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“Social Network System for Job Placement”

Mr. Jadhav Omkar Dattatray.
Ms. Jadhav Pallavi Dattu.
Ms. Jadhav Rutuja Manohar.
Ms. Bankar Prachi
Mr. Jadhav Sarthak Popat.


Prof. Mr. V.S.Nalawade


This is to certify that the project entitled
“Social Network System for job Placement”
Mr. Jadhav Omkar Dattatray.
Ms. Jadhav Pallavi Dattu.
Ms. Jadhav Rutuja Manohar.
Ms. Bankar Prachi
Mr. Jadhav Sarthak Popat.

Has been successfully completed as per the requirements of the

Savitribai Phule Pune University of Technical Education, Pune in
partial fulfilment of SE in Computer Engineering. For the academic
year 2021-2022

Prof.Mr.V.S.Nalawade Prof.Dr.S.T.Shirkande Prof.Dr.S.T. Shirkande


After the successful implementation of our project, we overcome with a sense of gratitude towards
those people, without whose support, guidance and cooperation this would never have been
First and fore most we would like to thanks our HOD. Dr. S.T. Shirkande for his valuable
guidance which provided us with a perfect path on which we were able to successful implement our

We heartily like to thank our Principal Dr. S.T. Shirkande for their valuable support. Also heartly
like to thank our project guide Mr.V.S.Nalawade for their valuable support. Also heartly like to
thank our subject guide Ms.R.L.Ghule for their valuable support. Last but not least we would like
to thank all our classmates and parents for their enthusiasm and great ideas.

Submitted by

Mr. Jadhav Omkar Dattatray.

Ms. Jadhav Pallavi Dattu.
Ms. Jadhav Rutuja Manohar.
Ms. Bankar Prachi Bhajandas.
Mr. Jadhav Sarthak Popat.

Sr. No. Chapter Name Page No.

Abstract 1
Introduction 2
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of project 2
1.2 Problem definition 3
1.3 Scope of project 3
2. Concepts
2.1 Basic concepts of project 4
2.2 Project Module in details 4
2.3 Basic system design 8
3. Requirement Analysis
3.1 Objective of project 16
3.2 User requirement 16
3.3 Hardware and software requirement 16
3.4 Database design 17
4. Project Life Cycle
4.1 Feasibility study 18
4.2 Project work schedule 20
4.3 Time required for the various stages for project 21
5. System Design and Modelling
5.1 Database and modelling 22
5.2 UML Diagram 26
5.2.1 Use case Diagram 26
5.2.2 Data flow Diagram 27
5.2.3 Activity Diagram 28
5.2.4 Sequence Diagram 29
5.2.5 ER Diagram 30
6. System Structure
6.1 Structure of project 31
7. Testing and Result
7.1 Testing 32
7.2 Testing plane 32
7.3 Unit testing 32
7.4 Integration testing 33
7.5 Automation testing 34
8. Evolution of Project
8.1 Advantages and Disadvantages 35
8.2 Future scope 35
9. Conclusion of project
Conclusion 36

Recruitment is a function of human resource management by which an organization can

attract the potential candidates and select the most appropriate employees for the organization.
Now-a days the people are extensively adaptive to the technology and that’s why E-recruitment
has become a popular practice followed by the organization for hiring employees.
This is exploratory research with the aim of identifying how e-recruitment process of an
organization in context of Multinational companies of India. In this study, multinational
organizations of India have been taken as population according to their participation in
e-recruitment activities. The sample was drawn from the renowned companies and data were
collected from various levels of respondents in context of the job seekers. Statistical analysis has
used to prove that there is a significant statistical analysis of how e-recruitment is a practice and
relationship between e- recruitment and overall recruitment process.
It also concluded that there is a moderate relationship between these two variables and the
job seekers feel convenient to search potential jobs for their prosperous career. So, it is
recommended that the organization should continue to use recruitment and online sources for hiring
candidates so that they can match with the goal business world.
1.1 Introduction of project: -

The advancement of technology plays an Important role in organizations functioning and

overall development of India. As our country is a developing nation and it has set its mission

to be digitalized in every area, the organization also has started to use technology in their

activities. Before the technological advancement, campus recruitment, different job agencies

and so on. Those sources are also recognized as traditional recruitment sources. But now

along with those sources many other sources have been added to this list because of the

technological development. Various job-related websites, recruitment via internet, E-Mail,

social medial etc. are the sources which added with traditional recruitment which is known as

e-recruitment. E- recruitment is a mode for selecting one of the companies’ human resources

through technological mean. According to technological acceptance model, the uses of online

sources for job searching have been impressively increased. It is considered to be effective

because it saves time, effort and moreover it can ensure that suitable person is hired for a

particular position. So, the main purpose of our study is to identify about how recruitment is

influencing the recruitment process of an organization.

1.2 Problem Statement: -

Recruitment is the process of attracting potentials employees to the organization or company.

It is systematic means of finding and inducing available candidates to apply to the company or

enterprise for employment. Recruitment is said to be a positive in its approach as it seeks to

attract as many candidates as possible. It is generating the applicants for specific positions. It

is linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.

1.3 Scope of Project: -

⮚ The online job portal system that is to be developed provides the members with jobs

information, online applying for jobs and many other facilities.

⮚ The job seeker can apply for the match jobs and search job as per his/her requirements.
2.1 Basic Concepts of Project: -

In this project we make two first interface for job seekers and second one for company admin

and staff in first page job seeker are search about job that we want and read about or apply for

this job seeker also read about company. In another interface means in admin page firstly

admin have login section also for staff after login in home page we see the applicant status

and job vacancy status, and in applications page in which admin see the new applicant whose

apply for various job categories also in vacancy page admin update the vacancy and its details

but the main function (work) of admin is only add new user’s and update the company

website setting’s. For another user means company staff are access the information of

applicants which apply for various jobs in this section staff are see the information of

applicant and shortlist the applicant according to its requirements of related jobs. In vacancy

page staff can add new vacancy also edit a particular vacancy which already present in queue

edit like a particular vacancy are open or close. After shortlist the applicants company staff

are select applicant to various categories like for mock test, initial interview, in that interview

particular applicants are passed or failed, final interview, for pooling, job offer letter, and

finally hired as an employee of that company.

2.2 The Project is dividing into Eight Modules: -

Module 1: For job seeker

Module 2: Login Module

Module 3: Home Module

Module 4: Applications Module

Module 5: Vacancy Module

Module 6: Status Category Module

Module 7: Users Module

Module 8: Settings Module

Module 1: -
When you want to apply for specifics job then search about that job in this module there two

menu bars Home and about in home menu there is list of different types of job vacancy in

which job title name, vacancy numbers, about vacancy information and its requirements and

Apply Now Button. To fill the particular form, click on apply now button after click pop-up

form will show in which specific job title name fill information like jobseeker name, gender,

E-Mail, contact no, Permanente Address, cover letter, and upload resume these different

options to fill the form and in about section there is Name of that company and some

information about it and on footer there is company contact no and E-Mail address is there to

contact us for any query or questions.

Module 2: -

In this module there is login section in right side for admin and also for staff.

Module 3: -

In this there is some side menu which is present in left side such as Home, Applications,

Vacancy, Status Category, Users and System Settings etc. for admin he can access all menu

which is present in menu bar but for company staff there is only few menu-bar can access

such as Home, Applications, Vacancy and Status Category. In home module there is a
bar for how many applicants are apply for various jobs and how many vacancies are currently


Module 4: -

In this module admin or staff can access the information of all applicants which is applied for

different job. There is also new application button for apply new job, staff can see the

information of applicant there is a section in that three buttons are there which is view this

button is for see the information of that particular applicant. Edit button the action of this

button is for shortlist the different status category like initial interview, final interview, for

pooling, job offer, hired these are the different options are there. And last one is deleting

these is for delete the application after failed the applicant in initial or final interview for this

list of students which is failed delete button is there. On the right side there is a different


category are there after a particular applicant selected for different status like for job offer

status after click on job offer there is a list on that applicants which is selected for job offer.

Module 5: -

In this module in left side there is a menu-bar in middle there is an button action of this button

is for adding a new vacancy there is a search-bar for search a vacancy and there is an Table

view to show vacancy list in that table there is an different content like is for serial no,

vacancy name, availability is for how many seats are available for a particular vacancy, status

bar show that vacancy are active or closed and in action bar Colum there is three button which

is view button for see the information about that vacancy, edit button for the particular

vacancy to active or closed, and delete button for delete the particular vacancy.

Module 6: -

In this module there is a status label and below its text area is there for adding status also there

is two buttons first is saved button which is for save the status also cancel button is there to

cancel the action of saving status. Below it there is a table view which is for view the present

status category in that status category name and action-bar in that two buttons are there first is
edit a particular vacancy second one is delete button which is for delete a particular vacancy.
Module 7: -

This module is only accessible for admin of company in this module admin can add the users

and set an action or permission for a particular user like this user are access the user-level or

staff-level permissions and in action-bar there is a dropdown button in this button there is two

actions which is edit and delete. Edit for edit a particular user and delete for delete a particular


Module 8: -

Also, this module is can access only admin user in this module admin can set our company

name related title, E-Mail address and contact no and about content in this text area admin can

write the information about company. In footer of the page there is an image choose section

file in this section particular image can set as a background image for module no 1 All this

filed information is show in the job seeker interface module means on module one. Also, in

the header of all modules on right side logout button is there which perform the logout for

admin and staff.

2.3 Basic System Design: -
3.1 Objective of Project: -
The main objective of recruitment is to increase the number of applications for the job
available in the organization, to select the best applicant who is the best fitted to the job.

⮚ Understand the internal Recruitment process in organization.

⮚ To identify areas where there can be scope for improvement.
⮚ To give suitable recommendation to streamline the hiring process.
⮚ To develop practical knowledge with thermotical aspects.
⮚ To know about the importance of recruitment and selection.
⮚ To find out better process of recruitment.
⮚ To know about the role of recruiter.

3.2 User Requirements: -

Hardware Requirement: -

Processor i3 & above

Hard Disk 500GB & above
Ram 2 GB & above

Software Requirements: -

Operating System Windows

XAMPP Server Version 7.2.33

Tools: -

Other Used Tools

Word 2016
3.3 Database Design: -
4.1 Feasibility Study: -

The project will be carried out during a period of 10 weeks. During this period, the following
tasks must be accomplished:
a) Project Finalization: In this module we have discovered some project topics and
finalize the project.
b) Technology Understanding: In this module we have studied the feasibility of project
and study of current systems, its architecture.
c) Documentation Design: In this module we have prepared the documentation
according to software development life cycle i.e., Synopsis, Software Requirement
Specification, High level design.
d) Prototype Design: This stage involve will involve designing the prototype of the
system. The deliverable of this task is a design, probably in paper, which with help
in the implementation phase.
e) Prototype Coding: This stage will take the design from the previous stage and
implement the prototype. The deliverable of the stage will be the prototype.
f) Prototype Testing: This stage will test the function of the prototype, and additional
services, as they integrated into the system. The deliverable of this stage will be a
document containing any error found in the implementation of the prototype and the
system function, together with their solution.
g) Service Design: This stage will be concerned with designing the additional services
of the system. The deliverable of this stage will be a paper design of each additional
h) Service Coding: This will invoke implementing the additional service that have been
designed during the previous stage. The deliverable of this stage will be some
modules containing the additional services.
i) System Restructuring: This stage will be to look at the prototype, final out any
structure errors that may exist, correct them and finally optimize the code that has been
produced in the previous stage. The deliverable of this stage will be the final system
j) Final System Testing: In this stage, the system will be tested, in whole, one more
time, and any remaining error will be noted and corrected. All of these will be
written in a document, which will serve as the deliverable of this stage.

k) Final Report: This stage will aim at producing a document, containing all the
other document and code that has been produced at each stage.
4.2 Project Work schedule: - Timeline Chart

Tasks 1 1 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1

W Week W
k K
Weeks 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 23 4 1 2 3 4 5

Selection of

Of project
Of Synopsis



COMPLETED (Semester)

COMPLETED (Semester)
4.3 Time required for various stages for project: - Task Task Duration

1 Required Specification. 1 Week

2 Planning 1 Week

3 Modeling 1 Week

4 Designing 1 Week

5 Coding 2 Week

6 Testing 1 Week
7 Deployment 1 Week
5.1 Database Design: -
5.2 UML Diagrams: -
5.2.1 Use Case Diagram: -
5.2.2 Data Flow

Diagram: - DFD Level 0: -

DFD Level 1: -
DFD Level 2: -

5.2.3 Activity Diagram: -

5.2.4 Sequence Diagram: -
5.2.5 ER Diagram: -
6.1 Structure of Project: -
7.1 Testing: -

This section can be giving a plan of testing module developed of website project “Social
Network System for Job Placement”

This testing module has been done on the following module: -

⮚ Apply for Job using registration form (from job seeker)

⮚ Login (Admin / Company staff)
⮚ View Application details and perform operation on it (Shortlist the applicant)
⮚ Add new vacancy’s or perform various operations on present vacancy’s (Active
or Close)
⮚ Add new Status Category’s or Perform Add / Delete Status Category
⮚ Add new user’s or perform operation like Add / Delete User
⮚ Change system settings

7.2 Testing Plane: -

Testing a project or any website form the backbone of good software System. test is
conducted on the website to find out the errors or bugs and remove them. test plan is created
with a view to remove errors that can plague the project in case the errors are encountered in
runtime environment. A good test plan is creating a view to try to disintegrate the system to
find out the undetected errors and to correct them. testing of software is done at each Module
and also at the micro level is, on integration of the package as a whole a good test plan is one
which can detect maximum numbers of error or bugs in the software system. Testing helps the
overall quality. Increase its quality.

7.3 Unit Testing: -

Validation was made for single module and each module was testes independently.
Maximum error detection was made at this stage, proper flow of inbound and out bound
automation was made. The primary goal of unit testing is to take a smallest piece of testable
software in the application, isolate it from the remainder of code, and whether it behaves and
you expected. Each unit is tested separately before integrating them into module to the test
interface between module. Unit testing has proven its value in that a large percentage of
defects are identified during it use.
The most common approach to unit testing requires drivers and stubs to be written. The
driver stimulates a calling unit and the stubs simulators is called unit. The investment of
developer time in this activity sometimes results in demoting unit testing to lower level of
priority and that is almost always mistake. Even through the drivers and stubs cost time,
money unit testing provides some undeniable advantages. It allows automation of testing
process, reduces difficulties of discovery errors contained in complex pieces of application
and test coverage if often enhanced because attention is given to each unit.

7.4 Integration Testing: -

Bottom-up integration testing was used where in cluster of modules were developed and test
using specially design test case. There after further modules and future were added and tested.
As the software is being constructed, it’s necessary to consider a number of important issues.
The following checklist can be applied as integration tests are planned and during the
integration process itself. For this checklist, the more questions that are elicit a negative
response, the higher the risk that integration testing will not adequately achieve its purpose.

Check list of Integration Testing are as follows: -

1) Has the software architecture been fully defined in the design document?

2) Has the structure of global data been identified?

Is the component-level design complete for all modules within the system.

3) Has an integration schedule been established?

Is regression testing performed as modules are integrated (regression testing is the activity
that helps to ensure that changes (due to testing or for other reasons) do not introduce
unintended behavior or additional errors).

4) Is error handling mechanism in place?

Number of independent paths in the basis set of programs and provides us with an upper
bound for the number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all statement have
been executed at least ones.

7.5 Automation Testing: -

The objective of automated testing is to simplify as much of the testing effort as possible with
a minimum set of scripts. If unit testing consumes a large percentage of a quality assurance
(QA) team’s resources, for example, then this process might be a good candidate for
automation. Automated testing tools are capable of executing tests, reporting outcomes and
comparing results with earlier test runs. The carried out with these tools can be run repeatedly,
at any time of day. The method or process being used to implement automation is called a test
automation framework. Several frameworks have been implemented over the years by
commercial vendors and testing organizations. Automation tests with commercial off-the
(COTS) or open-source software can be complicated, however, because they almost always
require customization. In many organizations, automation is only implemented when it has
been determined that the manual testing program is not meeting
8.1 Advantages and Disadvantages: -

Advantages: -

⮚ Shorter recruitment cycle.

⮚ Faster than traditional mode.
⮚ Lower cost per hire.
⮚ Convenience and easy accessibility (free of time and place constraint) draws even
passive job seekers.
⮚ Clearer job description.
⮚ No middlemen Selecting an applicant or not completely depends on the HR Manager of
the company.
⮚ Serves as a means for advertising and brand building for corporate.

Disadvantages: -
⮚ Due to easy availability and convenience large number of unsuitable candidates may
apply hence increasing screening effort.
⮚ Limited reach of the medium is some parts of country.
⮚ In order to make their profile attractive many applicants give fake referrals with some times
fake service certificates which again takes more time for the HR managers to select a
genuine candidate.
⮚ As some job portals are coming out with a standardized format for filling the profile
the applicants cannot highlight his / her skill set.

8.2 Future Scope: -

It will be useful for the E-Recruiters to focus on the limitation on if and problems associated
with the aim of eliminating the discrepancies and effectively implementing E-Recruitment
9.1 Conclusion: -

Job seekers can find the advertisement easily on website, job brands and portals. It is a time

saving and cost-effective method for job seekers. Some job portals offer resume building

facilities also so that job seekers can get advantages of this. In conclusion we can say that the

internet has been accepted as a most convenient and better tool to find the jobs.

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