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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Predictive Analytics-Enabled Cyber Attack Detection

Sahana Susheela; 2N. Sarat Chandra; 3S. Sakthi Priyan
Department of Computer Science (Cyber Security),
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Telangana, India

Abstract:- Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly increasing use of the internet and mobile phones, the number
sophisticated and difficult to detect using traditional of criminal activities has also gained pace. These criminal-
security measures. To address this challenge, we propose minded people steal the personal details of a person, which
a predictive analytics- enabled cyber-attack detection leads to financial losses and damages the reputation of the
system that utilizes machine learning algorithms to victims. Various scams and fraudulent schemes are offered
analyze network traffic and identify potential security on the internet like online auctions, advance fees, or any
threats in real time. Our system uses a combination of investment scam, which are all aimed at deceiving
supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to individuals into parting with their money. The designing of a
identify patterns and anomalies in network data, and to cyber-attack detection system entails the gathering and
generate anomaly and normal alert. The system is analysis of multi-source data, which are network traffic,
trained using historical data from known cyber-attacks system logs, and security events, among others, for model
and anomalies and we visualize the accuracy of various training and development. The system must be maintaining
algorithms. its competence against cyber threats, which may have any
form of scenarios, by incorporating tactics like anomaly
Keywords:- Cyber-Attacks, Machine Learning, Predictive detection and behavioral analysis. Completeness is also
Analytics, Anomalies, Network Data. important as an assessment system should not have a lot of
false positives.
In an era of unprecedented digital interconnectedness,
organizations worldwide face a formidable challenge: A. Alomair, A. A. Abidin, & M. A. Ali [1]; In the
safeguarding their sensitive data, critical operations, and paper by Alomair et al. (2021), a novel machine learning
hard-earned reputations against a relentless tide of cyber approach is proposed to anticipate and prevent cyberattacks
threats. Adversaries, armed with ever-evolving tactics and targeting industrial control systems (ICS). This method goes
tools, relentlessly probe for vulnerabilities, seeking to beyond traditional signature-based detection by analyzing
infiltrate systems, disrupt operations, and pilfer valuable both process data and network traffic within the ICS
assets. In this intensifying digital battlefield, the ability to environment. By leveraging machine learning algorithms,
swiftly detect and neutralize cyber-attacks has become an the system accurately predicts various potential threats,
indispensable pillar of organizational resilience. The including malware infections, hardware malfunctions, and
increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks unauthorized access attempts. This proactive approach allows
pose significant threats to the security and integrity of security personnel to implement preventive measures before
computer networks. Organizations need robust systems to attacks can compromise critical components, safeguarding
detect and respond to these attacks promptly. the stability and security of the entire industrial system.
Develops a machine learning-based approach for threat
Traditional rule-based approaches and signature- based prediction in industrial control systems (ICS). Analyzes
systems have limitations in effectively identifying new and process data and network traffic to predict potential
evolving attack patterns. To address this challenge, machine cyberattacks against ICS components. Proposed approach
learning techniqueshave emerged as a promising solution for demonstrates high accuracy in predicting various threats in
cyber- attack detection. ICS environments, enabling proactive security measures.

The goal of this project is to develop a cyber-attack C. Wang, D. Li [2]; In their 2021 study, Wang and Li
detection system using machine learning algorithms. The delve into the realm of deep learning, specifically focusing
system aims to provide real-time monitoring and detection on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to address the
of malicious activities within network traffic, enabling challenges associated with identifying malicious patterns in
organizations to proactively defend against cyber threats. By network traffic data. Recognizing the increasing
leveraging the power of machine learning, the system can sophistication of cyber threats, the researchers explore the
analyze vast amounts of network data and identify patterns capacity of CNNs to automatically extract relevant features
that indicate potential attacks, including both known and from raw network data, thereby improving the accuracy of
unknown attack types. Cybercrime is a criminal activity done cyber-attack detection. The core of their research lies in the
online using a computer, network and internet. With the application of CNNs, a class of deep learning models

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

originally designed for image analysis but adapted here for range of methodologies and techniques applied to address the
the analysis of temporal sequences present in network traffic unique challenges posed by cloud environments. They delve
data. The researchers preprocess and feed network traffic into the nuances of unsupervised learning, emphasizing its
data into the CNN architecture, allowing the model to relevance in detecting deviations from normal behaviour
automatically learn hierarchical representations offeatures. without the need for labelled training data. The review
synthesizes key findings from various studies, highlighting
G. Kim, S. Park [3]; In their 2021 study, Kim and Park the efficacy of unsupervised machine learning in identifying
investigate dynamic behavioral profiling as a means of novel threats and abnormalities in the dynamic and scalable
enhancing cyber threat detection through machine learning. nature of cloud infrastructures. The authors discuss
The researchers focus on creating a comprehensive dataset prominent approaches such as clustering, density-based
capturing diverse user behaviors in real-time. Leveraging methods, and dimensionality reduction techniques employed
unsupervised learning algorithms, they employ clustering in anomaly detection within cloud environments. The
techniques to identify normal behavioral patterns and detect review encapsulates the evolution of techniques over time,
deviations that could signify potential cyber threats. The considering advancements in cloud technologies and the
methodology involves extracting a variety of behavioral increasing sophistication of cyber threats. Moreover, the
features, such as login times, file access frequencies, and paper underscores the importance of adapting unsupervised
application usage, to construct a dynamic behavioral profile machine learning models to the specific characteristics of
for each user. Their results indicate the effectiveness of this cloud infrastructures, considering factors like elasticity,
approach in providing timely and accurate detection of virtualization, anddistributed architectures.
anomalous activities, demonstrating the potential of dynamic
behavioral profiling as a robust technique in cyber threat III. METHODOLOGY
Initially, objectives and scope will be determined to
H. Patel, R. Gupta [4]; Patel and Gupta's 2021 research define goals and border of the system that covers types of
focuses on developing a Deep Learning- Based Intrusion attacks and data sources that are included. It's substantiated
Detection System (IDS) tailored for Industrial Control next with the extensive data collection and pruning phase
Systems (ICS). Their methodology involves the creation of a encompassing the extraction of historical cyber attacks data
specialized dataset comprising network traffic and appearing in logs and traffic flows, cleaning, preprocessing,
operational data from industrial environments. Employing and feature engineering. As the data is prepared, models of
recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short- term appropriate predictive analytics are chosen and built.
memory (LSTM) networks, the researchers aim to capture Training and validation of these models are then carried out
temporal dependencies and sequence patterns within ICS in order to make sure they are capable of timely and reliable
data. The IDS is trained on this data to distinguish between detection of cyber attacks. As a result, thevery best out of the
normal operational behavior and potential intrusions. The models is picked, and then deployed into the existing cyber
study demonstrates that the proposed deep learning security setup after making sure the privacy of data and
approach exhibits superior accuracy in identifying compatibility with the setup is done. Continuous monitoring
anomalies within industrial networks, showcasing its of the existing system enables to identify anomalies and
potential for securing critical infrastructure systems against threats in real time, with vertical feedback mechanisms in
cyber threats. place, to offer the system with ongoing fixes and
readjustment addressed to the ever-evolving threats. During
Luo, Y., Zhou, M., & Xu, G. [5]; Luo et al. (2020) this process, the dissemination and response to questions are
tackle the challenge of detecting anomalies in industrial quite critical for keeping in line transparency, cooperation,
sensor data using a one-class Support Vector Machine and educated preferences among the stakeholders. Through
(OCSVM). Traditional anomaly detection methods often the application of this strategy, companies will be able to
struggle with limited labeled data in industrial settings. originate robust Predictive Analytics-Enabled Cyber Attack
OCSVM overcomes this by building a model of normal data Detection systems which will in turn build their cybersecurity
based on unlabeled sensor readings. Any data point capabilities and minimize risks safely and efficiently.
significantly deviating from this model is flagged as
anomalous, potentially indicating equipment malfunctions, In the context of Predictive Analytics-Enabled cyber-
cyberattacks, or unusual process behavior. This allows for attack detection, machine learning algorithms play a crucial
proactive maintenance andearly detection of security threats, role in identifying anomalies. Certain algorithms/methods of
enhancing industrial process stability and safeguarding learning are use in order to achieve the result and they are:
against costly downtime. While the approach excels in K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Logistic Regression, Decision
identifying anomalies without relying on attack signatures, Tree Classifier.
its effectiveness depends heavily on the quality and variety
of collected sensor data.  Proposed System:
In this Project, we are going to use K-nearest
M. A. Alayba, M. Anbar, & P. C. Shah.[6]; conduct a Neighbor, Logical Regression, Decision tree machine
comprehensive review in their 2021 paper, focusing on algorithms to train a model dataset and we use that trained
anomaly detection in cloud infrastructures through the lens model to detect anomalies and using visualization we
of unsupervised machine learning. The authors explore a represent in the form of graph. The project extends beyond

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

model development by incorporating a user-friendly website Regression and DecisionTree

interface. This platform allows users to effortlessly upload  The testing and Evaluation Module: here we test
their collected datasets, initiating the prediction process for evaluate the results.
harmful data packets. The system then generates a separate
dataset, isolating instances identified as anomalies. This IV. IMPLEMENTATION ALGORITHM
dual-dataset approach provides users with a clear distinction
between normal and potentially threatening data, facilitating A. Data Collection and Preprocessing Module:
more targeted analysis and response strategies.
 Data Gathering: Collect and curate a diverse dataset of
A key feature of the project involves the utilization of network related tonetwork traffic.
visualization techniques to represent the detected anomalies  Data Preprocessing: Standardize, clean,and preprocess
in a graphical format. Graphs serve as a powerful tool for the data to ensureuniformity, proper formatting, and
conveying complex information, offering a visual snapshot resolution for model input.
of the anomalies identified by the trained model. This
graphical representation enhances the interpretability of the B. Model Training Module:
results, allowing stakeholders to quickly grasp the extent and
distribution of potential threats within the dataset.
 Training Setup: Train the KNN, Logistic Regression
and Decision Tree models using the prepared dataset,
 Modules:
employing techniques like data augmentation to improve
To implement this project, we have designed following
model generalization.
C. The Testing and Evaluation Module:
 Data collection: using this module we will load data into
system  This module ensures that the deployed system performs
 Preprocessing: Using the module, we will read data for effectively and accuratelyidentifies cyber threats.
 Model generation: Building the model -KNN, Logistic


Fig 1: Prediction Interface

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2: Dataset Entry

Fig 3: KNN Score

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 4: Logistic Regression Score

Fig 5: Decision Tree Score

Fig 6: Prediction Result

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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the system to identify small deviations from normal patterns Privacy Workshops, San Francisco, CA, USA, IEEE,
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