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-Tourist:Hi!Can you recommend me some places to visit in Salta?

-Seller:Hi! are you a tourist?I can recommend you some beautiful places in Salta.For
example you can visit the San Bernardo hill, you can arrive to the top of it by cablecar.If you
want to go you can get on a taxi and get off in front of the San Martin park that is one of the
most important parks in Salta.When you get there you have to pay a ticket to travel in the
cablecar.You should visit a travel agency for more information! I can recommend you some
and give you some directions of them!I know Salta Tours is very popular!
-Tourist:Thank you!I’m really excited about visiting Salta
-Seller:Good luck and enjoy your stay in Salta!
(In the travel agency)
-Guide:Hi! welcome to Salta tours!My name is Cintia,how can I help you?
-Tourist:Hi! thanks for the warm welcome!I want to do some guide tours! what can you
recommend me if it is the first time I visit Salta?
-Guide:oh!you can tell me a little about you and the reasons why you are here visiting Salta
while I’m checking prices for the tours,take sit please.
-Tourist: ok! I’m Federico I’m 25 I’m from London and I'm here because I find that Salta is a
really amazing city and I want to know a lot of places and their history!
-Guide:Wonderful! look ,there are a lot of tours but I recommend you to do the one that starts
in the 9 de Julio square first! It about to start in a few minutes!the price for the tour is €50 per
person, you can pay by credit card too!
-Tourist:Ok,here you have(give a card to the guide)! I’m going with a friend but she is arriving
a little bit late
-Guide:Ok!No problem!
(In the 9 de Julio square)
-Tourist:What is that building?
-Guide:It’s the Cathedral! it’s one of the most important churches in Argentina! and it has a
long and interesting history!
-Tourist friend(TF):Sorry for being late Federico! what is the guide talking about?
-Tourist:He is talking about the Cathedral history!
-TF: Really?Please tell me everything later at the lunch time!
(The tour is over)
-Guide:OK… that's all!the tour is over!Thanks for choosing Salta tour!
-TF:Wow!I'm really amazed with Salta history!I want to comeback next year!Salta is an
amazing city!

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