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Some related expressions for the cell phone charge :

My phone is out of battery.

i want to charge my phone.

do you have a power bank ?

where can i find an outlet ?

My phone's battery is completely discharged.

My phone's battery is drained.

My phone ran out of battery.

Phrase verb of today is : *Stick around*

first meaning : Remain in or a place

for example : i would like to *stick around* and watch the game.

Second meaning : to stay somewhere for a period of time

you go , i will *stick around* here a bit lounger

*Stick around* , the band shoulf start playing soon

if you *Stick around* , you can meet aziz

you go head , i will *stick around* until Khadija shows up

Two students ( at university )

Nadia : hello , my name is Nadia , welcome to our university .

Nihal : hi , i am nihal

nadia : nice to meet you

nihal : nice to meet you too

nadia : where are you from , nihal ?

nihal : i am from france , how about you ?

nadia : i am from canada

nihal : is this your first time in london ?

nadia : no , i have been living in london for about three years now .

nihal : i see , have you been studying here for all that time ?

nadia : Yes , this is my third year here , i have got one more year to go

nihal : what are you studing ?

nadia : i am studying english literature , i want to be a linguist , how about you


nihal : sounds cool . i want to be a school teacher .

nadia : that is great !

nihal : i have always wanted to study abroad , so i came to london

nadia : nice ! yeah i love it there , i am actually planing to live here even
after a graduate .

nihal : perfect , you are already from Europe , so it shouldn t be that difficult
for you ?

nadia : Yeah , i will just need to convince my parents , what about you ?

nihal : i love london , but i am just here for school , i will need to go back
once i graduate anywat

nadia : i see well , good luck to you , i have to go to class now , it was nice
talking with you

nihal : thank you ! you too , and have a good class

nadia : good-bye

Today i'm going to talk to you about how to describ personality and character in
english .

Let's start with personality category number one .

The adjectives with in this first groupdescrib how willing you are to communicate
with other so we have .
Extroverted ---) someone who is lively and confident enjoys being around other
The opposite or the antonym, for this adjective is introverted is more interested
in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people
We also have talkative , this describes somebody who likes to talk a lot then on
the other hand , we have quiet , tending not to talk a lot
Next confident
This means feeling sure about your ability tondo something and be successful and
the antonym for this is shy ,
Someone who is shy is nervous about meeting people or speaking to people
Right our second category talks about how you make others feel
Firstly we have warm , someone who is warm shows enthusiasm and affection and is
friendly on the other hand we have cold
Someone who id cold is without emotion and unfriendly
Next we have kind this means caring about others gentle and friendly on the
opposite side we have unkind this unpleasant , unfriendly maybe even slightly cruel

And then we have sweet someone who is sweet shows a kind character
The opposite is nasty , a nasty person is unkind person
The third category is how you treat the feelings of others
First we have considerate , considerate if you are consider you are always thinking
of the feelings of others
If you are not considerate then you might be inconsiderate , inconsiderate this
means not giving enough thought about other people's feeling or needs
We also have thoughtful , if you are thoughtfull then you show that you care and
consider other people's feelings and needs
The opposite is thoughtless this means that you don't care about possible negatives
effects of your actions or words then we have tactful this means that you are
careful not to say or do anything that might upset or anger other people
And the antonym for that is tactless that's quite a hard one to say with the
combination tactless this means that you say or do things that might upset or anger
other people our next category discusses
How much people might be able to trust you , first up , we have trustworthy we use
a voiced th sound i often hear it mispronounced as trustworthy but it should be
worthy your voice should be constant ot souldn't cut out at any point
Someone who's trustworthy then it means you can rely on them to be good and honest
On the other hand we have untrustworthy this is somebody who cannot be trusted

we also have reliable , if someone is reliable then you can trust them to do
something well , on the other hand , we have unreliable meaning that you can not
trust them to do something well , you can't depend on them

then we have loyal , this means remaing faithful (to somebody / something ) and

then we have disloyal , this means not loyal or faithful , next we are going to
discuss adjective that describ , how honest you are with others

we have sincere this means that you show what really think or feel , on the other
hand we have insincere if someone is insincere they say or do things that they do
not really mean

next we have frank , which can actually , sometimes be negative or disapproving as

well as approving , so it all depends on the tone of voice ot the context if
someone is frank it means they are honest or direct and there is sometimes at risk
of hunting other people is feeling because of this on the other side we have
secretive if you are secretive you like to hide you thoughts feelings and actions
and keep them private then we have direct , and sometimes much like frank

this can also be negative or disapproving depending on tone of voice and context ,
if you are direct in means you say exactly what you mean , and non one can pretend
they have not understood because it is very very clear

we have not an exact antonym but sneaky this means behaving in a secretive or
disonest way

the next category : is how open you are to the view and cultures of others .

we will start with tolerant , if you are tolerant it means you are able to accept
what other people say or do even if you don't agree with them
on the other hand we have intolerant this means that you are not willing to accept
behaviours or ideas that do not correspond with you beliefs

we have open minded ; if you're open minded it means you are willing to listen to
accept and think about their ideas

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