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How To Be A Sexual Sleuth

Let's analyze some of the U.S.S.s in the previous two photos. In the first, Tanya and Sandy in
the booth are reacting like teens or even younger girls do when spotting a "really cute guy."
Often, they will huddle together and touch each other while whispering-for two reasons. Not only
does the touch feel good, but they're beginning to understand that most men enjoy seeing two
women petting each other.

As women become more sophisticated, they will still whisper when spotting an attractive man
just as Jade and Ashley are doing. But rather than giggling and petting each other, a little of the
tiger in their tanks becomes active and they begin to compete for your attentions. Jade, on the
right, is emulating a classic pinup, while Ashley, on the left, is trying to lure you over with a
seductive smile.

Ashley is playing with her jewelry. This is an unmistakable sign of nervousness, or excess
sexual energy. It doesn't take a Freudian analyst to figure out the symbolism of a woman
stroking an object while maintaining eye contact with a man. Be on special alert for which finger
or fingers she uses to toy with her jewelry. A woman's middle finger is her most sensual one,
and her ring finger comes in a close second. As this picture was being taken, Ashley was toying
with her pearls between her middle finger and her ring finger, alternately wrapping them around

Unless you were sensitive to a woman's undercover sex signals, you might not think Jade is
turned on to you; after all she is not smiling. What she's giving you, in fact, is a "triple
whammy." Notice her 100 percent erect posture, which she snapped into when she saw you to
give her torso more shape. And you can bet she's quite conscious of the fact that she is making
her hair look more at- tractive by primping. You'll also notice she is not fluffing her hair with her
knuckles toward you but with her palm in front. This, in conjunction with her other signals, is as
good as an engraved invitation for you to come talk to them.

Look for "Clusters" of Sex Signals

The millisecond women spot you, their brains go into overdrive. You are on trial. The way you
move, the way you acknowledge them, and the way you deal with everyone else in the room
becomes cold hard data that they briskly program into their callous mental computers. (Well, at
least you don't need to wait long for your report card. They show it to you almost

It's Not K.I.S.S.

This book is not one of those K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) books on body language that say
that each movement has an irrefutable meaning by itself. Men, especially, have to be wary of
being too logical and assuming that each gesture by itself incontrovertibly reveals a specific
emotion. Reading her undercover sex signals can be likened to reading letters of the alphabet.
The letters seldom have meaning by themselves, but they form words when linked together. The
signals by themselves are not a true indication of her emotions. But linked together, in what are
called "gesture clusters," they are extremely revealing. In fact, a woman's words can lie. But it
takes one well schooled in the art of deceit to lie with her body.

Just like letters of the alphabet seldom mean much when standing alone, the 26 sex signals
we're going to learn are not conclusive by themselves. The mere fact that a woman caresses
her arm while looking at you or dangles a shoe while talking with you does not mean she's
suddenly struck with an irresistible desire to roll over and I say, "Do me." It could just mean that
her arm itches or her feet hurt. If, however she does both and then flips her hair or licks her lips,
you can start to get the picture. Just as kids learn the alphabet before they can write out "Dick
and Jane have a dog named Spot," it's advisable to learn all 26 signals before you start
thinking about Dick doing Jane on the spot.

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