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EDUC 1100/1150 Week 3 Worksheet Pedro dos Santos

Name: Arshdeep Kaur

Student number: 100431728
Task 1 (individually): Write a definition of each concept according to the text by Sensoy &
DiAngelo (2017). Do not copy and paste: use your own words!

a) Culture: Culture can be defined as the ways of life that are passed down from generation to
generation, such as beliefs, values, and communication skills. Customs, laws, language,
festivals and traditions are examples of culture.

b) Socialization: It is described as social interaction with others. As an example

children are socialised by their parents, who teach them acceptable behaviour in particular
social contexts, such as not chatting in movies and respecting their elders.

c) Conformity: The process through which people adjust their attitudes and views to more
closely match the groups to which they belong. For example, when all of their friends use
drugs, college students don't want to seem like they're "boring" their classmates.

Task 2 (in pairs or trios): The text uses the process of gender socialization to explain how
certain assumptions (about masculinity, femininity, bodies, etc.), though invisible to us, are still
enforced and promoted in society. Discuss with your classmates:

a) What careers tend to be organized in gendered ways? Think of an example and explain why
this is a pattern we see in our societies.
Ans a. In my society men tend to be stronger in general so professions such as firefighting
would be very effective women are timid in nature to a large extent which is why they choose
their professions or careers according to their strengths. Moreover, in my society male
gynaecologists are lesser than female gynaecologists because females feel uncomfortable while
they are going for a check-up. Females mostly prefer female gynaecologists for checkups.

b) Think of other aspects of our socialization that may also be invisible to us. Explain your
Ans b. The other aspect of socialization can be age. For example- now we are working in stores
even though we get the position of manager but still, people judge us on our age not from our
experience that we get at the age of 19 or 20. According to others in this stage we are not

Task 3 (individually): Read the Group Identities in figure 3.3 (Sensoy & DiAngelo, 2017, p. 45).

a) List your social group memberships. Which ones are missing?

Ans a. social group Memberships
1. Religion- Sikh
2. Class- Middle class
3. Sexuality- Heterosexual

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EDUC 1100/1150 Week 3 Worksheet Pedro dos Santos

4. Gender- cisgender
5. Ability- able-bodied
6. Nationality- International student

Language- Punjabi
Dress- traditional Punjabi suits

b) How do these social group memberships influence the way you see the world and interact
with others?
Ans b. Becoming aware of their own culture is the first step in learning about the other culture.
If are comfortable talking about our own culture then we will become better at listening to
others while they are talking about us. Moreover, with these social group memberships, we can
know which group he or she belongs to.

Task 4 (individually): Use your own words to explain the components of a stereotype based on
the Tri-component Model (Rosenberg & Hovland (1960) explained in the video “Stereotypes”).
Ans. Tri-component model explains the three different components of a stereotype which is
known as the ABC of people’s attitudes. A means affect, B means behaviour and C means

Task 5 (individually): After watching the video “What kind of Asian are you?” answer the

a) What are some of the assumptions the man in the video makes about the woman?
Ans a. Some of the assumptions the guy in the video makes about the woman is that the woman
is not an English woman because of the looks of her face and her colour. The man thinks that the
woman is just an immigrant there.

b) Why do you think he makes these assumptions?

Ans b. He makes this kind of assumption because he is also like the woman who is just an
immigrant in this country where they are now, only they have known to speak English
fluently. After all, they used to study the English language.

c) Why does it seem weird when the woman is doing the same toward the man?
Ans c. The woman seems weird of doing and acting towards the man maybe because she
already know that they are something in common and she was just wanting to show to the
man some Korean Thing since the man told her that he is also leaving Korea for so long, so
the woman expected that she was being understood by the man, about how she acted as
weird like what she is doing in front of the man.

d) What assumptions about English speaking, race, and belonging underlie this video?

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EDUC 1100/1150 Week 3 Worksheet Pedro dos Santos

Ans d. Some assumptions about English Speaking, race and belongings in the video is that
people of different races and different origin can bind with the English Language as it is being
used as a second language where it helps people with their different races to communicate and
understand each other very well, and can express what they want to each other.

Task 6 (individually): In your opinion, is KPU a diverse university? Explain.

Ans. KPU is a diverse university because several people come from different nations to study
here. The students come from India, Brazil, China and so on. The ratio of Indian students is
higher than the other groups and due to this reason, the majority of students talk with each
other in the Punjabi language. Moreover, 80% of students were satisfied with the education

Task 7 (in pairs or trios): How can the KPU community (students, instructors, staff) create a
more positive and inclusive environment on campus for all groups?
Ans. KPU community offers a wide range of opportunities to students as workshops are held on
all 5 campuses that are related to different aspects. Instructors and staff members are

After completion of this worksheet, please submit a copy on Moodle > Week 3.

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