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The theoretical aspects of UrQMD & AMPT models

Conference Paper · May 2016

DOI: 10.1063/1.4946751

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2 authors:

Abhilasha Saini Sudhir Bhardwaj

Government College of Engineering and Technology, Bikaner

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The theoretical aspects of UrQMD & AMPT models
, ,
Abhilasha Saini and Sudhir Bhardwaj

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1728, 020700 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4946751

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4946751
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1728/1
Published by the American Institute of Physics
The Theoretical aspects of UrQMD & AMPT Models
Abhilasha Saini1,a) and Sudhir Bhardwaj2,b)
Research Scholar,Department of Physics ,Suresh Gyan vihar University, Jaipur,India
Assistant professor,Govt. College of Engineering & Technology,Bikaner,India

Abstract. The field of high energy physics is very challenging in carrying out theories and experiments to unlock
the secrets of heavy ion collisions and still not cracked and solved completely. There are many theoretical
queries; some may be due to the inherent causes like the non-perturbative nature of QCD in the strong coupling
limit, also due to the multi-particle production and evolution during the heavy ion collisions which increase the
complexity of the phenomena. So for the purpose of understanding the phenomena, variety of theories and ideas
are developed which are usually implied in the form of Monte-Carlo codes. The UrQMD model and the AMPT
model are discussed here in detail. These methods are useful in modeling the nuclear collisions.


There is a wide range of theoretical models which are having different physical features and based on different
concepts, but it reflects that any of them is not able to provide complete description of all the available
experimental data results. Moreover as the limits are breaking and we are able to go more deep in the field and
getting more and more experimental data, the requirement of more precise and predictive theories is increased
and less compatible ones are discarded. For the modeling of these collisions the Monte-Carlo codes or we can
say the theoretical calculations can be categorized in different manners like according to their applicability in
different energy range, or may have different physical concepts and features or may be classified in many other
ways. Few Monte-Carlo codes are based on principles and theories like lattice QCD calculations [2, 3 ] and
perturbative QCD models [4], some other are having phenomenological assumptions, approximations and
tuning in accordance to experimental data. There are models which emphasize on collective phenomena,
for example the thermal [5, 6 ] and hydro [7] models, and models which treat microscopic phenomena like
the parton scattering, jet quenching, string fragmentation, etc [1,8 ]. The classification of these models can
also be done on the basis of the stage of evolution of the collision on which the model is emphasizing or
concentrating, for example we have initial state models (Glauber [9], CGC [10, 11]), partonic interactions and
cascades [12], hydrodynamic expansion models [13, 14], hadronization models [15, 16] and hadron cascade
models [20, 21]. There are some models which use and include more than one models as mentioned previously,
and they are defined as hybrid codes is also a large variety of hybrid codes. These hybrid models are more
useful to make a realistic picture of the different stages of the nuclear collision are able to simulate the collisions
to approach towards them more accurately [1, 17].


The UrQMD [1] comes in the category of microscopical models and the basis of this model is the

International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC 2015)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1728, 020700-1–020700-4; doi: 10.1063/1.4946751
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1375-7/$30.00

phase space description of the reaction. The model is able to implement the phenomena into wide range
and includes many unknown parameters which are to be fixed by the results of experimental data or by
the assumptions of the model. The model deals with both hadronic and partonic interactions through
string formation and fragmentation and here, it is not priory assumed about the existence of a stage
with deconfined partons.
The study under UrQMD collision means that it includes 55 baryon mass states (up to 2.25 GeV/c2 ) and
32 meson mass states i n addition to that considers their corresponding anti-particle and all isospin-
projected states too. All the above mentioned states may be created whether in string decays, s-channel
collisions between hadrons or resonance decays. At lower energy in the range of beam energies of 8-10
GeV/nucleon, meson- or baryon-resonance decays dominate the particle production process. On the other
hand for higher energy range the mechanisms which are very important like, string excitation and
fragmentation dominate the region.
The elementary cross sections are used to fit to the available proton-proton, proton- neutron or
pion-proton data and t h e isospin symmetry is used whenever possible. In the cases when experimental
data on cross sections d o n o t exists l i k e hyperon-baryon resonance scattering few things can be
supposed and assumptions should be made. One of those is the additive quark model assumption, where
the dependence of cross sections is only on the number of quarks which the colliding hadrons are containing.[18]
as given in the empirical formula:

ߪ‫ ݐ݋ݐ‬ൌ ͶͲሺʹȀ͵ሻ݊ ‫ ܯ‬ሺͳ െ ͲǤͶ‫ ݏͳݔ‬ሻሺͳ െ ͲǤͶ‫ ݏʹݔ‬ሻ[mb] (1)

ߪ݈݁ ൌ ͲǤͲ͵ͻߪ‫ ݐ݋ݐ‬ሻ (2)
Here nM = 0, 1, 2 represents the number of colliding mesons and i ‫ ݅ݔ‬is the ratio of strange to non-
strange quarks in the i-th hadron. These cross sections d o n o t d e p e n d o n e n e r g y a n d
m o m e n t u m and they match v e r y well with experimentally known hadron-hadron cross sections even
at high energies. The other concept which is supposed is the detailed balance and it is based on the time-
reversal invariance of the matrix element of the reaction:

ܲ݅ʹ ݃ ݅
ߪ݂՜݅ ൌ  ߪ݅՜݂ (3)
݂ܲʹ ݃ ݂

Here the g factors a r e d e f i n i n g the spin-isospin degeneracy factors for the initial, i, and final, f
The string excitation-fragmentation method is used for the modeling of inelastic hadron-hadron
interactions at high energies. Strings are formed between the quark and diquark (antiquark) from the
same hadron in baryon-baryon (meson-meson) interactions. These strings are further stretched and the
constituent quarks are assigned with the longitudinal momenta a s according to the structure functions
of hadrons. The Lund JET-SET routine [19], used in the UrQMD, where it is supposed that the
string always breaks into a sub-string and a particle on a mass shell.
A number of empirical suppression factors are used in UrQMD to control and curb the creation of
certain meson or baryon species. The s-quark suppression factor is very much sensitive regarding to the
production of kaon whereas the diquark suppression factor is very useful and plays an important role
for the anti-nucleon production. The m o d e l c o n s i d e r s t h e standard values a s :

u : d : s : qq = 1 : 1 : 0.35 : 0.1 (4)

These values can be tuned by using the model parameters or in some work the default values can be


The other important microscopic transport model is AMPT [17] like UrQMD , and it is designed to model
the collisions at the energies available at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. AMPT contains a

partonic cascade model for the initial interactions (ZPC [12]) which uses the parton distribution from
the HIJING model [8], as input. The ZPC model is extended to involve and consider the transition
from quark-gluon to hadronic matter. And the ART model is used for the inclusion of final state
interactions [20].
The HIJING model is used in AMPT model to generate the initial parton momentum distributions.
The HIJING model uses the concept that the nucleus-nucleus collision can be considered as the
superposition of many binary nucleon-nucleon collisions with the i m p a c t parameters which are
calculated and generated by assuming a Wood-Saxon nuclear density distribution. The eikonal formalism
is used to estimate the probability of occurrence of a collision. Nuclear effects in hard interactions are
i n c l u d e d a n d taken into c o n s i d e r a t i o n by using an impact parameter dependent parton
distribution function w h i c h i s based on the Mueller-Qiu [22] parametrization of nuclear
shadowing. Further, PYTHIA [23] routines are taken into account to describe hard interactions,
whereas f o r t h e t r e a t m e n t o f soft interactions the Lund model [24] is used.
As given by HIJING, the partons have a finite formation time w i t h i n t h a t t h e i r r e -
s c a t t e r i n g i s n o t p o s s i b l e , a n d t h e y a r e c o n s i d e r e d a s t h e p a r t o f the coherent cloud
of parent nucleons. T h e n t h e p o s i t i o n s o f p a r t o n s are calculated once they are formed.
After that the ZPC model is employed for the parton cascade. When the partons stop interacting,
a n d they are converted into hadrons b y t h e u s e o f HIJING fragmentation method with the
consideration of some modifications. The main modification is the possibility to produce diquark-
antidiquark pairs which helps giving a good description and explanation of the net baryon rapidity
For the evolution of hadrons, the ART model is used [20]. For the purpose of extending the validity
of ART to RHIC energies new channels have been added like nucleon- antinucleon annihilation
channels, inelastic interactions of kaons and antikaons, and neutral kaon production. The detailed
balance c a n b e a d d e d a n d c a n b e also taken into account.

The UrQMD and AMPT are microscopic transport models are basically stands on the similar principles as QMD
and RQMD. The UrQMD model includes a widely explained collision term with complete baryon-antibaryon
symmetry, 55 baryon and 32 meson species and isospin is explicitly treated for all hadrons. The range of application
of the model is been stretched from E(lab) < 100 MeV/nucleon up to E(lab) > 200 GeV/nucleon. The model provide
acceptance of a consistent calculation of excitation functions from the intermediate energy region to the ultra-
relativistic energies. Microscopic transport model UrQMD is an important key to provide deep insight in
understanding the dynamics of heavy ion collisions and interactions in very different energy ranges whether it is the
Coulomb barrier (several MeV per nucleon) region or the highest energies currently available or expected to achieve
in the future. The AMPT model uses HIJING model to study the collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider. Moreover the thing above all is that it can be used to provide a basic framework which can be able to
introduce new transport theoretical concepts and physical ideas, and the ultra-relativistic heavy ion reactions may be
explored further.

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