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Table of Contents

Strategy canvas...........................................................................................................................3

Chosen industry..........................................................................................................................3

Critical success factors (CSFs)...................................................................................................4





Blue ocean strategy can be defined as the strategy that has been implemented in the business
by the companies to know the escape route from the competitive market. This strategy gives
an idea of some area which has been even explored by the business before and through that
the company can get the information to overcome any problem. The industry of cloud
computing is also using this strategy to create an uncontested space to compete in the market
with its competitors. The cloud computing industry has chosen this blue ocean strategy to
create a space and they can remain at the topmost service providers in the market.

Strategy canvas
The blue ocean curve has some factors which are required to be explained like the focus,
divergence, and the tagline. While any business which are using this blue ocean strategy in
their business they are also having those factors which are included in this strategy curve.
Focus is the first factor of the blue ocean curve which implies that focus on some of the
dimensions which are strong and where the competition of market can hold by the business
(Sijabat et al., 2021). The second factor is the divergence which will also help the business to
understand the area where the business can develop and where the strength lies in the
business area of the company. Divergence can be defined as a factor that has not even been
considered by the company. The third dimension is the tagline which can be catchy to the
viewers and through a compelling tagline any business can attract customers and even the
existing customers will get triggered to have that product only (Ahmad et al., 2021).

Chosen industry
The cloud computing industry has evaluated both the strategies of the Blue Ocean and Red
Ocean. As the blue ocean will create an uncontested space in the market where the business
will do their business smoothly. The red ocean will help the business to compete in the
existing market to earn more revenue from there. There is no completion created by the blue
ocean strategy for the business in the market. But the red ocean will try to create competition
for the business. The business creates new demand to implement the blue ocean strategy but
the red ocean will help the business to contribute their work to the existing demand only
(Hidayat et al., 2021). The red ocean will try to force the business into a trade-off between
the value and cost-effectively but the blue ocean strategy will not create such a situation for
the business. There will be low cost introduced by the blue ocean into the business and there
will be differentiation available into the business as well.

Critical success factors (CSFs)
Focus- in cloud computing the dimensions of the blue ocean has helped to create a space for
the business. Focus has helped the industry to create and capture those markets which are
new to them and also provided an idea of how to add value to the existing products so that the
existing customers will be entertained (Ahmed et al., 2021).

Divergence- this dimension of the blue ocean will help to understand the difference between
the strategies that a company is using to the strategies that the other companies are using in
the same industry. This will give an idea about the strategies that are used by the competitors
of the company.

Tagline- the third dimension of the blue ocean strategy that has been also introduced in the
cloud computing industry to help them capture some customers. This dimension has helped
them to get a clear and also attractive tagline for the industry (Dsilva et al., 2021).

In this advanced technology world, the cloud computing industry is using the blue ocean
strategy to have space which are not been explored by them before. Those space plays an
important role in any business to get new customers and earn revenue from there. Blue ocean
strategy has helped the industry to identify the new opportunities from the market and how to
have more productivity from the existing employees. The success of a company will always
depend on the employee of the company and as a result, the overall team management should
understand the idea of the blue ocean strategy (Zhang et al., 2021).

Here it can be concluded that the industry has implemented the blue ocean strategy to get the
business on track. This strategy has helped the business to create an understanding of the goal
and a company should create a blue ocean team to shift the company into a blue ocean
strategy. There is training provided to the team members to understand the blue ocean
strategy properly to develop the space for the business. Blue ocean has also provided the right
tools to analyze the market space where the business will grow further and where the
problems are arising in the business so that those can be resolved.


Dsilva, J., 2021. Blue Ocean Strategy: An investigation on Food Industry in the
UAE. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13),

Hasibuan, H.A. and Hidayat, R., 2021. Formulation Of Blue Ocean Strategy Developing A
Bamboo Small Business In Binjai City. International Journal of Science, Technology &
Management, 2(5), pp.1644-1651.

Massoudi, A.H. and Ahmed, M.E., 2021. The Adoption of Blue Ocean Strategy to Sustain
Competitive Advantage in the Syrian Food Industry. UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2),

Shafiq, M., Tasmin, R., Lodhi, M.S., Rashid, M., and Ahmad, A., 2021. Open innovation as
mediation between reconstructionist blue ocean strategy and organizational performance, an
empirical study using structural equation modeling. Journal of Public Value and
Administrative Insight, 4(2), pp.166-182.

Yunus, M. and Sijabat, F.N., 2021. A Review on Blue Ocean Strategy Effect on Competitive
Advantage and Firm Performance. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(1), pp.1-

Zhang, R., 2021, December. Innovation of Film Industry Based on Blue Ocean Strategy.
In 2021 3rd International Conference on Economic Management and Cultural Industry
(ICEMCI 2021) (pp. 433-436). Atlantis Press.



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