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Abdul Wahid

The following comprehension and vocabulary-building exercises should help you in
improving your English language communication skills. You will also become familiar with
identifying and naming in English the parts of the nervous system.
Understanding the General Meaning
In reading reports and in conversation it is important that you both get the gist of the matter
(understand its general meaning) and understand the specific details being mentioned. Now
read about the nervous system again. Think about it.
1) What is the gist of the reading?
The neurological system is commonly referred to as the nervous system
2) What is the function of the reading? In other words, what is the purpose or intent of
the reading?
The reading above explains the nervous system in humans along with the anatomy
and function of nervous organs
3) In general, what is at the center of the entire nervous system?
The brain is the center of both.

Comprehending Specific Facts

Once again, review what you have just read. Answer the questions to assess your level of
prehension. You may use short answers.
1) What is the medical term for the nervous system?
Neurological sysytem
2) According to the text, what directs all body systems and cells?
Nervous system
3) What does PNS stand for?
The peripheral nervous system
4) What does CNS stand for?
The central nervous system
5) Based on what you have been learning, is it proper to use the abbreviation NS? You
may need to guess.
The full form of NS is the nervous system. It refers to a system of neurons that are
responsible for coordinating the actions of a living organism
6) How many major subsystems are in the nervous system?
The nervous system consists of two major subsystems: the central nervous system and
the peripheral nervous system
7) How are messages relayed from the brain to the body?
All the organs of the nervous system are composed of neurons, or nerve cells.
Neurons contain a cell nucleus and dendrites and axons. Dendrites receive impulses
from the sensory organs, such as the eyes and ears, and from other neurons and
transmit them to the central nervous system. The central nervous system (either the
brain or spinal cord) responds to this sensory input, sending impulses through the
axons out to the body organs. The gap between sensory, intermediate, and motor
nerves is referred to as a synapse.
8) What’s another word for neuron?
Nerve Cell

Identifying Parts of the Nervous System

Label the diagram of the nervous system. Refer to the reading for assistance.
1. Brain
2. Brain stem
3. Spinal chord
4. Median nerve
Building Vocabulary
To show that you really are gaining vocabulary, you will be asked to use new vocabulary
words in sentences and to identify verbs of similar meaning. Complete the following
Sentence Completion. To build vocabulary, use the word from the text in a full complete
sentence. Refer to the graphic of a nerve cell shown here for clues in completing the
1) The axon between the sensory and motor nerves is known as the interneurons.
2) Dendrites and Axon are parts of a neuron, or nerve cell.
3) The brain stem relays all messsage to and from various levels of the nervous system
Identifying Verbs in a Sentence. Identify the verbs in the following sentences.
1) The nervous system directs every body system and cell. Directs
2) The central nervous system is most often referred to as the CNS. Referrred to
3) These consist of neurons or nerve cells. Consist
4) The brain stem relays all messages to and from various levels of the nervous system.

1) The neurological system is commonly referred to as the nervous system.

The neurological system is also known as the nervous system.
2) The system consists of the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord.
The system is comprised of the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord.
3) Axons carry impulses away from the brain out into the body.
Axons transport impulses away from the brain out into the body.
4) The brain stem relays all messages to and from.
The brain stem passes all messages to and from.

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