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The Daily News October 3, 1922

Women Killed in the Valley of Ashes

Myrtle Wilson, wife of George Wilson, a well known mechanic, was recently killed in a
tragic hit and run car accident. Two days ago, just as the sun was setting, Myrtle Wilson ran out
into the busy streets of New York for an unknown reason. She did not realize that there were two
cars coming at her at high speeds. One yellow car, according to witnesses, was exceeding the
speed limit by a very large amount, this is the car that ended up hitting and killing Myrtle
Wilson. The driver of the car is so far unidentified but there is speculation as to who it is by
witnesses on the scene, Michaelis, the owner of a well known coffee shop across the street stated
that he witnessed the accident, he explained nervously “I saw the two cars coming down the
road, there was a yellow one, and I’m not sure of the other cars color. The yellow one was being
very careless and far exceeding the speed limit, then, out of nowhere, Mrs. Wilson ran out into
traffic waving her hands like she knew one of the people. Then the yellow car driver slammed
right into here, stopped, then drove off. I didn't see the driver but I hope that he gets caught.”
Another witness at the scene that chose to stay unidentified was was filling up his gas tank at the
Wilsons gas pump when the accident took place, he stated that he too “saw two cars coming at
each other, the yellow one did not slow down or swerve and just plowed Mrs. Wilson over.” Tom
Buchanon, a very rich man from east egg arrived at the crash scene, he didn't want to speak with
the press but noted that “this was a terrible accident,” and that the “yellow car was not his.” He
further stated that “he hopes that the driver gets punished and put away for a long, long time.” He
acted astonished and distraught, he even acted like he may have known the driver although did
not say anything to authorities. Police officers were trying their hardest to remove people from
the scene of the accident so that they could conduct their investigation. They later confirmed that
the car that hit Mrs. Wilson was far exceeding the speed limit from the destruction it did to her
body. Supposedly according to multiple witnesses at the scene, two cars were coming, and Mrs.
Wilson ran out into the street, the yellow car that hit her had the decision of either hitting her, or
getting into a head on collision with another oncoming car. The driver made the unfortunate
decision of hitting Mrs. Wilson and then fleeing the scene. No witnesses were able to identify the
driver or any passengers that may have been in the car therefore no punishments have been given
to anyone yet. When found, the driver of the car will expect to receive a life sentence to jail for
vehicular manslaughter and hitting and running from an accident scene. This tragic accident has
left the streets of the Valley of Ashes in distress, and the entire Wilson family in a period of
astonished mourning.
Written by Nick Carraway
James Gatz, commonly known as Jay Gatsby was a well known man, most knew him
from the extravagant, thrilling parties that he threw but he was much more than just a partier. Not
many people knew the real Mr. Gatsby, he was kind, thoughtful and very pleasant to everyone he
met. He was born in a small town in North Dakota and was raised by his mother and father who
were both farmers. From an early age he wanted to be successful, he would plan out his days
trying to make the most of every second. A bit later in his life he decided to leave North Dakota
and he started to work with a wealthy man named Dan Cody. He would help Mr. Cody out on his
yacht to make money, Mr. Cody trusted Gatsby a lot since Gatsby had helped him out of a sticky
situation when he was almost caught in a terrible storm. Gatsby later moved on from Mr. Cody
after his death and started to build his business empire. Gatsby was then drafted into the war and
was and after the war was over, he was declared a war hero receiving medals from multiple
foreign countries rewarding his heroic actions. Gatbsy then attended Oxford for a short period of
time before coming back to New York to continue his business endeavors. He later bought his
house on West Egg in New York where he threw all of his extravagant parties. This house was
where he carried out the rest of his happy days before getting brutally murdered by George
Wilson. Jay Gatsby was an honorable man and an amazing friend, he will be missed.

Written by Karen and Kendall McGossip
A man named Jay Gatbsy was recently killed. Although his name wasn't actually Jay
Gatsby, it was James Gatz. This mysterious name change is making New Yorkers wonder what
else Mr. “Gatsby” was hiding. Gatsby would often host huge parties at his house for all of the
wealthy people of New York to attend, many rumors have been circulating about his past and
why he was killed. Many think that he has killed people, and there isn’t anything proving he
hasn't… Furthermore Mr. “Gatsby” had been seen participating in conversations with some
sketchy people, including Wolfshiem, a well known successful bootlegger. Knowone quite
knows what business he was doing with Wolfshiem but we’re pretty sure it wasn't anything very
legal. Some think that he was assisting Wolfshiem with his bootlegging, others say that he was
selling illegal drugs with his “drug store” chain. In either case we know that he had lots and lots
of money, he would often host raging parties, many influential people would join these parties,
nobody knows why he would host parties other than to flaunt his wealth on the common New
Yorkers. Mr. Gatsby wasn't known to have a huge load of friends, and we haven't been able to
contact any of the friends he did have, therefore we don't have a huge amount of context to
Gatsby's death. From what we know he was shot by a madman who was full of grief from the
accident that killed his wife. We don't know why this madman specifically targeted Mr. Gatsby,
but everybody is wondering if Mr. Gatsby had a role in the murder of the madman's wife and the
madman figured this connection out and that's why he decided to kill Mr. Gatsby.
Recipe of the Day
Old-Fashioned Fruit Compote
- 1 can (20 ounces) pineapple chunks, undrained
- 1 can (15-1/4 ounces) sliced peaches, undrained
- 1 can (11 ounces) mandarin oranges, undrained
- 1 package (18 ounces) pitted dried plums (prunes)
- 2 packages (3-1/2 ounces each) dried blueberries 1 package
- (6 ounces) dried apricots
- 1/2 cup golden raisins
- 4 lemon zest strips
- 1 cinnamon stick (3 inches)
- 1 jar (10 ounces) maraschino cherries, drained
- Drain pineapple, peaches and oranges, reserving the juices; set drained fruit aside. In a
Dutch oven, combine fruit juice, dried fruits, lemon zest strips and cinnamon sticks.
Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer until dried fruit is tender, about 30
minutes. Add reserved canned fruit and cherries; heat just until warmed through. Serve
warm or at room temperature.

Personal Column
Hello, my name is Lucial. I'm looking to find the love of my life. I'm specifically looking
for someone VERY rich. The richer the better. I don't want any of this new money trash, I want
my significant other to be old money, and of course he must have a LOT of old money. But
enough about what I want, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I have very expensive taste, I love
diamonds and pearls and everything expensive. I love dining on the beach and talking about my
dogs. My significant other must also LOVE dogs because I have thirteen of them, they are my
best friends and I will never love anyone more than my dogs. Thanks for reading, reach out to
me by sending a letter to 38 First Street in New York City, New York.

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