Raz cqlz07 Robinsoncrusoe

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Level Z

Quick Check A Selection from Robinson Crusoe

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Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. Which event happened first? 4. What does Robinson Crusoe

not consider when looking
a Crusoe built a shelter for a new home site?
on land.
b Crusoe made a cave. a a place to build a fire
c Crusoe found provisions b a secure place away
on the ship. from danger

d Crusoe built a raft. c a view to the ocean

2. Why does Robinson Crusoe feel d a shelter from the heat
of the sun
it is urgent to get as many things
off the ship as soon as possible? 5. What did Robinson Crusoe mean
when he said, “All evils are to be
a Other people might steal compared with the good that is
the supplies.
in them, and with what worse
b He might not be able to might have been”?
reach the ship again.
a There is nothing worse than
c A storm might come and the life he is living.
break the ship apart.
b Bad situations will always
d All of the above improve and become better.
3. What are provisions? c It is better to die in
a a type of sail a shipwreck than be
stranded somewhere.
b supplies of food
c the cargo of a ship d There is usually something
good that can be found in
d barrels that hold food bad situations.

Quick Check continued on following page

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Level Z
Quick Check (continued) A Selection from Robinson Crusoe

Name Date

6. How did Robinson Crusoe feel 9. Why did Robinson Crusoe

about getting what he did off climb a tree when he was first
the ship before it sank? shipwrecked?
a excited a to see farther in the distance
b worried b to pick the fruit that was
at the top of the tree
c relieved
d disgusted c to avoid being eaten
by wild animals
7. What did Robinson Crusoe do
right after he discovered water d to hide from the native
in the ship’s hold?
10. Why did Robinson Crusoe
a He got something to eat. not expect to be rescued?
b He searched for tools.
a No one knew where he was.
c He built a raft of masts.
b The island was far from the
d He climbed up the rope. trade routes.
8. What does desolate mean? c He had no way to
a empty and unwelcoming communicate with anyone.

b green and pleasant d All of the above

c evil and dangerous 11. Extended Responses: Why
did Robinson Crusoe find
d rocky and wind-blown that building his fortress
had not been necessary?
12. Extended Responses: How
would you have felt if you
were Robinson Crusoe? Give
two reasons for your answer.

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Level Z
Quick Check Answer Sheet A Selection from Robinson Crusoe
Main Comprehension Skill: Sequence Events

1. c Sequence Events
2. b Cause and Effect
3. b Vocabulary
4. a Story Elements

5. d Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

6. c Analyze Character

7. a Sequence Events

8. a Vocabulary
9. c Cause and Effect
10. d Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

11. Answers will vary but should

include the following points: he
had built his fortress to protect
himself from wild animals and
people that might hurt him, but
then he found that neither of
these was on the island.
12. Answers will vary.

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