng
Lo Lhe
s of Lhe organlsaLlon for
whlch Lhe role ls
performed (lnpuLs)
1he quesLlon ls a poLenLlal
Lrap for people who are
more concerned wlLh whaL
Lhey geL ouL of a [ob raLher
Lhan whaL Lhey puL lnLo lL
Lmployers do noL really
wanL Lo recrulL
people 1hese people are
generally noL selfsLarLlng
nor selfmoLlvaLlng
1he quesLlon also glves
lndlcaLlons as Lo how
reallsLlcally Lhe
lnLervlewee sees
Lhemselves Some people
vlsuallse hlghly fanclful and
unreallsLlc [obs whlch ls a
warnlng slgn Lo a poLenLlal
employer CLhers vlsuallse
[obs LhaL are clearly
remoLe from Lhe [ob belng
applled for whlch lndlcaLes
LhaL some falslflcaLlon or
deluslon ls presenL
Why do you
wanL Lhls [ob?
8eflecL back Lhe quallLles requlred and [ob
prlorlLles as belng Lhe Lhlngs you do besL and
en[oy Say why you Lhlnk Lhe company ls
CpporLunlLy Lo sell yourself
and show you undersLand
whaL Lheyre looklng for ln

good and LhaL you wanL Lo work for an
organlsaLlon llke lL
Lhe role Make sure you hlL
boLh of Lhese hoL buLLons
lLs a Louch quesLlon lf
youve noL prepared Lhe
WhaL dld you
achleve ln your
lasL [ob?
repare a number of relevanL examples and
explaln one (Lwo or Lhree lf Lheyre punchy
and golng down well) Make sure you feaLure
as Lhe lnsLlgaLor or Lhe facLor LhaL made Lhe
dlfference Lxamples musL lead Lo slgnlflcanL
organlsaLlonal beneflLs maklng money
savlng money/Llme lmprovlng quallLy
anLlclpaLlng or creaLlvely solvlng problems
wlnnlng/keeplng cusLomers lmprovlng
AnoLher Lough quesLlon
whlch wlll expose a lack of
preparaLlon or relevanL
experlence 1he quesLlon
and answer show wheLher
any achlevemenLs have
been made and whaL
values are placed on work
Shows moLlve wheLher
process resulLs accuracy
securlLy soclal eLc Shows
undersLandlng of cause
and effecL proacLlve vs
Pow would you
approach Lhls
[ob? Pow
would you do
ldenLlfy Lhe Lwo or Lhree maln lssues and say
how youll deal wlLh Lhem whlch shows you
can focus on whaLs lmporLanL Llkely Lo be
planlng and organlslng ensurlng all Lhe
communlcaLlons and relaLlonshlps are
worklng well revlewlng and measurlng
acLlvlLles and resources agalnsL ouLpuLs and
lmprovlng where posslble Lmphaslse your
personal sLrengLhs LhaL are very relevanL Lo
Lhe role requlremenLs
A Lough quesLlon lf Lhe
lnLervlewee has noL
prepared Shows lf youve
LhoughL abouL whaL [ob
requlres and enLalls 8ole
and slLuaLlon needs Lo
have been explalned well
Lo enable a good response
Lxposes people who canL
acLually do Lhe [ob
WhaL are your
repare Lhree LhaL are relevanL Lo Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe role 8e able Lo analyse
why and how you are sLrong ln Lhose areas
Mlx ln some behavlours knowledge and
experlence and well as skllls and show LhaL
you undersLand Lhe dlfference SLyle should
be qulLe confldence raLher Lhan arroganL or
Shows wheLher candldaLe
has selfawareness and
can ldenLlfy whaL sLrengLhs
are relevanL Lo role Shows
lf candldaLe has LhoughL
and planned A glarlng
omlsslon lf noL planned as
Lhls ls such an obvlous
quesLlon LhaL everyone
should be prepared for
SLrengLhs should obvlously
relaLe Lo Lhe needs of Lhe
employer and Lhe role
WhaL are your
SLarL by saylng LhaL you donL belleve you are
acLually weak ln any area Acknowledge
A Lough quesLlon lf
answered wlLhouL proper

cerLaln areas LhaL you belleve you can
lmprove (and Lhen plck some relaLlvely
unlmporLanL or lrrelevanL areas) lf you musL
sLaLe a weakness Lhese are Lhe clever ones
LhaL are acLually sLrengLhs noL sufferlng fools
gladly someLlmes belng lmpaLlenL wlLh oLher
peoples sloppy work belng Loo demandlng
refuslng Lo glve ln when you belleve sLrongly
abouL someLhlng Lrylng Lo do Loo much eLc
LhoughL A Lrap for Lhe
unsuspecLlng or nalve Wlll
show up Lhose whove noL
prepared as Lhls ls anoLher
obvlous quesLlon Lo
expecL Wlll also prompL
followup quesLlons
problng whaL Lhe
candldaLe ls dolng Lo
lmprove Lhe weakness
whlch ls worLh preparlng
for also
WhaL would
references say
abouL you?
AnoLher opporLunlLy Lo sLaLe relevanL
sLrengLhs skllls and behavlours
oLenLlal Lrap Lo draw ouL
weaknesses donL fall for
Pow do you
Say LhaL you Lend noL Lo geL Lense or sLressed
because you plan and organlse properly Say
you look afLer Lhe oLher Lhlngs LhaL can cause
sLress healLh flLness dleL llfesLyle eLc 1alk
abouL channellng pressure poslLlvely
Lhlnklng plannlng keeplng a balanced
Lxposes people who canL
deal wlLh pressure or donL
recognlse LhaL llfesLyle
lssues are lmporLanL for
good worklng Lxposes Lhe
mlsgulded macho
approach LhaL sLress can
be good lL alnL
WhaL was Lhe
lasL book you
read and how
dld lL affecL
8e honesL as Lhe lnLervlewer mlghL have
read lL Loo 1heres no shame ln admlLLlng Lo
llghLwelghL readlng maLerlal lf LhaLs whaL
you llke puL lL ln conLexL why you read lL
and glve a poslLlve resulL whaLever lL ls 8e
able Lo glve an lnLelllgenL reacLlon Lo whaL
youve read uonL be Loo clever or Lry Lo
lmpress as nobody llkes a smarL arse
Wlll provlde anoLher
perspecLlve of Lhe
lnLervlewees personallLy
LhaL may noL oLherwlse
surface CpporLunlLy Lo
demonsLraLe skllls
apLlLudes speclal lnLeresLs
analyLlcal ablllLy self
awareness May expose
feellngs or lssues LhaL can
be probed furLher
WhaL does/dld
your faLher do
for a llvlng?


WhaL do your
parenLs do for
1ell Lhe LruLh

?ou are you ?our parenLs are dlfferenL

?our parenLs have no bearlng on how your
value should be [udged

1hls quesLlon ls noL
approprlaLe or helpful ln
mosL lnLervlew slLuaLlons
buL lL can arlse and when
lL does so lL can be qulLe
emoLlve whlch ls malnly
why lLs llsLed here

a llvlng?


1ell me abouL
whaL your
parenLs do for
a llvlng


WhaL work are
your parenLs
lnvolved ln?
Avold reacLlng ln a defenslve [udgemenLal
ashamed or crlLlcal way

Avold any suggesLlon LhaL any parenLal
lnfluence on oLhers has been or could be
useful Lo your own career or success (le
references relaLlng Lo old school Lle or lLs
noL whaL you know lLs who you know)

1he quesLlon ls deslgned Lo
expose people who are
overproLecLlve or
lnsecure or who mlghL
Lhlnk LhaL Lhey are
somehow enLlLled Lo
prlvllege because of who
Lhelr faLher ls or has

1he quesLlon can also
expose emoLlonal hang
ups or senslLlvlLles lf any
exlsL wlLh a vlew Lo

lnLervlewers should use
Lhls quesLlon wlLh greaL
care lf lndeed Lhere ls a
good reason for uslng Lhe
quesLlon aL all
1ell me abouL a
blg challenge
or dlfflculLy
youve faced
how dld you
deal wlLh lL?
Avold anyLhlng deeply personal or serlously
emoLlonal unless you are ln compleLe conLrol
of your feellngs abouL lL 1ry Lo prepare an
example LhaLs workrelaLed and relevanL Lo
Lhe role
Can expose emoLlonal raw
nerves or senslLlvlLles
CpporLunlLy Lo show proof
of belng able Lo achleve
resulLs ln Lhe face of
dlfflculLy ls Lhls person
acLually experlenced are
Lhey [usL saylng Lhey are
(LxperLo CredlLe 1rusL
one who has proved lL)
1ell me abouL
recenLly LhaL
really annoyed
uonL geL Lrapped lnLo admlLLlng Lo a Lemper
or loss of conLrol Say you Lend Lo geL more
annoyed wlLh yourself Lhan wlLh oLher
people or oLher slLuaLlons Annoyance lsnL
very producLlve so you Lend Lo Lry Lo
undersLand and concenLraLe on flndlng a way
around a problem or puLLlng Lhlngs sLralghL
Lxposes hangups and sLyle
of managemenL and
communlcaLlon Lxposes
anyone who belleves lLs
okay or even good Lo geL
cross wlLh oLher people lL
Clve me some
examples of
how you have
adapLed your
repare Lhls as one of your sLrengLhs as
Lheres noL a slngle [ob LhaL wonL beneflL
from good adapLlve communlcaLlon skllls
Clve examples of how youve been deLalled
and glven wrlLLen conflrmaLlon for people
who need lL Clve examples of how you
Lxposes slnglesLyle non
adapLlve communlcaLors
who donL undersLand or
adapL Lo dlfferenL people
and slLuaLlons

sLyle Lo deal
wlLh dlfferenL
people and
verbally enLhuse and lnsplre Lhe people who
respond Lo challenge and recognlLlon 1hlnk
of oLher examples of adapLlng your sLyle Lo
sulL Lhe reclplenLs Clve examples when
youve had Lo be Laskdrlven process drlven
peopledrlven and how you change your
sLyle accordlngly A chance for you Lo Lruly
Can we check
?es Lxposes people who are
noL comforLable abouL
havlng Lhelr references
checked ln whlch case
probe Lxposes people
whove noL had Lhe
foreslghL Lo organlse an
lmporLanL conLrollable
aspecL of Lhelr [ob search
whlch ls a bad slgn
WhaL Lype of
people do you
geL on wlLh
Say generally you geL on wlLh everyone Say
you respond mosL Lo genulne poslLlve
honesL people lf pressed as Lo people you
donL geL on wlLh say LhaL you respecL
people for Lhelr dlfferences and seek Lo
undersLand Lhem raLher Lhan seelng
dlfferences Lo be a reason for confllcL or
Lxposes hangups and
pre[udlces May prompL
lssues Lo probe SLrong
emoLlonally maLure
candldaLes Lend Lo respecL
dlfferences and
undersLand weaknesses ln
oLhers Weaker candldaLes
Lend Lo be more crlLlcal
and [udgemenLal abouL
Clve me an
example of
when youve
produced some
poor work and
how youve
dealL wlLh lL
uonL admlL Lo havlng produced poor work
ever Say youve probably made one or Lwo
mlsLakes everyone does buL LhaL you
always do everyLhlng you can Lo puL Lhem
sLralghL learn from Lhem and made sure
youll noL make Lhe same mlsLake agaln
A Lrap donL fall ln lL
answer now
can you glve
me an example
LhaL wasnL so
?ou may be hlL wlLh Lhls lf youre Loo
conLrlved or clever ln whlch case glve an
example of someLhlng LhaL dldnL qulLe go so
well buL make sure you presenL lL poslLlvely
and say whaL you learned from lL uonL Lry Lo
sLlck Lo your guns and malnLaln LhaL youre
perfecL show a llLLle human weakness buL
presenL Lhe weakness poslLlvely elLher as a
Wlll knock a loL of people
off guard and expose any
Lendencles Lo confronL or

lesson youve learned from or an area you
are worklng on or lf lLs [usLlflably beyond
Lhe remlL of Lhe [ob Lhen someLhlng youd
seek Lo delegaLe or brlng ln relevanL supporL
WhaL do you
flnd dlfflculL ln
work llfe or
lck a relaLlvely lrrelevanL sklll and say LhaL
you donL flnd lL as easy as youd llke so
youre worklng on lL (donL [usL make Lhls up
Lhlnk abouL lL and be LruLhful) uonL own up
Lo a weakness ln an area LhaLs lmporLanL Lo
Lhe role As wlLh Lhe weaknesses quesLlon
you can sLaLe cerLaln dlfflculLles because Lhey
are acLually qulLe accepLable even
commendable Lheyd lnclude sufferlng fools
gladly glvlng up an lmposslble Lask
LoleraLlng unklnd behavlour llke bullylng
havlng Lo accepL l canL help cerLaln blg
problems ln Lhe world eLc
AnoLher Lrap Lo expose
weaknesses and an
opporLunlLy Lo show
sLrengLhs lnsLead lf played
Pow do you
plan and
organlse your
lannlng and wrlLlng a plan ls very lmporLanL
l Lhlnk how besL Lo do Lhlngs before l do
Lhem lf lLs unknown LerrlLory ld Lake advlce
learn from prevlous examples why relnvenL
Lhe wheel? l always prlorlLlse l manage my
Llme and l undersLand Lhe dlfference
beLween urgenL and lmporLanL lor very
complex pro[ecLs ld produce qulLe a deLalled
schedule and plan revlew sLages l even plan
LlmesloLs for acLlvlLles LhaL arenL ln
Lhemselves organlsed llke Lhlnklng Llme and
belng creaLlve solvlng problems eLc
A greaL opporLunlLy Lo
shlne and show
managemenL poLenLlal
lannlng and organlslng ls
one of Lhe keys Lo good
work aL any level so lLs
essenLlal Lo acknowledge
Lhls Lxposes unrellable
people who Lake prlde ln
flylng by Lhe seaL of Lhelr
Pow much are
you wanL Lo
8e honesL abouL whaL youve been earnlng
and reallsLlc abouL whaL you wanL Lo earn
Lxposes unreallsLlc people
An opporLunlLy Lo
demonsLraLe you
undersLand Lhe baslc
prlnclple LhaL everyone
needs Lo [usLlfy Lhelr cosL
LxLra pay should be based
on exLra performance or
Pow many
hours a week
do you
work/prefer Lo
lL varles accordlng Lo Lhe slLuaLlon l plan and
organlse well so unless Lheres a crlsls or
unusual demand l Lry Lo flnlsh aL a senslble
Llme so as Lo have some Llme for my
famlly/soclal llfe/ouLslde lnLeresLs lLs
lmporLanL Lo keep a good balance l sLarL
Lxposes Lhe clockwaLchers
and Lhose who aLLach
some mlsplaced macho
prlde ln burnlng Lhe candle
aL boLh ends Look for a
sense of balance wlLh

earller Lhan mosL people you can geL a loL
done before Lhe phones sLarL rlnglng When
Lhe pressures on Lhough lm happy Lo work
as long as lL Lakes Lo geL Lhe [ob done lLs noL
abouL Lhe number of hours lLs Lhe quallLy
of Lhe work LhaL you do how producLlve you
flexlblllLy Lo go beyond Lhe
call of duLy on occaslons
when really requlred
uo you make
8e honesL ?es of course on occaslons buL l
obvlously Lry noL Lo and l always Lry Lo
correcL Lhem and learn from Lhem
Anyone who says Lhey
donL make mlsLakes elLher
lsnL Lelllng Lhe LruLh or
never does anyLhlng aL all
WhaLever a no here ls a
blg warnlng slgnal (Ack
Llnda Larkln)
(lollow above
quesLlon wlLh)
Can you share
your mlsLakes
wlLh oLhers?
AbsoluLely l can l geL Lhe guldance l need
and lL may help prevenL oLhers from maklng
Lhe same mlsLake
Shows wheLher Lhe person
can Lake responslblllLy and
guldance A maLure
poslLlve approach Lo
learnlng from mlsLakes ls a
greaL characLerlsLlc (Ack
Pow Lo do
measure your
8y Lhe resulLs LhaL l achleve and LhaL l
achleve Lhem ln Lhe mosL poslLlve way lf
Lhere lsnL an exlsLlng measure of Lhls lll
usually creaLe one
Lxposes people who are
noL resulLs orlenLaLed
more concerned wlLh
process relaLlonshlps alry
falry lnLanglbles
Pow do you
llke Lo be
managed /noL
llke Lo be
8e LruLhful buL express poslLlvely lm
generally very adapLable Lo mosL
managemenL sLyles ln Lhe pasL lve helped
my bosses geL Lhe besL ouL of me by Lalklng
Lo Lhem and developlng a really good
undersLandlng l work besL when lm glven
freedom and responslblllLy Lo Lake some of
Lhe load off my bosss shoulders Lhey have
enough Lo deal wlLh uo noL respond Lo Lhe
negaLlve and glve any example of how you do
noL llke Lo be managed
lndlcaLes ablllLy Lo
cooperaLe and manage
upwards also how
managemenL aLLenLlon
youll need Lxposes
poLenLlal awkwardness
Cnly Lhe mosL experlenced
and capable managers wlll
be seeklng dlfflculL
domlnanL Lypes and only
Lhen for cerLaln roles
requlrlng a hlgh level of
lndependence and
WhaL personal
goals do you
have and how
repare for Lhls be able Lo sLaLe your
personal and career goals keep Lhem
reasonable achlevable and balanced Lxplaln
Lxposes Lhose wlLh llLLle or
no lnlLlaLlve eople who
donL plan or Lake sLeps Lo

are you golng
how you see Lhe sLeps Lo reachlng your alms
An lmporLanL parL of achlevlng progress ls
plannlng how Lo do lL 8e able Lo
demonsLraLe LhaL youve LhoughL and
planned buL also show LhaL you are flexlble
and adapLable because lLs lmposslble Lo
predlcL Lhe fuLure Lhe lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lo
learn and develop and Lake advanLage of
opporLunlLles as Lhey come along
achleve Lhelr own personal
progress wlll noL be pro
acLlve aL work elLher
eople who donL Lhlnk
and plan how Lo progress
wlll Lend Lo be reacLlve and
passlve whlch ls flne lf Lhe
role calls for no more buL
roles lncreaslngly call for
plannlng and acLlon raLher
Lhan walLlng for
Pow do you
balance work
Say balance ls essenLlal All work and no play
lsnL good for anyone buL obvlously work
musL come flrsL lf you wanL Lo do well and
progress lannlng and organlslng my work
well and geLLlng resulLs generally means
LhaL l have Llme for my ouLslde lnLeresLs and
Lheres no confllcL
Can expose Lhose wlLh
ouLslde lnLeresLs LhaL may
prevall over work
commlLmenLs (keen
sporLspeople eLc who
cannoL puL work flrsL)
lndlcaLes wheLher Lhe
lnLervlewee has balanced
approach Lo llfe Cbsesslon
wlLh work Lo Lhe excluslon
of mosL else ls noL
generally a good slgn
Why should we
appolnL you?
?ou have a cholce here as Lo how Lo play Lhls
you can elLher go for lL sLrongly resLaLlng
your relevanL sLrengLhs behavlour
experlence and skllls or you can quleLly
confldenLly suggesL l donL know Lhe oLher
appllcanLs so lL would be wrong for me Lo
dlsmlss Lhelr clalms Powever l am sure LhaL
l have all Lhe maln aLLrlbuLes Lhe role
requlres whlch comblned wlLh
deLermlnaLlon and poslLlve approach should
ensure LhaL ld be a very good cholce (lf
managemenL progresslon/successlon ls seen
as a beneflL Lhen you musL refer Lo your
wllllngness Lo develop and Lake on greaLer
responslblllLles ln Lhe fuLure)
ressure quesLlon
opporLunlLy for
lnLervlewee Lo clearly and
confldenLly sLake Lhelr
clalm Look agaln for Lhe
lnLervlewee Lo sLaLe
relevanL sLrengLhs ln
behavlour experlence and
skllls Look also for good
eyeconLacL when pledglng
hard work loyalLy
deLermlnaLlon eLc
WhaL can you
do for us LhaL
oLher people
l donL know Lhe oLher appllcanLs buL
generally l excel aL (plck your sLrengLhs
LhaL mosL flL wlLh whaL Lheyre seeklng)
lnLroduce some behavloural and sLyle
sLrengLhs as well as skllls and show you
know Lhe dlfference beLween Lhem
ressure quesLlon and one
LhaL enables Lhe sLars Lo
shlne Look for awareness
ln Lhe lnLervlewee LhaL
Lhey know whaL Lhelr
relevanL even speclal

sLrengLhs are and can llnk
Lhem Lo beneflLs LhaL Lhey
would brlng Lo Lhe role
1ell me abouL
?ou musL rehearse Lhls one Pave ready a
descrlpLlons of yourself and why youre llke
lL uonL [usL spouL a loL of sLandard
ad[ecLlves say why you are llke you are
uonL ramble on and Lall off make a few
clear sLaLemenLs and flnlsh
Wlll show wheLher
appllcanL has self
awareness a crlLlcal sklll
LhaL noL everyone
possesses Wlll also show lf
appllcanL can Lhlnk and
presenL a complex case
clearly and Lo Lhe polnL
Also shows confldence and
securlLy levels and grown
WhaL makes
you mad?
noLhlng really makes me mad lLs noL a
good way Lo deal wlLh anyLhlng CerLaln
Lhlngs dlsappolnL or upseL me rudeness
arrogance splLefulness (plck any obvlous
nasLy LralLs or behavlours parLlcularly
behavlours LhaL you belleve your lnLervlewer
wlll personally dlsllke Loo)
Lxposes poor selfconLrol
or unreasonable averslons
fears and lnsecurlLles
Lxposes lack of Lolerance
and emoLlonal Lrlggers
Clever lnLervlewers may
lnfer or encourage a
feellng ln Lhe way Lhey ask
Lhe quesLlon LhaL lLs okay
Lo geL mad uonL fall for lL
WhaL do you
Lhlnk of your
uonL be crlLlcal lf posslble be generous wlLh
pralse and say why glvlng poslLlve reasons lf
Lhere was a confllcL donL lle buL descrlbe
falrly and ob[ecLlvely wlLhouL polnLlng blame
Lxposes backblLlng
blLLerness grudges
lnablllLy Lo handle
relaLlonshlps Lxposes
people who canL accepL
Lhe companyllne
lf you won a
mllllon on Lhe
loLLery whaL
would you do?
robably save mosL of lL glve some away
maybe a small LreaL for myself buL noLhlng
excesslve l could handle lL l Lhlnk because ld
always wanL Lo work lm qulLe senslble wlLh
money maybe sLarL my own buslness lf l
could be really sure Lo make a success of lL
Lxposes Lhe foolhardy Lhe
lrresponslble and Lhe
dreamers CpporLunlLy Lo
demonsLraLe level
headedness morallLy
work eLhlc lnLelllgence Lo
know LhaL money doesnL
buy happlness

stress and pressure |nterv|ew quest|ons

When deallng wlLh quesLlons LhaL puL pressure on you or creaLe sLress be confldenL
credlble and consLrucLlve (accenLuaLe Lhe poslLlve) ln your answers And make sure you
prepare SLress and pressure quesLlons come ln all sorLs of shapes and slzes 1hree
commonly used Lypes of pressure quesLlons are Lhose deallng wlLh weakness and fallure
blame and evldence of ablllLy or experlence
weakness and fa||ure quest|ons
1ell me abouL your fallures or WhaL are your greaLesL weaknesses are Lhe
lnLervlewers equlvalenL Lo Are you sLlll beaLlng your wlfe?
uonL be lnLlmldaLed by Lhese quesLlons you donL have Lo sLaLe a falllng or a weakness [usL
because Lhe lnLervlewer lnvlLes you Lo
l donL generally fall or l really canL Lhlnk of any are perfecLly accepLable answers
ShorL and sweeL and Lhen walL smlllng for Lhe comeback youll have demonsLraLed LhaL
you are no mug and no pushover lf you are pressed (as you probably wlll be) heres your
[usLlflcaLlon answer or lf you wlsh Lo appear a llLLle more selfeffaclng use Lhls as a flrsL
l almosL always succeed because plan and manage accordlngly lf someLhlngs noL golng
rlghL lll change lL unLll lL works 1he lmporLanL Lhlng ls Lo puL Lhe necessary checks and
conLlngencles ln place LhaL enable me Lo see lf Lhlngs arenL golng Lo plan and Lo
make changes when and lf necessary
1here are some Lhlngs lm noL so good aL buL ld never say Lhese are weaknesses as such
a weakness ls a vulnerablllLy and l donL conslder myself vulnerable lf Lheres someLhlng l
canL do or donL know Lhen l flnd someone who can do lL or does know
uo you see Lhe poslLlve orlenLaLlon? 1urn lL around lnLo a poslLlve every Llme
b|ame quest|ons
WaLch ouL also for Lhe lnvlLaLlon Lo rubblsh your pasL [ob or manager especlally ln Lhe form
of Why dld you leave your lasL [ob? or Why have you had so many [obs?
1he lnLervlewer ls noL only saLlsfylng curloslLy lf you say your lasL boss was an ldloL
or all your [obs have been rubblsh youll be seen as someone who blames oLhers and falls
Lo Lake responslblllLy for your own acLlons and declslons
Lmployers wanL Lo employ people who Lake responslblllLy have lnlLlaLlve and come up wlLh
answers noL problems Lmployers do noL wanL Lo employ people who blame oLhers
So always express poslLlve reasons and answers when glven an opporLunlLy Lo express Lhe
negaLlve never blame anyone or anyLhlng else

l was ready for more challenge or Lach [ob offered a beLLer opporLunlLy whlch l Look
or l grow and learn qulckly and l look for new opporLunlLles or l wanLed Lo geL as much
dlfferenL experlence as qulckly as l could before looklng for a serlous career slLuaLlon whlch
ls why lm here
l greaL Lechnlque for explolLlng Lhe blame quesLlon Lrap ls Lo pralse your pasL managers and
employers CeneroslLy ls a poslLlve LralL so demonsLraLe lL keep your pralse and
observaLlons credlble reallsLlc and relevanL Lry Lo menLlon aLLrlbuLes LhaL your lnLervlewer
and prospecLlve new employer wlll ldenLlfy and agree wlLh 1hls wlll bulld assoclaLlon and
commonallLy beLween you and Lhe lnLervlewer whlch ls normally vlLal for successful
lnLervlew ouLcomes 1hey need Lo see LhaL you Lhlnk llke Lhey do LhaL youll flL ln
prove |t quest|ons
1hese can be Lhe LoughesL of Lhe loL Cood lnLervlewers wlll press you for evldence lf you
make a clalm So Lhe answer ls be prepared
WaLch ouL for closed quesLlons Can you do soandso? Pave you any experlence ln
1hese quesLlons lnvlLe a yes or no answer and wlll be abouL a speclflc area
lf you glve a yes be prepared Lo deal wlLh Lhe sucker punch Can you glve me an
1he requesL for examples or evldence wlll sLop you ln your Lracks lf youve noL prepared or
canL back up your answer
1he Lrlck ls before Lhe lnLervlew Lo clearly undersLand Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe [ob youre
belng lnLervlewed for Ask Lo see Lhe [ob descrlpLlon lncludlng local parameLers lf
appllcable and any oLher deLalls LhaL explaln Lhe exLenL and naLure of Lhe role 1hlnk
abouL how you can cover each requlremenL wlLh examples and evldence Wherever
posslble use evldence LhaLs quanLlfled and relaLes Lo commerclal or flnanclal ouLpuLs
Companles are lnLeresLed ln people who undersLand Lhe noLlon of maxlmlslng reLurn on
lnvesLmenL or reLurn on efforL lf your examples and evldence sLand up as good cosL
effecLlve pracLlce Lheyll clock up even more polnLs for you
Make sure you prepare examples of Lhe relevanL capablllLles or experlence requlred so LhaL
youre ready for Lhe prove lL quesLlons ?ou can even Lake papers or evldence maLerlal wlLh
you Lo show havlng hard evldence and Lhe facL LhaL youve LhoughL Lo prepare lL greaLly
lmpresses lnLervlewers
lf you donL have Lhe evldence (or personal coverage of a parLlcular requlremenL) Lhen
donL bluff lL and say yes when youd be beLLer off saylng no however
use no however (and Lhen your soluLlon or suggesLlon) lf asked for someLhlng LhaL
you slmply donL have

Clve an example of where prevlously youve Laken on a responslblllLy wlLhouL prevlous
experlence or full capablllLy and made a success by vlrLue of uslng oLher peoples experLlse
or fasLLracklng your own developmenL or knowledge or ablllLy
Cn Lhls polnL good preparaLlon should lnclude researchlng your employers buslness Lhelr
markeLs and Lhelr compeLlLors 1hls wlll help you relaLe your own experlence Lo Lhelrs and
wlll show LhaL you have boLhered Lo do Lhe research lLself
ln summary Lo deal wlLh pressure quesLlons keep conLrol 1ake Llme Lo Lhlnk for yourself
donL be lnLlmldaLed or led anywhere you donL wanL Lo go Lxpress every answer ln poslLlve
Lerms And do your preparaLlon
(1hls lLem abouL sLress and pressure lnLervlew quesLlons was wrlLLen for Lhe Sydney
Mornlng Perald exLracLs of whlch appeared ln Aprll 2004)

competencbased and behav|our |nterv|ews quest|ons
how wou|d ou do th|s?
lor lnLervlewers Lhese are powerful and effecLlve quesLlons 1hese quesLlons make Lhe
lnLervlewee Lell you how Lhey would approach handle deal wlLh solve eLc a parLlcular
slLuaLlon problem pro[ecL or challenge LhaL ls relevanL Lo Lhe [ob role ln quesLlon 1he
slLuaLlon could be from Lhe lnLervlewees pasL experlence a hypoLheLlcal scenarlo or a real
slLuaLlon from Lhe lnLervlewlng organlsaLlon As Lhe lnLervlewer you should [udge Lhe
answers ob[ecLlvely Avold Lhe LempLaLlon Lo pro[ecL your own sLyle and feellngs lnLo Lhe
assessmenL of wheLher Lhe answer ls good or bad Look for LhoughLfulness sLrucLure cause
and effecL raLlonale pragmaLlsm 1he candldaLe may noL approach Lhe quesLlon llke you do
buL Lhey may have a perfecLly effecLlve sLyle and approach Lo Lhe answer [usL Lhe same 1he
answers wlll lndlcaLe Lhe lnLervlewees approach meLhodology experlence and compeLency
ln relaLlon Lo Lhe scenarlo Lo how Lhey geL Lhlngs done and also Lhe sLyle by whlch Lhey do
lrom Lhe lnLervlewees perspecLlve Lhese quesLlons commonly sLarL wlLh a scenarlo and a
quesLlon as Lo how you as Lhe lnLervlewee would deal wlLh lL Cr Lhe quesLlon mlghL ask you
Lo glve an example of how you have handled a parLlcular slLuaLlon or challenge ln Lhe pasL
Cr Lhe lnLervlewer mlghL ask how you would approach a currenL slLuaLlon ln Lhelr own
ln Lhese cases Lhe lnLervlewer wlll ofLen [udge your answers accordlng Lo how much Lhey
agree wlLh your behavloural approach 1he quesLlons may lnlLlally seem or be poslLloned as
compeLencybased buL ofLen Lhe lnLervlewer wlll be LreaLlng Lhls really as a quesLlon of
behavlour and sLyle
And as ever wlLhouL golng Lo unreasonable lengLhs your answers should reflecL Lhe sLyle
expecLed/preferred/pracLlsed by Lhe lnLervlewer/organlzaLlon eople llke people llke Lhem

lor lnsLance a resulLsdrlven lnLervlewer cerLaln hlgh achlevlng domlnanL personallLles
asplrlng Mus cerLaln ruLhless Lypes wlll warm Lo answers wlLh a hlgh resulLsbased
orlenLaLlon (eg l focus on whaL needs Lo be done Lo achleve Lhe Lask Lo geL Lhe [ob done
Lo cuL Lhrough Lhe red Lape and perlpherals lgnorlng Lhe dlsLracLlons eLc SLrong lncenLlve
encouragemenL clear flrm expecLaLlons and Llmescales dellverables eLc Lhe
language of Lhe achlever
AlLernaLlvely lf you flnd yourself belng lnLervlewed by a persuaslve frlendly lnfluenLlal
egocenLrlc Lype (loLs of sales managers are llke Lhls) Lhen frame your answers Lo mlrror LhaL
sLyle l use persuaslon lnsplraLlon leadlng by example helplng provldlng [usLlflcaLlon
reasons empaLhlslng wlLh Lhe slLuaLlon and people who are dolng Lhe [ob moLlvaLlng
accordlng Lo whaL works wlLh dlfferenL people undersLandlng whaL makes Lhem Llck all
LhaL sorL of sLuff
P8 lnLervlewers are ofLen peopleLypes and wlll warm Lo answers LhaL are senslLlve and
Lake sLrong accounL of peoples feellngs happlness wellbelng sense of falrness and eLhlcs
honesLy lnLegrlLy process accuracy flnlshlng whaLs been sLarLed havlng a proper plan
sLeady rellable dependable eLc Lhe language of Lhe falr and Lhe dlsclpllned
1echnlcal lnLervlewers eg Mus whove come up Lhrough sclence Lechnlcal flnance
dlsclpllnes wlll warm Lo answers whlch demonsLraLe Lhe use of accuracy plans monlLorlng
clearly sLaLed and undersLood alms meLhods deLalls checklng measurlng reporLlng
1hese are generallsaLlons of course buL generally relevanL ln mosL lnLervlew slLuaLlons
when you are asked Pow would you ?
Cbvlously be Lrue Lo yourself where you can lLs a maLLer of LlnL and orlenLaLlon noL
changlng your colour alLogeLher
Cccaslonally you mlghL meeL a really good lnLervlewer who ls Lruly ob[ecLlve ln whlch case
mlrrorlng ls noL so useful whereas confldence maLurlLy lnLegrlLy flexlblllLy compasslon
Lolerance pragmaLlsm are and as such should be demonsLraLed ln Lhe way you answer
quesLlons of a balanced maLure non[udgemenLal lnLervlewer
lnLervlews can be a blL of a game so when you see LhaL lL ls play lL Lhe more you see
sub[ecLlve [udgemenL and slngleLrack behavlour ln Lhe lnLervlewer Lhen Lhe more
advanLage Lhere ls ln mlrrorlng Lhe lnLervlewers sLyle ln your answers
eople llke people llke Lhem Whlch very deflnlLely exLends Lo assesslng behavlourbased

|v|n presentat|ons at [ob |nterv|ews

8elng asked Lo glve a presenLaLlon aL your lnLervlew ls a greaL opporLunlLy for you Lo shlne
and sLand ouL from Lhe crowd
Whlle glvlng lnLervlew presenLaLlons can undersLandably be daunLlng a llLLle preparaLlon
and LhoughL wlll enable you Lo use Lhe slLuaLlon Lo greaL advanLage 1hls ls chlefly because
glvlng a presenLaLlon offers you a much beLLer plaLform Lhan ls normally avallable when
slmply answerlng an lnLervlewers quesLlons
A presenLaLlon enables you Lo showcase your aLLrlbuLes and quallLles and ofLen Lo
research and prepare way beyond Lhe consLralnLs normally encounLered ln reacLlng Lo
convenLlonal lnLervlew quesLlons
So lf you are asked Lo glve a presenLaLlon regardless of Lhe Llme avallable for preparaLlon
welcome Lhe challenge be prepared and make Lhe mosL of Lhe your chance Lo show whaL
you can do
emonstrat|n an oran|zat|ona| or strate|c |nterpretat|on and enthus|asm for the ro|e
show|n that ou can add va|ue beond what the emp|oer hopes for |s the ke to
stand|n out as a star cand|date
8esearch preparaLlon and freedom Lo creaLe and dellver a greaL presenLaLlon are Lhe maln
Lhe lngredlenLs for anyone seeklng Lo make an lmpacL ln any slLuaLlon and all of Lhese are
enabled when you are lnvlLed Lo glve an lnLervlew presenLaLlon
Whlle Lhe guldellnes below are chlefly for lnLervlewees Lhey also help lnLervlewers ln
creaLlng lnsLrucLlons and a basls for revlewlng and assesslng presenLaLlons glven by [ob
candldaLes aL lnLervlews
When you are asked Lo glve a presenLaLlon aL an lnLervlew you should use whaLever Llme ls
avallable Lo conslder Lhe followlng quesLlons ln relaLlon Lo Lhe employer organlzaLlon Lhelr
markeL place and how your fllllng Lhe role can brlng Lhem whaL Lhey need and more
Pere are some sLraLeglc quesLlons Lo conslder and resolve as far as posslble prlor Lo
plannlng an lnLervlew presenLaLlon 1he scenarlo ls a [ob vacancy ln Lralnlng buL Lhe
prlnclples Lransfer Lo any role
1 Dnderstand the s|n|f|cance of an part|cu|ar ke words used |n the presentat|on
|nstruct|ons Lhlnk abouL Lhe words used by Lhe recrulLlng organlzaLlon ln Lhelr
leLLer or speclflcaLlon for example glve a Lechnlcal presenLaLlon or glve a
professlonal presenLaLlon 1hlnk abouL whaL Lhey mean exacLly by a word llke
Lechnlcal or professlonal Words llke Lhese are ofLen especlally slgnlflcanL clues Lo
Lhe sorL of presenLaLlon sLyle and conLenL LhaL Lhe lnLervlewers are seeklng 1ry Lo
geL lnLo Lhelr shoes and undersLand exacLly whaL Lhey are looklng for ln Lhe
successful appllcanL
2 Jhat are the essent|a| competenc|es and attr|butes the need |n the ro|e? Cover
Lhe baslcs Lhe [ob descrlpLlon ls usually a good lndlcaLlon buL someLlmes you
should look beyond Lhls Lo more of an lndusLrysLandard approach especlally lf Lhe
[ob descrlpLlon ls a llLLle flaky SomeLlmes Lhe employer wlll expecL you Lo help re

deflne Lhe role employers donL always know whaL Lhey wanL or Lhe full exLenL of
whaL Lhe role Showlng LhaL you undersLand Lhe role ls a good basls for
demonsLraLlng LhaL you can acLually perform ln Lhe role
3 Jhat aps]opportun|t|es ex|st |n the|r know|ede]use of a|ternat|ve]advanced
tra|n|n des|n and de||ver techno|o]methods (or other ro|ere|evant |ssues as
appropr|ate)? 8ecrulLlng new people offers employers Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnLroduce
new ldeas and keep up Lo daLe wlLh modern approaches Lechnologles meLhods
eLc ?ou should demonsLraLe LhaL you wlll be a good source of new ldeas and
meLhods when you [oln Lhem Addresslng Lhls ln a presenLaLlon enables you Lo show
how you wlll add value Lo Lhe employers Lechnology lnnovaLlon meLhods eLc
4 Jhat part|cu|ar cha||enes or cr|ses do the face that ou can he|p them f|x?
ldenLlfylng and solvlng problems are usually blg prlorlLles for new people lf only
because everyone else had Lrled and falled new blood and fresh enLhuslasm are
ofLen essenLlal Lo break deadlocks and flnd soluLlons Lo longsLandlng problems So
Lry Lo dlscover Lhelr blg challenges and dlfflculLles and conslder how youd approach
Lhem wlLhouL maklng unquallfled assumpLlons or runnlng Lhe rlsk of repeaLlng
Lhlngs Lheyve already Lrled 1hls sorL of conslderaLlon of Lhelr challenges and
approaches Lo soluLlons requlres a balanced approach noL belng Loo assumpLlve or
presumpLuous buL aL Lhe same Llme demonsLraLlng a level of confldence and
deLermlnaLlon Lo Lackle problems creaLlvely wlLh a fresh lnclslve vlew and lmpeLus
3 Jhat spec|f|ca|| can ou br|n to the s|tuat|on wh|ch w||| |mprove the|r
compet|t|ve pos|t|on |n re|at|on to the|r own markets and customers? 1hls elemenL
of a presenLaLlon demonsLraLes LhaL you can add value Lo Lhe organlzaLlon ln Lerms
of sales buslness proflL and ulLlmaLely flnanclal performance (an area of enormous
lmporLance for mosL employers) by your appreclaLlon of how Lhe performance of
your role can brlng compeLlLlve advanLage and lmprovemenL Lo Lhe organlzaLlon
Conslder whaL you can do LhaL wlll enable Lhe organlzaLlon Lo reLaln and aLLracL
more cusLomers and buslness 1he ablllLy Lo LranslaLe and express your [ob ln Lerms
of compeLlLlve advanLage or ln Lhe nonproflL secLor ln Lerms of quallLy of servlce
ls an lrreslsLlble proposlLlon for mosL employers
6 Jhat cruc|a| d|fferences]|nnovat|ons]|mprovements cou|d ou br|n beond even
the|r |dea| expectat|ons? 1hls ls your personal Wow lacLor 1he employer wlll have a
basellne expecLaLlon of Lhe sorL of candldaLe requlred Lo flll Lhe vacancy A number
of candldaLes mlghL meeL Lhls speclflcaLlon So whaL can you offer LhaL goes beyond
Lhe basellne expecLaLlon? WhaL can you do LhaLs dlfferenL and beLLer Lhan oLher
candldaLes ln a way LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon wlll regard lL as maklng a slgnlflcanL
addlLlonal conLrlbuLlon perhaps ln an area or areas whlch Lhey have noL yeL even
consldered? 1hlnk abouL prepare and bulld lnLo your presenLaLlon a really speclal
advanLage or capablllLy you can offer LhaL noone else can and LranslaLe Lhls lnLo
whaL lL could do for Lhem
7 ow can ou he|p them better |dent|f measure and |mprove cruc|a| performance
|n the|r overa|| |earn|n and deve|opment (or other ro|ere|evant funct|ons) and
beond th|s |nto the|r operat|ons? 1hls adds value ln Lhe cruclal and ofLen neglecLed
areas of measuremenL conLrol and lmplemenLaLlon MosL employers do noL acLually
measure and appreclaLe Lhe crlLlcal prlorlLles of Lhelr operaLlons and how Lhese key
performance areas are affecLed and enabled (or frusLraLed) by parLlcular roles wlLhln
Lhe organlzaLlon As a [ob candldaLe when you demonsLraLe LhaL you can perform

Lhe role up Lo and beyond Lhe organlzaLlons baslc needs and Lhen addlLlonally
conLrlbuLe much needed sLraLeglc lnLerpreLaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon supporL you
wlll be presenLlng a very powerful case lndeed LhaL you are Lhe besL candldaLe for
Lhe [ob

AL all Llmes keep Lhls aL Lhe back of your mlnd LhaL unless Lhe vacancy ls for a very speclflc
and llmlLed role Lhen Lhe lnLervlew ls acLually mosLly abouL Lhe recrulLlng organlzaLlon and
Lhe lnLervlewer(s) noL you
WhaL Lhls means ls LhaL you musL presenL yourself ln Lerms LhaL make sense Lo and maLch
Lhe needs of Lhe organlzaLlon LveryLhlng you say abouL yourself musL be couched ln Lerms
of whaL lL wlll mean for Lhe employer 1here ls no polnL ln presenLlng a glowlng plcLure of
yourself and your knowledge experlence capablllLles eLc ln glorlous lsolaLlon lnsLead you
musL prepare and presenL everyLhlng abouL yourself so LhaL you are lrreslsLlbly relevanL Lo
Lhe needs and alms and challenges of Lhe organlzaLlon
1he lnLervlew presenLaLlon offers you a wonderful opporLunlLy Lo do Lhls Lo demonsLraLe
LhaL you can enable relevanL and effecLlve lmprovemenL/achlevemenL for Lhelr blggesL
problems and opporLunlLles beLLer Lhan any of Lhe oLher candldaLes
8esearch and undersLand Lhelr lssues 1hen prepare and and presenL your own personal
added value ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr slLuaLlon
Pere are some more general Llps on creaLlng and glvlng presenLaLlons
llnally some qulck ldeas for sLrucLure especlally when llLLle preparaLlon Llme ls avallable
@he ku|e of @hree
1 lnLroducLlon or alms
2 1he polnLs you wanL Lo make (Lhree subdlvlded lf necessary)
3 Summary and ldeally an lmpresslve memorable flnlshlng sLaLemenL
@he @e|| Lm ku|e
1 1ell em whaL you are golng Lo Lell em
2 1ell em
3 1hen Lell em whaL you Lold em
(Agaln essenLlally lnLro key polnLs summary)
@hree 8| o|nts
(Lspeclally for surprlse presenLaLlons when you only have a few mlnuLes Lo prepare)

1hree blg polnLs musL address Lhe Lhree blggesL ouLcomes LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon needs from
Lhe new appolnLmenL
1 8ralnsLorm ([oL down as many relevanL ldeas for Lhe Lhree ouLcomes as you can)
2 ueclde (conflrm lf aL all posslble) and reduce Lhese down Lo Lhe three b|est
outcomes LhaL Lhe lnLervlewers are seeklng from Lhe person Lo be appolnLed lnLo
Lhe role
3 1hen hlL Lhem hard wlLh how you wlll achleve each of Lhe Lhree blg ouLcomes and
also how you (and Lhey) wlll assess Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe soluLlons (AssessmenL ls
cruclal Lo awareness valldaLlon and conLrol)

quest|ons to ask at |nterv|ew for |nterv|ewees
Whlle Lhls secLlon essenLlally glves guldance and Llps Lo lnLervlewees Lhese ldeas and
prlnclples wlll also help lnLervlewers
AL [ob lnLervlews lLs as lmporLanL for ou the |nterv|ewee Lo prepare quesLlons to ask the
|nterv|ewer as lL ls Lo prepare answers and readlness for Lhe quesLlons LhaL Lhe lnLervlewer
wlll ask you
lf you are Lhe lnLervlewer ensure you offer Lhe lnLervlewee Lhe opporLunlLy Lo ask
quesLlons abouL Lhe [ob Lhe managemenL Lhe organlsaLlon and Lhe markeL wlLhln whlch lL
operaLes 1he quesLlons LhaL [ob candldaLes ask aL lnLervlew provlde valuable lnslghLs as Lo
Lhelr aLLlLude maLurlLy capablllLy and sLraLeglc undersLandlng of Lhe role and Lhe
organlsaLlon so for lnLervlewers quesLlons asked by lnLervlewees form a slgnlflcanL and
lllumlnaLlng parL of Lhe lnLervlew process LlsLen Lo and learn from whaL lnLervlewees ask
you ofLen Lhe quesLlons LhaL lnLervlewees ask wlll provlde more lnformaLlon Lo Lhe
lnLervlewer Lhan anyLhlng you ask Lhem
As Lhe lnLervlewee Lake full advanLage of opporLunlLles Lo ask quesLlons Asklng good well
prepared and researched quesLlons ls your chance Lo demonsLraLe LhaL you are beLLer Lhan
Lhe oLher candldaLes and Lo show LhaL you have a Lremendous capablllLy and
undersLandlng and poLenLlal lrrespecLlve of whaL Lhe lnLervlewer asks you
reparlng and asklng greaL quesLlons aL your own [ob lnLervlew dramaLlcally reduces any
dependance LhaL you mlghL oLherwlse have for Lhe lnLervlewer Lo ask you Lhe rlghL
quesLlons lL wonL maLLer lf Lhe lnLervlewer doesnL ask good helpful quesLlons or falls Lo
prompL Lhe sorL of dlscusslon LhaL allows you Lo show how brllllanL you are lnsLead you
can conLrol Lhls area of dlscusslon yourself by asklng Lhe lnLervlewer greaL quesLlons LhaL
wlll make Lhem slL up and reallse whaL an excellenL candldaLe you are
An helpful alLhough noL absoluLely essenLlal aspecL Lowards asklng Lhe lnLervlewer good
quesLlons ls good research (whlch follows laLer on Lhls page)

A key Lo asklng greaL quesLlons aL your lnLervlew ls Lo ask quest|ons that |mpress the
|nterv|ewer MosL candldaLes [usL ask abouL rouLlne deLalls LhaL Lhey Lhlnk Lhey oughL Lo
know or whlch Lhey Lhlnk of on Lhe spur of Lhe momenL buL whlch wlll probably be
provlded ln due course anyway ln documenLaLlon abouL Lerms and condlLlons 1hls ls
meanlngless Lwaddle and Lo be avolded
lnsLead focus on Lhe [ob prlorlLles and scope on Lhe organlsaLlon and ways Lo make a
dlfference or an lmprovemenL 1ry Lo Lhlnk sLraLeglcally llke a manager and for very senlor
poslLlons llke Lhe CLC 1ry Lo adopL Lhe mlndseL of a helpful advlsor who needs Lo ask
helpful faclllLaLlve quesLlons locus on Lhe organlsaLlon noL on your own needs
1ry Lo prepare and ask quesLlons LhaL make Lhe lnLervlewer Lhlnk Lo Lhemselves Wow
LhaLs a good quesLlon Lhls candldaLe has really LhoughL abouL Lhe role and undersLands
Lhe sorL of lssues we need Lhem Lo handle/Lhe sorL of responslblllLles/lnlLlaLlves we wanL
Lhem Lo Lake
Alm Lo ask quesLlons LhaL make Lhe lnLervlewer Lhlnk (dependlng on whaL Lhe organlsaLlon
and role requlres) Wow LhaLs an unusual quesLlon Lhls candldaLe ls speclal Lhey are
demonsLraLlng Lo me LhaL Lhey undersLand people/undersLand abouL communlcaLlons/have
greaL lnLegrlLy/a sLrong value sysLem/greaL humanlLy/maLurlLy/a good sLraLeglc mlnd/eLc
1hlnk before Lhe lnLervlew abouL whaL Lhe successful candldaLe wlll be llke ask yourself
beforehand whaL greaL quesLlons would Lhe successful candldaLe ask? And Lhen be LhaL
When you research Lhe [ob look lnLo Lhe sorL of challenges Lhe organlsaLlon ls faclng and
Lhlnk how Lhls affecLs Lhe vacanL role WhaL does Lhe employer need from Lhe successful
appllcanL? Pow mlghL Lhe role be exLended Lo conLrlbuLe more Lo Lhe organlsaLlon lf Lhe [ob
were performed by a sulLably poslLlve and capable person ? (1haLs you lncldenLally) 1he
[ob adverL or [ob speclflcaLlon mlghL glve you some clues uo your research so LhaL you
undersLand as much as posslble abouL Lhe prlorlLles of Lhe [ob poslLlon and Lhe organlsaLlon
and lLs slLuaLlon and Lhen Lhlnk abouL Lhe ways LhaL Lhe role could be exLended Lo provlde
greaLer supporL Lowards achlevlng organlsaLlonal challenges
1hls sorL of background Lhlnklng wlll help you Lo prepare quesLlons LhaL wlll serlously
lmpress any lnLervlewer whaLever Lhe role lL ls posslble also Lo Lhlnk of good poslLlve
lmpresslve quesLlons [usL by uslng whaL you know of Lhe role and Lhe sorL of lssues LhaL face
modern employers 1he polnL ls you need Lo Lhlnk abouL lL and prepare beforehand
lor example
examp|es of ood quest|ons to ask |nterv|ewers
1hese Lypes of quesLlons are cerLalnly approprlaLe for lnLervlewees Lo ask an lnLervlewer aL
an lnLervlew for a [unlorLomlddle ranklng role lor more sLraLeglc roles and execuLlve
responslblllLles youll need Lo ralse Lhe sLraLeglc perspecLlve of some of Lhese quesLlons

use your [udgemenL 8emember Lhe alm ls Lo make Lhe lnLervlewer Lhlnk (always relaLlve Lo
Lhe role) Wow LhaLs a good quesLlon
ln any evenL adapL Lhe wordlng and develop alLernaLlve quesLlons Lo sulL your own sLyle and
Lhe slLuaLlons concerned
Cf Lhe maln prlorlLles and expecLaLlons aLLached Lo Lhls role whlch ones are well
undersLood and measurable and whlch are noL?
lf Lhe CLC/Mu/ueparLmenLal Manager/you were Lo name Lhe Lhree mosL lmporLanL
prlorlLles for Lhls role/Lhe successful candldaLe Lo achleve ln Lhe flrsL slx monLhs whaL
would Lhey be and how would Lhey be measured?
lm aware LhaL Lhls markeL ls fasL
movlng/compeLlLlve/maLure/local/reglonal/naLlonal/lnLernaLlonal (whaLever your research
lndlcaLes) how ls Lhls affecLlng Lhe sLraLeglc prlorlLles and Lhe demands on Lhe role/vacanL
CommunlcaLlons lnLernal and exLernal are clearly exLremely lmporLanL ln Lhls
organlsaLlon whaL are Lhe relaLed prlorlLles for Lhls role?
lve read LhaL you (Lhe employer organlsaLlon) face a loL of compeLlLlon from x?Z (secLor
company whaLever) whaL do you Lhlnk are Lhe maln ways LhaL Lhe successful candldaLe can
help Lhe organlsaLlon deal wlLh Lhls LhreaL?
Where are Lhe prlorlLles/WhaL are Lhe lssues for Lhls role/Lhe successful candldaLe ln Lerms
of malnLalnlng/developlng/lmprovlng effecLlve lnLerdeparLmenLal relaLlons?
WhaL are Lhe prlorlLles and challenges as regards areas for change and lmprovemenL faclng
Lhe deparLmenL/organlsaLlon/Leam wlLhln/connecLlng/relaLlng Lo Lhe role?
WhaL ls Lhe balance of prlorlLles for Lhls role shorLLerm efflclencles and performance or
longerLerm plannlng and organlslng?
lf someone were Lo come lnLo Lhls role and begln Lo make a slgnlflcanL lmpacL on culLure
and morale whaL sorL of changes would people/you/Lhe managemenL/Lhe board/Lhe CLC
wanL Lo see mosL and how would Lhls be measured?
lLs normal LhaL mosL roles are operaLlng conslderably below Lhelr poLenLlal Lo conLrlbuLe
Lo sLraLeglc change/organlsaLlonal performance and lmprovemenL whaL are Lhe
expecLaLlons ln Lerms of broadenlng Lhe scope of Lhls role?
Pow mlghL Lhls role poslLlvely lmpacL on/conLrlbuLe Lo cusLomer relaLlons/organlsaLlonal
developmenL/culLure/sLaff morale/Lralnlng and developmenL/leglslaLlve
anLlclpaLlon/markeL developmenL/sales developmenL/buslness reLenLlon ln ways LhaL lLs
noL done so far?

Where do Lhlnk Lhere mlghL be opporLunlLles for Lhls role Lo connecL wlLh/cooperaLe wlLh
oLher funcLlons and whaLs sLopped LhaL happenlng ln Lhe pasL?
WhaL are Lhe vulnerablllLles ln processes/people/buslness reLenLlon/grow/ Lechnology l1C
sysLems wlLhln Lhe organlsaLlon/deparLmenL LhaL need Lo be aLLended Lo?

And so on ?ou geL Lhe ldea?
Serlous sLraLeglc LhoughLful faclllLaLlve quesLlons ;uesLlons LhaL amaze Lhe lnLervlewer
abouL Lhlngs Lhey mlghL noL have even consldered ln facL Lhe besL quesLlons should make
Lhe lnLervlewer Lhlnk My Cod lf Lhls person can have Lhls level of lnslghL and such a
poslLlve enllghLened approach aL Lhe lnLervlew [usL lmaglne whaL Lheyll be able Lo do when
Lhey geL Lhelr feeL under Lhe Lable
1hls sorL of poslLlve expanslve quesLlonlng ls noL llmlLed Lo sLraLeglc managemenL poslLlons
ever [ob ro|e |s potent|a|| strate|c whaL makes Lhe role sLraLeglc ls Lhe person dolng lL
noL Lhe [ob LlLle or sLaLus
And Lhe role can be ln any funcLlon any lndusLry any Lype of organlsaLlon doesnL maLLer
every role lnLerfaces ln some way or anoLher wlLh people processes oLher deparLmenLs
cusLomers and suppllers (lnLernal or exLernal) and so has a sLraLeglc dlmenslon recognlse
Lhe sLraLeglc dlmenslon lnfluence lL poslLlvely and you geL asked Lo do lL on a wlder scale
Asklng good quesLlons aL a [ob lnLervlew helps Lhe [ob candldaLe Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey
have Lhls poLenLlal
CrganlsaLlons and Lherefore lnLervlewers wanL Lo recrulL people lnLo all roles who can
come ln and make a poslLlve dlfference 8y asklng wellprepared and LhoughLful quesLlons
you can demonsLraLe LhaL you are one of Lhese people

8elng an advocaLe of Lhe maxlm accentuate the pos|t|ve l am usually loaLh Lo dwell on
negaLlve examples however ln Lhls case l make an excepLlon because Lhls ls an lmporLanL
nogo area
!usL as lLs helpful for lnLervlewees Lo prepare and ask good quesLlons so lLs helpful also Lo
avold asklng rouLlne quesLlons LhaL wasLe Llme and can ofLen be covered more efflclenLly ln
some oLher way (by readlng a documenL for example)
quest|ons to avo|d ask|n
ConLrasL Lhe expanslve poslLlve sLraLeglc quesLlons above abouL [ob scope and
conLrlbuLlon Lo organlsaLlonal effecLlveness wlLh Lhls sLuff below lnLervlewers wlll
generally reacL negaLlvely (secreLly usually) Lo quesLlons such as Lhe followlng examples so
unless you are a very [unlor person golng for a very [unlor role wlLh an employer who has

noL prepared ln advance Lhls Lype of rouLlne lnformaLlon avold asklng quesLlons llke Lhese
aL your lnLervlew
O Pow many weeks hollday do l
O When would l geL a payrlse?
O WhaL are Lhe lunch Llmes?
O WhaL sorL of car do l geL?
O WhaL oLher perks are Lhere?
O WhaL are Lhe penslon
O uo you have a grlevance
O WhaL expenses can l clalm for?
O Pow soon before l could geL
O When ls golnghome Llme?
O and oLhers llke Lhese

o not ask these quest|ons
@hese are warn|ns|n quest|ons to most
|nterv|ewers o not ask these quest|ons at
|nterv|ew un|ess ou want to be seen as
someone who cares more about the pa and
perks than the [ob and the oran|sat|on |et
a|one mak|n a pos|t|ve d|fference |n the
Cenerally speaklng Lhese quesLlons suggesL Lo Lhe lnLervlewer LhaL Lhe candldaLe ls mosLly
lnLeresLed ln whaL Lhe organlsaLlon can glve Lhe employee raLher Lhan Lhe oLher way
around lnLervlewers wanL Lo meeL and recrulL lnLervlewees who see Lhlngs ln Lerms of whaL
Lhe employee can do for Lhe organlsaLlon
llnd anoLher way Lo geL Lhls sorL of lnformaLlon lf you really need Lo know lL aL Lhe faceLo
face lnLervlew Cood employers wlll explaln all Lhls Lo lnLervlewees durlng Lhe lnLervlew or
ln wrlLLen Lerms and condlLlons whlch many employers wlll send ouL prlor Lo Lhe lnLervlew
As suggesLed ln Lhe Llps aL Lhe sLarL of Lhls page ask prlor Lo Lhe lnLervlew for a copy of Lhe
employmenL Lerms and condlLlons or an employee handbook lf Lhey donL have Lhls or canL
send lL and you have a burnlng quesLlon abouL Lhese sorL of hyglene facLors Lhe besL way
Lo approach lL ls Lo ask someLhlng llke
WhaLs Lhe besL way for me Lo see Lhe rouLlne deLalls abouL Lhe employmenL Lerms and
condlLlons relaLlng Lo Lhls role? uo you have a handbook or sample conLracL for example? l
donL wanL Lo wasLe Llme here golng Lhrough lncldenLals
8y dolng Lhls you demonsLraLe several lmporLanL Lhlngs LhaL
O you regard Lhese Lhlngs as secondary lmpllcaLlon belng LhaL you regard dolng Lhe
[ob as Lhe prlorlLy
O you respecL Lhe value of Llme slnce you appreclaLe Lhere are beLLer Lhlngs Lo
concenLraLe on durlng an lnLervlew
O you undersLand Lhe prlnclple of efflclenL lnformaLlon managemenL and
communlcaLlon on Lhe basls LhaL all Lhls deLall wlll be avallable somewhere Lo read
raLher Lhan have Lo wasLe efforL asklng lndlvldual quesLlons

O you are professlonal because provldlng lnformaLlon llke Lhls ln Lhe way you suggesL
ls Lhe mosL professlonal way Lo do lL
Cf course Lhe [obgrade and senlorlLy of Lhe vacancy and Lhe slze of Lhe employer
organlsaLlon wlll affecL Lhe slgnlflcance and Lransfer of Lhls sorL of lnformaLlon ln an
lnLervlew wlLh a Llny llLLle company for a [unlor clerks poslLlon Lhe lnLervlewee can be
forglven for asklng Lhese sorLs of quesLlons relaLlng Lo Lerms and condlLlons noL leasL
because Lhe company mlghL noL be professlonal or organlsed enough Lo have produced a
proper handbook or conLracL neverLheless whaLever Lhe role and slze of employer Lhe less
Llme spenL asklng abouL all Lhls sorL of lnformaLlon Lhe beLLer And cerLalnly avold Lhe enLlre
area ln lnLervlews for professlonal poslLlons wlLh professlonal employers especlally ln
commerclally compeLlLlve funcLlons and lndusLry secLors
A flnal polnL abouL quesLlons Lo ask aL lnLervlews when you are Lhe lnLervlewee
ask|n for the [ob
ln cerLaln clrcumsLances especlally for sales and commerclal roles Lhere mlghL be an
expecLaLlon or opporLunlLy for you Lo close or ask for Lhe [ob whlch ls poLenLlally Lhe mosL
powerful quesLlon of all Lo ask
lf you really wanL Lhe [ob and can accepL an offer Lhere and Lhen Lhere ls ofLen a loL Lo be
galned and very llLLle Lo be losL by asklng for Lhe [ob aL Lhe end of Lhe lnLervlew alLhough
bear ln mlnd Lhe effecL LhaL Lhls LacLlc has on salary negoLlaLlon
Cbvlously lLs only approprlaLe ln cerLaln slLuaLlons noLably Lowards Lhe end of Lhe
recrulLlng process when Lhe lnLervlewers have seen all Lhe candldaLes or lf Lhe employer
has more vacancles Lhan Lhey can easlly flll
Slmllarly lLs reasonable Lo ask for a second lnLervlew or Lo be shorLllsLed lf LhaLs Lhe nexL
sLage ln Lhe process
erslsLence and deLermlnaLlon are hlghly valued aLLrlbuLes loglcally ln sales and selllng
organlsaLlons buL also beyond Lhe sales funcLlons ln facL some [ob candldaLes successfully
Lake Lhe meLhod Lo exLremes and slmply do noL Lake no for an answer vlrLually camplng ouL
on Lhe employers doorsLep unLll Lhey are evenLually broughL ln from Lhe cold and offered
Lhe [ob 1he declslonmaker Lyplcally an ownermanager or CLC ln such slLuaLlons ls flnally
forced Lo concede LhaL lf Lhe person wanLs Lhe [ob LhaL badly Lhen perhaps Lheyll be raLher
a good beL afLer all 1hls sorL of deLermlnaLlon ls ofLen assoclaLed wlLh loyalLy and
commlLmenL and unlqueness whlch can all creaLe a compelllng case for declslonmakers
who are aLLuned Lo Lhls sorL of sLyle parLlcularly lf oLher candldaLes are Lhln on Lhe ground
Whlle Lhese exLremes are noL for everyone anyone ls enLlLled Lo ask for a [ob LhaL Lhey
really wanL lenLy of offers are not made because Lhe lnLervlewer doubLs Lhe serlousness
or commlLmenL of Lhe lnLervlewer Asklng for Lhe [ob aL leasL largely rules ouL LhaL

Added Lo whlch cerLaln Lypes of managers and dlrecLors (Lhe ones who would normally ask
for Lhe [ob aL Lhelr own lnLervlews for example) respond poslLlvely when an lnLervlewee
looks Lhem sLralghL ln Lhe eye pauses for dramaLlc effecL and says earnesLly
want th|s [ob Make me the offer and || take |t here and now
lLs noL really a quesLlon lLs more of a sLaLemenL of lnLenL and loLs of declslonmakers llke
Lo hear lL
As ever havlng oLher opLlons oLher lnLervlews llned up or even anoLher offer ls helpful
and can add an exLra blL of pressure Lo your push
lf you fancy uslng Lhe ploy lLs also worLh Lhlnklng abouL exacLly whaL you wanL Lo say
ueclslonmakers cerLalnly llke Lo hear LhaL you llke Lhelr organlsaLlon (LhaL youd noL be
lncllned Lo be Lhls deLermlned were lL any oLher employer) and LhaL Lhere are one or Lwo
compelllng reasons for your wanLlng Lo do a greaL [ob for Lhem so lLs worLh Lhlnklng abouL
how you mlghL weave a few slmple supporLlng polnLs lnLo your flnal coup de grace
An employer or lnLervlewer who ls keen on you who has saLlsfled Lheyve been Lhrough Lhe
proper processes and who knows or belleves LhaL you have oLher opLlons wlll someLlmes
glve you Lhe [ob offer Lhere and Lhen lf you ask flrmly and professlonally for Lhe [ob Whlch
of course saves a loL of Llme for all concerned so lf you feel llke asklng for Lhe [ob any [ob
ln facL Lhe approach ls noL llmlLed Lo sales and commerclal poslLlons Lhen go for lL

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