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If questioned, Lazlo Bluebrick, (burly,

distracted), her former boss, denies any such

lack of safety or liability. It wasn’t until a few
months ago that Lazlo finally sprung for new
safety gear after a few others suffered a similar
fate to Amberjill. To complicate matters Lazlo
has Smudgestone House in his pocket. The
watchmen protect the man and his operation as
they do for several businesses in the area.

Jeeter remains at the family home. Tangled in

one of Zig’s thick webs. It struggles for 30
minutes each morning trying to free itself before
returning to an idle posture. Zig has grown bored
It’s Midwinter and Ezekiel Spooner (elderly, of tormenting it and sleeps much of the day.
sleepy), a once wealthy money-lender, is the
victim of extortion!. He was visited years ago by a The spirit of Amberjill desperately wants to give
trio of spirits that manipulated him into loving her son a good Midwinter gift by saving him from
Midwinter and turning over a new, more his situation. Around the Spooner estate, pots,
generous, leaf. It all turned out for the best in the pans and dishes are rattled and gibberish
end but ever since then, year after year, other appears written on frosted windows, dusty floors

Written, Illustrated & Designed by Brian Jansen©2023. For downloads and updates visit
spirits have been showing up demanding he and mirrors, but if read in reverse start to make
right their wrongs as well. Frankly, he’s at his wits sense. Amberjill explains her wish, albiet
end-not to mention he has gone broke trying to cryptically, giving the name Keno Keys as a
help them all! The Watch must deal with this! starting point. Keno is an attorney in Loggerhead
who champions inorganic rights and whom
originally connected her with Jeeter.
The spirit, Amberjill Brassy, is the mother of
Remy Brassy (quiet, wary), her 10 year old son. Normally, an inorganic person cannot be the
Her husband died long ago and when Amberjill head of a household but during Midwinter an old
died earlier in the year from a mysterious illness and obscure law circumvents traditional law in
the bank took their home and Remy was sent to favour of family unity, in this case, Remy and
Crane’s Orphanage in The Cups. Whitney Jeeter. This law only works if the previous head
Coldclover (stern, sharp), the headmistress uses of the household didn’t pass by
the kids as slave labour for a hand-made mitten their own hand or of natural or
empire. fateful causes. In this case, the
neglect of her former
Whitney isn’t prepared to let Remy go, her employer would qualify.
underhanded mitten operation is making her a
fortune during the colder season. She’s got a few Keno, a golem as well, is
thugs and a mean dog named Grits. eager to take the case, but
needs solid proof Amberjill’s
The previous year, Amberjill brought Jeeter illness and death was an
home, a small household golem, to help when accident or due to neglect
she is at work all day. Jeeter took to its duties at her job. If so, Jeeter will
well and soon Remy and the little golem were technically inherit the
inseparable friends. house, becoming the
new head of the Brassy
The old family home in Downspout sits empty family, reunite with Remy
now, taken over by Zig, a mean old spider. and, mostly importantly,
let old Ezekiel finally get
Previously, Amberjill worked for Bluebrick a good nights sleep.
Shipping in a busy Mizzlehaze harbour importing
raw golemite from the northern mountains. In its See following page for
raw form Golemite is toxic and requires special a few Midwinter themed
protective gear to handle. Amberjill’s work attire Disturbances.
remains in a cupboard at their home, clearly worn
out and ineffective to protect against such toxicity.
Festive fishing tournaments are taking place
along the semi-frozen Slurry. The competition is
fierce when Elmer Sparklight (large, upbeat)
shouts with glee as he raises a massive
wriggling river eel in triumph just before he
vanishes beneath the ice. People all shout in
alarm! He’s gone under! And that big eel has a
hold of his lunch!

Giselle Wireway (learned, flaky), a golemcrafter,

is demonstrating her latest model street-side.
The golem is mostly made of ice, snow and
wood but in an act of seasonal whimsey, she
has crafted the Spark Key into a dapper felt hat.
Sadly, in an effort to get the gimmicky golem
finished in time she cut corners and when
installing the hat the golem goes wild. Flailing,
bounding and crushing all in it’s path.

Alden Murkwater (tall, drab) hammers at a

merchant’s door, demanding compensation.
Nobody answers, but that doesn’t stop him from
trying to break open the door. He claims a
strange woman sold him a toy soldier, that she
assured would keep the mudrats out of his
cellar stores. It hadn’t done this at all, he found
the next morning all of the crates, barrels and
canisters broken wide open and the ravenous
rodents having a feast! The small shop is
mysteriously empty now, it’s shelves barren and
dusty. The toy soldier is a sinister Relic, during
the night it awakens, cracking open any and all
closed things it can lay it’s tiny wooden hands

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