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Coleman New Homes Ltd.


Residential Development at
Cois Caisleán (Phase 2)
Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork


Operational Waste Management Plan

Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

Document Control Sheet

Client: Coleman New Homes Ltd.
Project Title: Residential Development at Cois Caisleán (Phase 2), Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork.
Document Title: Operational Waste Management Plan
File Name: 18215-JBB-1B-XX-RP-C-00134_Operational_Waste_Management_Plan

Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Pages of Text Appendices

(incl. Y/N) (incl. Y/N) (incl. Y/N) (No.) (No.)

Y N N 9 0

Document Revision Document Verification

Issue Date Revision Suitability Author Checker Reviewer Approver Peer Review
(DD/MM/YY) Code Code (Initials) (Initials) As Per PMP As Per PMP (Initials or N/A)
(Initials) (Initials)

01/11/23 P01 S3 TD TF TF TF N/A

08/11/23 P02 S3 RS TF TF TF N/A

Page i
Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 1
PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 2
2.1 Proposed Development .................................................................................. 2
ESTIMATED WASTE ARISING ............................................................................... 4
3.1 Unsegregated Waste Arising .......................................................................... 4
3.2 Segregated Waste Categories ....................................................................... 4
WASTE STORAGE AND COLLECTION ................................................................. 5
4.1 Waste Storage Areas ..................................................................................... 5
4.2 Waste Collection ............................................................................................. 6
4.3 Waste Storage Area Design ........................................................................... 7
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 9

Page ii
Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

1.1 Overview
This Operational Waste Management Plan has been prepared in support of an LRD planning application to
Cork City Council for 162 residential units. The proposed development is the next phase of an ongoing
residential development by Coleman New Homes Ltd. at Maglin Road, Ballincollig, Cork.

This plan has been prepared to ensure that the management of waste during the operational phase of the
proposed development is undertaken in accordance with current legal and industry standards and aims to
ensure maximum recycling, reuse and recovery of waste with diversion from landfill, wherever possible. The
plan provides guidance on the appropriate collection and transport of waste. The plan estimates the type
and quantity of waste to be generated from the proposed development during the operational phase and
provides guidance for managing the waste.

This plan has been prepared in accordance with best practice standards, local and national waste
management requirements, including those of Cork City Council and in particular, with the following

▪ BS 5906:2005 Waste Management in Buildings – Code of Practice;

▪ Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015 - 2021;
▪ Cork City Development Plan 2022 – 2028;
▪ Cork City Council Bye-Laws for the Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and
Commercial Waste (2018); and
▪ DoHLGH, Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments, Guidelines for Planning
Authorities (2022).

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

2.1 Proposed Development
The proposed development is located at Maglin Road, Ballincollig Cork, on a circa 5.69-hectare site, and is
the next phase of an ongoing residential development by Coleman New Homes immediately to the east,
see Figure 2-1. The Maglin Road forms the eastern boundary of the ongoing residential development site,
the north of the site is bounded by existing residential development and the lands to the western and
southern boundaries of the site are comprised of green fields.

Figure 2-1: Phase 2 Site Location

The proposed Phase 2 residential development consists of 162 no. units including a mix of apartments,
duplex blocks, terraced and semi-detached dwellings as shown in Figure 2-2. The Phase 1 development
has already been granted permission and construction work is progressing on this phase of the
development. Refer to Table 2-1 for a breakdown of these units.

Table 2-1: Breakdown of Proposed Phase 2 Residential Units

No. of Bedrooms per Housing Apartments and Total

Unit Duplex
1-bed - 38 38
2-bed 10 40 50
3-bed 48 - 48
4-bed 26 - 26
Total 84 78 162

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

Figure 2-2: Proposed Phase 2 Site Location

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)


3.1 Unsegregated Waste Arising
The BS5906:2005 Waste Management in Buildings – Code of Practice was used to estimate the
waste arising from the proposed development. The predicted total waste generated from the
residential units based on the Code of Practice is 31,880 litres (or 31.88m3) per week for the entire
proposed residential development. Refer to Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Weekly unsegregated waste arisings for proposed development

Average no.
Weekly waste
Building No. of units per block of bedrooms
arisings (litres)
per unit
Duplex Block A 12 1.5 1,620
Duplex Block B 10 1.5 1,350
Duplex Block C 14 1.29 1,680
Duplex Block D 4 1.5 540
Duplex Block E 10 1.4 1,280
Apartment Block F 22 1.77 3,390
Duplex Block G 6 1.33 740
2-bed house 1 2 170 (x 10 No.)
3-bed house 1 3 240 (x 48 No.)
4-bed house 1 4 310 (x 26 No.)
Total Development 162 2.38 31,880

3.2 Segregated Waste Categories

The non-hazardous and hazardous waste generated by the proposed development will include:
▪ Organic waste – food waste and green waste generated from plants and flowers;
▪ Dry Mixed Recyclables (DMR) – includes newspapers, magazines, cardboard, plastic packaging, metal
cans, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, tins and milk/juice cartons;
▪ Glass;
▪ Mixed Non-Recyclable (MNR) (general waste); and
▪ Batteries/electrical items/other household items

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)


4.1 Waste Storage Areas
A communal Waste Storage Area (WSA) will be provided for each duplex block and for the apartment block.
The WSA for each duplex block will be provided externally at ground level, adjacent to the buildings. The
WSA for the apartment block will be provided within the building at ground floor level. These communal
WSA’s will be for dedicated use by residents in each block. Individual WSAs will be provided for each house
within the curtilage of each house and will be for the use of the houseowner/residents of that house. The
location of the WSA’s can be viewed on the architect’s layout drawings submitted with the planning
application. An example of such areas from the proposed layout is shown in Figure 4-1.

Bin Storage for End-

Terrace Houses

Internal Ground
Bin Storage for Mid- Floor Bin Storage
Terrace Houses for Apartment Block
External Bin Storage
for Duplex Blocks

Figure 4-1: Typical Waste Storage Areas

All residents will be provided with information on the methods of waste segregation, storage, reuse and
recycling initiatives that shall apply within the development. A vehicle swept-path assessment (AutoTrack™)
was carried out to show that a large 2.53m wide x 10.32m long refuse lorry can safely negotiate the proposed
road network to carry out waste collections. The test vehicle profile used in this assessment is shown in
Figure 4-2 below. Refer to Drawing No. 18215-JBB-00-XX-DR-T-00120_P01 entitled Phase 2 Vehicle
Swept Path Assessment which is included separately as part of this planning application to illustrate these
various movements.

Figure 4-2: Profile of Vehicle Swept Path Assessment Test Vehicle

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

4.2 Waste Collection

It is essential that the residents and the management company retain licenced contractors to carry out the
on-site management of waste in accordance with all legal requirements and ensure that the waste operator
handle, transport and reuse/recover/recycle/dispose of waste in a manner that ensures that no adverse
environmental impacts occur as a result of any of these activities.

It is envisaged that there will be a weekly collection for the communal WSA’s for the duplex and apartment
blocks and a fortnightly collection for the individual WSA’s for the houses. The weekly/fortnightly waste
volumes are shown in litres in Table 4-1 and the equivalent requirement in number of waste bins is shown
in Table 4-2.

Table 4-1: Anticipated weekly/fortnightly collection scenario (in litres)

Fortnightly Collection
Weekly Collection (litres)
Waste Communal Bin Storage Areas Individual Bin Storage
Type Duplex Duplex Duplex Duplex Duplex Apart. Duplex
2-bed 3-bed 4-bed
Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
House House House
Organic 132 110 136 44 104 275 60 28 39 50
DMR 921 768 955 307 728 1928 421 193 273 353
Glass 30 25 31 10 24 64 14 6 9 12
MNR 537 447 556 179 424 1123 245 113 159 205
Total 1620 1350 1680 540 1280 3390 740 340 480 620

Table 4-2: Anticipated weekly/fortnightly collection scenario (in waste bin equivalent)
Fortnightly Collection
Weekly Collection (litre bins)
(litre bins)
Waste Communal Bin Storage Areas Individual Bin Storage
Type Duplex Duplex Duplex Duplex Duplex Apart. Duplex
2-bed 3-bed 4-bed
Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
House House House
Organic 240 240 240 240 240 2x240 240 140 140 140
DMR 1100 1100 1100 2x240 1100 2x1100 1100 240 240* 240*
Glass 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 140 140 140
MNR 1100 1100 1100 240 1100 1100 240 240 240 240
* Individual house holder may opt for a larger bin directly with the waste operator on a needs basis.
Waste storage bins as per Table 4.2 (or similarly approved containers) will be provided by the building
management company in the communal WSA’s for the duplex and apartment blocks and by the waste
collection operators for the individual WSA associated with the houses.

The types of bins used may vary in size (depending on the frequency of collection), design and colour
dependent on the appointed waste contractor. However, examples of typical bins to be provided in the
WSA’s are shown in Figures 4-3 and 4-4.

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

Figure 4-3: Typical 240 and 140 litre bins

Figure 4-4: Typical 1100 litre bins

4.3 Waste Storage Area Design

Sufficient waste storage areas will be made for the storage, segregation, and recycling of waste for this
residential development. In relation to the communal refuse storage provision, the collection point for refuse
will be accessible both to the external collector and to the resident and be secured against illegal dumping
by non-residents.

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

The communal WSAs provided will be in accordance with the relevant design standards. The WSAs for the
duplex blocks will be located externally and will have open access. The communal WSA’s provided for
Apartment Block F with be located internally and include the following:

▪ non-slip floor surface;

▪ good ventilation to reduce odours;
▪ sensor-controlled lighting with a minimum Lux rating of 400;
▪ accessible for people with limited mobility;
▪ apprioate signage such as lables and allowable content on bins;
▪ water and power supply for power washers with sloped floor for run-off;
▪ secure doors allowing controlled access for both the external collector and the resident; and
▪ CCTV for monitoring.

The building management company and their selected opperator will be required to maintain the communal
waste storage areas in good condition.

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Coleman New Homes Ltd Residential Development at Cois Caisleán, Phase 2, Maglin, Ballincollig, Cork
Operational Waste Management Plan (OWMP)

This Operation Waste Management Plan follows the relevant legal requirements, waste policies and best
practice guidelines and ensures a high level of recycling, reuse and recovery at the development and
ensures that waste management is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Cork City
Development Plan 2022 – 2028 and the relevant waste bye-laws.

The waste storage and collection strategy outlined in this Plan will provide adequate storage capacity for
the estimated quantity of segregated waste. The designated areas for waste storage will provide sufficient
room for the required receptacles in accordance with the details outlined in this Plan.

All recyclable materials will be segregated at source to reduce waste operator costs and reduce volumes of
waste material going to a landfill. The communal and individual waste storage areas are appropriately sized
and designed to provide sufficient storage capacity for the estimated quantity of segregated waste. The
designated areas for waste storage will provide sufficient room for the required bins depending on the
frequency of collection.

The layout of the proposed development facilitates full movement of refuse vehicles when collecting waste
from the various private and communal WSA’s.

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