Past Simple-Past Continuous

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Past Tenses

Past Past Continuous


I. Complete the text with either the past simple or the past continuous form of the verb.

I was buying (buy) a new alarm clock one day in Twinkle’s, when I saw (see) somebody
shoplifting. I’d just finished paying for my clock as I turned (turn) round, an elderly woman
slowly put (slowly put) a silver ashtray into her bag that she carried (carry). Then she walked
(walk) over to another part of the shop and picked up (pick up) an expensive-looking bracelet
many times. When she thought (think) that nobody looked (look), she dropped (drop) it into the
bag. Before I had (have) a chance to tell the staff in the shop, she noticed (notice) that I watched
(watch) her and hurried (hurry) out. Unfortunately for her, two policemen walked (walk) past at
that moment and she ran (run) straight into them.

II. Put the verbs into the past simple or the past continuous form.
1. He was sitting (sit) on the bank fishing, when he saw (see) a man’s hat floating down
the river. It seemed (seem) rather worn.
2. It rained (rain) when we were driving(drive) home. I
remembered (remember) closing the windows, so I didn’t worry (not worry).
3. As the goalkeeper was throwing (throw) the ball to the defender, a sparrow flew (fly) across
the pitch and it hit (hit) the poor bird.
4. A history lesson went (go) on. I glanced (glance) at the teacher who was drawing (draw)
something on the blackboard.
5. The waiting room was full of people. Some read (read) others slept (sleep). When the doctor
arrived (arrive) I was stopping (stop) doing my crosswords.
6. The train was starting (start) when the door opened (open) and two men leapt (leap) in.
7. Most of us listened (listen) to the lecturer but some students whispered (whisper) to each
other. One of the boys closed (close) his eyes and fell asleep (fall) asleep).
8. While I was wondering (wonder) weather to buy that scarf, a woman came (come) and
bought (buy) it.

III. Decide whether the verbs underlined are in the correct tense.
I was sitting at a desk writing letters. Outside the wind shut the garden shed’s door. Again
and again. I wasn’t able to concentrate on my work. I was getting up (X) and went to the
window. The sounds of the storm were getting (X) louder and the murmurs of a distant
thunder were reaching (X) me at that moment. I was thinking I was going (X) to finish what I
was doing (X) but I went back to my writings. The rain was pouring down in large drops. I
was hearing (X) an animal howling. A dog – I thought. But it was the wind. I was seeing (X)
the trees bending down to the ground. Some leaves were rushing (X) high up to the sky but
suddenly they were giving up (X) their struggle and returned. At that instant someone
knocked at the door. While I turned towards it I realised that it was me. My heart beat aloud.
When I continued the letter I wrote I constantly smiled upon my cowardness.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous form.

1. Where did he go (go) when you saw(see) him yesterday?

2. The boys broke (break) the window when they were playing(play) football.
3. I lost (lose) all my money when I was traveling (travel) from Prague to Budapest.
4. It rained (rain) while I was going(go) home.
5. When my mother was cleaning (clean) my room she found (find) all my love letters.
6. I stopped (stop) at a garage because my car was making (make) a funny noise.
7. He was thinking (think) of her while he was traveling (travel) home.
8. The doorbell rang (ring) while I was drying (dry) my hair.
9. They had (have) an accident when they were coming (come) back from holiday.
10. My grandmother first met (meet) my grandfather when he worked (work) in the country.
11. I saw (see) him at the party. He wore (wear) jeans and a T-shirt.
12. She was going (go) to sleep while I told (tell) her about my boyfriend.
13. When I was looking (look) at him I saw that he was crying (cry).
14. They cleaned (clean) the house all day yesterday.
15. They were playing (play) in the garden when it started(start) to snow.

V. Make the following sentences negative.

a. He washed his car yesterday.

He didn’t wash his car yesterday.
b. The film was worse than I expected.
The film wasn’t worse than I expected
c. I arrived before the end of the show.
d. She threw the ball into the goal.
e. Two people were sitting in the room
f. She was making breakfast.

VI. Write questions for the underlined parts.

a. He stopped the train when he saw the cow.

What did he see?
b. I borrowed my brother’s bike.
Whose bike was that?
c. John bought the tickets.
Who bought the ticket?
d. They went to Stockholm.
Where did they go?
e. There were four chairs around the table.
How many chairs were there?

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