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This advertisement is designed for

combination of benefits of two or more individual and separate products namely Max Life Online Savings Plan, A Unit Linked Non Participating Individual Life
Insurance Plan (UIN: 104L098V05) and Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan, a Non Linked Non Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings
plan (UIN: 104N124V06). These products are also available for sale individually without the combination offered/suggested. This benefit illustration is the
arithmetic combination and chronological listing of combined benefits of individual products. The customer is advised to refer the detailed sales brochure of
respective individual products mentioned herein before concluding the sale.

This is a combination solution comprising of Max Life Online Savings Plan (UIN: 104L098V05) and Max Life Smart Wealth
Advantage Guarantee Plan (UIN: 104N124V06)

Proposal for: Mr.Somanath, aged 24 years

In this solution, the yearly premium paid by you will be invested in Max Life Online Savings Plan and Max Life Smart Wealth
Advantage Guarantee Plan in a predetermined ratio. While Max Life Online Savings Plan will provide market-linked returns,
Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan will generate Guaranteed Returns at Maturity which will ensure you do not
lose out on your investment. This plan provides 4 main benefits:

• Assured Benefits no matter what happens to the

• Build your corpus

• Secure your family’s financial future • Tax Benefits*

*As per prevailing tax laws that are subject to change

Overview of Solution for Mr.Somanath

In this solution, you will purchase Max Life Online Savings Plan (UIN: 104L098V05) and Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage
Guarantee Plan (UIN: 104N124V06)

Age Gender PPT PT

24 Years Male 10 Years 20 Years

Premium Premium
Policy Installment Guaranteed Death
Product name Variant payment payment Annual Premium
term premium Benefit
term mode
Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Wealth For
Guarantee Plan 20 10 Annual Rs. 51,620 Rs. 51,620 Rs. 5,67,820

Max Life Online Savings Plan Variant 2 20 10 Annual Rs. 68,380 Rs. 68,380 Rs. 6,83,800

Overview of Solution

Annual Premium Paid Rs. 1,20,000

Premium Paid Over Premium payment term Rs. 12,00,000

Assured Benefits

Guaranteed Benefit* at maturity Rs. 12,00,007

Market Linked Returns

Market Linked Returns @ 8% Rs. 18,42,596

Market Linked Returns @ 4% Rs. 10,05,187

Total Possible Returns

Total Possible Returns @ 8% Total Possible Returns @ 4%

Rs. 30,42,603 Rs. 22,05,194

*For Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan, the applicable taxes, cesses and levies will be charged over and above
the policy premiums.
The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. Please note that the returns, 4% and 8%, are only
assumed rates. These are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of returns of the Funds selected in your
policy, as the performance of the Funds is dependent on number of factors including future investment performance. For
more information, please request for your policy specific illustration. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future
Maturity Benefit:

Age : 24 years Maturity Benefit

PPT : 10 years Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage
PT : 20 years Guarantee Plan
Rs. 12,00,007
Annual Premium : Rs. 1,20,000 +
• Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Online Savings Plan
Plan: Rs. 51,620
Illustrated @ 8% : Rs. 18,42,596
• Max Life Online Savings Plan : Rs. 68,380
Illustrated @ 4% : Rs. 10,05,187

Age 24 yrs Age 33 yrs Age 43 yrs

Year 1 Year 10 Year 20

Annual premium = Rs. 1,20,000 for 10 yrs

Death Benefit:

Guaranteed Death Benefit Maturity Benefit

Age : 24 years Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage
PPT : 10 years Guarantee Plan
Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage
PT : 20 years Rs. 12,00,007
Guarantee Plan
Annual Premium : Sum Assured : Rs. 5,67,820 Online Savings Plan
Rs.1,20,000 + Illustrated @ 8% : Rs.
Online Savings Plan Sum Assured : 18,42,596
Rs. 6,83,800 Illustrated @ 4% : Rs.
*Monthly income =

Age 24 yrs Age 43 yrs

Year 1 Year 20
Unforeseen death of life
Annual premium = Rs 1,20,000 insured
for 10 yrs
The company will fund all future outstanding premiums in case of death of life insured during the policy payment term

• Capital Guarantee Solution is a combination solution of Max Life Online Savings Plan, A Unit Linked Non Participating
Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 104L098V05) and Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan, a Non-Linked Non
Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings plan (UIN: 104N124V06).
• It is NOT MANDATORY to purchase the Max Life Online Savings Plan and the Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee
Plan together. This is only an illustrative document. It does not purport to be a contract of insurance and does not in any way
create any rights and/or obligations. Some of the benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based
on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed returns then
these will be clearly marked “guaranteed” in the illustrations. The actual experience on the contract may be different from
• The guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid.
• Please note that the maturity benefits of Max Life Online Savings Plan are NOT GUARANTEED.
• All applicable taxes, cesses and levies as imposed by the Government will be charged over and above the policy premiums at
the time of purchase of Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan.
• This is not a product prospectus. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the respective
prospectus of Max Life Online Savings Plan and Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan carefully, available on, before concluding a sale.
• For Online Savings Plan, for the purposes of illustration, the Company has assumed 4% and 8% as the rates of investment
returns. The returns shown in the illustration are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what might be
received, as the value of the policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance. The actual
returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting
extra, cost of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and
conditions please read sales literature carefully.
• Life insurance coverage is available in Max Life Online Savings Plan and Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan.
• The benefits available under this solution shall be as per the product policy terms and conditions
The tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time
• This life insurance product is offered and underwritten by Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
• The life insurance contract is between the proposer and Max Life Insurance co. Ltd
• *Under Online savings plan variant 2, a Family Income Benefit equal to 1% of the Sum Assured will be paid each month
starting from the Policy anniversary date of every month following or coinciding with the date of death of the Life Insured till
the end of the Policy Term, subject to a minimum of 36 monthly payments and a maximum of 120 monthly payments.
• Under policy continuance benefit (PCB) option, in case of death of the life Insured, the policy continues as it would have in
case the life insured was alive with the survival benefits and maturity benefits payable in future as and when due, without
having to pay any future premiums.
• The premium shall be adjusted on due date even if it has been received in advance in the following scenarios
o Due to any benefit change of Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan owing to age or rate revision, there may be
change in ratio to allocate premium in both products to ensure capital guarantee.
o In case of a counter offer made for any reason, customer may have to pay extra premium for the same and we may not
adjust the Sum Assured in order to ensure Capital Guarantee of the policy
Customer Declaration
I, Somanath, hereby confirm that I have understood the features of Capital Guarantee Solution 1 to me, explained by the sales
representative and affixing my signature below.
Sign :
Date: 1/11/24 Somanath

This would be followed by individual, separate and complete benefit illustrations of SWAG and OSP, as are currently generated.
[Date and Time of Illustration – 11 January 2024, 12:26 PM]

Name of the Prospect/Policyholder: Mr. Somanath Proposal No:

Age & Gender: 24 Years, Male Name of the Product: Max Life Smart Wealth Advantage Guarantee Plan
Name of the Life Assured: Mr. Somanath Tag Line: A Non-linked Non Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan
Age & Gender: 24 Years, Male Unique Identification No: 104N124V06
Policy Term: 20 Years GST Rate (Base Policy, First Year): 4.50%
Premium Payment Term: 10 Years GST Rate (Base Policy, Subsequent Year): 2.25%
Amount of Installment Premium: `53,943 GST Rate (Rider, First Year): NA
Mode of payment of premium: Annual
GST Rate (Rider, Subsequent Year): NA
Income Amount: NA
Income Start Year, if applicable: NA
Income Period, if applicable: NA Max Life State: Haryana
Deferment Period, if applicable: NA Policyholder Residential State: Haryana

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.

Policy Details
Policy Option Wealth for Milestones Sum Assured on Maturity (in Rs.) 9,09,096
Death Benefit Multiple NA Sum Assured (at inception of the policy) upon Death (in Rs.) 5,67,820
Policy Continuance Benefit Option Yes Sum Assured (Inbuilt Additional Accidental Death Benefit) (in Rs.) 2,83,910
Special Date Option No Opted Special Date NA

Rider Details

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) Rider Term NA Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) Rider Sum Assured (in Rs.) NA

Term Plus Rider Term NA Term Plus Rider Sum Assured (in Rs.) NA
Waiver of Premium (WOP) Plus Rider Term NA
Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Rider Premium Payment
NA Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Coverage Variant NA
Term and Rider Term
Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Rider Sum Assured NA

Premium Summary
Accidental Death & Waiver of Premium Plus Critical Illness and Total Installment Premium
Base Plan Dismemberment Rider
Term Plus Rider Rider Disability Rider
Installment Premium without GST (in Rs.) 51,620 0 0 0 0 51,620
Installment Premium with first year GST (in Rs.) 53,943 0 0 0 0 53,943
Installment Premium with GST 2nd year onwards (in Rs.) 52,781 0 0 0 0 52,781

UIN: 104N124V06 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 1 of 3
(Amount in Rupees)
Non Guaranteed
Total Annual Other Benefits, if Inbuilt
Policy Annualized Money Back Accrued Minimum
Premium (BOY) Auto Debit any (Sum Additional Special
Year Premium (BOY) Base Income Loyalty Income (In case of Life Total Survival Guaranteed Total Maturity Guaranteed
Booster Assured on Death Benefit Accidental Surrender Value
(EOY) (EOY) Long Income) Benefit (EOY) Additions (if Benefit (EOY) Surrender Value
(EOY) Maturity) (EOY) Death Benefit (EOY)
any) (EOY) (EOY)

1 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - - -

2 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 30,972 30,837
3 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 54,201 50,428
4 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 1,03,240 82,437
5 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 1,29,050 1,24,773
6 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 1,54,860 1,63,201
7 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 1,80,670 2,07,583
8 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 2,20,244 2,58,547
9 51,620 51,620 - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 2,63,259 3,17,047
10 51,620 51,620 4,646 - - - - - - - 5,67,820 - 3,09,715 3,84,002
11 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 3,26,920 4,18,548
12 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 3,44,130 4,56,275
13 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 3,61,335 4,97,276
14 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 3,78,545 5,42,094
15 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 3,95,750 5,90,821
16 - - - - - - - - - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 4,12,960 6,44,004
17 - - - - - - - 72,728 - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 4,51,983 7,58,164
18 - - - - - - - 1,45,455 - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 4,91,012 8,87,616
19 - - - - - - - 2,18,183 - - 5,67,820 2,83,910 5,30,035 10,34,166
20 - - - - - - - 2,90,911 9,09,096 12,00,007 5,67,820 2,83,910 5,51,853 12,00,007

UIN: 104N124V06 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 2 of 3
• EOY: End of Year, BOY = Beginning of Year
• Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any, and Goods and Service Tax.
• Total Annual Premium includes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any but excludes Goods and Service Tax.
• The Surrender Value payable shall be higher of ‘Minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value’ and ‘Special Surrender Value’. Any additional Surrender Value over and above the ‘Minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value’ is not
• The above benefits are assuming income payment mode as Annual and with the assumption that no special date is opted by you. For details on other income payment modes and special date options, please refer the Policy
• The Net Rate of Return has been calculated based on the total survival (including auto-debit booster) and total maturity benefit, assuming that all premiums have been paid as and when due (excluding applicable taxes, cesses
and levies and rider premiums, if any).
• Refer Sales literature (Prospectus) and Policy Document for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
• Surrender value (both GSV and SSV) shown above is before payment of survival benefit applicable during the year of surrender.
• The above benefit illustration assumes that all premiums (excluding the first premium) are paid via auto debit mode of premium payment. Note that auto debit boosters are applicable only on the premiums paid via auto debit
mode of premium payment. Auto debit booster shall be payable only to the fully paid-up policies where all due premiums have been paid.

I, ……………………………………………. (name),have explained the premiums, and benefits I, Somanath (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
under the product fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.

Place: Signature / Thumb Impression / Electronic Signature of Date:1/11/24 Signature / Thumb Impression / Electronic Signature of
Date: 1/11/24 Agent/ Intermediary / Official Prospect/ Policyholder
This system generated benefit illustration shall be treated as signed by me.

UIN: 104N124V06 Max Life Insurance Company Limited having its Corporate Office at 11th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg, DLF City, Phase II, Gurugram – 122002 Page 3 of 3
Proposal No:

Name of the Prospect/Policyholder: Mr. Somanath Name of the Product: Max Life Online Savings Plan
Tag Line: A Unit Linked Non Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Age & Gender: 24 Years, Male
Policy Option: Variant 2
Name of the Life Assured: Mr. Somanath Unique Identification No: 104L098V05
GST Rate: 18.00%
Age & Gender: 24 Years, Male Max Life State: Haryana
Policyholder Residential State: Haryana
Sum Assured: `6,83,800 Investment Strategy Opted for: NA
Policy Term & Premium Payment Term: 20 Years & 10 Years
Funds opted for along with their risk level
Amount of Installment Premium: `68,380 [Please specify the customer specific fund
Mode of payment of premium: Annual option):
NIFTY Smallcap Quality Index Fund (Risk Rating-Very High) :

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intended to show what charges are deducted from your premiums and how the unit fund, net of charges and taxes, may grow over the years of the policy term if the fund earns a gross
return of 8% p.a. or 4% p.a. These rates, i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. are assumed only for the purpose of illustrating the flow of benefits if the returns are at this level. It should not be interpreted that the returns
under the plan are going to be either 8% p.a. or 4% p.a.

Net Yield mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return of 8% p.a., net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity charges, underwriting extra, if any, guarantee charges and cost of riders, if
deducted by cancellation of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges exclusive of taxes on the net yield. Please note that the mortality charges per thousand sum assured in general, increases with age.

The actual returns can vary depending on the performance of the chosen fund, charges towards mortality, morbidity, underwriting extra, cost of riders, etc. The investment risk in this policy is borne by the
policyholder, hence, for more details on terms and conditions please read sales literature carefully.

Part A of this statement presents a summary view of year-by-year charges deducted under the policy, fund value, surrender value and the death benefit, at two assumed rates of return. Part B of this statement
presents a detailed break-up of the charges, and other values.

Note: Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then
these will be clearly marked “guaranteed” in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustration on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment
returns. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including actual
future investment performance.
Rider Details

Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider - Rider Premium Payment Term and Rider Term NA Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Coverage Variant NA

Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Rider Sum Assured NA

Premium Summary
Max Life Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider
Base Plan Total Installment Premium

Installment Premium without GST (in Rs.) 68,380 0 68,380

Installment Premium with first year GST (in Rs.) 68,380 0 68,380

Installment Premium with GST 2nd year onwards (in Rs.) 68,380 0 68,380

UIN: 104L098V05 Page 1 of 5

Part A

(Amount in Rupees.)
At 4% p.a. Gross Investment Return At 8% p.a. Gross Investment Return
Policy Annualized
payable to
Year Premium Mortality, Morbidity Fund at End Surrender Mortality, Fund at End Surrender
Other Charges* GST Death Benefit Other Charges* GST Death Benefit intermediary
Charges of Year Value Morbidity Charges of Year Value

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 68,380 1,411 689 378 68,587 63,746 6,83,800 1,411 703 381 71,255 66,413 6,83,800 -
2 68,380 1,395 1,389 501 1,39,096 1,35,868 6,83,800 1,395 1,446 511 1,47,322 1,44,095 6,83,800 -
3 68,380 1,376 2,109 627 2,11,583 2,09,162 6,83,800 1,376 2,238 651 2,28,530 2,26,109 6,83,800 -
4 68,380 1,337 2,849 753 2,86,127 2,84,513 6,83,800 1,337 3,085 796 3,15,247 3,13,633 6,83,800 -
5 68,380 1,313 3,610 886 3,62,769 3,62,769 6,83,800 1,313 3,988 954 4,07,828 4,07,828 6,83,800 -
6 68,380 1,300 4,392 1,025 4,41,550 4,41,550 6,83,800 1,300 4,953 1,126 5,06,651 5,06,651 6,83,800 -
7 68,380 1,268 5,196 1,164 5,22,556 5,22,556 6,83,800 1,268 5,983 1,305 6,12,160 6,12,160 6,83,800 -
8 68,380 1,262 6,023 1,311 6,05,816 6,05,816 6,83,800 1,262 7,082 1,502 7,24,775 7,24,775 6,83,800 -
9 68,380 1,248 6,873 1,462 6,91,402 6,91,402 6,83,800 1,248 8,256 1,711 8,44,982 8,44,982 6,83,800 -
10 68,380 1,260 7,747 1,621 7,79,348 7,79,348 7,17,990 1,260 9,508 1,938 9,73,260 9,73,260 7,17,990 -
11 - 1,290 7,946 1,663 7,99,420 7,99,420 7,17,990 1,290 10,132 2,056 10,37,150 10,37,150 7,17,990 -
12 - 1,318 8,151 1,704 8,20,016 8,20,016 7,17,990 1,318 10,797 2,181 11,05,305 11,05,305 7,17,990 -
13 - 1,336 8,361 1,745 8,41,161 8,41,161 7,17,990 1,336 11,507 2,312 11,78,021 11,78,021 7,17,990 -
14 - 1,357 8,577 1,788 8,62,869 8,62,869 7,17,990 1,357 12,265 2,452 12,55,604 12,55,604 7,17,990 -
15 - 1,376 8,798 1,831 8,85,155 8,85,155 7,17,990 1,376 13,073 2,601 13,38,382 13,38,382 7,17,990 -
16 - 1,392 9,025 1,875 9,08,040 9,08,040 7,17,990 1,392 13,935 2,759 14,26,708 14,26,708 7,17,990 -
17 - 1,412 9,259 1,921 9,31,536 9,31,536 7,17,990 1,412 14,855 2,928 15,20,951 15,20,951 7,17,990 -
18 - 1,486 9,498 1,977 9,55,596 9,55,596 7,17,990 1,486 15,837 3,118 16,21,444 16,21,444 7,17,990 -
19 - 1,625 9,743 2,046 9,80,157 9,80,157 7,17,990 1,625 16,883 3,331 17,28,527 17,28,527 7,17,990 -
20 - 1,802 9,992 2,123 10,05,187 10,05,187 7,17,990 1,802 17,997 3,564 18,42,596 18,42,596 7,17,990 -
*See Part B for details



UIN: 104L098V05 Page 2 of 5

I, ……………………………………………. (name), have explained the premiums, charges and I, Somanath (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.

Date: 1/11/24 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression / Date:1/11/24 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression /
Electronic Signature of Agent/ Intermediary / Official Electronic Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder

This system generated benefit illustration shall be treated as signed by me.

Part B
Gross Yield 8% p.a. Net Yield 6.92% Amount in Rupees
Premium Annualized Premium - Policy
Policy Annualized Mortality Guarantee Other Additions to the Fund before Fund at End of Surrender Death
Allocation Premium Allocation GST Admin. FMC
Year Premium (AP) Charge Charge Charges* fund* FMC the Year Value Benefit
Charge (PAC) Charges Charge
1 68,380 - 68,380 1,411 381 - - - - 71,325 703 71,255 66,413 6,83,800
2 68,380 - 68,380 1,395 511 - - - - 1,47,468 1,446 1,47,322 1,44,095 6,83,800
3 68,380 - 68,380 1,376 651 - - - - 2,28,756 2,238 2,28,530 2,26,109 6,83,800
4 68,380 - 68,380 1,337 796 - - - - 3,15,559 3,085 3,15,247 3,13,633 6,83,800
5 68,380 - 68,380 1,313 954 - - - - 4,08,231 3,988 4,07,828 4,07,828 6,83,800
6 68,380 - 68,380 1,300 1,126 - - - - 5,07,152 4,953 5,06,651 5,06,651 6,83,800
7 68,380 - 68,380 1,268 1,305 - - - - 6,12,766 5,983 6,12,160 6,12,160 6,83,800
8 68,380 - 68,380 1,262 1,502 - - - - 7,25,492 7,082 7,24,775 7,24,775 6,83,800
9 68,380 - 68,380 1,248 1,711 - - - - 8,45,817 8,256 8,44,982 8,44,982 6,83,800
10 68,380 - 68,380 1,260 1,938 - - - - 9,74,223 9,508 9,73,260 9,73,260 7,17,990
11 - - - 1,290 2,056 - - - - 10,38,176 10,132 10,37,150 10,37,150 7,17,990
12 - - - 1,318 2,181 - - - - 11,06,398 10,797 11,05,305 11,05,305 7,17,990
13 - - - 1,336 2,312 - - - - 11,79,186 11,507 11,78,021 11,78,021 7,17,990
14 - - - 1,357 2,452 - - - - 12,56,845 12,265 12,55,604 12,55,604 7,17,990
15 - - - 1,376 2,601 - - - - 13,39,705 13,073 13,38,382 13,38,382 7,17,990
16 - - - 1,392 2,759 - - - - 14,28,118 13,935 14,26,708 14,26,708 7,17,990
17 - - - 1,412 2,928 - - - - 15,22,455 14,855 15,20,951 15,20,951 7,17,990
18 - - - 1,486 3,118 - - - - 16,23,047 15,837 16,21,444 16,21,444 7,17,990
19 - - - 1,625 3,331 - - - - 17,30,236 16,883 17,28,527 17,28,527 7,17,990
20 - - - 1,802 3,564 - - - - 18,44,418 17,997 18,42,596 18,42,596 7,17,990

UIN: 104L098V05 Page 3 of 5

Gross Yield 4% p.a. Amount in Rupees
Premium Annualized Premium - Policy
Policy Annualized Mortality Guarantee Other Additions to the Fund before Fund at End of Surrender Death
Allocation Premium Allocation GST Admin. FMC
Year Premium (AP) Charge Charge Charges* fund* FMC the Year Value Benefit
Charge (PAC) Charges Charge
1 68,380 - 68,380 1,411 378 - - - - 68,655 689 68,587 63,746 6,83,800
2 68,380 - 68,380 1,395 501 - - - - 1,39,233 1,389 1,39,096 1,35,868 6,83,800
3 68,380 - 68,380 1,376 627 - - - - 2,11,792 2,109 2,11,583 2,09,162 6,83,800
4 68,380 - 68,380 1,337 753 - - - - 2,86,410 2,849 2,86,127 2,84,513 6,83,800
5 68,380 - 68,380 1,313 886 - - - - 3,63,127 3,610 3,62,769 3,62,769 6,83,800
6 68,380 - 68,380 1,300 1,025 - - - - 4,41,987 4,392 4,41,550 4,41,550 6,83,800
7 68,380 - 68,380 1,268 1,164 - - - - 5,23,072 5,196 5,22,556 5,22,556 6,83,800
8 68,380 - 68,380 1,262 1,311 - - - - 6,06,415 6,023 6,05,816 6,05,816 6,83,800
9 68,380 - 68,380 1,248 1,462 - - - - 6,92,086 6,873 6,91,402 6,91,402 6,83,800
10 68,380 - 68,380 1,260 1,621 - - - - 7,80,118 7,747 7,79,348 7,79,348 7,17,990
11 - - - 1,290 1,663 - - - - 8,00,210 7,946 7,99,420 7,99,420 7,17,990
12 - - - 1,318 1,704 - - - - 8,20,827 8,151 8,20,016 8,20,016 7,17,990
13 - - - 1,336 1,745 - - - - 8,41,993 8,361 8,41,161 8,41,161 7,17,990
14 - - - 1,357 1,788 - - - - 8,63,722 8,577 8,62,869 8,62,869 7,17,990
15 - - - 1,376 1,831 - - - - 8,86,030 8,798 8,85,155 8,85,155 7,17,990
16 - - - 1,392 1,875 - - - - 9,08,938 9,025 9,08,040 9,08,040 7,17,990
17 - - - 1,412 1,921 - - - - 9,32,458 9,259 9,31,536 9,31,536 7,17,990
18 - - - 1,486 1,977 - - - - 9,56,541 9,498 9,55,596 9,55,596 7,17,990
19 - - - 1,625 2,046 - - - - 9,81,126 9,743 9,80,157 9,80,157 7,17,990
20 - - - 1,802 2,123 - - - - 10,06,181 9,992 10,05,187 10,05,187 7,17,990

*There are no charges included in other charges. There are no additions included on Additions to the fund.
Notes: 1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund management charge is based on the specific fund option(s) chosen.
3. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collection of rider premium, and not by way of cancellation of units, then, such charges are not considered in this illustration. In other cases, rider charges are included in
other charges.

UIN: 104L098V05 Page 4 of 5

I, ……………………………………………. (name), have explained the premiums, charges and I, Somanath (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.

Date: 1/11/24 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression / Date:1/11/24 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression /
Electronic Signature of Agent/ Intermediary / Official Electronic Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder

This system generated benefit illustration shall be treated as signed by me.

UIN: 104L098V05 Page 5 of 5

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