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Academic Year 2020-2021


Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Abbottabad has undertaken development of the Academic
Calendar as part of the overall response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The school year has been shortened considerably due to the closures
resulting from the outbreak. Therefore, it is imperative that schools implement an academic calendar designed in such as a way as to enable
coverage of all essential student learning outcomes in a shortened academic year. This Academic Calendar (AC) will provide the schools
and students with a roadmap of learning for the academic year 2020-21. It will also provide the teachers with the guidelines to implement
the AC. The AC will also have references to recently designed worksheets that teachers can use to reinforce learning on essential SLOs.
The worksheets are also available online at Elementary and Secondary Education Department website. With these measures in place, I am
confident that we will have ensured continuity of learning for our children in these difficult times.

With this, I thank everyone who contributed to the development of AC, particularly the DCTE subject specialists and the team of teachers,
they put together for this task. I also thank Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme and UNICEF for their support throughout this

Gohar Ali Khan

Directorate Curriculum and Teacher Education
Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Respected Teachers

This Academic Calendar is specially designed for year 2020 – 21. As you know that due to COVID 19, we are facing a challenge of limited
teaching time this year. In order to assist you to utilize the available time effectively, this Academic Calendar have been developed.
The time for each subject is calculated based on the regular school timetable and periods allocation. Special focus has been given to those
examples / question from exercise that help to achieve most of the SLOs. The SLOs that have been covered either in other SLOs or subjects
or even in previous class are addressed once.

You are requested to:

• Plan your teaching according to the provided academic calendar
• Try to cover all the topics within the allocated period of time.
• Assign homework of few questions for practice and re-enforcement.
• Use worksheet to reinforce concepts where applicable.

We hope that together we can bridge the gap and improve the learning of our children.


Table of Contents

Mathematics ...............................................................................................................................4-12






Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
September (13 periods)
i. Read Roman numbers up to • Use the writing board to clear the concept of Roman
Roman 20. KP textbook Numbers, Even and Odd numbers, Place values of Numbers
numbers ii. Write Roman numbers up to Page (4-8) up to 100,000, comparing and ordering numbers and use of
20 the number line.
• Use teaching techniques of lecture cum demonstration
i. Identify even and odd numbers method and question and answer method during problem
KP textbook
up to 99 within a given solving.
Even and odd The page (9-10)
sequence. 04 • Ask students to come up to the board and demonstrate
numbers Exercise 1.2 understanding about Roman numbers, Even and Odd
1 ii. Write even or odd numbers
within a given sequence. (Q:3,4,5,6) number, etc.
G3-M-01 • Also clarify the concepts of place values, number up to
100,000 and ordering the numbers by comparing.
i. Identify the place values of • Draw Number lines, on writing board mentioning numbers
Places values
numbers up to 6-digits. KP textbook on it and discuss.
Page (12-13) • Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
ii. Read and write given numbers 07 • Use ball frame concept of place values.
Exercise 1.3
Numbers up to up to 100,000 (hundred (Q:1,2,3,4,5) • Perform Activities with flash cards for comparing and
100,000 thousand) in numerals and in ordering numbers.
words. • Assign homework of few questions for practice.
October (25 periods)
Compare two numbers using KP textbook 03 • Write the symbols ‘<’, ‘>’ and ‘=’ on the writing board.
Comparing and symbols ‘<’, ‘>’ and ‘=’.
Page (15-18) • Use different numbers to recognize the symbols.
ordering the ii. Write the given set of numbers
numbers Exercise 1.4 • Perform mentioned activities in the book for ascending and
1 in ascending and descending
order. (Q:1,5,6) descending orders.
G3-M-01 i. Represent a given number on KP textbook
number line. page (21-22)
Number line 03
ii. Identify the value of a number Exercise 1.5
from number line (Q-3,7,8)

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
KP textbook
page (25-28)
Exercise 2.1
i. Add numbers up to four digits
(with and without carrying) KP textbook
vertically and horizontally.
page (30-32)
Addition ii. Add numbers up to 100 using 07
mental calculation strategies. Exercise 2.2
iii. Solve real life problems (Q-2,3,4,9,10,13)
involving addition. • Write the main topic” Numbers of Operations” and the
KP textbook board to elicit student prior knowledge.
page 34 • Solve an example involving four-digit number to clarify the
Exercise 2.3 concepts of addition with and without carrying vertically and
2 do the same process for horizontal addition.
Number (Q-1-11)
Operations • Perform activities for subtraction of four-digit numbers.
G3-M-02 KP textbook
• To understand multiplication and division demonstrate
Page (36-37)
activities from book.
Exercise 2.4
• Engage the students by question-answer techniques.
i. Subtract number up to four • Use ball frame concept of Addition and Subtraction.
digits with and without
borrowing. KP textbook
ii. Subtract numbers up to 100 Page (39-40)
Subtraction 06
using mental calculation Exercise 2.5
strategies. (Q-1,3,4,5,8)
iii. Solve real life problems
involving subtraction.
KP textbook
Page 42
Exercise 2.6

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods

KP textbook
i. Use the term ‘Product’ for
Page (45-49)
multiplication of two numbers.
Exercise 2.7
ii. Develop multiplication tables
for 6,7,8 and 9. (All Questions)
iii. Multiply 2-digit numbers by
1-digit numbers. KP textbook
Number iv. Multiply a number by zero. Page (51-52)
Multiplication 06
Operations v. Apply mental mathematical Exercise 2.8
strategies to multiply numbers (Q-2,4,6,7,10,14,16)
up to the table of 10.
vi. Solve real life problem KP textbook
involving multiplication of Page 54
2-digit numbers by1-digit
Exercise 2.9
(All Questions)

November (25 periods)

i. Divide 2-digit numbers by KP textbook
1-digit number (with zero Page (55-59)
remainder). Exercise 2.10
2 ii. Apply mental mathematical • Solve examples to clear the concept of division.
Number (Q-2,5,7,8,10,11,
Division strategies to divide numbers up 08 • Write different questions for division on board and ask the
Operations 13,14)
G3-M-02 to the table of 10. students to reply mentally without solving.
iii. Solve real life problems
involving division of 2-digit Exercise 2.11
numbers by 1-digit numbers. (Q-1,5,8,12)

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
i. Express the fractions in figures KP textbook
Common and vice versa. Page (63-64) • Use the writing board to clear the concept of Fractions.
fractions ii. Match the fractions with Exercise 3.1 • Explain addition, subtraction and Conversion of fractions.
related figures. (All Questions) • Identification of fractions with figures.
iii. Identify equivalent fractions KP textbook • Explain difference between proper and improper fractions
Equivalent from the given figures. Page (70-71) also clarify comparison of fraction.
3 06 • Add and subtract fractions with same denominator
fractions iv. Write three equivalent fractions Exercise 3.2
Fractions for a given fraction. (All questions) • Represent fractions with figures.
G3-M-03 • If possible, give examples from daily life to clear the
Proper and KP textbook concepts.
improper v. Differentiate between proper Page (74-75) • Involve the students by question-answer techniques.
fraction and improper fraction.
• Perform Activities with flash cards for comparing Fractions.
vi. Compare fractions, with same 06
denominators, using symbols • Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
‘<’, ‘>’ and ‘=’. Exercise 3.3 • Assign homework of few questions for practice.
fractions (Q-1-54)

December (25 periods)

KP textbook
vii. Add two fractions with same Page 77-78 • Solve examples for addition and subtraction of fractions on
Addition of denominators. the board.
Exercise 3.4 06
fractions viii. Represent addition of fractions • Use textbook activities for enhancing the understanding of
through figures. Q:1 (i, ii, iii) the students.
Q:2 (ii, iv)
KP textbook
G3-M-03 ix. Subtract fraction with same Page (79-80)
Subtraction of denominators.
Exercise 3.4 06
fractions x. Represent subtraction of
fractions through figures. Q:1 (i, iv, vi)
Q:2 (i, iii, v)

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
i. Read standard units of
length (kilometer, meter KP textbook
and centimeter) including Page (83-84)
abbreviations. Exercise 4.1 02
units of length
ii. Measure and write standard
units of length including (All Questions)
iii. Add measures of length in
same units with add without KP textbook
carrying. Page (86-87)
Addition of
Exercise 4.2 03
units of length iv. Solve real life problems
involving same units of length (Q-2, 4, 6, 8, 10) • Write main topic measurement of length mass and capacity.
for addition with and without
• Tell the students about standard units of length along with
abbreviation (kilometer, meter and centimeter, perform
Measurement i. Subtract measures of length KP textbook activity at page - 84, 85 of the textbook.
4 of Length, in same units with and Page 89 • Take examples from daily life to clear the concepts of
Mass and Subtraction of without carrying. Solve real life
Exercise 4.3 04 addition/subtraction of units of length with and without
G3-M-04 Capacity units of length problems involving same units
(Q-1,4,6,8,10) carrying/borrowing.
of length for subtraction with
• Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
and without borrowing.
• Assign homework of few questions for practice.
i. Read standard units of mass/
weight (kilogram and gram)
Mass/weight including abbreviations
KP textbook
Units of mass/ ii. Measure and write standard
units of mass/weight including Page (92-93)
iii. Add measures of mass/ Exercise 4.4
Addition of weight in same units with and (Q-3,5,7,9,12)
units of mass/ without carrying Solve real life
weight problems involving same units
of mass/weight for addition
with and without carrying.

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
January (26 periods)
iv. Subtract measures of mass/
weight in same units with and KP textbook
Subtraction of without borrowing. Page 95
units of mass/ i. Solve real life problems 03
weight involving same units of mass/ Exercise 4.5
weight for subtraction with and (Q-1,2,3,9,10)
without borrowing.
i. Read standard units of volume
(liter and milliliter) including KP textbook
abbreviations. Page 97 • Perform activity on pages 92-96 to clear the concepts of
Volume/ addition/subtraction of Mass/weight in kilogram and grams
ii. Measures and write standard
Measurement Capacity with and without carrying/ borrowing.
4 units of volume including Exercise 4.6
of Length, abbreviations. • Explain concepts of volume/capacity using bottle, biker etc.,
(All Questions) mentioning numbers or units of volume (liters, mellites).
Mass and Units of volume iii. Add measures of volume in 03
G3-M-04 Capacity • Involve the students by question-answer techniques.
same units with and without
carrying. KP textbook • Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
Addition of
units of volume Solve real life problems Page 99 • Assign homework of few questions for practice.
involving same units of volume Exercise 4.7
for addition with and without (Q-3,4,6,8)
iv. Subtraction measures of
volume in same with and KP textbook
Subtraction of without borrowing. Solve real Page (101-102)
units of volume life problems involving same Exercise 4.8
units of volume for subtraction (Q-2,4,6,9,12,15)
with and without borrowing.

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
KP textbook
Page (105-106)
i. Use a.m. and p.m. to record Exercise 5.1
the time from 12-hours clock. (All Questions)
ii. Read and write time from • Use the writing board to clear the concept of Time.
Units of time 04 • Clarify the concepts of a.m. and p.m. from 12 hours clock.
analog and digital clocks. KP textbook
iii. Read and write days and dates Page (109-111) • Practice the student by reading and writing different times
from the calendar. from analog and digital clock.
• Use solar calendar showing names of days and months and
Exercise 5.2
5 better understanding, do activity at page 112.
Time • Paste the solar calendar on the writing board and call each
KP textbook student one by one to write their birthday in the calendar.
G3-M-05 iv. Add units of time in hours. Page (113-114) • Involve the students by question-answer techniques.
Addition of v. Solve real life problems 06 • Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
Units of time involving units of time for
addition in hours. Exercise 5.3 • Assign homework of few questions for practice.
KP textbook
vi. Subtract units of time in hours. Page (116-117)
Subtraction of vii. Solve real life problems 07
units of time involving subtraction of units of
time in hours. Exercise 5.4

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Topics/Sub Student Learning Selected Course No. of

Theme Guidelines for Teachers
No topics Outcomes (SLOs) Contents Periods
February (24 periods)
KP textbook • Draw the points, lines segment and rays on the writing board
Page (120-121) and discuss with students which are points, which are lines
i. Recognize point, line segment, segment and which are rays.
Exercise 6.1 • Show figures of rectangles, squares, and triangle to the
ii. Classify figures according students and ask the students to count the sides of these
Geometrical to number of sides as (All Questions)
12 figure.
shapes quadrilaterals (rectangles,
• Draw a circle on the board showing its radius and diameter
squares) and triangles. KP textbook
6 and tell the students about radius and diameter of the circle,
Geometry iii. Identify circle, its radius and Page (124-127) also perform activities at page 126-127.
Exercise 6.2 • Explain the perimeter of different shapes (square, rectangle
(All Questions) and triangle) by measuring.
• If possible, give examples from daily life to clear the
KP textbook
i. Calculate perimeters of concepts.
Page (129-132)
Perimeters squares, rectangles and 12 • Involve the students by question-answer techniques.
triangles. Exercise 6.3
• Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
(All Questions)
• Assign homework of few questions for practice.
March (13 periods)
KP textbook • Use the writing board to clear the concept of Picture Graphs.
7 Page (135-137) • Use a Chart showing a picture graphs for demonstration.
Data ii. Read and interpret a picture
Picture Graphs 13 • Involve the students by question-answer techniques.
Representation graph.
G3-M-07 Exercise 7 • Use worksheets to reinforce concepts where possible.
(All Questions) • Assign homework of few questions for practice.

• All SLOs and topics have been considered from textbook.
• Those examples / question from exercise have been taken, which cover all SLOs and topics.
• Retain the sequential order, logical framework, time duration and learning progression at all stages.



Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Student Learning Outcomes No. of

Recommended Activities Topic Guidelines for Teachers
No (SLOs) Periods
September (12 periods)
Page # 2 and 3 are specified for understanding the
i. Introduce self and others Page # 4 of the textbook for activity
01 concept and teacher’s guidelines may also be followed.
All about me
12 Page # 5 is specified for reading. Activity may be carried
ii. Respond to simple instructions and When I grow up
G3-E-01 Page # 6 of the textbook for activity out over a week orally while allocating 5 to 10 minutes
each day.
October (10 periods)
i. Recognize naming words as nouns.
Page # 11 of the textbook teacher’s
ii. Demonstrate use of some nouns from Page # 7 and 8 are specified for content reading.
02 guideline may be followed for activity
immediate and extended environment.
Our School 10
Page # 8 of the textbook teacher’s
G3-E-02 iii. Write with reasonable accuracy some Page # 10 of the textbook is specified for homework
guideline may be followed for
sentences of their own on a given topic. assignment.
conducting activity

• Page # 9 has been left out to condense the course.

October / November (20 periods)

iv. Respond to simple instructions and
Page # 14 of the textbook for activity Page # 12 and 13 are specified for reading.
v. Write with reasonable accuracy some Page # 17 of the textbook. Teacher’s
Page # 16 is specified for content reading.
sentences of their own on a given topic. guideline may be followed for activity.
vi. Demonstrate use of some nouns from
Birthday Party 20
immediate and extended environment.
vii. Identify and differentiate between
Page # 27 of the textbook for activity Page # 25 and, 26 are specified for reading.
countable and uncountable nouns.
viii. Use alphabetical order (First and Second
Page # 30 of the textbook for activity
alphabet to arrange words).

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Student Learning Outcomes No. of

Recommended Activities Topic Guidelines for Teachers
No (SLOs) Periods
• Page # 15 and 18 have been excluded due to repetition of the concept
• Page # 28 and 29 are excluded because of repetition.
November (17 periods)
i. Locate specific factual information to Activity “A” given at page # 34 of the
Page # 33 is specified for content reading.
answer short questions based on the text. textbook for activity.
ii. Classify and change the gender of Page # 38 of the textbook and
nouns from immediate and extended teacher’s guideline at page # 39 for
environment. activities. Miss Fatima
Page # 40 of the textbook and Jinnah
G3-E-04 Page # 40 and 41 of the textbook are specified for
iii. Recall substitution words learnt earlier. teacher’s guideline may be followed
content reading
for activity.
iv. Demonstrate use of some words showing Page # 43 and 44 of the textbook for Page # 42 of the textbook is specified for content
positions activities. reading.
• Page # 39 and 45 of the textbook excluded being condensed course.

November / December (11 periods)

v. Identify the basic elements of story:
• Beginning middle and end Page # 48 and 49 of the textbook
Page # 46 and 47 of the textbook are specified for
teacher’s guideline may be followed
• Character. content reading.
for conducting activities.
05 • Place and time.
The Lion and
vi.Write sentences of their own using correct 11
Page # 50 of the textbook for activity. The Mouse
G3-E-05 capitalization, punctuation and spellings.
vii. Use joining words and, or and but to show
addition, alternative and contrast within a Page # 53 of the textbook for activity Page # 51 and 52 are specified for reading.

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Student Learning Outcomes No. of

Recommended Activities Topic Guidelines for Teachers
No (SLOs) Periods
December (40 periods)
Page 54 and 57 of the textbook Page # 54 and 57 of the textbook are specified for
i. Recite poem with action.
teacher’s guideline for activities. content reading.
ii. Pronounce with reasonable accuracy,
Pages # 58 and 59 of the textbook for Page # 58 and 59 of the textbook is specified for
common two consonant clusters in initial
06 conducting activity. reading.
and final position. Happy talk
iii. Recognize doing words as verb. Use action Kites
G3-E-06 Page # 68 of the textbook for activity. Page # 67 of the textbook is specified for reading.
words in speech and writing.
Page # 62 of the textbook. Teacher’s
iv. Tell how many syllables each word has. guideline may be followed for Page # 62 of the textbook is also specified for reading.
conducting activity.
• Only two poems in this chapter have been taken in the consideration while two have been left out being repeated activities.
• Remaining two SLOs of this chapter have been covered in previous grades.
Page # 72 of the textbook for activity
v. Use summary skills to provide the missing Page # 71 of the textbook is specified for content
07 and Teacher’s guideline may also be
words in a gapped summary. The Nightingale reading.
followed. 09
and the firefly.
G3-E-07 vi. Write simple descriptive, narrative and
Page # 77 of the textbook for activity. Page # 76 is specified for reading.
expository paragraphs.
08 i. Illustrate the use of different forms of
Page # 82 and 86 of the textbook for Our National Page # 73, 74, 78, 80, 81 and 89 are specified for
verb be, do, have with their corresponding 08
G3-E-08 activities. Flag reading.
pronouns (I, we, you, he, she, it, they)
09 ii. Identify and use simple sentences that Sports and
Page # 87 of the textbook for activity. 11 Page # 86 of the textbook is specified for reading.
G3-E-09 show instructions and commands. Games
• Page # 91, 92, 93 and 94 of the textbook have been left out to condense the activities.
iii. Articulate and identify words containing
Page # 100 of the textbook teacher’s
diagraph and trigraph in initial, middle and Page # 100 is also specified for reading.
10 guideline may be followed for activity.
final positions. Shopping with
iv. Pronounce and spell simple words with Mother
G3-E-10 Page # 101 of the textbook for
silent letter such as wr and kn (write and

Only for Academic Year 2020-2021

Unit Student Learning Outcomes No. of

Recommended Activities Topic Guidelines for Teachers
No (SLOs) Periods
• Page # 97, 98, 99 and 102 have been left over to condense the activities owing to the time constrain.
January / February (14 periods)
v. Recognized that action takes place in the Page # 105, 106, 107, 108 and 109 of
Eid – ul – Fitr 14 Page # 103 is specified for reading.
(present, past and future). the textbook for conducting activities.
February (13 periods)

12 Page # 110 & 113 of the textbook are specified for

Page # 115, 116 and 117 of the Four Seasons of reading.
i. Identify describing words as adjective 13
textbook for activity. the Years Page # 111 comprehension questions may be assigned
G3-E-12 as homework assignment.
• Page # 112, 114 and 118 have been excluded being condensed course.

‫ُار ُدو‬
‫امجع وسم‬


‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط ےک س�اےنم مظن یک دنلب وخ�این رکںی �ا�و�ر احفص� رپ �دی یئگ‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫اصت�وری یک رطف ہبلط یک وتہج �دول�اںیئ ��ا ہک دمح ےک �ااعش�ر ںیم �د�ی�ا‬
‫ایگ وصت�ر �و�اعض ش وہاجےئ۔‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫·ںیمظن �ا�و�ر �ااعش�ر رتمن �ا�و�ر �ر�و�این ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪2‬ہبلط وک دمح وخ� �ااحلین ےس ڑپ ھ�ے یک قشم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ج‬ ‫‪�� ۱‬ا ‪۵‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ج‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫·تبثم �ُمل�وں وک یفنم �ا�و�ر وس�اہیل ںیم دبتلی رکںیکس۔‬ ‫دمح (مظن)‬
‫‪3‬تبثم �ُمل�وں وک یفنم �ا�و�ر وس�اہیل ںیم دبتلی رک��ا اھکسںیئ۔‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫·�امس رعمہف �ا�و�ر مس رکنہ ںیم ف�رق رکںیکس۔‬
‫‪�4‬امس رعمہف �ا�و�ر مس رکنہ ںیم ف�رق رک��ا اھکسںیئ۔‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪01‬‬

‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�5‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط ےک س�اےنم مظن یک دنلب وخ�این رکںی �ا�و�ر �ااعش�ر ںیم اتبیئ یئگ‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن ن‬
‫�ب�اوتں وک �آس�ا� ��ز�ب�ا� ںیم ےنھجمس ںیم ہبلط یک دم�د رکںی ��اہک �وہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫�اس ےس ہقلعتم وس�اال� وک وج�ا�ب�ا� �دے ںیکس۔‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ظ‬
‫اتک� ںیم وموج�د ولعمام� ےک عال�وہ یھب ہبلط وک رضح�‬ ‫‪�2‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫·مہ �� آ�و�ا��ز �اافل� ُس� رک م��ز�ی�د مہ �� آ�و�ا��ز �اافل� انبںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪�� ۵‬ا ‪۹‬‬
‫دمحمﷺ یک ریس� ہبیط ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم م��ز�ی�د ولعمام� ف�ر�امہ‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫·مظن �ا�و�ر �ااعش�ر ڑپھ رک رصتخم یمیہفت وس�اال� ےک �دُ�رس� وج�ا�ب�ا�‬ ‫تعن (مظن)‬
‫رکںی۔‬ ‫�دے ںیکس۔‬

‫ن‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ظ‬

‫‪3‬مہ �آ�و�ا��ز �اافل�‪ ،‬رتم�ا�دف �ا�و�ر اضتم�د یک اچہپ� رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫·رتم�ا�دف �ا�و�ر اضتم�د �اافل� وک اچہپ� ںیکس۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�4‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ ربمتس‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫‪ 1 .‬ننتم یک دت�رسی ےس ےلہپ ہبلط وک نتم ےس ریثک �رینک �اافل� یک‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫�ن‬ ‫�ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ش ن‬ ‫ظ‬
‫���ا� �دیہ رک�و�ا رک �ا�راک� ںیم وت�ڑ��ا �ا�و�ر وج�ڑ��ا اھکسںیئ۔‬ ‫·ریثک �رینک (مک �ا��ز مک اچ�ر) �اافل� یک �ا�د�ایگیئ رکںیکس۔ ریثک �رینک‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت ت ظ‬ ‫ظ‬
‫‪2 .‬نتم یک دنلب وخ�این ےک �د�و�ا�ر� ہبلط ےس ینس وہیئ ولعمام� ےک‬ ‫ا� اک ایخل �رےتھک وہےئ �د�رس� �لّف� ےک س�اھت ڑپھ‬ ‫�اافل� وک �ارع� ب‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫ت ش‬ ‫وپںیھچ۔‬ ‫اال�‬ ‫�ب�ا�رے ںیم وس�‬ ‫ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۱۰‬ا ‪۱۴‬‬ ‫ریس� ط�یّ�بہ‬
‫‪07‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫اتک� �ال� رکےک‬ ‫‪3 .‬ہبلط نوک الربئریی ےس �اینپ دنسپ یک ولعمامیت ب‬ ‫ا� رحتری رکںیکس۔‬ ‫·نتم یک انمس� ب� ےس رصتخم وس�اولں ےک وج� ب‬ ‫ﷺ‬
‫ڑپ ھ�ے وک ںیہک۔‬ ‫·نتم ںیم �اامعتسل وہےن �و�اےل �اافل� وک �اےنپ ولمجں ںیم �اامعتسل‬ ‫‪03‬‬

‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�4 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫ت ش‬ ‫رک ںیکس۔‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫اتک� �ال� رک ںیکس۔‬ ‫·الربئریی ںیم �اینپ دنسپ یک ب‬
‫� �ا� یک ریپ�ارگ�اف یک دت�رسی لمکم‬ ‫‪1 .‬نتم یک دت�رسی ےک �د�و�ر�ا� � ج ب‬
‫ن‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫خ‬
‫وہاجےئ وت �اُس ریپ�ارگ�اف اک �الہص ہبلط وک �اےنپ �اافل� ںیم ایب�‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫رکےن وک ںیہک۔‬ ‫·رمبک ے �ر�و�این ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪2 .‬ہبلط وکرگ�ووپں ںیم �ا� یک ریپ�ارگ�اف ڑپ ھ�ے ےک ےیل ںیہک �ا�و�ر �اںیھن‬ ‫·نتم ڑپھ رک �الہص رصتخم�اً رحتری رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۱۵‬ا ‪۱۹‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪06‬‬ ‫�ن ث‬ ‫�ن ث‬ ‫ربص �و انقع�‬
‫�اس ریپ�ارگ�اف یک �ر�وینش ںیم �دس ولمجں رپ ینبم رقتری ےنھکل �ا�و�ر‬ ‫·ذمرک ےک ؤم � �ا�و�ر ؤم � ےک ذمرک انبںیکس۔‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬
‫انسےنےک ےیل ںیہک۔‬ ‫·�� آ�و�ا��ز �ا�و�ر ےجہل ےک �ا��ا�ر ڑچاھ��ؤ ےک س�اھت �د �ی�ے ےئگ وموضع رپ‬ ‫‪04‬‬
‫�� آ�و�ا��ز �ا�و�ر ےجہل ےک �ا��ا�ر ڑچاھ��ؤ ےک ےیل ہبلط ہک �ر�اامنہیئ رکںی۔‬ ‫�دَس ولمجں رپ لمتشم رقتری رکںیکس۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫�د�ریس ب‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬

‫‪1 .‬ہبلط وک �د�و رگ�ووپں ںیم میسقت رکںی �ا�و�راہکین یک لیثمت اک�ری رک�و�اںیئ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ق ت‬ ‫·اہکین ڑپھ رک �اِےس یلیثمت �ادن�ا��ز ںیم شیپ رکںیکس۔‬
‫� ےس رتہب‬ ‫� �ر�اامنہیئ رکںی۔ س ب‬ ‫� رض�و�ر� ہبلط یک انمس ب‬ ‫�ا�و�ر وب ِ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
‫ت‬ ‫·اہکین �ا�و�ر �و�اہعق ڑپھ �ا�و�ر ُس� رک �و�ااعق� وک ��زامین رتبیت ےس �اےنپ‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫و� ےک ےیل ��اایلں وجب�ا رک وحہلص �ازف�ایئ رکںی۔‬ ‫رگ� پ‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ت‬
‫�اافل� ںیم ھکل ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۲۰‬ا ‪۲۵‬‬
‫‪2 .‬ہبلط وک �اینپ دنسپ�ی�دہ اہکین انسےن اک ومعق �دںی۔‬ ‫‪07‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�ااصنف‬
‫ج�‬ ‫آ�) اک �د�رس� �اامعتسل‬‫·�امسِ ریمض (ںیم‪ ،‬مہ ‪ ،‬مت‪� ،‬وہ �ا�و�ر �� پ‬
‫‪�3 .‬امسِ ریمض�ا�و�ر وصتریی اہکین �دھکی رک دنچ ُملے ےنھکل یک قشم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬
‫رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�4 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫ج�‬
‫·وصتریی اہکین �دھکی رک دنچ ُملے ھکل ںیکس۔‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫ت‬
‫·اہکین �ی�ا �و�ااعق� ڑپھ رک �دیپسچل اک �ااہظ�ر رک ںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اج���زے یک اینب�د رپ �اس�ا���ذہ �اےنپ ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب رک‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫‪�� ۲۶‬ا ‪ ۲۷‬اج���زہ‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن ‪۱‬‬
‫ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی۔‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫‪1 .‬مظن یک دنلب وخ�این رتمن �ا�و�ر �آگنہ ےک س�اھت رکںی اہجں رض�و�ری وہ �واہں‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫� امسجین رحاک� �و سک��ا� اک �اامعتسل رکںی ��اہک ہبلط یک �دیپسچل‬ ‫انمس ب‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬
‫�ب�ڑےھ۔‬ ‫� رحاک� �و سک��ا� �ا�و�ر لِے ےک س�اھت �ا�د�ا‬ ‫·وظنمم کالم وک انمس ب‬
‫‪2 .‬ہبلط ےس وپںیھچ ہک �پ�این‪ ،‬یلجب �ا�و�ر سیگ ےک ��ز�ی�ا�دہ �اامعتسل وک ےسیک‬ ‫رکںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫انمرظِ فِط�ر�‬
‫رٹنک�ول ایک اج اتکس ےہ؟‬ ‫‪03‬‬ ‫·اعم مہف احم�و�ر�ا� اک �اامعتسل رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۲۸‬ا ‪۳۱‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫(مظن)‬
‫‪3 .‬اعم مہف احم�و�ر�ا� ےک �اامعتسل �ا�و�ر�و�ادح یک عمج �ا�و�ر عمج ےک �و�ادح انبےن یک‬ ‫·�و�ادح یک عمج �ا�و�ر عمج ےک �و�ادح انبںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫خ ت‬
‫قشم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫·دق�ریت �وس�الئ �پ�این‪ ،‬یلجب‪ ،‬سیگ �ا�و�ر �د�ر�� �وریغہ ےک �د�رس�‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�4 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫�اامعتسل یک �آاگیہ احلص رک ںیکس۔‬
‫‪۲۵‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ �اوتک�ب�ر‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
‫‪� 1‬د�و�ر� ِا� دت�رسی ہبلط ےس نتم ںیم �دی یئگ ولعمام� ےس قلعتم‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫وس�اال� رکںی۔‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ظ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪2‬ہبلط وک وج�ڑ�وں ںیم �پ�اچن �اافل� �دے رک ےلمج انبےن اک ںیہک �ا�و�ر‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ا� رحتری رکںیکس۔‬ ‫·نتم یک انمس� ب� ےس رصتخم وس�اولں ےک وج� ب‬
‫ج‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ت‬
‫�امس رعمہف �ا�و�ر �امس رکنہ وک �امس ریمض ںیم دبتلی رکےن یک قشم‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫عالہم دمحم �اابقلؒ ‪�� ۳۲‬ا ‪· ۳۶‬نتم ںیم �اامعتسل وہےن �و�اےل �اافل� وک �اےنپ �ُمل�وں ںیم �اامعتسل‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫رکےت وہےئ ھکل ںیکس۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�3‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫·�امس رعمہف �ا�و�ر �امس رکنہ وک �امس ریمض ںیم دبتلی رکںیکس۔‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪1 .‬ہبلط وک �ا � یک ��ا اچپس �ک یتنگ �اُ�ر�د�و دنہوسں ںیم انھکل ڑپانھ‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪�� ۳۷‬ا ‪۴۱‬‬
‫اھکسںیئ �ا�و�ر قشم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫·ںیمظن �ا�و�ر �ااعش�ر رتمن �ا�و�ر �ر�و�این ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬
‫‪05‬‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ُملج‬
‫�‬ ‫ملِی ہمغن (مظن)‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫· �وں وک ��زامےن ےک احل� ےس دبتلی رکںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ج�‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫· ُملے ںیم اچپس �ک دع�دی رتبیت اک �اامعتسل رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪08‬‬

‫‪1 .‬نتم ںیم وموج�د ولعمام� ےک عال�وہ ہبلط ےس ��زنیم ےک قلعتم‬
‫خ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫�ب�ا� �چ� ی� رکںی۔ھچک ولعمام� ہبلط ےس �ا� �ذ� رک�و�اںیئ �ا�و�ر اہجں‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫رض�و�ر� وہ وخ�د ولعمام� ف�ر�امہ رکںی۔‬ ‫�ُملج‬
‫ت‬ ‫·رمبک ے �ر�و�این ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫‪2 .‬ہبلط ےس �پ�اچن ےس س�ا� ولمجں ےکیسک �ا� یک رصتخمریپ�ارگ�اف‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫�‬ ‫مہ �ا�و�ر امہ�ری ‪�� ۴۲‬ا ‪· ۴۶‬اعم مہف احم�و�ر�ا� اک �اامعتسل رکںیکس۔‬
‫یک �امال رک�و�اںیئ �ا�و�ر وج�ڑ�وں ںیم �ا� یک �د�ورسے ےس اک ایپں دبتلی‬ ‫‪07‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ظ‬
‫·یسک وموضع رپ س�ا�دہ �اافل� ںیم �اےنپ ایخال� اک �ااہظ�ر رکںیکس۔‬ ‫��زنیم‬
‫اتک� یک �ر�وینش ںیم �ا� یک �د�ورسے‬ ‫ہبلط ےس ںیہک ہک ب‬ ‫رک�و�اںیئ �ا�و�ر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫�ن ش‬ ‫·�پ�اچن ےس س�ا� ولمجں رپ لمتشم ابع�ر� یک �د�رس� �امال ھکل‬ ‫‪09‬‬
‫یک ویطلغں یک ��ادنیہ رکںی۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�3 .‬د�ریس ب‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اج���زے یک اینب�د رپ �اس�ا���ذہ �اےنپ ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب رک‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن ‪�� ۴۶ ۲‬ا ‪ ۴۸‬اج���زہ‬
‫ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی۔‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط وک مظن ےک �ااعش�ر اک وہفمم اھجمسرک رثن رحتری رک�و�اںیئ �ا�و�رمظن‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫ےک �ااعش�ر ےک وہفمم وک دمرظن �رھک رک وس�ال رکںی �ا�و�ر ہبلط ےس‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫‪�� ۴۹‬ا ‪ ۵۲‬ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ا� رحتری رک�و�اںیئ۔‬
‫وج� ب‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫چس وہک (مظن)‬
‫ا� ھکل ںیکس۔‬
‫·مظن �و رثن ڑپھ رک رصتخم وس�اال� ےک وج� ب‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫‪۲۵‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ ونربم‬
‫وکیئ ےس �دُ�و ہبلط اک �� آسپ ںیم ڈ��ارٹک �ا�و�ر رمضی اکاکمہمل رک�و�اںیئ۔�اس ےس‬ ‫ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫‪04‬‬ ‫اکمہمل ڑپھ رک �د�رس� �ادن�ا��ز ےس �د�ہ�ر�ا ںیکس۔‬ ‫چس وہک (مظن)‬
‫�ب�ایق ہبلط وک یھب اکمہمل یک �واضح� وہیگ۔‬
‫�‬ ‫ن‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط وک �د�و ریپ�ارگ�اف اتبںیئ �ا�و�ر �ا� ےس ںیہک ہک وج�ڑ�وں ںیم‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫�ا� یک �د�ورسے وک ڑپھ رک انسںیئ �ا�و�ر ریپ�ارگ�اف ڑپ ھ�ے ےک دعب ہبلط‬ ‫·ابع�ر� نس رک یمیہفت وس�اال� ےک وج�ا�ب�ا� �دے ںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت ظ‬
‫ےس ےس ریپ�ارگ�اف ےک قلعتم یمیہفت وس�اال� وپںیھچ۔‬ ‫·�ا� یک ٹنم ںیم مک �ا��زمک َس�ّ�ر �اافل� رپ لمتشم رثنی ابع�ر� �ر�و�این‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫رجیم احظف ��زریب ‪�� ۵۳‬ا ‪۵۶‬‬
‫‪2‬ہبلط وک اتب ںیئ ہک �وہ �د�ووتسں �ا�و�ر اخدن�ا� ےک �درگی �اف�ر�ا�د ےک‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪07‬‬ ‫ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫دیہش‬
‫س�اھت قبس ںیم ڑپیھ وہیئ ولعمام� یک رتلیس رکںی۔‬ ‫·مظن �و رثن ڑپھ رک یمیہفت وس�اال� ےک وج�ا�ب�ا� ھکل ںیکس۔‬

‫ن‬ ‫ت‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�3‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫·ڑپیھ وہیئ ولعمام� اک �اےنپ �د�ووتسں �ا�و�ر اخدن�ا� ےک �اف�ر�ا�د ےس‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫ابت�دہل ایخل رکںیکس۔‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ا�‬ ‫‪1 .‬ہبلط وک رگ�ووپں ںیم وکیئ �ا� یک ہلئسم �دںی سج ےک � ب‬
‫اابس� �ا�و�ر دس�ب� ب‬
‫ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم �وہ اچ�ر� �ی�ا ہتخت رحتری رپ ںیھکل ےگ۔ ہتخت رحتری �ی�ا‬
‫ن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫اچ�ر� ےنھکل ےک دعبہبلط ےس �ا� اک اکم رگ�ووپں وک اتبےن اک ںیہک۔‬ ‫ن‬
‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫·�ر�و��زرمّہ ےک اسملئ (رٹکفی)‪ ،‬افصیئ‪ �� ،‬آول�دیگ‪� ،‬انم �و �اام�‬
‫‪2 .‬ہبلط وک رگ�ووپں ںیم �ارٹکیل�ا�ک م� ی�ڈ�ی�ا (یٹ �وی ‪� ،‬ر� ی�ڈوی‪ ،‬ویپمکرٹ‪ ،‬وم�ب�الئ‬ ‫ت ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫ن‬ ‫ٹ ٹ‬ ‫�وریغہ) رپ یک یئگ وگتفگ ُس� رک �امہ اکن� ایب� رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫‪ � ،‬ی��بل� �وریغہ)‪ ،‬ںیم ےس وکیئ �ا� یک وم وضع �دںی �ا� ےس احلص‬ ‫ٹ ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬
‫ٹ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪�� ۵۷‬ا ‪�· ۶۲‬ارٹکیل�ا�ک م� ی�ڈ�ی�ا (یٹ �وی ‪� ،‬ر� ی�ڈوی‪ ،‬ویپمکرٹ‪ ،‬وم�ب�الئ ‪ � ،‬ی��بل�‬ ‫اعمرشیت‬
‫رک�دہ ولعمام� ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم دنچ ےلمج اچ�ر� رپ وھکل�اںیئ۔ ےنھکل ےک‬ ‫‪07‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫ت‬ ‫�وریغہ)‪ ،‬ےس احلص رک�دہ ولعمام� ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم دنچ ےلمج‬ ‫اسملئ‬
‫دعب رمکہ امجع� ںیم �آ�و�ی��ز�اں رک�و�اںیئ۔‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ھکل ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫� ےس ںیہک ہک �اےنپ �د �ی�ے ےئگ وموضع رپ رقتری ایت�ر‬ ‫‪�3 .‬ہ�ررگ�و پ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬
‫·�� آ�و�ا��ز �ا�و�ر ےجہل ےک �ا��ا�ر ڑچاھ��ؤ ےک س�اھت �د �ی�ے ےئگ وموضع رپ‬
‫رکںی۔رگ�ووپں ےک امنیب رقتریی اقمہلب رک�و�اںیئ۔‬
‫�دَس ولمجں رپ لمتشم رقتری رکںیکس۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�4 .‬د�ریس ب‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬ ‫اےنپ‬ ‫�‬ ‫�ذہ‬
‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬
‫ا‬ ‫اس‬ ‫�‬ ‫رپ‬ ‫�‬
‫د‬ ‫اینب‬ ‫یک‬ ‫�زے‬ ‫�‬ ‫اج�‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ��وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب‬ ‫‪۰۲‬‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن ‪�� ۶۳ 3‬ا ‪۶۴‬‬
‫رک ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫‪1 .‬ہبلط وک �ا � یک ��ا اچپس �ک یتنگ �اُ�ر�د�و دنہوسں �ا�و�ر وظفلں ںیم ںیم‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪�� ۶۵‬ا ‪۶۸‬‬
‫ےنھکلیک قشم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪05‬‬ ‫·مظن ےک �ااعش�ر ڑپھ رک فطل �ادن�و��ز وہںیکس۔‬ ‫وکّے (مظن)‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪�2 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫·�ا� یک ےس اچپّس �ک یتنگ دنہوسں �ا�و�ر وظفلں ںیم ھکل ںیکس۔‬
‫‪۲۵‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز �ب�ر�اےئ �دربمس‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪1 .‬ہبلط شوک رگ�ووپں ںیم اعم وموضاع� (افصیئ‪� ،‬وق� یک �پ�ادنبی‪،‬‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ظ‬
‫�و�ر��ز�‪� ،‬د�روتخں ےک افدئے)‪ ،‬ںیم ےس وکیئ �ا� یک وموضع رپ �دس‬ ‫·یسک وموضع رپ س�ا�دہ �اافل� ںیم �اےنپ ایخال� اک ش�ااہظ�ر رکںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫ےلمج اچ�ر� �ی�ا �اینپ ون� ُ� بک رپ ںیھکل۔ ےنھکل ےک دعب رمکہ امجع� ںیم‬ ‫·اعم وموضاع� (افصیئ‪� ،‬وق� یک �پ�ادنبی‪� ،‬و�ر��ز�‪� ،‬د�روتخں ےک‬ ‫ت‬
‫�‬ ‫‪�� ۶۹‬ا ‪۷۴‬‬
‫�آ�و�ی��ز�اں رک�و�اںیئ۔امتم رگ�ووپں ےس ںیہک ہک �ب�ایق رگ�ووپں ےک اکم اک‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫افدئے) ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم �دس ے رحتری رکںیکس۔‬ ‫تحص �و افصیئ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬
‫دیقنتی اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر رحتری وک رتہب رکےن ںیم �ا� یک �ر�اامنہیئ رکںی۔‬ ‫·�اےنپ ‪ ،‬رھگ ‪ ،‬وکسل ‪،‬ےلحم‪ ،‬دجسم ‪ ،‬ابع�د� اگہ ےک اموحل وک اصف‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫�رھک ںیکس۔‬
‫ت ت‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫·یسک رظنم �ا�و�ر وصتری وک �دھکی رک �اےنپ ��ارث�ا� رحتری رکںیکس۔‬

‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ج�‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط ےس �اُ� ےک یسک یھب رفس یک �رُ�و�د�ا�ر وھکل�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫·�ر�و��زرمّہ وبل اچل ںیم دق�رے وطلی ُمل�وں وک �د�رس� ل ب‬
‫� �و‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫‪�� ۷۵‬ا ‪۸۰‬‬ ‫ن‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬‫‪�2‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫ہجہل ےک س�اھت �ا�د�ا رک ںیکس۔‬ ‫وشرگ�ا� یک ریس‬
‫ج‬ ‫ت‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫·رھگ ےس وکسل �ک ےک رفس یک �رُ�و�د�ا�ر �دَس �ُمل�وں ںیم ھکل‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫·س�اوقبں �ا�و�ر الوقحں وک اچہپ� ںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫‪۸۴‬‬ ‫�‬
‫ا‬ ‫‪� ۸۱‬‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬
‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪05‬‬ ‫مظن ڑپھ رک رمک��زی ایخل ایب� رکںیکس۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫·‬ ‫دمہ�ر�دی (مظن)‬
‫�‬ ‫ت‬
‫· ُس�ی �ا�و�ر ڑپیھ وہیئ ولعمام� �ا�و�ر اہکوینں‪ ،‬ڈ��ر�اومں �وریغہ ےک‬

‫رک�د�ا�ر�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم �اینپ دنسپ �و ��ادنسپ اک �ااہظ�ر رکںیکس۔‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اج���زے یک اینب�د رپ �اس�ا���ذہ �اےنپ ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬
‫ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب رک‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫‪�� ۸۵‬ا ‪ ۸۶‬اج���زہ‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن‪4‬‬
‫ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی۔‬

‫·نتم ںیم �اامعتسل وہےن �و�اےل �اافل� وک �اےنپ ولمجں ںیم �اامعتسل‬
‫رکںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫مہ اصنیب رسرگویمں رپ وگتفگ رکےت وہےئ قبس ےک �� آرخ ںیم �دی یئگ‬ ‫‪�� ۸۷‬ا ‪۹۱‬‬
‫‪06‬‬ ‫·مہ اصنیب رسرگویمں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم رصتخم وگتفگ رکںیکس۔‬ ‫اقمیم ےلیم‬
‫رسرگایمں لمکم رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫ت‬
‫آ�) اک �د�رس� �اامعتسل‬ ‫·�امس ریمض (ںیم‪ ،‬مہ‪ ،‬مت‪� ،‬وہ �ا�و�ر �� پ‬
‫�ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
‫·یٹھچ ےک �د� رصم�وایف� رپ لمتشم ڈ��ا��ری ھکل ںیکس۔‬
‫‪۲۵‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ ونج�ری‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
‫ر� احل ںیم‬ ‫‪1‬نتم یک دت�رسی ےک �د�و�ر�ا� ہبلط ےساگنہیم وص� ِ‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫�اینپ افحتظ �ا�و�ر �د�ورس�وں یک دم�د ےک ےیل اجت�و�ی �ز� ںیل �ا�و�ر �اُ�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫ر� احل (اح�دہث‪ ،‬س� ی ب‬
‫ال�‪�� ،‬ززلہل �وریغہ) ںیم �اینپ‬ ‫·اگنہیم وص� ِ‬ ‫‪�� ۹۲‬ا ‪۹۶‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫وک�د�ورس�وں یک دم�د یک ےیل ��ذینہ وط�ر رپ ایت�ررکںی۔‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫دق�ریت �� آاف�‬
‫افحتظ �ا�و�ر �دُ�ورس�وں یک دم�د رکںیکس۔‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫·وقیم �ا�و�ر یجن �امالک یک �اتیمہ �ا�و�ر افحتظ اک �ااسحس رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪18‬‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ن‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫‪1‬ہبلط وک الربئریی �ی�ا نویپمکرٹ ےس �ا� النئ �اینپ دنسپ یک وکیئ ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪19‬‬
‫ا� �دے‬ ‫·�ااعش�ر ڑپھ رک رصتخم یمیہفت وس�اال� ےک �د�رس� وج� ب‬
‫بختنم رکےن �ا�و�ر ڑپ ھ�ے وک ںیہک۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫وقیم رپمچ‬
‫‪04‬‬ ‫ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۹۷‬ا ‪۱۰۰‬‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫(مظن)‬
‫·الربئریی �ا�و�ر ویپمکرٹ ےس �اینپ دنسپ ےک یمیلعت وم�ا�د وک بختنم رکےک‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪19‬‬
‫ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬
‫‪1 .‬ہبلط وک �روم��زِ �ا�واقف ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم لیصفت ےس اتبںیئ �ا�و�ر�ا� یک‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ریپ�ارگ�اف وخطخش ےنھکل اک ںیہک سج ںیم �ا� �روم��زِ�ا�واقف ےک‬ ‫·انسےئ ےئگ نتم ےک �ازج�ا (�ادتب�ا‪ ،‬رع� جو�‪� ،‬ااتتخم اتنجئ) �وریغہ‬ ‫‪20‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش خ‬
‫�اامعتسل اک ایخل �راھک ایگ وہ۔‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫ُس� رک ھجمس ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪�� ۱۰۱‬ا ‪۱۰۴‬‬ ‫�‬
‫وخ� �ا الیق‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2 .‬د�ریس ب‬ ‫·رثنی ابع�ر� (اہکین‪ ،‬اکمہمل‪ ،‬ہفیطل) یک ُ� بل��د وخ�این رکںیکس۔‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫·س�ا�دہ ےلمج رحتری رکےت وہےئ �روم��زِ �ا�واقف اک ایخل �رھک ںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اج���زے یک اینب�د رپ �اس�ا���ذہ �اےنپ ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب رک‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن ‪�� ۱۰۵ 5‬ا ‪۱۰۶‬‬
‫ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫و� انب رک ہبلط اک �ا� یک �د�ورسے ےس �ب�ا� �چ� ی� رک�و�اںیئ ��اہک‬
‫‪1 .‬رگ� پ‬ ‫ن‬
‫·س�ا�دہ اہکین‪ ،‬رقتری �ی�ا ہبطخ ُس� رک ھجمس ںیکس۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪21‬‬
‫�وہ مغ �ا�و�ر وخیش ےک ومعق رپ �ا� یک �د�ورسے اک ایخل �رںیھک۔‬ ‫�ُملج‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪�� ۱۰۷‬ا ‪۱۱۱‬‬ ‫ح ن‬
‫‪06‬‬ ‫·اہکین‪� ،‬و�اہعق‪ ،‬رقتری �ا�و�ر رپ�ورگ�ام رپ �اینپ دنسپ �و ��ادنسپ اک دنچ �وں‬ ‫ُ س ِ� ولسک‬
‫اتک� ںیم �دی یئگ وجت�ی��ز رک�دہ رسرگایمں ہبلط ےس لمکم‬ ‫‪�2 .‬د�ریس ب‬
‫ںیم �ااہظ�ر رکںیکس۔‬
‫رک�و�اںیئ۔‬ ‫‪21‬‬
‫·مغ �ا�و�ر وخیش ےک ومعق رپ �د�ورس�وں اک ایخل �رھک ںیکس۔‬
‫‪۲۴‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ ف�ر�و�ری‬

‫‪Only for Academic Year 2020-2021‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫لک‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اتک�‬

‫�د�ریس ب‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ربمن‬
‫اعم�و� دہ�ا�ی�ا� �ب�ر�اےئ �اس�ا���ذہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫احص ِ‬
‫ال� مّلعت‬ ‫ونع�ا�‬
‫ریپ� ی�ڈ��ز‬ ‫اک ہحفص ربمن‬ ‫امش�ر‬
‫ام� چر�‬
‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪22‬‬
‫مظن ےک �ااعش�ر اک وہفمم �� آس�ا� �و سیلس �اافل� ںیم ایب� رکںی ��اہک ہبلط وخ�د‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪۱۱۵‬‬ ‫�‬
‫ا‬ ‫‪� ۱۱۲‬‬
‫مظن اک رمک��زی ایخل ایب� رکںیکس۔‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫·مظن ڑپھ رک رمک��زی ایخل ایب� رکںیکس۔‬ ‫�دُ�ویتس (مظن)‬
‫وس�ال ربمن ‪� ۸ ،۱‬ا�و�ر رسرگایمں اخص وط�ر رپ وتہج ےس رک�اںیئ۔‬ ‫د� �پ�ا�ر�وں وک ڑپھ رک �اینپ دنسپ �و ��ادنسپ اک �ااہظ�ر رکںیکس۔‬
‫·س�ا�دہ �ا� ب‬

‫ت ت‬

‫قبس ںیم �دی یئگ اصت�وری رپ �اس رطح �ب�ا� �چ� ی� رکںی ہک �ہ�ر وصےب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ہبلط‪:‬‬
‫ش‬ ‫ت‬
‫ا� ےک �ذ��رےعی ہبلط ےس امسیج‬ ‫یک اقثتف �و�احض وہ اجےئ �ا�و�ر وس� تال �و وج� ب‬ ‫·امسیج رقتابی� ( ��ا�دی‪ ،‬ایبہ‪ ،‬س�ارگلہ‪� ،‬ہ�و�ا�ر �وریغہ )ںیم رشتک‬ ‫‪23‬‬
‫ت ش‬ ‫ت‬
‫رقتابی� ( ��ا�دی‪ ،‬ایبہ‪ ،‬س�ارگلہ‪� ،‬ہ�و�ا�ر ںیم رشتک ےک �� آ�د� ب‬
‫ا� �ا�و�ر رھگ‪،‬‬ ‫ا� اک ایخل �رھک ںیکس۔‬ ‫ےک �� آ�د� ب‬ ‫‪�� ۱۱۶‬ا ‪۱۲۱‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫‪06‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�پ�ااتسکین اقثتف‬
‫ا� اک ایخل ےسیک �رےتھک‬ ‫وکسل‪ ،‬ابع�د� اگہ‪� ،‬ب�ا��ز�ا�ر �ا�و�ر رجحے ںیم وگتفگ ےک �� آ�د� ب‬ ‫ا� اک‬
‫·رھگ‪ ،‬وکسل‪ ،‬ابع�د� اگہ‪� ،‬ب�ا��ز�ا�ر �ا�و�ر رجحے ںیم وگتفگ ےک �� آ�د� ب‬ ‫‪G3-U-‬‬
‫ںیہ؟‬ ‫ایخل �رھک ںیکس۔‬ ‫‪23‬‬
‫وس�ال ربمن ‪� ۶ ،۵‬ا�و�ر رسرگایمں اخص وط�ر رپ وتہج ےس رک�اںیئ‬ ‫·رمبک ُملے �ر�و�این ےس ڑپھ ںیکس۔‬
‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ہبلط ےس اتکوبں رپ رطہقی اک�ر ےک اطمقب اج���زہ ںیل �ا�و�ر ڑپ��ال رکںی۔�اس‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اج���زے یک اینب�د رپ �اس�ا ��ذہ �اےنپ ہبلط یک اک�ررک�دیگ ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم اج� ںیکس‬
‫ےگ زین �اےنپ ہبلط ےک زمک�و�ر ولہپ�وں ےک �ب�ا�رے ںیم وصنمہب س�ا��زی یھب رک‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪�� ۱۲۲‬ا‬ ‫ئ‬
‫ںیکس ےگ۔ہبلط ےک اتنجئ ےس �و�ادلنی وک رض�و�ر �آاگہ رکںی �ا�و�ر �اںیھن یھب‬ ‫‪02‬‬ ‫اج���زہ ربمن ‪۶‬‬
‫ش‬ ‫‪۱۲۴‬‬
‫رتہبنی اتنجئ ےک ےیل �اےنپ س�اھت ��الم رکںی‬
‫�‬ ‫ئ‬
‫اتک� ےک ہحفص ربمن ‪ ۱۲۴‬رپ �دی یئگ‬ ‫اج���زہ ےک �د�ورسے ریپ ی�ڈ نںیم �د�ریس ب‬
‫وصتریی اہکین ہبلط ےس ُ ��یں۔‬
‫‪۱۴‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ ام� چر�‬
‫‪150‬‬ ‫لک ریپ� ڈی���ز �ب�ر�اےئ یمیلعت س�ال ‪۲۱-۲۰۲۰‬‬
‫ن‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪�� 17‬ا ‪ 31‬ام� چر� س�االہن �ااحتم�‬
‫ ‬
Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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