APA Training Material 1 in Text Citation - APA 7th Ed 1

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For the Schools Division of Quirino
Februa ry 28, 2022

cp )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Anyone who doesn't
take truth serious ly in
small matters cannot
be trusted wit h large
ones either.

Al bert Einstein
No one who achieves
success does so without
acknowledging the help
of other s. The wise and
confident acknowledge
this help with gratitude .

Photo by Richard Cali'er Wood

Alfred Nort h Whitehead

Out line of topic s (objec tives):

Basic Principles
in In-text Paraphrasing

Parenthetica l
versus Narrative
In-text Citation

<p )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Basic Principles of Citation

1. APA Style uses the author-date citation system.

2. The in-text citation appea rs within the body of
the paper.
3. Each wor k cited must appea r in the reference list
and vice versa.
4. Both paraphrases and quotations require

APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under

a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Specif ic Guidelines in In-text Cit at ion:

1. Ensure that the spelling of author names and the

publication dates in reference list entries match those in
the corresponding in-text citations ..
2. Cite only works that you have read and ideas that you
have incorporated into your writing ..
3. Include only those citations needed to support your
immediate point ..
4. Cite primary sources when possible, and cite secondary
sources sparingly .

A paraphrase restates another 's idea (or your own previously

published idea) in your own words (APA, 2020).

Paraphrasing or restating something using other words with the

prima ry intention of making something shorter or clearer is a
prerequisite skill in writing a summa ry partic ularly a precis. It is
also an essentia l skill in studying both in reading and in writing.
Paraphrasing cha llenges the writer to translate the text in his ow
words and ideas without sac rificing the origina l meaning of the
text (Asuncion & Querol, 2016, p.16).
cp )
1. W hen you paraphrase, cite t he origina l wor k using eith
narrative or parenthetical citation
for mat.
2. A lt hough it is not required to provide a page or
paragra ph number in the citation, you may include one
3. In cases of long paraphrase with severa l sentences,
cite the work being paraphrased on first mention.
f l cp )
Consider the following example :

1. In the year 1936 , Alan Turing who is a British

mathematician proposed the idea of a machine that could
p rocess equations without human direction .
2. A British mathematician Alan Turing offered in 1936 the
concept of an electron ic calculator that process
equat ions by itself.

Compare the two sentence.

s . Do they express the same meaning?
What differences can be noted in the two sentences?
Asuncion & Querol, 2022, o. 16

fl cp )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Parenthetical Ver sus Narrative
In-Text Citations

1. In parenthetica l citations, the author name and
publication date appear in parentheses.
Some of the challenges that are faced by the ESL
students are lack of voca bulary, poor gra mma r, poor
spelling, students' readiness and lack of exposure to
books and reading materia ls (Moses & Moha mad, 2019)
2. If other text appears with the parenthetica l citation,
use comma s around the yea r.

Some of the challenges that are faced by the ESL

students are lack of voc abulary, poor gra mmar,
poor spel ling, students' readiness and lack of
exposure to books and reading materia ls (see
Moses & Moha mad, 2019, for more detail).
<p )
3. When text and a citat ion appea r together in
parentheses, use a semicolon to sepa rate the citation
f rom the text; do not use parentheses within

(e.g., fa lsely balanced news coverage; Koehler, 2016)

1. The author's sur name appears in running text, and
the date appears in parentheses immediately after
the author 's name for a narrative citation.
Moses and Moha mad (2019) provide some of the
challenges that are faced by the ESL students such as
lack of voca bulary, poor gra mma r, poor spelling,
students' readiness and lack of exposure to books and
reading materia ls.

cp )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
2. In cases w here the author and date both appear in
the narrative, do not use parentheses.

In 2019, Moses and Moha mad provided some of

the challenges that are faced by the ESL students
suc h as lack of voc abula ry, poor gra mmar, poor
spel ling, students' readiness and lack of exposure
to books and reading materia ls.

<p )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
Other Samples (APA, 2020)
Sample Professional Paper (continued)


parenthetical citation of Ut most CO•'npleced M l e. Tl
mul ·p ie wocks, 8.12
(A""' Y.-L di , 2006;

D ommq"'' et ol 2004, Mom50fl, 1 01 1; St<>A"'ll "1 • l , 2011; Vcneue et • , 2010j.

narrative citation used
to para phra method $
from two Gttld tes, 8.23 o p arod in llow . . e l •I (201(Jt • n d Mor r b o n .101 lt, who examined a m p le of 29 b11Sine"' COl.n6,

Doth studie• reporled lowe r ""''°81" SCOtt'i when SETs were inistered o n l i = H o •. they al.a

long para phrase, 8.24 lound tho l SET KO<e• lot indh•tdu •I item• • rled more within • n tnslructXJr " en SETs we<c

• Sl\IMn who comple ted SEH o paper ended to record tile m

" " P " " " ' lot • II '!"eslion whe1eos students who oom ple1ed the forms on line tended ID respond

diffe<enlty ID erent questions. llolh resc.rch groups •rgµcd lh• t scores obta n<>d onlJne " " 'h t nae be

directly c o m f i l * to scores obulned dvoue paper-blsed fomts. They actv !hit ttts l\llloos

•d min t SlT• entirelyo n i ne or e ntsc ly o n poper ID ensu r e C011S1Stent , mmpor oble ""'1.luobons

Other Samples (APA, 2020)
Other Samples (APA, 2020)
Other Samples (APA, 2020)
Other Samples (APA, 2020)
are both cognitive behavior.ii tedm iques (Yalom & leszcz, 2005) in 'llh ch individua ls torus on the

pa renthet ical citation r I t onshlp mong though , emotklns, nd b

of a work with one Group psychotherapy effectively promotes positive treatment outcomes in patie nts in a cost-
author, 8.17
effective ay. Its efficacy Is in pa rt attributable to varl bles unique to the group el(pef ie nce of thef apy

comp;,r d with lnd1vldu I psychot r py (Bottomley, 996; Y.ilom & leszC1, 200 Thil l , the group

forma t helps participants e er u ndersta nd their common strugg.ies; at the sa me

repeated citation
needed, 8.1 time, interactions with grou p members provide social support and models of positive behaviof (Yalom &

Leszcz, 2005) . Thus, it is usefu l to exam ine how stress red uction and re laxa tion can b enha nced in a

group conte t .

1he pwpose of this litera ture review is to examine the research base on guided imagery and
use of first person , 4.16
progressive muscle relaxation In group psychothera py conte . I provide overviews of both guided

ma ry nd proSJ sslve muscle relaxa tion , lnduchng theoretical found<ltions nd h storlcal context .

lhen I ex.a mine gu ided imagery and progressive musde relaxa tion as used on their ow n as veil as in
narrative citation in
parenthetical running com bina tion as pa rt of group psydlO t e (see Baider et al., 1994, for more). Throughout the revie v, I
text, 8.11
Main Source:

Americ an Psychologic al Associa tion (2020). APA

Publication Manual: 7th ed.
Positions of In-Text Citations

1. Initial
2. Medial
3. Final

Querol & Asunc ion (2014). Textua l Interactive

Metadiscour se Resources in the Introductions
of Research Ar tic les in Linguistic s by Iranian,
Chinese and Filipino Writer s of English.
Graduate School Journal, 7- 73.

p )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Iranian Sample 1:
Sengu ta (1999) enhanced rhetorical consciousness of a group of L2 tertiary
student readers and then examined ... (initial position)

This advantage of consciousness raising has been consolidated in the findings

of studies on other target language features including speech act
comprehension which can be developed significantly by explicit instruction
(Rasekh, Rasekh & Fatahi, 2004) and obligatory subjects suppliance ...
(medial position)

Hedging devices are defined in this study as the linguistic elements used to
minimize the responsibility or commitment a claim may put on the shoulders
of a language user (Varttala, 2001). (final position)
(Querol&Asuncion, 2014, p.10)
Chinese Sam pie 1:
!According to Pomerantz 2010 , he speaker ... (initial position)

One point worth noting here is that while coding invoked

Attitude values, it is essential for the analyst to state his/her
reading position as Martin and White (2005) have pointed out...
(medial position)

Through written texts, writers construct solidarity and alignment

with potential or target readers Thompson, 2001 . (final
(Querol&Asuncion, 2014, p.10)

<p )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
Filipino Sampie 1:

According to Schneider (2005), in his study of Philippine English. .. (initial


Like other Southeast Asean varieties, PhilE is characterized by its own distinct
linguistic features (Bautista & Bolton, 2009) as one among several Outer
Circle varieties. (medial position).

An area of research ...given region is the study of corpora in applied

linguistics (Hunston, 2002; De Beaugrande, 1999; Biber, 1996; Aijmer &
Altenberg, 1991). (final position)
(Querol&Asuncion, 2014, p.10)
Citation is acknowledging our limitations, a reflection of o
research writing.

fl cp )
APA In-Text Citation by Marites Querol, 2022 is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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