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What part can the elderly play in the community/ family?

Do you think the

needs of older people are adequately catered for?

elderly people are very important in a family. Sadly, we sometimes don’t realize it
until it is too late.

The elderly in our families teach us WHO we are and why we are they way we are.
They are our family history. Moreover, elders are like the roots of the tree. They hold
the family firmly at all times and make them strong.

Most people fail to understand the importance of elderly people in society. They are
the ones who preserve the traditional and cultural values present in any ethnic group
or community. Without them teaching the younger generations about their culture,
the diversity of traditions and cultures would have been long lost during the time.

They are the ideal mentor. From all the experiences they have accumulated over the
years, they can judge a situation and give constructive advice to their children. They
also play an important role in solving disputes among the family members. Elderly
people play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. They spend time
with them, play with them, and teach them important rules and values of life in the
form of stories.

But, nowadays, people have started to view old people as a burden. They
believe that elders no longer have the ability to learn new things which is
far from the truth.
The government provides some support for the elderly, but many feel that this is not
enough. They believe that the government should do more to help the elderly live
comfortable and enjoyable lives. We should Treat the Elderly with Respect and
In the modern society of the 21st century, not only has the number of elderly people
increased but also the cases of the elderly being abused, harassed, and abandoned has
soared up. More children are now leaving their parents alone or are sending them to
old-age homes.

Unfortunately, we forget that They have an immense ocean of knowledge,

experience, and wisdom which serves as a guidepost for the younger generation.
Older members of our family have often lived through wars or seen harder times and
are a source of inspiration for younger family members. The stories that they tell have
a positive impact on the young minds of children. They also provide a safe and loving
environment for children to grow in, which is something that no child care center can
provide. They also play an important role in society. Our parents, grandparents and
older relative’s knowledge can help us understand the evolution of an idea across
time and bring a greater depth to seeing why we are where we are today.

Old age is a crucial phase in life. Elderly people need special care and attention to
lead a healthy life free of worries and anxiety. Sadly, there is no adequate awareness
about the behavioral changes associated with old age leading to the abuse by their
relatives. As for me Taking care of elderly parents remains a moral responsibility for
everybody. They may not have enough time to take care of their parents. So the
government has employed special people for that, I believe nursing care is a basic
human right and therefore should be the responsibility of the government.

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