Economic and Legal Status of Women in Society - Docx2

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Class Presentation on Social Welfare and Social Work Law (Law 597) criminalized practices such as dowry and

uch as dowry and Chhaupadi (the practice of isolating

Unit: Women and Social Welfare System menstruating women). Representation: Efforts have been made to enhance women's
representation in political and decision-making bodies. The constitution mandates a
Submitted By: Anisha Bhusal, B.A.LL.B., 10th Semester, Roll Number: 13 certain percentage of women in local and national government bodies.
Submitted To: Mr. Dipak Silwal, Nepal Law Campus, Exhibition Road  Article 38 of Constitution of Nepal, 2072: Right of women (Safe motherhood,
Date: 2080/10/7 equal treatment, prohibition of physical, mental ,sexual violence against women,
right to participate in all state structures and bodies on the basis of proportional
Topic: Economic and Legal Status of Women in Society
 Determining factors for economic status are Labor Force, Occupation, education,  Article 11 (5): A child of Nepali women whose father is unidentified shall be
income, employment status, etc. In Nepal, the role of women in the economy has provided the citizenship of Nepal by descent. On September 2023, The Supreme
undergone a significant transformation in the past four decades. Court (SC) ruled that refusing to grant citizenship in the name of the mother is
 Labor Force Participation: Women in Nepal are active participants in the against the constitution, issuing a mandamus in the name of the government.3
workforce, particularly in agriculture and informal sectors. In 2010, women  Section 174 of Muluki Criminal Code 2074: Prohibition of transacting
constituted 23.6% of the Nepali labor force which increased to 28.6% in 2022. property (Dowry) in marriage. But still widely practiced, especially in Terai
Furthermore, the proportion of waged and salaried women grew from a modest region. (Arati Shah case)
8.31% in 2010 to 12.1% in 2019.  Section 219(4) of Muluki Criminal Code, 2074: If the husband commits rape on
 In 2010, women constituted 23.6% of the Nepali labor force which increased to his wife during the existence of marital relationship between them, he shall be
28.6% in 2022. Furthermore, the proportion of waged and salaried women grew liable to a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
from a modest 8.31% in 2010 to 12.1% in 2019.  Section 7 of Labor Act, 2074: Prohibition on discrimination in remuneration
 The Central Bureau of Statistics' 2021 analytical report on 'Women in Business' for equal work.
disclosed that 29.6% of managerial positions held by women, while male  Furthermore, we have Domestic Violence (Offence and Punishment) Act, 2066
managers account for 70.3%, indicating a notable gender disparity in the to prevent and control violence against women occurring within the family and for
workforce. . matters connected therewith and incidental thereto making such violence
 According to the 2021 Financial Access Report from the Nepal Rastra Bank, Out punishable, and for providing protection to the victims of violence.4
of a total of 29.92 million people with bank accounts, 19.11 million are men,  Initiatives: - Government Programs - NGO Initiatives.
while 10.61 million are women.1  Challenges:
 According to Department of National Personnel Records (Civil), out of total - Despite legal reforms, issues such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and
number of civil servants i.e., 88,657, only 26.58 percent are women (up to Ashad child marriage still persists. Dowry System is also being practiced. Also
31 2077/78). Ten years back it was only 13.84 percent. Data shows that number of Chhaupadi Pratha has not come to an end. While there has been progress,
women in civil service is growing continuously. 2 Similarly, according to National challenges still exist in ensuring equal access to education for girls, particularly in
Census 2021, female literacy rate is 69.4 percent. (National Census 2011 female rural areas.
literacy rate = 57.4%) - Even though there are bunch of laws on Women Rights, some of them are
Legal Status: Nepal has made strides in legal reforms to address gender-based limited only on paper with zero execution and implementation,
violence, including domestic violence and sexual harassment. The country has also

data/#:~:text=The%20literacy%20rate%20of%20the,literacy%20rate%20is%2069.4%20percent. 2066-2009.pdf

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