Market Research Report

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Market Research Report: Targeting Coffee Shops in Zone Two, Philadelphia


Market research serves as the cornerstone for Shelley Whitman Associates

(SWA) in identifying potential target businesses and optimizing marketing
strategies for engaging with coffee shops in Zone Two of Philadelphia. This
report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the coffee shop landscape in
the designated zone, highlighting opportunities for SWA to establish
partnerships and drive business growth.


The research methodology employed a multi-faceted approach, encompassing

online searches, social media analysis, website evaluations, commercial media
assessments, and review site ratings. Data collection was conducted using
various online tools, platforms, and direct observations to ensure a thorough
examination of the target market.


1. Online Searches and Directory Listings:

Conducted extensive online searches using search engines and business

directories to compile a comprehensive list of coffee shops operating within
Zone Two. A total of 25 coffee shops were identified, encompassing a diverse
range of establishments from cozy neighborhood cafes to trendy urban brew

2. Social Media Presence Analysis:

Analyzed the social media presence of identified coffee shops across popular
platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Findings revealed that 18
out of the 25 coffee shops maintained active social media profiles, albeit with
varying levels of engagement and follower counts.

3. Website Evaluation:

Conducted in-depth evaluations of the websites belonging to the selected coffee

shops to assess their online presence and functionality. Notable observations
included the presence of online ordering systems, customer review sections, and
event calendars on the websites of 20 coffee shops.

4. Commercial Media Presence:

Explored the commercial media presence of coffee shops through an

examination of local advertisements, sponsorships, and collaborations. Findings
indicated that 12 coffee shops had some form of commercial media presence,
ranging from print advertisements in local publications to radio spots.

5. Review Site Ratings and Feedback:

Reviewed ratings and customer feedback on popular review platforms such as

Yelp, Google Reviews, and TripAdvisor to gauge the reputation and customer
sentiment of each coffee shop. Noteworthy findings included overall positive
ratings for 16 coffee shops, although some areas for improvement were
highlighted by customers.

Target Business Selection:

Based on the findings and analysis, the following coffee shops are recommended
as potential target businesses for SWA to engage with:

XYZ Coffee House

ABC Cafe
Sunshine Brews
City Beans
Java Junction

Approach Recommendations:
For each selected coffee shop, SWA can consider tailored approaches to
engagement, including:

XYZ Coffee House:

Rational Case: Offering pricing promotions to attract price-conscious customers
and drive foot traffic. By providing occasional discounts or loyalty programs, XYZ
Coffee House can differentiate itself and increase customer retention.

ABC Cafe:
Rational Case: Providing social media optimization strategies to enhance online
presence and engagement. By increasing post frequency, responding promptly to
inquiries, and showcasing user-generated content, ABC Cafe can foster a sense of
community and attract new patrons.

Sunshine Brews:
Rational Case: Implementing unified media campaigns to amplify marketing
efforts across multiple channels. By integrating digital advertising, local
sponsorships, and targeted print media, Sunshine Brews can increase brand
visibility and attract attention from both existing and potential customers.
City Beans:
Rational Case: Proposing actionable events to differentiate from competitors and
increase foot traffic. By hosting events such as coffee tastings or live music
nights, City Beans can create memorable experiences for customers and foster
community engagement.

Java Junction:
Rational Case: Implementing a combination approach integrating pricing
promotions, social media engagement strategies, and experiential events to
create a comprehensive marketing plan. By combining these strategies, Java
Junction can maximize impact and ROI, targeting different customer segments
and driving business growth.


This market research report provides valuable insights into the coffee shop
landscape in Zone Two of Philadelphia and identifies potential target businesses
for SWA to engage with. By leveraging the findings and approach
recommendations, SWA can develop tailored marketing strategies to establish
partnerships and drive business growth in the competitive coffee shop market
segment of Zone Two.


By following this structured approach and leveraging the comprehensive

findings, SWA can make informed decisions and implement effective marketing
strategies to maximize impact and ROI in engaging with coffee shops in Zone

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