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Petunjuk Pengisian Template Soal:

1. Jika jumlah baris berlebih, silahkan hapus sisa baris sebelum upload.
2. Kolom nomor harus di isi, jika dikosongkan, maka dianggap tidak ada soal.
3. Untuk kolom jurusan, hanya di isi untuk sekolah jenjang SMA/MA ( 0 untuk Umum, 1 untuk IPA, 2 untuk IPS, 3 untuk Bahasa, 4 untuk keagamaan).
4. Untuk kolom Tipe isi dengan:
a. 0 untuk tipe soal pilihan ganda dengan urutan opsi tetap
b. 1 untuk tipe soal pilihan ganda dengan urutan opsi acak
c. 2 untuk tipe soal Essay/Uraian
d. 3 untuk tipe soal isian Singkat (max 20 karakter)
e. 4 untuk tipe soal Benar/Salah (Untuk jawaban di isi 1 jika pernyataan benar, dan 0 jika pernyataan salah.
f. 5 untuk tipe soal pilihan ganda kompleks (Jawaban benar lebih dari 1)
g. untuk tipe soal menjodohkan tidak disediakan melalui template, silahkan isi langsung di aplikasi
5. Untuk kolom A, B, C, D, E digunakan untuk mengisi pilihan opsi, jika hanya menggunakan soal dengan 4 opsi, kolom E di kosongkan.
6. Untuk Kolom Jawaban, Tuliskan nama kolom opsi yang dinyatakan benar.
7. Kolom Bobot di isi dengan angka dari 1 sampai 10. Jika dikosongkan, maka aplikasi akan memberikan bobot 10.

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab

Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
1 0 Choose pronoun for the underline words in each 1 Us We They Them Our B 2
My family and I live in a big city
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
2 0 Choose pronoun for the underline words in each 1 Us We They Them Our C 2
I have a brother ans two sisters

3 0 Michael is looking at himself in the mirror 1 She Her His Him He E 2

4 0 Identify the verb in the following sentence 1 Rafi me waited for Bus stop C 2

Rafi waited for me at the bus stop

5 0 Identify the verb in the following sentence 1 Aril and Rio shiny At the beach Found pearl D 2

Aril and Rio found a shiny pearl at the beach

6 0 Identify the adjective in the following sentence 1 Loud Music I listening None of these A 2

I don’t enjoy listening to loud music

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
7 0 Identify the adjective in the following sentence 1 baby gave medicine sick her D 2

Mom gave medicine to her sich baby

8 0 What time is it? 1 It is two o’clock It is two past ten It is ten to two It is ten to ten It is ten past ten C 2

9 0 What time is it? 1 It is two o’clock It is two past ten It is ten to two It is ten to ten It is ten past ten E 2

10 0 Choose the correct answer 1 04.55 05.55 04.05 05.05 05.50 A 2

It is five to five

11 0 Choose the correct answer 1 10.15 09.15 15.09 15.30 09.15 B 2

It is a quarter past nine

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
12 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 watches Watch Watching Watched Watchs A 2

My brother ……… his favorite TV program every


13 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 speak speaks speaking spoke spoken B 2

She……..three languages: English, French, and


14 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 is does did are do A 2

…….your father a teacher?1

15 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 you are you do you does you Is you C 2

I live in Kolaka Timur. Where……live?

16 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 Don’t doesn’t Didn’t Isn’t Aren’t E 2

My friends…….busy because they are on holiday

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
17 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 What When Who Where Why D 2

A : ……do you usually go on holiday?

B : I usually go to Kendari

18 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 Is watching watches watched watch Will watch C 2

My friend………a good movie yesterday

19 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 Does/come Did/come Do/come Does/came Did/came B 2

….. he……yesterday?

20 0 Choose the correct option to complete sentence 1 gave giving given gives give E 2

The teacher didn’t……..much homework yesterday

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
21 1 My name is Henry. I 1 A worm A beetle A hedgehog A tree A snail C 3
am a hedgehog. I
have sharp spines all
over my back. I can
curl up into a ball. I
can climb trees and I
can swim in the
water. I like eating
beetles and digging
for earthworms. I use my sense of smell to find
food. I sleep under rocks and in the tall grass. I have
short legs and short tail. I do not like thw winter. It
is too cold for me so I hace to hibernate. This
means that I curl up into a ball and go to sleep.
After a few months I wake up and I am very hungry.

What is Henry?
22 0 My name is Henry. I 1 Fish and chips Sandwich and Beetles and Peas and carrots Carrots and C 3
am a hedgehog. I crips eartworms crips
have sharp spines all
over my back. I can
curl up into a ball. I
can climb trees and I
can swim in the
water. I like eating
beetles and digging
for earthworms. I use my sense of smell to find
food. I sleep under rocks and in the tall grass. I have
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
short legs and short tail. I do not like thw winter. It
is too cold for me so I hace to hibernate. This
means that I curl up into a ball and go to sleep.
After a few months I wake up and I am very hungry.

What does Henry like to eat?

23 0 My name is Henry. I 1 sight hearing taste smell touch D 3
am a hedgehog. I
have sharp spines all
over my back. I can
curl up into a ball. I
can climb trees and I
can swim in the
water. I like eating
beetles and digging
for earthworms. I use my sense of smell to find
food. I sleep under rocks and in the tall grass. I have
short legs and short tail. I do not like thw winter. It
is too cold for me so I hace to hibernate. This
means that I curl up into a ball and go to sleep.
After a few months I wake up and I am very hungry.

What sense does Henry use to find food?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
24 0 My name is Henry. I 1 A few minutes A few hours A few days A few months A few years D 3
am a hedgehog. I
have sharp spines all
over my back. I can
curl up into a ball. I
can climb trees and I
can swim in the
water. I like eating
beetles and digging
for earthworms. I use my sense of smell to find
food. I sleep under rocks and in the tall grass. I have
short legs and short tail. I do not like thw winter. It
is too cold for me so I hace to hibernate. This
means that I curl up into a ball and go to sleep.
After a few months I wake up and I am very hungry.

How long does Henry sleep in the winter?

25 0 Mickey Mouse 1 1927 1928 1929 1918 1919 B 3

Mickey Mouse first

appeared in the short
film Steam boat Willie on
November 18, 1982. He
was created by Walt
Disney and is the official
mascot of the Walt
Disney Company.
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM

Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large

yellow shoes, white gloves. He appears a longside
his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald
Duck and Goofy., and his pet dog Pluto, among
others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on
sach hand.

‘Mortime Mouse’ had been Disney’s original name

for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested
that he be called ‘Mickey Mouse’ instead a large
part of Mickey’s character is his famously shy voice.
From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was
voiced by Walt Disney himself

Which year did Mickey Mouse first appear in a

short film?
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
26 0 Mickey Mouse 1 Walt Disney Mortimer Minnie Mouse Mickey Mouse Steam boat E 3
Mouse Willie
Mickey Mouse first
appeared in the short
film Steam boat Willie on
November 18, 1982. He
was created by Walt
Disney and is the official
mascot of the Walt
Disney Company.

Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large

yellow shoes, white gloves. He appears a longside
his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald
Duck and Goofy., and his pet dog Pluto, among
others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on
sach hand.

‘Mortime Mouse’ had been Disney’s original name

for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested
that he be called ‘Mickey Mouse’ instead a large
part of Mickey’s character is his famously shy voice.
From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was
voiced by Walt Disney himself

What short film did Mickey Mouse first appear in?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
27 0 Mickey Mouse 1 red yellow white black brown B 3

Mickey Mouse first

appeared in the short
film Steam boat Willie on
November 18, 1982. He
was created by Walt
Disney and is the official
mascot of the Walt
Disney Company.

Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large

yellow shoes, white gloves. He appears a longside
his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald
Duck and Goofy., and his pet dog Pluto, among
others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on
sach hand.

‘Mortime Mouse’ had been Disney’s original name

for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested
that he be called ‘Mickey Mouse’ instead a large
part of Mickey’s character is his famously shy voice.
From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was
voiced by Walt Disney himself

What colours are Mickey’s shoes?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
28 0 Mickey Mouse 1 Goofy Minnie Mouse Lillian Steam boat Walt Disney E 3
Mickey Mouse first
appeared in the short
film Steam boat Willie on
November 18, 1982. He
was created by Walt
Disney and is the official
mascot of the Walt
Disney Company.

Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large

yellow shoes, white gloves. He appears a longside
his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald
Duck and Goofy., and his pet dog Pluto, among
others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on
sach hand.

‘Mortime Mouse’ had been Disney’s original name

for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested
that he be called ‘Mickey Mouse’ instead a large
part of Mickey’s character is his famously shy voice.
From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was
voiced by Walt Disney himself

Who created the voice of Mickey Mouse?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
29 0 1 Blois Tours France Castle Town A 3

What is the name of the town?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
30 0 1 Claire Blois Tours Blois Janet E 3

Who is Tim with?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
31 0 1 Near the castle Near the Near the cafe Near the Near the school A 3
cathedral restaurant

Where is their hotel?

NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
32 0 1 pastry cereal French bread waffles pancakes C 3

What do thet eat for breakfast?

33 0 Choose the correct order 1 6-4-1-7-2-3-5 6-4-1-2-7-3-5 6-4-1-7-2-5-3 1-6-4-2-7-5-3 1-6-4-7-2-3-5 C 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Some –in- town. – are – my – There –banks
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM
34 0 Choose the correct order 1 4-1-5-3-6-2 4-1-5-2-3-6 1-4-5-2-3-6 1-5-4-2-3-6 1-5-4-2-6-3 E 3

1 2 3 4 5 6
There-cafes-Beech Road.- some- are- on

35 0 Choose the correct order 1 2- 4-3-5-1 2-4-3-1-5 2-3-4-5-1 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-5-4 A 3

1 2 3 4 5
Teacher. – Rika- not – is - a

36 0 Choose the correct order 1 6- 2- 3- 5- 4- 1 6- 2- 3- 5- 1- 4 2- 6- 3- 5- 4- 1 2- 6- 3- 5- 1- 4 2- 6- 3- 1- 4- 5 D 3

1 2 3 4 5 6
Years- Siska- not- old. – 18- is

37 0 Choose the correct sentence based on the picture 1 Marion has a Marion gets the Marion gets up Marion gets to Marion has C 3
shower bus work breakfast

38 0 Choose the correct sentence based on the picture 1 Marion has a Marion gets the Marion gets up Marion gets to Marion has E 3
shower bus work breakfast
NO Jurusan SOAL Tipe A B C D E Jawab
Soal an Bobot
0 = Semua Benar

1 = IPA 1 sd
Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika Kosongkan jika
2 = IPS Pastikan kelebihan kolom tabel jangan lupa dihapus - tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada tidak ada 10
3 = BHS
4 = AGM

39 0 Choose the correct picture based on the sentence 1 B 3

Marion brushes her teeth

40 Choose the correct picture based on the sentence 1 A 3

Marion has a shower

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