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Hydraulic-Induced Scours Around Piers (Draft)

Hlulani Sibanda
Mathews Zuma

Supervisor: Professor A. Taigbenu

Date: March 2023

Research proposal
Main objective: The main objective for researching this investigation on hydraulic-induced
scour around piers is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors that
influence the formation of scour and its depth, identify effective mitigation measures, and
find safe and sustainable ways of reducing hydraulic-induced scours around piers, and/or
their effects.
Why is theMotivation to investigation investigate of hydraulic induced scours around piers
The investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around piers is important for the following
Scour and other hydraulic-induced failures accounted for 60% of bridge failures in the
United States between 1966 and 2005, resulting in millions of dollars in repair cost each
year and sometimes direct loss of life (Lagasse et al. 1997). Therefore scours around piers
are a big significant issue in structures that are built in along water courses and drainage
ways, such as bridges.
Infrastructure safety: Piers are vital components of bridges, docks, jetties, and other
hydraulic structures. Scour, which is the removal of sediment around a pier's foundation
due to water flow, can lead to structural instability and failure, putting public safety at risk
(Richardson and Davis, 2001). Investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers can help
engineers and designers better understand the causes and mechanisms of scour, which can
inform the design of more resilient structures that can withstand these forces. And thus, the
safety of people is improved

Economic impact: Failure of piers caused by hydraulic scouring around bridge piers can have
a significant economic impact. Piers are essential for transportation and commerce, and
their failure can lead to significant disruptions and lost revenue. Investigating hydraulic-
induced scours around piers can help transportation and infrastructure authorities better
understand the risks and develop strategies to manage them effectively, reducing the
likelihood of costly infrastructure failures.

Environmental impact: Scours around piers can have substantial environmental impacts.
The removal of sediment can alter the flow patterns and sediment transport in rivers and
coastal areas, affecting habitats and aquatic ecosystems. Investigating hydraulic-induced
scours around piers can help inform environmental management strategies that balance the
need for infrastructure protection with the preservation of natural habitats.

Regulatory compliance: In many countries, there are regulations and guidelines that require
engineers and designers to consider scour during the design and construction of hydraulic
structures (Meyer, M.D., 2008). Investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers can help
ensure that these regulations and guidelines are met, reducing the risk of non-compliance
and associated penalties.
Structural lifespan: Understanding the extent and rate of scouring can assist engineers and
maintenance personnel in determining the appropriate measures to take to maintain the
structural integrity of the bridge.
Scouring around piers can have a substantial impact on the structure's longevity. The
consequences of scouring, according to Hirt and Schubert (2014), are dependent on a
variety of parameters, including the velocity of the water, the depth of the water, the shape
and size of the pier, and the type of silt. If scouring is not handled, it can cause a variety of
issues, including decreased structural capacity and greater maintenance costs. A collapsed
pier, for example, can pose a substantial safety risk to boats and swimmers while also
disrupting transportation. To ensure the structural integrity and safety of the pier, it is
critical to take appropriate measures to mitigate the effects of scouring
Overall, investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers is crucial for ensuring the
safety, resilience of infrastructure, managing economic and environmental risks, complying
with regulations and guidelines, and minimizing the impact of infrastructure failures on
public safety and commerce.

What segmentSignificance of of society is served by the investigation of hydraulic induced

scours around piers on society?
Investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers serves numerous segments of society,
such as:

Engineers and designers: Investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers helps

engineers and designers better understand the hydraulic forces and erosion patterns that
can affect structures like bridges and piers. This knowledge can inform the design of more
robust and resilient infrastructure (Sumer and Fredsøe, 2002). Which can withstand the
forces of water and other environmental factors.

Transportation and infrastructure authorities: Bridges and piers are critical components of
transportation infrastructure, and hydraulic-induced scours can pose a significant safety risk.
Investigating scours can help transportation services and infrastructure authorities better
understand the risks and develop strategies to manage them effectively (Richardson and
Davis, 2001).
Emergency responders: In the event of a scour-induced failure of a bridge or pier,
emergency responders may need to act quickly to rescue people or prevent further damage.
Investigating scours can help emergency responders better understand the potential
consequences of scour-induced failures and develop appropriate response plans (Melville
and Coleman, 2000) The National Transportation Safety Board investigation found that a
design flaw and inadequate attention to potential scouring were the main causes of the
collapse (National Transportation Safety Board, 2008). More detail is provided below in the
mitigation measures done before.

Communities: Bridges and piers are often critical links between communities, and their
failure can have significant economic and social impacts. Investigating hydraulic-induced
scours can help communities appreciate the risks and develop plans & and policies to
reduce them, minimizing the chances of infrastructure failures and their related impacts.

Overall, investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers serves a broad range of

stakeholders, including those involved in designing, managing, responding to, and benefiting
from critical infrastructure.

What will be iIssues addressed by the Investigation of hydraulic induced scours around
The investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around piers will address several issues
related to the safety and resilience of infrastructure, economic and environmental impact,
regulatory compliance, and design considerations (Garg, R.K. et al., 2022). The following are
some of the issues that will be addressed:

Identification of scour-critical bridges and piers: Not all piers are equally vulnerable to scour,
and some may require more attention than others. Investigation of hydraulic-induced scours
around piers can help identify which piers are scour-critical and require special attention
(Moussa, A.M.A., 2018).

Understanding of scour mechanisms: The process of scour is complex, and there are various
mechanisms that can contribute to it. Investigating hydraulic-induced scours around piers
can help engineers and designers better understand the mechanisms involved, such as
erosion, sediment transport, and flow patterns, which can inform the design of more
resilient structures.

Assessment of scour risk: The risk of scour varies depending on several factors, such as the
location, river flow characteristics, and soil properties. Investigation of hydraulic-induced
scours around piers can help assess the risk of scour and develop strategies to manage it
Development of scour countermeasures: There are several strategies to mitigate the risk of
scour, such as using riprap, grouted riprap, or scour blankets (Chiew, Y.M., 1992).
Investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around piers can help develop appropriate
countermeasures based on the specific site conditions and design requirements.

Compliance with regulations and guidelines: In many countries, there are regulations and
guidelines that require engineers and designers to consider scour during the design and
construction of hydraulic structures. Investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around piers
can help ensure compliance with these regulations and guidelines. (Lagasse, P.F. Et et al.,
2009: Meyer, M.D., 2008)

Overall, the investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around piers will address issues
related to infrastructure safety, economic and environmental impact, regulatory
compliance, and design considerations, helping to ensure the safety and resilience of critical

What is the Mmain objective of the research on hydraulic induced scours around piers?
The main objective of research on hydraulic-induced scours around piers is to improve the
understanding of the scouring process and develop effective countermeasures to mitigate
the risks associated with it (Zhang, H. Et et al., 2021). The research aims to identify the factors
that contribute to scouring around piers, such as flow velocity, sediment characteristics, pier
geometry, and environmental factors. By studying these factors, researchers aim to develop
predictive models that can estimate the depth and extent of scouring around piers and
provide early warnings to prevent catastrophic failures.

The research also focuses on developing cost-effective and sustainable solutions to mitigate
the effects of scouring. These solutions may include riprap, grouted riprap, scour blankets,
or other types of protective measures. The effectiveness of these measures depends on
several factors, such as the flow velocity, soil type, and the design of the pier. Researchers
aim to develop optimized designs for these measures and determine their effectiveness
through laboratory testing and field observations.

Overall, the research on hydraulic-induced scours around piers aims to improve the safety
and resilience of hydraulic structures and reduce the risks associated with disastrous
failures. The research is important for infrastructure planning, design, and maintenance, and
it can have significant economic and environmental benefits.
What are the rResearch questions for the investigation of hydraulic induced scours around
Potential The research questions for the investigation of hydraulic-induced scours around
piers are:

1. How does the geometric shape of the pier and flow rate affect scouring around a
[2.] How doWhat is influence of the sediment characteristics impact on the depth of
erosion around piers?
2.[3.] What type of flow breakers are most effective in preventing scour damage to
3.[4.] How do our experimental results compare with previous studies on pier scouring?
Motivation for the research
Hydraulic-induced scouring around bridge piers is a serious issue that can jeopardize
transportation infrastructure and their reliability and also the safety of life. According to the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), scouring is responsible for around 60% of bridge
failures (FHWA, 2015). Furthermore, hydraulic-driven scouring can have an impact on the
natural environment by altering riverbed shape and sedimentation. Considering the
importance of scouring mitigation, there are variables to be considered that affect scouring,
mitigation effectiveness, and long-term environmental effects and. As a result,
comprehensive research on hydraulic-induced scouring around piers is required to develop
improved designs, building, maintenance, and management techniques that maintain
infrastructure safety, reliability, and environmental sustainability.
Literature Review


Hydraulic induced scours around piers is a phenomenon that occurs when flowing water
removes sediment from around the foundation of the pier (Melville and Coleman, 2000, p.
273). The scouring effect can lead to a reduction in the stability of the pier and can also lead
to the collapse of the pier (Ettema, R., Melville, B.W. and Constantinescu, G.,et al., 2011).
This literature review examines the various studies that have been conducted on hydraulic
induced scours around piers. The review is organized into five sections: the first section
provides us with the environmental, economic and social impacts of hydraulic induced
scours around piers, The second on looks at the previous studies that have been made on
Hydraulic induced scours around piers, the third section looks at the overview of the topic,
examines the factors that influence the occurrence of hydraulic induced scours around
piers, and the final section highlights the methods that have been developed to mitigate the
occurrence of hydraulic induced scours around piers.
Economic, social and environmental impacts of hydraulic induced scours around piers

1. Environmental Impacts

The environmental impacts of hydraulic induced scours around piers are significant.
Scouring around piers can lead to the removal of sediment from the bed and bank of a river
or channel. The removal of sediment can lead to changes in the morphology of the
waterway, which can have adverse effects on the ecosystem of the waterway. For example,
the removal of sediment can lead to the loss of habitat for aquatic species, which can have
cascading effects on the food web of the waterway (Orth, R.J. et al., 2006).

In addition to the loss of habitat for aquatic species, the erosion of sediment can also lead to
the release of contaminants into the waterway. The release of contaminants can have
adverse effects on the health of aquatic species and can also impact human health if the
water is used for drinking or recreation (Cao et al., 2016).

2. Social Impacts

The social impacts of hydraulic induced scours around piers are also significant. Piers are
often important infrastructure that provides access to waterways for transportation,
recreation, and fishing. The destabilization of piers due to scouring can lead to the
closuredisruptions around the of piers and the supported superstructure, which can have
social and economic impacts on the communities that rely on them (Karr et al., 2004).

In addition to the closure of piers, the erosion of sediment around piers can also lead to the
destabilization of riverbanks, which can have adverse effects on nearby communities. The
destabilization of riverbanks can lead to the loss of property and can also increase the risk of
flooding (Lyon et al., 2014).

3. Economic Impacts

The economic impacts of hydraulic induced scours around piers can be significant. The
closure of piers due to the destabilization of the pier can have economic impacts on the
communities that rely on them for fishing, transportation, and recreation. In addition to the
closure of piers, the erosion of sediment can also lead to the need for costly maintenance
and repairs to infrastructure such as bridges and dams (Ozeren et al., 2006).

Previous Studies:
Numerous studies have investigated hydraulic-induced scouring around bridge piers, using
both laboratory experiments and numerical models. Melville and Coleman (2000) conducted
a laboratory study to determine the maximum scour depth and pier scour development
around cylindrical piers. They found that the maximum scour depth increases as the flow
rate and pier diameter increase, while sediment size and pier height decrease. Similarly,
Ahmadi et al. (2019) used a 3D numerical model to study the effect of pier geometry on
scour depth around circular piers. They found that the scour depth is significantly influenced
by the diameter-to-depth ratio, pier diameter, and flow rate. They also noted that the scour
depth increases as the flow velocity increases, and the pier diameter decreases. The
researchers concluded that pier geometry is a crucial factor in determining the magnitude of
scouring around bridge piers.
Overview of hydraulic induced scours around piers

Hydraulic induced scour around piers is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by a

variety of factors. Scouring around a pier occurs when water flowing around the pier causes
sediment to erode from the bed and bank of a river or a channel (Lagasse et al., 2000, p. 5-
1). The removal of the sediment creates a depression around the pier, which leads to the
exposure of the pier foundation. The process of scouring around piers is a natural
phenomenon that can be exacerbated by human activities such as the construction of dams,
bridges, and other structures that alter the flow of water in a river or a channel.

Hydraulic induced scours around piers are a common problem that has been studied
extensively by researchers. The severity of scouring around piers depends on the flow of
velocity, regime and patternwater, the size and shape of the pier, the nature of the
sediment around the pier, and the characteristics of the river or channel (Melville and
Coleman, 2000, p. 273). The severity of scouring can range from minor erosion of the
sediment around the pier to the complete collapse of the pier.

Factors that influence the occurrence of hydraulic induced scours around piers

The occurrence of hydraulic induced scours around piers is influenced by a variety of

factors. Researchers have identified several factors that contribute to the severity of
scouring around piers. These factors include the flow of water, the size and shape of the
pier, the nature of the sediment around the pier, the characteristics of the river or channel,
and the effects of climate change and water temperature.

[1.] `Flow of water

The flow of water is one of the most important factors that influence the occurrence of
hydraulic induced scours around piers. The flow of water around a pier can create vortices,
which can lead to the erosion of the sediment around the pier (Melville and Coleman, 2000,
p. 273). Researchers have shown that the intensity of the vortices depends on the flow
velocity and the angle of incidence of the flow (Ettema and Melville, 2003, p. 97). The
intensity of the vortices increases with increasing flow velocity and decreasing angle of
incidence of the flow. This means that the risk of scouring around piers is higher in areas
where the flow velocity is high and the angle of incidence of the flow is low.

1.[2.] Size and shape of the pier

The size and shape of the pier also influence the occurrence of hydraulic induced scours
around piers. Researchers have shown that the shape of the pier can affect the intensity of
the vortices that are created around the pier (Melville and Coleman, 2000, p. 275). Piers
that have a circular or cylindrical shape are more prone to scouring than piers that have a
rectangular or square shape. This is because circular or cylindrical piers create stronger
vortices than rectangular or square piers
2.[3.] Nature of the sediment around the pier

The size and composition of sediment around a pier also play a crucial role in hydraulic
induced scouring. Fine-grained sediments, such as silt and clay, are more susceptible to
scouring than coarse-grained sediments, such as sand and gravel. This is because fine-
grained sediment is more easily transported by water and has a lower resistance to erosion
(Yamazaki et al., 2011).

The size of sediment particles can also impact scouring. Larger particles, such as cobble or
boulder-sized sediment, are more resistant to erosion and transport than smaller particles,
such as sand or silt (Yang et al., 2016). Thus, piers located in areas with larger sediments
may experience less scouring than those located in areas with smaller sediments.
The shape of sediment particles can also influence scouring. Angular particles are more
resistant to erosion than rounded particles, as they have more surface area and can
interlock with neighbouring particles (Yang et al., 2016).

3.[4.] The characteristics of the river or channel

The characteristics of the river or channel can have a significant influence on hydraulic
induced scours around piers. The key factors that can affect scouring include the velocity
and direction of water flow, the depth and width of the river or channel, and the sediment
load and concentration.

Water velocity is a critical factor in hydraulic induced scouring. Higher water velocities
increase the erosive forces of the water and can lead to more significant scouring around
piers. Conversely, lower velocities can reduce the potential for scouring. The direction of
water flow can also impact scouring, as flow parallel to the pier can cause more significant
scouring than flow perpendicular to it (Melville and Coleman, 2000).

The depth and width of the river or channel can also affect scouring. Wider and deeper
rivers or channels can reduce the velocity of water, leading to less scouring around piers.
However, if the river or channel is narrow or shallow, the water flow can be constrained,
leading to higher velocities and potentially more severe scouring.

The sediment load and concentration in the river or channel can also impact scouring.
Higher sediment loads and concentrations can increase the potential for scouring by
providing more material for the water to erode. Conversely, lower sediment loads and
concentrations can reduce the potential for scouring.

Other factors that can influence hydraulic induced scouring around piers include the
presence of other structures or obstructions in the river or channel, as well as the location
and orientation of the pier relative to the river or channel flow.

In summary, the characteristics of the river or channel, including water velocity, depth,
width, sediment load and concentration, and the presence of other structures, can all have
a significant impact on hydraulic induced scours around piers.

4.[5.] The effects of climate change and water temperature

Climate change and changes in water temperature can also affect the formation of hydraulic
induced scours around piers. The impact of climate change on hydraulic induced scouring
can be complex, and it can depend on factors such as changes in precipitation patterns,
increased river flows, and changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events
(Sholtes et al., 2021).

Changes in water temperature can also affect the formation of hydraulic induced scours.
Warmer water temperatures can reduce the viscosity of water, leading to lower drag forces
and potentially increasing the velocity of water flow. Higher water velocities can increase
the potential for scouring around piers, particularly in areas with fine-grained sediment
(Cleary et al., 2013).

Furthermore, changes in water temperature can also affect the stability of sediment around
piers. Warmer water temperatures can increase the rate of biogeochemical processes that
can alter sediment characteristics, such as the permeability and cohesion of sediment. For
example, warming water temperatures can promote the growth of microbes that can alter
the composition of sediment and potentially weaken its stability, leading to increased
potential for scouring around piers (Fagherazzi et al., 2021).

In addition, climate change can also affect the sediment load and concentration in rivers and
channels, which can impact the potential for scouring. Changes in precipitation patterns,
increased river flows, and changes in land use can all alter the sediment load and
concentration in rivers and channels, potentially leading to increased scouring around piers.

In summary, climate change and changes in water temperature can affect the formation of
hydraulic induced scours around piers by altering the velocity and stability of sediment, as
well as the sediment load and concentration in rivers and channels.

Mitigation Measures:
 Ripraps and Gabions
Several mitigation measures can be employed to minimize the impact of hydraulic-
induced scour around bridge piers. Using riprap is an unsurpassed method used to
protect the pier foundations from scouring. It involves the use of stones or concrete
blocks to dissipate the energy of the water and prevent scouring, similarly to Gabions
which are wire mesh baskets filled with rocks or other materials. The baskets cause
turbulence in the water flow, which slows it down and reduces the force of the current.
The size and shape of the riprap are chosen based on the expected flow velocity and
sediment size.
Scour countermeasures involve the installation of physical barriers or devices around the
pier to reduce the flow velocity and protect the pier foundation (Richardson & Davis, 2001).
Some examples of scour countermeasures include grouted riprap, pile-supported aprons,
and collar-type scour protection. Grouted riprap involves placing riprap in a grout-filled
trench to improve its stability and increase its effectiveness (Sklar & Anderson, 2010). Pile-
supported aprons are typically used in deep water or high-velocity areas and consist of a
series of piles and concrete blocks that create a barrier around the pier. Collar-type scour
protection involves placing a collar around the pier to deflect the flow of water and reduce
 Bed sills
The depth of scour by limiting the flow of water around the pier and lowering the
velocity of the water at the bed level. Several studies have demonstrated that bed sills
are helpful in reducing the depth of scour around bridge piers. Melville and Coleman
(2000) discovered, for example, that using a bed sill on a pier reduced the depth of scour
by up to 90%. Bed sills can also help reduce scour depth over time. Yoon and Kang
(2014) discovered that bed sills decreased the rate of scour formation around bridge
piers. The scour depth around a pier without a bed sill increased dramatically over time,
whereas the scour depth around a pier with a bed sill stayed relatively constant. This
implies that bed sills can aid in stabilizing the scour depth and preventing further erosion
near bridge piers.

Finally, bed sills are helpful in reducing scour depth around bridge piers and can help to
stabilize scour depth over time. These structures have been found to be helpful in
lowering the risk of structural failure and can help bridges and other hydraulic
constructions last longer.
 Dredging
Various measures can be taken to reduce the effects of scouring. Periodic dredging of the area
around the pier is one of the measures that can be used to effectively address scouring. Regular
inspections and monitoring of scour conditions can also aid in identifying and addressing
potential problems before they become more serious. (Hirt & Schubert, 2014).

Scour monitoring systems involve the use of sensors and monitoring equipment to measure
the depth of scouring around the pier continuously (Raudkivi & Ettema, 1983). The data
obtained can be used to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and identify
areas that require additional protection.
Hydraulic-induced scouring around bridge piers is a critical issue that requires attention in
civil engineering design and construction. The factors that influence scour depth around
bridge piers include flow velocity, sediment size, pier geometry, water depth, and water
temperature. Mitigation measures such as riprap, scour countermeasures, and scour
monitoring systems can be employed to minimize the impact of scouring on bridge piers.
Riprap is a common technique used to protect pier foundations from scouring, while scour
countermeasures involve the installation of physical barriers or devices around the pier to
reduce the flow velocity and protect the pier foundation. Scour monitoring systems involve
the use of sensors and monitoring equipment to measure the depth of scouring around the
pier continuously.

Further research is necessary to understand the complex interactions among these factors
and develop effective mitigation measures. The use of advanced technologies, such as
numerical modelling and remote sensing, can improve our understanding of hydraulic-
induced scouring around bridge piers. Effective design and implementation of mitigation
measures can ensure the safety and longevity of our transportation infrastructure and
protect the lives of those who use them.


To address the research questions, the following tasks will be carried out:

1. Literature review: A comprehensive review of the existing literature on hydraulic

induced scours will be conducted to identify gaps in knowledge and potential
research areas.

[2.] Field Ddata collection: Field dData on scour depth and rate will be collected from the
laboratory experiment using various measurement techniques, and different
scenarios. And if available equipment such as echo sounders and acoustic Doppler
current profilers will be used.

2.[3.] Numerical modelling: A two-dimensional hydraulic model will be developed to

simulate the flow field around the pier and predict scour depth and rate under
different flow conditions.

3.[4.] Scour mitigation testing: Various scour mitigation measures, such as riprap, scour
collars, and grout injection, will be tested and evaluated for their effectiveness in
reducing scour depth and rate at the laboratory.
[5.] Data analysis: The collected field laboratory data, numerical model results, and scour
mitigation testing data will be analysed to develop guidelines and best practices for
designing and maintaining hydraulic structures to prevent scour-related failures.


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