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Elements are the basic substances that cannot be divided into simpler substances. They are
grouped into nine official groups in the periodic table. Choose an element then write a
paragraph in which you give its properties

Uranium is a special element. It's a kind of metal that can give off different types
of radiation—alpha, beta, and gamma. This ability makes uranium really
important for things like nuclear power. One type of uranium, called
Uranium235, is especially useful for making electricity through a process called

In terms of how it looks and feels, uranium is a heavy, shiny metal with a high
melting point. It can be shaped easily, but it can also get a bit dull when exposed
to air.

Uranium has been important in history for both good and not-so-good reasons.
It's been used for peaceful things like making energy, but it has also been used
to make powerful weapons. Because uranium gives off radiation, it has
challenges, but we also find ways to use it for medical purposes, like in radiation

So, uranium is a pretty interesting element with lots of different uses in science and
technology, and it has had a big impact on the world.

CHEIKALI Fella Maroua


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