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Essay on ,” Wonders of Science

Science has been a boon to mankind. It has revolutionized our lives and outlook. The
wonders of science are countless and have made our lives easier, safer, and more
comfortable. Science has given us discoveries and inventions that have changed the
way we live. Electricity is one of the most useful boons given to us by science. We
read in electric light, enjoy the cool breeze of an electric fan, and in winter, electric
heaters keep us warm. Electric stoves cook our meals, and X-rays tell us where a
bullet is embedded in our body. Science has also given us telegraphic apparatus,
telephone, wireless, radio, television, and teleprinting, which are the marvels of
electricity. Radium is no less important than electricity. A tiny particle of it can drive
our trains. It also provides a cure against deadly diseases such as cancer. Exposure to
its rays burns up the disease. Then atomic energy is another discovery of science. If
put to constructive use, it is a boon. But if put to destructive use, it can play havoc.
Science has placed Aladin’s lamp in man’s hands. Push the button and get a cool
refreshing breeze in the twinkling of an eye. Science has given eyes to the blind and
ears to the deaf. Science has made serious operations a reality. Transplantation of the
heart has become a reality. Science has worked wonders, and it has given us
discoveries and inventions that have revolutionized our life and outlook.

In conclusion, science has worked wonders for mankind. It has given us discoveries
and inventions that have revolutionized our life and outlook. Science has harnessed
the forces of nature and given us the power to control them. It has made our lives
easier, safer, and more comfortable. Science has given us the gift of electricity, which
has changed the way we live. It has given us telegraphic apparatus, telephone,
wireless, radio, television, and teleprinting, which are the marvels of electricity.
Science has given us radium, which can drive our trains and cure deadly diseases such
as cancer. Science has placed Aladin’s lamp in man’s hands. Science has given eyes
to the blind and ears to the deaf. Science has made serious operations a reality.
Transplantation of the heart has become a reality. Science has worked wonders, and it
has given us discoveries and inventions that have revolutionized our life and
“My Aim in Life”:

"Everyone has a purpose in life, and it is important to find that purpose and work
towards it. As Nelson Mandela once said, ‘There is no passion to be found playing
small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.’

My aim in life is to become a successful software engineer. I have always been

fascinated by technology and its ability to change the world. I believe that software
engineering is one of the most exciting fields in technology, and I am passionate about
learning more about it.

As Steve Jobs once said, ‘I think everyone should learn how to program a computer
because it teaches you how to think.’ I believe that programming is not just about
writing code, but it is also about problem-solving and critical thinking. These skills
are essential in today’s world, and I am excited to develop them further.

In order to achieve my aim, I plan to work hard and stay focused. As Elon Musk once
said, ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your
favor.’ I am willing to put in the time and effort required to become a successful
software engineer.

In conclusion, my aim in life is to become a successful software engineer. I am

passionate about technology and programming, and I believe that these skills will help
me make a positive impact on the world. As Napoleon Hill once said, ‘Whatever the
mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’ I am excited to see where this journey
takes me."
“Allama Iqbal”:

"Allama Iqbal was a renowned poet, philosopher, and politician who played a
significant role in the creation of Pakistan. He was born on November 9, 1877, in
Sialkot, Punjab, and was educated in Lahore and Europe. He is known for his poetry,
which is characterized by its depth, beauty, and spiritual themes.

As Pakilminfo states, “Allama Iqbal is our national poet. Being the national poet and
a thinker, he taught the Muslims a sense of self-respect, In 1930 at Allahbad, he gave
the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India” 1. His poetry inspired the
Muslims of India to demand a separate homeland, which eventually led to the creation
of Pakistan in 1947.

Allama Iqbal’s poetry is still popular today and is read by people all over the world.
His works include “Bang-e-Dra,” “Asrar-e-Khudi,” “Zarb-i-Kalim,” and “Javid
Nama.” His poetry is known for its spiritual themes, which emphasize the importance
of self-realization and the attainment of a higher consciousness.

In conclusion, Allama Iqbal was a great poet, philosopher, and politician who played a
significant role in the creation of Pakistan. His poetry is still popular today and is read
by people all over the world. As Muhammad Iqbal himself said, “Khudi ko kar
buland itna ke har taqdeer se pehle, Khuda bande se khud poochhe bata teri raza kya
hai” 2. This quote perfectly captures the essence of Allama Iqbal’s philosophy, which
emphasizes the importance of self-realization and the attainment of a higher
Hello, this is Bing. I can help you with writing letters for class 9th with quotations. 😊

There are many types of letters that you may need to write, such as letters to your
family, friends, teachers, or officials. Each letter has a different purpose, tone, and
format. However, some general guidelines for writing letters are:

 Start with a salutation, such as Dear, Respected, or Greetings, followed by the

name of the person you are writing to.
 Introduce yourself and the reason for writing in the first paragraph. Be clear
and concise about your main point or request.
 Provide relevant details and supporting information in the following
paragraphs. Use polite and respectful language throughout the letter.
 End with a complimentary close, such as Sincerely, Yours truly, or Best
regards, followed by your name and signature.
 Use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Proofread your letter before
sending it.

To make your letter more interesting and persuasive, you can also use quotations from
famous or relevant sources. Quotations can add credibility, humor, or inspiration to
your letter. However, you should use quotations sparingly and appropriately. Some
tips for using quotations are:

 Choose quotations that are relevant to your topic and purpose. Do not use
quotations that are irrelevant, outdated, or offensive.
 Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase, such as According to, As, or In
the words of, followed by the name and credentials of the source.
 Use quotation marks to enclose the exact words of the source. If the
quotation is longer than four lines, use a block quote format and indent the
quotation from the rest of the text.
 Cite the source of the quotation using a parenthetical citation, a footnote, or a
bibliography, depending on the style guide you are following.
 Explain the significance or implication of the quotation in your own words. Do
not let the quotation speak for itself or end your paragraph with a quotation.

Here are some examples of letters for class 9th with quotations, based on the web
search results1234:

 A letter to your mother who is worried about your health:

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
January 3, 2024

My dear mother,


I received your letter yesterday and was glad to know that you are in good
health. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.

You asked me about my health and studies. I am sorry to hear that you are
worried about me. I want to assure you that there is nothing to worry about. I
had a slight fever last week, but I recovered soon with the help of medicines
and rest. I did not miss any important classes or tests. I am taking good care
of my health and following the doctor's advice.

I am also working hard on my studies and preparing for the upcoming exams. I
have a good timetable and I follow it strictly. I revise my lessons regularly
and do my homework on time. I also participate in co-curricular activities and
sports to refresh my mind and body. I have a good group of friends who help me
in my studies and support me in my difficulties.

As you know, education is very important for our future. As Nelson Mandela
said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world." I want to make you proud by getting good marks and securing a bright
future. I also want to serve my country and society with my knowledge and

Please do not worry about me and trust me. I am your obedient son and I will
never let you down. Please convey my salutations to father and love to younger

Your loving son,


 A letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage of his sister:

House No. 123,
Street No. 456,
City A.B.C
January 3, 2024

My dear friend,


I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am also fine
by the grace of Allah.

I was overjoyed to receive your invitation card for the marriage of your
sister. I congratulate you and your family on this happy occasion. I pray that
Allah blesses the bride and the groom with a happy and prosperous married

I am eagerly looking forward to attending the wedding ceremony and meeting you
and your family. I have already booked my ticket and I will reach your city on
January 10, 2024. I will stay with you for a week and enjoy the festivities
with you.

Marriage is a sacred bond that unites two souls in love and harmony. As Kahlil
Gibran said, "Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a
glance and whose ending is eternity." I hope that your sister and her husband
will always cherish their love and respect each other.

Please convey my best wishes and regards to your parents and sister. I will
see you soon.

Your sincere friend,


I can help you with writing a letter to your mother who is worried about your health. 😊

A letter to your mother who is worried about your health should be:

 Warm and reassuring, showing your love and gratitude for her care and
 Honest and informative, explaining the cause and status of your health issue
and the steps you are taking to recover and prevent it from happening again.
 Positive and optimistic, expressing your hope and confidence for your future
health and well-being.
Letter 1

letter to your mother who is worried about your health:

Hostel No. 12,
Room No. 34,
City A.B.C
January 3, 2024

My dear mother,


I hope you are doing well and enjoying good health. I miss you a lot and pray
for your happiness every day.

I received your letter yesterday and was touched by your love and concern for
me. I am sorry for making you worried about my health. I want to tell you that
I am much better now and there is nothing to worry about.

You know that I had a severe headache and fever last week. It was due to the
stress and pressure of the exams and assignments. I did not take proper rest
and sleep, which affected my health. I also ate some junk food from the
canteen, which upset my stomach.

However, as soon as I felt unwell, I went to the hostel doctor and got some
medicines. He advised me to drink plenty of water, eat healthy food, and take
enough sleep. I followed his instructions and took good care of myself. My
friends also helped me a lot and brought me soup and fruits.

Now, I am feeling much better and have no fever or headache. My stomach is

also fine and I have resumed my normal diet. I have also completed my exams
and assignments and am satisfied with my performance. I am sure that I will
get good grades and make you proud.

Please do not worry about me, mother. I am your obedient and responsible son
and I will never neglect my health or studies. I know that you want the best
for me and I appreciate your support and guidance. You are the best mother in
the world and I love you more than anything.

Please take care of yourself and father and give my love to my siblings. I
will call you soon and update you more about my health and studies.

Your loving son,

“A Hero is a man who does what he can.” (Romaine Rolland)
In human history, there are countless people who served humanity with their outstanding tasks.
When we talk about great personalities, various names such as Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama
Muhammad Iqbal, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and much more come to mind. These
people had done a lot of things for the people. who needed them. They showed their tremendous
courage in banishing the various ills of society and benefitted their nations to a great deal.

“True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life, in whatever shape they may
challenge us to combat.” (Napoleon)
Among all these great men, my favourite personality is Allama Muhammad Iqbal. He is our
national poet. A great poet only needs a simple verse to leave a long-lasting impression in the
reader’s mind that’s why the poets attract me the most. They are said to be the disciples of God.
They feel and express themselves in an unusual way. I, being fond of poetry, besides reading
Urdu poets like Faiz, Firaq, Iqbal, Hafeez, Josh, Ghalib and many others, have also read Keats,
Shelley, Blake, Yeats, Browning, Wordsworth and few other English poets. But Iqbal is my
favourite personality> he is not only a poet, he is the leader and champion. He is a genius
possessing matchless qualities in his personality.
The creator of the Idea of Pakistan, the poet of the East and champion of Islamic Philosophy was
born in Sialkot on November 9th, 1877. He inherited mysticism from his father Sheikh Noor
Muhammad and received his early education in his native town. After passing the intermediate
examination from Murrey College, he joined Government College Lahore. He got his M.A in
Philosophy with distinction and went over to England. There he did his PhD. After his return to
the homeland, he settled down as a practising lawyer. But he never felt cager for this profession.
He had a higher calling in view. He aimed at the regeneration of the Muslims through poetry. He
believed that nothing but Islamic Principles present the real code of life, As he says:

“I lead no party, I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to the careful study
of Islam, its law and polity, its culture, its history and its literature.”
He persuaded the Muslims of India to realize their worth and urged them to learn the lesson of
“self-esteem”. He convinced the Muslims to break the chains of slavery and come out as an
independent nation. He wrote various letters to Quid-e-Azam requesting him to do something for
the Muslim Nation. It was he who gave an idea of Pakistan.

In 1930, he made a historic speech in which he pointed out that the Muslims are quite different in
their beliefs, customs and religion from other nations. He proposed a plan of peace and happiness
for Indian residents.

In his poetry, there are many references from the Holy Quran. Some critics even are of the view
that Iqbal’s poetry is the true explanation of the Holy Quran. His poetry suggests that Islam is a
universal religion which has the ideal guidance not only for the Muslims but also for the whole
world. He urged the Muslims to rekindle the flame of faith in their heart.

“To have no faith is worse than slavery.”

There is no doubt his poetry has universality and would continue benefitting the whole world. He
has provided the fantastic code of ethics in his poetry. How beautifully he delivers the idea of
self-respect, ego and attainments in life.

The ultimate aim of the go is not to see something, but to be something.

If the Muslims begin to study, understand and follow his advice, they will surpass the nation and
get an elevated place in this world. He is surely a hero in a true sense. He is my favourite
personality. May the Muslims of this era get inspiration from his poetry and regain their lost

After preparing this essay on Allama Iqbal you should go for An Essay on Ideal Teacher.

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