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Chemical Reactions and Equations

1 mark questions:
1. Which one is a chemical change – rusting of iron or melting of iron? (2011)
2. Why do silver articles become black after some time when exposed to air? (2011)
3. When crystals of FeSO4 are strongly heated the residue obtained is (2013)
a. Reddish brown in colour
b. Blue in colour
c. Green in colour
d. Colourless
4. The chemical reaction between barium chloride and sodium sulphate is an example of

a. combination reaction
b. decomposition reaction
c. displacement reaction
d. double displacement reaction

5. Which gas is evolved in the reaction of Zinc metal and NaoH (2016)
a. Cl2
b. H2O
c. O2
d. H2
6. Barium Sulphate is: (2016)
a. White
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Red
7. The following reaction is an example of a
4NH3(g) + 5O2(g)  4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
a. Displacement reaction
b. Redox reaction
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
8. Which of the following statements about the given reaction are correct?
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g)  Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
a. Iron metal is getting oxidized
b. Water is getting reduced
c. Water is acting as reducing agent
d. Water iss acting as oxidizing agent
e. a, b and d
9. Which of the following are exothermic processes?
a. Reaction of water with quick time
b. Dilution of an acid
c. Evaporation of water
d. Sublimation of camphor (crystals)
e. Both a and b
eaction. The mole ratio of hydrogen and
10. Electrolysis of water is a decomposition rreaction.
oxygen gases liberated during electrolysis of water is
a. 1 : 1
b. 2 : 1
c. 4 : 1
d. 1 : 2
11. The following reaction is used for the preparation of oxygen gas in the laboratory

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the reaction?

a. It is a decomposition reaction and endothermic in nature
b. It is a combination reaction
c. It is a decomposition reaction and accompanied by release of heat
d. It is a photochemical decomposition reaction and exothermic in nature
12. Which of the following are combination reactions?

(v) Both b and c

13. Rahul adds aqueous solution of barium chloride to an aqueous solution of sodium
sulphate. He would observe that
tha (2011)
a. A pungent smelling gas is evolved.
b. The colour of the solution turns red.
c. a yellow precipitate is formed after
d. a white precipitate is formed almost immediately
14. Define the term rancidity. (2014)
15. Which of the statements about the reaction below are incorrect? (2014)

i. Lead is getting reduced.

ii. Carbon dioxide is getting oxidized
iii. Carbon is getting oxidized
iv. Lead oxide is getting reduced
a. (i) and (ii)
b. (i) and (iii)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. All
16. Why decomposition reactions are called the opposite of combination reactions?
react (2015)

2 mark questions:
17. Write chemical equations for the reactions taking place when (2017)
i. Zinc sulphide is heated in air
ii. Calcination of zinc carbonate is done
18. “Respiration reaction. Justify this statement giving the chemical
Respiration is an exothermic reaction.”
equation for the reaction involved. (2017)
19. Give an example each for thermal decomposition and photo chemical decomposition
reactions. Write relevant balanced chemical equations also. (2011)
20. A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble
white substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the
type of the chemical reaction? (2015)
21. Write observation with reaction for the following: Granulated zinc reacts with
dil.sulphuric acid. (2017)
3 mark questions:
22. (a) Oil and fat containing
taining food items are flushed with nitrogen while packing them why?
(b) Why do we apply paint on iron articles? (2011)
23. A solution of a substance ‘X’ is used for white washing. (2013, 2015)
i. Name the substance ‘X’ and write its formula.
ii. Write the reaction of the substance ‘X’ named in (i) above with water.
iii. Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reaction.
24. Complete the following reactions and write the balanced equations: (2014)

25. Write balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reactions (2016)
a. Hydrogen + Chlorine  Hydrogen Chloride
b. Lead + Copper Chloride  Lead Chloride + Copper
c. Zinc Oxide + Carbon  Zinc + Carbon Monoxide
26. The color of copper sulphate solution changes when an iron nail is dipped in it. State the
giving chemicall equation for the reaction involved. Write the name of reaction involved.
27. (a) Identify the substance oxidized, substance reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing
agent in the following reaction: ZnO + C  Zn + Co
(b) Packets of potato chips are flushed
flu with nitrogen gas, why? (2017)
28. 2ml of sodium hydroxide solution is added to a few pieces of granulated zinc metal
taken in a test tube. When the contents are warmed, a gas evolves which is bubbled
through a soap solution before testing. Write the equation ofof the chemical reaction
involved and the test to detect the gas. Name the gas which will be evolved when the
same metal reacts with dilute solution of a strong acid. (2018)
29. Explain why: (2015)
a. Digestion of food is a decomposition reaction.
b. All decomposition
ition reactions are endothermic reactions.
c. A popping sound is produced when a burning candle is brought near mouth of a
test tube used in electrolysis of water.
30. Describe the use of aluminium as reducing agent for reduction of metal oxides. Give ththe
equations involved. (2015)

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