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Recitation #06
(BJT: AC Analysis)

Exercise n°1:

Given the circuit of (Fig.1 )

Vcc= 15V , RC=lK, REI= RE2=250, =50.

1. If we assume that (IEIC), find RB , Q point (VCEQ, ICQ)

and VBB for an optimal symmetrical swing.
2. Draw the DC and the AC load lines.

Exercise n°2:

Consider the circuit of Fig.2 with Vcc=5V ;

VEE=10V ; RC=RE=RL=1K ; =100.

1. Find the Qpt (VCEQ, ICQ) for an optimal iL

symmetrical swing.
2. Write the load lines equations and draw them.
3. Find the maximum load current amplitude iLmax

Exercise n°3:

Consider the circuit of Fig.2 with the load lines of Fig.3

VCC=VEE ; RC=RL ; =100.

1. Find VCC, RC, RE and RB.

2. Find the maximum amplitude vLmax for undistorted
symmetrical swing.


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