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Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and data from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. It is important for all
employees to be aware of the risks of cyberattacks and to take steps to protect themselves and
the organization.
This exercise will outline the do's and don'ts of cybersecurity for employees. By following
these guidelines, you can help to protect the organization's data and systems from

Do`s Don'ts
1. Use strong passwords and change 1. Use the same password for multiple
them regularly. accounts.
2. Click on links in emails from
2. Keep your software up to date.
unknown senders.
3. Be careful about what personal 3. Open attachments in emails from
information you share online. unknown senders.
4. Report any suspicious activity to the 4. Save sensitive information on a
IT department immediately. personal device.
5. Take advantage of security 5. Connect to public Wi-Fi without a
awareness training. VPN.
6. Be aware of the latest cybersecurity
7. Be careful about what information
you share online.
8. Use a firewall and antivirus
9. Report any suspicious activity to
your IT department immediately.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. By following the do's and don'ts
outlined in this exercise, you can help to protect the organization's data and systems from

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