Wonderful Day

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Wonderful Day

What a brightful morning to start the day

With new and another challenging chapter

In a life of student who are motivated to learn

To learn a new thing that will nurture someday

A lesson that can bring silver lining as a future educator

A new day that will serve a preparation for a better tomorrow.

In a four corners of the room after entering classroom

And before the day's end,

I discovered new learnings

Some learnings about different ways how the learners learned

Which through the use of visual, auditory, reading ang writing, kinesthetic

That are considered as a different learning styles of students

Help the teacher to recognize how the information retains in the student

A visual learner, see and observe the things they are learning about.

An auditory learner, listening and relating information to sound

A reading/writing learners, express themselves through reading and writing

A kinesthetic learner, learn by experiencing and doing

The crucial role of teacher is to identify which among of his/her students

Belong to the different learning styles to use appropriate teaching strategy.

Aside from visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic

There are other different learning styles that student may obtained
These are; logical learners that excel in logic, reasoning and numbers

Verbal learner they prefer and easily express themselves using both in reading and writing

Social or interpersonal learners they can easily learned by working with groups or others

Solitary or interpersonal learners prefer to study alone

An exciting part of learning this lesson Is that we were able to work with our groupmates

To share and brainstorm our prior knowledge

Regarding with the assigned topic on our group

I felt honored and blessed at the same time

Because I gave and got new learnings with my groupmates

Aside from sharing information, we have fun during this time

Because we were able to perform an activity

By an acting the lesson in front of the class

Other groups and mine have fun doing this activity

We were able to learned from each other In a 90 minutes, we enjoyed and have fun exploring
this lesson

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