Demand On CTV Notes

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Cable TV Application

Collection offset and Apportion - Help

Before Creating Demand for FY 2024-25, following should be ensured

1. Data entry up to FY 2022-23 to be completed.

2. Demand generation for FY 2023-24
a. Create demand for FY 2023-24 – AB SA
b. Verify demand for FY 2023-24 – DA
c. Approve demand for FY 2023-24 – EE
3. Entity mapping with SAMAGRA based on PAN.
4. Create Offset, Fetch Invoice item Demands and
Collection apportion
A. Pole rent Collection apportion
B. Interest Collection apportion
C. Security Deposit Collection apportion

5. Outstanding Demand Report

6. Advance collection of 2023-24
Demand Creation for FY 2024-25
a.Create demand for FY 2023-24 – AB SA
b.Verify demand for FY 2023-24 – DA
c.Approve demand for FY 2023-24 – EE
Collection offset and Apportion for FY 2023-24
1. Data entry up to FY 2022-23 of operators should be done
and approved
2. The demand for the financial year 2023-24 of operators
should be generated and approved
3. Entity to be mapped with SAMAGRA based on PAN

 For those who have paid through SAMAGRA on or after

01.04.2023, it is possible to capture the collected demand
from SAMAGRA to CTV.

 The captured amount can be apportioned to the proper

Demand heads of accounts
1. Data entry up to FY 2022-23 to be

2. Demand generation for FY 2023-24

a. Create demand for FY 2023-24 – AB SA
b. Verify demand -DA
c. Approve Demand - EE

 A cable TV operator's pole rent is payable in advance.

 Demand is generated in advance for four quarters Q1,
Q2, Q3 and Q4
 Demand due date is
 Q1 quarter – 1 April
 Q2 quarter – 1 July
 Q3 quarter – 1 October
 Q4 quarter – 1 January

 If the existing security deposit is less, then additional

Security Deposit will be generated along with pole rent
in Q1 demand.
 10% of one year's pole rent of an operator should be
taken as security deposit.
a. Create demand for FY 2023-24 – AB SA
Role : Originating User – Division – AB SA

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list
 Select “Financial Year 2023-24”

 Then click on button

 Security Deposit - 10% of one year's pole rent of an operator should
be taken as security deposit.
o While generating demand for a financial year, if the existing
security deposit is less, then Security Deposit will be generated
along with pole rent in Q1 quarter.
 Pole Rent FY 2023-24 – Section name, Purpose, Local body, No. of
Poles and Abstract pole rent are shown here.
 Pole Rent Remittances – Previous year demand and remittance
details are shown here

 Pole Rent 2023-24 Quarter Wise – Quarter wise pole rent split-up
details and Security Deposit demand are shown here.

 Enter additional remarks and click on button

b. Verify demand for FY 2023-24 – DA
Role : Verifying User – Division - DA

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

The pending tasks are listed in the ToDo list of the dashboard as
“Verify Demand Notice”
 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list

 Click on button
 If wish to return to the originating user, then click on

 The Originating User can delete the Demand if modification is needed.

Else can continue with the demand.

 After verification, click on button

c. Approve demand for FY 2023-24 – EE
Role : Approving Oficer – Division - EE

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

The pending tasks are listed in the ToDo list of the dashboard as
“Approve Demand Notice and Generate Demand”
 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list

 Click on button
 If wish to return to the originating user, then click on


 After verification, click on button

Demand Notice Approved and Generate Demand successfully

3. Entity mapping with SAMAGRA based
on PAN
Procedure for entity mapping with SAMAGRA
Role : Originating User – Division

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

o Meaning of icons

Cable TV Operator Entity with the same PAN number is

available in SAMAGRA but mapping is not done with CTV.
(Action – To be map entity with same PAN number)

- Operator whose Entity with the same PAN number has been
Mapped with SAMAGRA
(Action - No action needed)

- No entity is available in SAMAGRA with the same PAN

(Action - Create a new entity with same PAN number in SAMAGRA as Cable
TV Operator and then map)

- Entity with another PAN number is mapped with SAMAGRA

To map an entity, click on button

See that the mapped entity list is empty

Click on button against the entity

A warning pop-up window opens,

Click on button

A pop-up message is shown as mapped successfully

After mapping you can see the mapped entity list with green colour.
User can also map an entity with a different PAN number

If a dummy PAN is mapped in SAMAGRA and taken collection, first

map with the dummy PAN for offsetting collection against dummy
PAN. After doing this, re-map with original PAN of the operator.

 Click on “List all entities in ERP”

 Click on button against the entity

 Now the newly mapped entity is added to the “Mapped entity” list
 Added "green" color to newly mapped entity
 The color of the existing entity is changed to "blue"
 Only the green coloured entity is active and the collection offset is
available only from this entity
4. Create Offset, Fetch Invoice item Demands
and Collection apportion

Role : Originating User – Division

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

Click on button
Click on button
 All collections in SAMAGRA of the operators whose entity type as
“Cable TV Operator” (account heads relted to pole rent & security
deposit) since 01.04.2023 are listed here.
 Collections in SARAS and adjustments through journal entry in SARAS
will not be available for collection apportioning.
 user can offset the collection by the ascending order only.
 If the first collection doesn't need an offset, then click on the

 Once clicked, the collection cannot be offset later.

 After that, the second collection can be offset

 Through this menu, users can apportion the following item head
collections separately

A. Pole Rent Collection Apportion

B. Pole Rent Interest / Penalty Collection apportion
C. Security Deposit Collection Apportion
 If the receipt amount is more than the demand amount then that
amount can be taken as advance
The receipt amount in one head of account
cannot be apportioned to another head of
 Click on button for offset a collection

a. Pole rent Collection apportion

 Receipt details and Invoice details are shown above

 If both pole rent and interest are demanded on the same invoice, both will
be shown there
 In that case, first, click the pole rent check box and forward
 The system itself will generate the interest from the demand due date or
the last collection date to the collection date of each quarter's pole rent
 Select the Pole rent check box and

 Click on button for fetching

 List of Demands for Selected Head - 62928 - Pole Rental Service are
listed here

 Balance Receipt Amount to be Apportioned – The Receipt amount

for the selected head is visible here
 It can be forwarded only after apportioning the entire Receipt
amount collected under a head.
 If the receipt amount is more than the demand amount
apportioned, then that amount can be taken as advance.
 If the receipt amount is less than the demand amount
apportioned, then that amount will be generated as arrear in the
next demand.
 Amount Received - Enter the collected amount in the column
“Amount Received” against the demand for each quarter
 Demand Due Date - The demand due date is automatically filled
every quarter
 Previous payment date (if any) – If any part payment of a demand
has been made earlier, then that date should be selected here
 Interest calculation rate – By default 12% interest is calculated, user
can edit if needed

 Click on button

 Provision available for revoking the last apportion

 To revoke the last apportion, click on

 Revoke last apportion first.

 Click on button to view the apportioned details and generated


 Apportioned Demands – Apportioned demand and GST rate is

shown here
 Generated Interest Records - Interest generated and GST rate are
shown here
 This generated interest should be apportioned in next step
b. Interest Collection apportion

 Click on button
 Click on button against the same pole rent collected

 Now only available the interest demand.

 Select “Interest/Penalty Pole rent” rent check box and

 Click on button for fetching

 List of Demands for Selected Head - 62928 – Interest/ Penalty on Pole
Rent are listed here
 List of Demands for Selected Head - 62908 - Pole Rental Service are
listed here

 Balance Receipt Amount to be Apportioned – The Receipt

amount for the selected head is visible here
 It can be forwarded only after apportioning the entire Receipt amount
collected under a head.
 If the receipt amount is more than the demand amount then
that amount can be taken as advance
 Amount Received - Enter the collected amount in the column
“Amount Received” against the demand for each quarter
 Demand Due Date - The demand due date is automatically filled
every quarter
 Previous payment date (if any) – If any part payment of a demand
has been made earlier, then that date should be selected here

Click on button
 Provision available for revoking the last apportion

 To revoke the last apportion , click on


 Click on button to view the apportioned details

 Apportioned Demands – Apportioned interest and GST rate is shown


c. Security Deposit Collection apportion

- Same procedure as Pole rent collection, above -
5. Advance collection offsetting
If the demand for the Financial Year 2023-24 is paid in advance
before 01.04.2023, it can be taken as Advance Collection.

Click on button

Click on button
Advance collections of FY 23-24 taken can be added here
 Copy Advance collection Receipt number from SAMAGRA and Paste

 Click on button
 Then offset collection
6. Outstanding Demand Report
Option # 1
From the menu Report >> Outstanding Demand Report

To view profile and Outstanding demand of an operator, Click on

Option # 2
Users can view the outstanding demand from the operator’s
Menu: Operator >> Operator list

 Click on button against the operator

 At the bottom of the page, you can view the outstanding amount of 2023-
24 quarter wise
7. Demand Creation for FY 2024-25

 Please ensure that the demand for the FY

2023-24 has been generated & approved and the
collections have been apportioned through ctv app,
before generating the demand for the FY 2024-25.
 The amounts mentioned in the outstanding pole
rent demand report may also be verified.
 Then generate demand for the FY 2024-25.

a. Create demand for FY 2024-25 – AB SA

b. Verify demand -DA
c. Approve Demand - EE

a. Create demand for FY 2024-25 – AB SA

Role : Originating User – Division – AB SA
Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list
 Select “Financial Year 2024-25”

 Then click on button

 Security Deposit - 10% of one year's pole rent of an operator should

be taken as security deposit.
o While generating demand for a financial year, if the existing
security deposit is less, then Security Deposit will be generated
along with pole rent in Q1 quarter.
 Pole Rent FY 2024-25 – Section name, Purpose, Local body, No. of
Poles and Abstract pole rent are shown here.
 Pole Rent Remittances – Previous year demand and remittance
details are shown here

 Pole Rent 2024-25 Quarter Wise – Quarter wise pole rent split-up
details and Security Deposit demand are shown here.

 Enter additional remarks and click on button

d. Verify demand for FY 2024-25 – DA

Role : Verifying User – Division - DA

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

The pending tasks are listed in the ToDo list of the dashboard as
“Verify Demand Notice”

 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list
 Click on button

 If wish to return to the originating user, then click on

 After verification, click on button

e. Approve demand for FY 2024-25 – EE

Role : Approving Oficer – Division - EE

Menu: Operator >> Demand >> Operator list

The pending tasks are listed in the ToDo list of the dashboard as
“Approve Demand Notice and Generate Demand”
 Click on button
 Select “Demand Notice” from the dropdown list
 Click on button

 If wish to return to the originating user, then click on


 After verification, click on button

Demand Notice Approved and Generate Demand successfully

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