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St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.

McArthur Highway, Crossing Bayabas, Toril 8025 Davao City, Philippines

Tel Nos. : (082) 291-2007 *Fax No.: (082) 291-0257 *

NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION: ___________________________

TOPIC: Interpret the message conveyed in a poster. EN9VC-IIIc-1.2/2.2:

ACTIVITY: Poster Analysis
Objective: The goal of this activity is to enhance participants' critical thinking and interpretative skills by
analyzing the message conveyed in a poster.
Materials needed:
 Various posters (print or digital)
 Short bond paper
Instructions: Place everything on a short bond paper and staple it. READ the direction of the activity

Poster Selection:
 Collect a variety of posters with different themes, such as social issues, environmental
awareness, advertisements, or event promotions. Ensure that the posters are diverse in terms of
visuals and messages.
 Begin the activity by introducing the importance of visual communication and how posters are a
powerful medium for conveying messages. Emphasize that posters often use a combination of
images, colors, and text to communicate ideas.
Observation Phase:
 Display one poster at a time for the participants to observe. Encourage them to take note of the
 Visual elements (colors, images, symbols)
 Textual elements (headline, captions, slogans)
 Overall layout and design
Individual Reflection:
 Spend a few minutes individually reflecting on what they think the message of the poster is.
Prompt them to consider how the visual and textual elements work together to convey a
specific idea or call to action.
 Discuss the individual interpretations of the poster.
Poster Presentation:
 Invite each group to present their analysis of the poster to the entire group. Emphasize that
there may be multiple valid interpretations, and different people may perceive messages
 Facilitate a class-wide discussion about the different interpretations presented. Explore how
individuals may have focused on different elements and perspectives.
Repeat with Different Posters:
 Repeat the process with several posters, allowing participants to hone their skills in analyzing
visual messages. Ensure that the posters cover a range of topics and styles.
Summary and Reflection:

 Conclude the activity with a summary of key takeaways. Discuss the importance of considering
both visual and textual elements when interpreting messages in posters. Encourage participants
to reflect on how this activity has enhanced their critical thinking skills.

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