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Professional Nursing Practice Impact on Organizational and Patient Outcomes



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The nursing practice has a significant impact on the organizational objectives and patient

outcomes in the current complex healthcare landscape. Nursing professionals are an integral part

of the medical care team and provide essential care, compassion and support to patients.

According to research, nurses' engagement in patient care lowers mortality rates, leads to fewer

days in the hospital and boosts satisfaction among patients. Evidence-based nursing practices and

multidisciplinary team collaboration have been proved to have a substantial influence on patient

outcomes. According to Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2019), nurses utilize a unique combination of

clinical expertise, holistic approach and the set organizational objectives to deliver quality

medical care to their patients. This research paper aims teaming the significance of nursing

profession to the delivery of both quality patient care and the organizational objectives.

History and Statistics

The medical profession has a very rich profession spanning centuries, and has significantly

evolved with notable milestones and developments that has contributed to its advancement

overtime. Nursing dates back to the times of Egyptians, Hebrews and Greeks. Communities had

mid wives who helped women with childbearing as a form of nursing care with their assistant.

The Jewish physicians kept records and came up with an hygienic plan for the community that

explored issues such as disinfection and preparation of food and water. From the early days of

Florence Nightingale who revolutionized and redefined nursing as a profession during the times

of Crimean war, to the current modernized concept of nursing that utilizes evidence-based

methods of care, medical care has really evolved (Dang et al.,2021). Notably, the profession has

continuously adapted to the evolution needs of the changing landscape of healthcare delivery.

Nurses employed to healthcare facilities have also improved. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

(2015) projected job possibilities for licensed nurses from 2014 through 2024 to increase by rate

of 16% more rapid than usual for other occupations. It was highlighted that by 2020, there may

be 1.2 million nursing job opportunities as a result of growth and replacements, which would

require additional 495,500 replacements of the nursing workforce. In modern medicine, patient

care is highly complex and therapies and diagnostic methods have been developed for treatment

and prevention of chronic diseases. These developments have improved patient care and

organization objectives in healthcare delivery.

Significance of Health Issues

Health the issues plays a significant role in the medical landscape. Chronic conditions,

healthcare disparities, psychological disorders, and infectious are all the complex medical issues

that affects the society. If the issues are not addressed in the healthcare setting, it leads to

increased mortality rates and reduced quality life in terms of health (Burkhardt & Nathaniel,

2019). The healthcare professional plays a pivotal role in addressing these issues and meeting

organizational outcomes by advocating for patients, providing quality care and improving health


Role of the nurse

One key role of nurses is providing primary patient care. Duffy (2022) asserts that

nurse’s asses, monitor, treat and administer medication to patients. The achieve this by using

their clinical expertise, thy pay attention to detail and use accurate and timely interventions.

Also, nurses act as patient advocates by communicating patients concerns, preferences, and goes

to the responsible team promoting ethical decision making and patient autonomy. They also

provide information to the families including, the treatment plans and care practices at home

(Dang et al.,2021). This improves adherence to prescribed medication, health literacy and decline

in readmission rates. Nurses also take up leadership roles to achieve organizational objectives.

They get involved in policy implementation and promote procedures for safe and efficient

medical care (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2019). Additionally, nurses are essential in creating a

favorable health care environment. Their approach to patient treatment is compassionate and

empathic, which fosters a therapeutic relationship and improves patient satisfaction.

Relevance to Nursing Practice

The patient and organizational outcomes have significant impact on healthcare delivery and

clinical care. When healthcare facility prioritizes positive outcome including patient centered

care and ethical decision making, it leads to better clinical outcome since emphasis on quality

drives to deliver safe and efficient healthcare (Dang et al.,2021). Further, resource allocation in

the organization is also affected by the set outcomes. Readmission rates and improved patient

satisfaction are some of the outcomes that enable health organization to allocate more resources.

These resources include advanced technologies, increasing staff, and equipment to support

delivery (Heinen et al., 2019). In addition, nursing workload and job satisfaction are also affected

by organizational and patient outcomes. when patient satisfaction is evident, nurses experience

sense of fulfillment in their jobs. Conversely, negative outcomes contribute to increased stress,

burnout and mental disorders in healthcare professionals. Adequate staffing and supportive work

environments improve nurse performance and clinical care outcomes in healthcare organizations.

How it affects the healthcare delivery system and nursing care

Nursing practice's importance in delivering excellent organizational and patient outcomes cannot

be underestimated (Dang et al., 2021). Collaboration with teams of professionals, adherence to

scientifically supported procedures, and the execution of quality enhancement initiatives by


nurses are critical for attaining optimal provision of healthcare. Nursing practice is essential for

providing safe, effective, and compassionate care to patients.

Recommendations on standards of practice and how to improve the quality of care

They should always have enough time to take care of themselves and maintain good mental

health Kelly et al. (2021) highlights that turned out individuals may become exhausted doing

their best to care for patients, where the chances of recovery are minimal. Those clinicians may

express cynicism in uncharacteristic negative behaviors, poor communication with others, and

even incivility toward co-workers. Nurses should also be incorporated when making changes in

the healthcare organization. Heinen et al. (2021) cites that the changes made in a healthcare ae

likely to be a success when healthcare professionals are included in the process. Through this

initiative, nurses are able to recognize the benefit of change and introduce them to the patients.

Healthcare professionals should always adhere to healthcare standards of care to promote

evidence-based practices, collaboration and patient-centered care


The role of nurses cannot be wished away in the achievement of patient and organizational

outcomes through their functions in primary health, patient advocacy, health literacy and

improving healthcare environment, they contribute immensely to the effective functioning the

medical system and patient satisfaction. Their knowledge, commitment, and expertise are

essential for patient safety and improving the healthcare outcomes which benefits both the

patient and the organization.



Burkhardt, M. A., & Nathaniel, A. K. (2019). Ethics & issues in contemporary nursing-e-book.

Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kelly, L. A., Gee, P. M., & Butler, R. J. (2021). Impact of nurse burnout on organizational and

position turnover. Nursing outlook, 69(1), 96-102.

Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative

review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of

advanced nursing, 75(11), 2378-2392.

Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins

evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines.

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Duffy, J. R. (2022). Quality caring in nursing and health systems: Implications for clinicians,

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Labour Bureau of Statistics. (2015, December 11). Occupational employment projections to



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