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Cases of Food Poisoning Outbreaks

Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet

Nama : Nisrina Nur Fathiyah

NIM : 6210123004

Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet

The SOCO (Single Overriding Communication Objective) Worksheet is a tool to create a specific message
for the TGC team to contact the community or parties about the food poisoning that occurred so that this case
can be better understood by the listeners. and this information is including briefings and press releases. to the
media. and this worksheet contains all the information regarding cases that have occurred and what needs to
be done.


Key Message: Provides Meaning and Context

In one brief paragraph, state the key point or objective you want to communicate.

A case of food poisoning outbreak was reported on February 9 2021, by one of the employees . The
Kulonprogo District Health Office received a report from the Community Health Center surveillance officer
Sentolo II via telephone that on Saturday evening, 7 – 8 February 2021. Asus experienced diarrhea after
attend a thanksgiving event on Saturday, February 7 2021 at 14.00 – 16.00 in Dusu n Karangasem. Some
cases eat food during the event and others ate food from the event, but was brought home by residents
who helped (rewang). The method of transmission is direct transmission from Salmonella parathypi and
contagion indirectly from Bacillus cereus. The bacteria Salmonella parathypi and Bacillus cereus are the
most common sources of bacteria often found in food poisoning.

Key Facts
What are the three most important facts you need an individual to understand about the of food
poisoning outbreak?

Key Fact 1 The incidence of increased morbidity in an area. There were 48 cases
starting from February 7 2021, totaling 6 cases, then increased on February
8 2021 by 32 cases, then fell again on 09 and 10 February 2021 there were
8 and 2 cases.

Key Fact 2 Experiencing significant symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting,

abdominal pain, fever, and/or diarrhea, convulsions, itching, headache,
chills, malaise, sweating, joint pain and bloated.

Key Fact 3 Bacillus cereus bacteria, this bacteria can be found in processed vegetables
or not, meat, soup, pudding, dairy products, products containing rice such as
boiled rice or fried rice. Meanwhile, Salmonella parathypi can found in meat,

Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet 1

Developed by the Kulonprogo District Health Office
Cases of Food Poisoning Outbreaks
Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet

chicken, cheese from unpasteurized milk, fruit and fresh vegetables such as
apples, melons, mangoes, oranges, lettuce, coriander and tomatoes

Target Audience
Who is the main audience or population segment you would like this message
to reach? Who is the secondary audience?

Primary Audience: General Public

Secondary Audience: Catering entrepreneur
Tertiary Audience: Health Services and Policy Holders

Communication Objective:
What is the one message or action someone needs to understand?

1.There is a need for education regarding food safety for caterers who provide food. And catering parties
must pay attention to the quality of the food, when storing fish and during the cooking process of food (fish)
which is quite long after consumption.

2. It is hoped that the community health center will provide education about food processing hygiene for
food handlers, for catering services and personal hygiene.

3. For district offices, they provide supervision of related catering services licensing

Primary Contact
Who in your office/organization is the primary point of contact?

Name:Kulon Progo Health Department

Phone: (0274) 773011
Date and time available: Monday – Friday at 07.30 -15.30

Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet 2

Developed by the Kulonprogo District Health Office
Cases of Food Poisoning Outbreaks
Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet

Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) Worksheet 3

Developed by the Kulonprogo District Health Office

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