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Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

2024-1 재료학
Material Science

Feb. 03 2012

2024. 3.4
Professor : 최흥섭 (Heung Soap Choi), Ph.D,
홍익대학교 기계정보공학과

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 1 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Weeks Syllabus in Text
1.1 Introduction and Synopsis
1.2 Materials in Design
1.3 The Evolution of Engineering Materials
1.4 The Evolution of Materials in Products The Design Process
2.1 Introduction and Synopsis
Chapter 1,2
2.2 The Design Process
2.3 Types of Design.
2.4 Design Tools and Materials Data
2.5 Function, Material, Shape, and Process
3. Engineering Materials and Their Properties
2 3.1 Introduction and Synopsis Chapter 3
3.2 The Families of Engineering Materials
3.3 Materials Information for Design
3.4 Material Properties and Their Units
Chapter 3
4. Material Property Charts
4.1 Introduction and Synopsis
4 4.2 Exploring Material Properties
Chapter 4 Quiz
4.3 The Material Property Charts
5. Materials Selection ; The Basics
5.1 Introduction and Synopsis
5.2 The Selection Strategy
5 5.3 Material Indices Chapter 5
5.4 The Selection Procedure
5.5 Computer-aided Selection
5.6 The Structural Index

6. Case Studies: Materials Selection6.1 Introduction and Synopsis

6 6.2 Materials for Oars Chapter 6
6.3 Mirrors for Large Telescopes

6.4 Materials for Table Legs

6.5 Cost: Structural Materials for Buildings
Midterm Exam.
6.6 Materials for Flywheels
7 6.7 Materials for Springs
Chapter 6 (Team organization
6.8 Elastic Hinges and Couplings
After Mid-Exam)
6.9 Materials for Seals

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 2 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Weeks Syllabus Remarks
in Text
6.10 Deflection-limited Design with Brittle Polymers.6.11 Safe Pressure Vessels
8 6.12 Stiff, High-damping Materials for Shaker Tables Chapter 6
6.13 Insulation for Short-term Isothermal Containers 6.14 Energy-efficient Kiln Walls
6.15 Materials for Passive Solar Heating
6.16 Materials to Minimize Thermal Distortion in Precision Devices
9 Chapter 6
6.17 Materials for Heat Exchangers
6.18 Heat Sinks for Hot Microchips
7. Multiple Constraints and Conflicting Objectives
7.1 Introduction and Synopsis
10 Chapter 7 Quiz
7.2 Selection with Multiple Constraints
7.3 Conflicting Objectives

8. Case Studies: Multiple Constraints and Conflicting Objectives

8.2 Multiple Constraints: Light Pressure Vessels Chapter 8
8.5 Conflicting Objectives: Table Legs Again
9. Selection of Material and Shape
9.1 Introduction and Synopsis
Chapter 9
12 9.2 Shape Factors
9.3 Limits to Shape Efficiency
9.5 Material Indices That Include Shape
13 9.6 Graphical Coselecting Using Indices Chapter 9
9.7 Architectured Materials: Microscopic Shape
10. Case Studies: Material and Shape
10.1 Introduction and Synopsis
10.2 Spars for Human-powered Planes
14 Chapter 10
10.3 Forks for a Racing Bicycle
10.4 Floor Joists: Wood, Bamboo, or Steel?
10.5 Table Legs Yet Again: Thin or Light?
Final term Exam.
15 Summary Final term Exam
Team Project Presentation

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 3 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

A+/A0: 20~30%, B+/B0: 30~40%, C+/C0:20~30%, D+/D0: 10~20%.
Relative evaluation. And +1 additional bonus grade (학점) will be given
to all students in class.

Mid-term exam. (30%), Final term exam.(30%), HW/Quiz(20%+10%),

Grade %
Attendance (10%)

Tests Mid term exam, Final term exam. And simple quizzes in class time.

Homework should be submitted after 1 week

(The grade for late submission shall be discounted by 50%)

- Attendance less than 2/3 (30h/45h) of the total 45 attending hours.

Fail Case Ex) A student with 15 hours non attending in class will be given by 'F' grade
- Cheating in Exam (Corresponding exam will be given as '0' grade.)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 4 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Main text :
Materials Selection in Mechanical
Design, 5th Ed., 2017
(Michael F. Ashby,
국내판매처 : 교보문고)

Main text :
Materials Selection in Mechanical
Design, 4th Ed., 2014
(Michael F. Ashby,
국내판매처: 교보문고)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 5 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Author : Prof, Michael Ashby etal.

Michael Farries Ashby (born 1935) is a British materials

engineer. He is a Royal Society Research Professor, and a
Principal Investigator at the Engineering Design Centre at
Cambridge University. He is known for his contributions in
Materials Science in the field of material selection.

Lecturer : Prof, H.S. Choi

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 6 Prof. H.S.Choi

인도공과대 (Indian Institute of Technology)
전공이수 학점

• IIT 학생들은 4년 졸업할 때까지 165학점,

5년제는 180학점을 이수한다.

삼성전자 김철진 기술계획팀 전무는

“인도 현지 연구소에 매년 50명 이상의 IIT 인력들이 산
학협동으로 연구를 하는데 컴퓨터 등 하드웨어 인프라
를 활용하는 기술은 약하지만 공학의 이론적 토대는 우
리보다 놀라울 정도로 앞서 있다”고 말한다.

 그는 “우리나라 학생들보다 전공 이수 비중이

높아서가 아닌가 싶다”고 말했다.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 7 Prof. H.S.Choi


4 A.M @Harvard Library

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 8 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 9 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

How to get ‘A+’ = 감점을 피하라 ! (=가산점을 받아라!)

1. Come to class prepared (read textbook and lecture notes) Pre

pare/Review !!  Rule of Thumb !!
2. Don’t get behind!! And Start Homework early.
3. 잘 정리되고 정성이 들어간 Homework/Quiz/Exam 답안지
- 줄을 그을 때는 자를 사용!
- 수정 할 때는 지우개 또는 수정액으로 깨끗이 삭제!
- 갈겨쓰지 말고 정자로 또박또박~!
- 여기저기 산만하게 작성하지 말 것
무정성/무성의는 무정성/무성의로 돌아온다!!!
4. 시험 문제를 잘 읽고 요구하는 것이 무엇인지 파악하여
문제순서 및 각 문제별 세부 문제 순서대로 작성할 것!
문제 순서 양식 (ex., 1), a), 가)… 1a) 등 제시한 양식을 반드시
사용할 것! (양식에 따르지 않은 HW는 무조건 감점 50%!!)
6. 중간, 최종 답에는 단위(unit)를 반드시 적어 줄 것!
7. 수식만 적지 말고 부연설명을 충분히 적어가면서 전개할 것!
8. 영어 class의 답안지는 가급적 영어로 작성 할 것 !!

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 10 Prof. H.S.Choi

대학생활 잘 하는 법

 What To Do Today List 만들어 4년간 시행해 보자!

 대학 강의 동영상 ( ) 강좌를
활용하여 꺼꾸로 학습을 해보자!
 숙제는 제일 먼저 해치운다!
 공부같이 할 친구를 만들어 재미있는 대학생활을 배우자!
 문제 풀이를 잘해주는 Schaum’s Outline Series를 활용하여 전공 공부를 해보자!
 자율전공학생은 가급적 빨리 전공을 선택하고 전공 중에서
재미를 느끼는 분야를 나의 전공으로 정하여 깊게 파보자!
만물박사보다는 한가지라도 최고 깊이 있는 지식을 보유하자!
 인사를 잘하면 보답으로 돌아온다!
 부지런한 것이 낫다!
 하찮은 일이라도 성실하게 잘하면 인생이 달라진다!
 Wikipedia를 잘 활용하여 공부에 도움이 되게 하자!

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 11 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction and Synopsis
1.2 Materials in Design
1.3 The Evolution of Engineering Materials
1.4 The Evolution of Materials in Products

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 12 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

1.1 Introduction and Synopsis

This book is about mechanical design and the role of materials in it.
Mechanical components have mass; they carry loads; they conduct heat
and electricity; they are exposed to wear and to corrosive environments;
they are made of one or more materials; they have shape; and they must be
manufactured. The book describes how these activities are related.

Materials have had limited design since man first made clothes, built
shelters, and waged wars (전쟁을 수행하였다). They still do.

But materials and processes to shape them are developing faster now than
at any time in history; the challenges and opportunities they present are
greater than ever before.

This book develops a strategy for confronting such challenges and seizing
those opportunities.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 13 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

1.2 Materials in Design

 Design is the process of translating a new idea or a market need into

the detailed information from which a product can be manufactured.

 Each of design stages requires decisions about the materials of which

the product is to be made and the process for making it.

 Normally, the choice of material is dictated by the design.

The new product, or the evolution of the existing one, was
suggested or made possible by a new material.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 14 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

The number of materials available to engineers is 160,000 or more.

• Although standardization strives to reduce the number,
the continuing appearance of new materials with novel and
exploitable properties expands the options further.
• How do engineers choose, from this vast menu, the material best
suited to their purpose? Do engineers rely on their experience?
• In the past that was done by passing on this precious commodity to
apprentices (도제, 견습생) who, much later in their lives, might
themselves assume the role of in-house materials guru(전문가).
However, there is the drawn-out (지루한)time scale of apprentice-based learning.
There is job mobility (meaning that the guru who is here today is usually gone
• At present, a strategy relying on experience is not in tune with today’s
computer-based environment.
We need a systematic procedure ; one with steps that can be taught quickly,
that is robust (확실한)in the decisions it reaches, that allows computer
implementation, and that is compatible with the other established
tools of engineering design.
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 15 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Scale of the Universe (Click)
Interactive flash animation from 10-35 m to 1027 m.
(But more managably; picometers (1조분의1m) to terameters (1조m)


93 billion light-years 9.3x1026m

Scale of Universe Materials in Universe

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 16 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

The evolution of engineering materials with time

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 17 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

The choice of material cannot be made independently of the

choice of process (by which the material is to be shaped, joined,
and finished).
Cost enters the equation, both in the choice of material and in the way the
material is processed.

And it must be recognized that good engineering design alone is not

enough to sell products.

In almost everything from home appliances (가정용 전기제품) to

automobiles and aircraft, the form, texture, feel, color, beauty, and
meaning of the product are important.

This aspect, known confusingly as industrial design (산업디자인), is one that,

if neglected, can lose markets.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 18 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Why Study Materials Science and Engineering?

• To select a material for a given use based on considerations of cost and
• To understand the limits of materials and the change of their
properties with use.

• To be able to create a new material that will have some desirable


• To be able to use the material for different application.

Innovation in engineering often means the clever use of a new

material for a specific application.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 19 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Design problems are almost always open-ended (수정가능한).

Design problems do not have a unique or “correct” solution, though some
solutions will clearly be better than others.
(They differ from the analytical problems which generally do have single,
correct answers.)

So, the first tool a designer needs is an open mind:

A willingness to consider all possibilities.

A procedure is necessary for selecting the excellent from the merelygood.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 20 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

1.3 The Evolution of Engineering Materials

In his day
No polymers – now over 45,000
No light alloys – now several thousand
No composites – now hundreds ……

Today: > 160,000 engineering materials

James Stuart, Professor of

Engineering at Cambridge
(1875 – 1890)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 21 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Throughout history, materials have had limited design.

The ages of man are named for the materials he used:
(Age of) stone, bronze, iron.

And when a man died, the materials he treasured were buried with him: (Ex.,
Tutankhamun in his enameled sarcophagus(석관), Agamemnon (트로이전쟁때
그리스군 총사령관) with his bronze sword and mask of gold, Viking chieftains
(족장들) in their burial ships
(each treasure representing the high technology of their day.)

Today is not the age of one material;

it is the age of an immense range of materials.
There has never been an era in which their evolution was faster and the range
of their properties more varied.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 22 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

The menu of materials has expanded so rapidly that designers

who left college 20 years ago can be forgiven for not knowing
that many of them exist. But not to know is, for the designer,
risking disaster.
 Innovative design often means the imaginative exploitation
(창의적 개발) of the properties offered by new or improved materials.

And for the man, not to know is to miss one of the great developments of
our age : Age of advanced materials.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 23 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

A materials timeline.
Cast iron
Iron Age,
(1000 BC~1620AD)

Bronze Age, (4000B


The materials of
(Before 10,000
BC, Stone Age)
Ceramics and glasses, natural materials, naturally found gold and silver..
Weapons, always the peak of technology, were made of wood and flint.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 24 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

A materials timeline.

Dominance of metals
in Engineering !!

1620AD, Cast iron technology

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 25 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Development of materials over time

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 26 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

History of Metals

• Process metallurgy (야금학) can be traced to 6000 BC

• 86 Metals known today
• Only 24 metals discovered before 19th century

• Earliest metals were Gold (6000BC) and copper (4200BC)

• 7 Metals of Antiquity(古代) were: Gold(6,000BC), Copper

(4200BC), Silver (4000BC), Lead(3500BC), Tin(3500BC),
Smelted Iron(용해철, 1500BC) and Mercury (750BC)
• Gold and silver were used in coinage(화폐주조), jewelry and

smelt vt., vi. 〖야금〗 용해하다; 제련하다

┈┈• a ~ing furnace 용광로.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 27 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

History of Metals (Continued)

• Although several metals occur in the earth’s crust (지각) in their native
state, the early civilizations learned to process ores (광석) -- usually metal
sulfides (금속황화물) or oxides (산화물) -- by reduction (환원) or oxidation
(산화) processes at elevated temperatures.

• At first, this probably happened by accident, when these ores were

dropped into campfires.

• Copper was found naturally in places like Cyprus, and it was

hammered into artifacts(인공물). But it often became brittle until
mankind learned to anneal (풀림, 달구어 천천히 식히다) it in

• By 5,000 BC copper sheet was being hammered.

• Smelted copper artifacts from 3,600 BC were found in the Nile valley .

crust [krʌst] n. 〖지질〗 지각(地殼) ore [ɔːr] n. ① 광석

raw ~ 원광(原鑛), iron ~ 철광석
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 28 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

History of Metals (Continued)

• By smelting tin ores (주석광석) with copper ores a new kind of “copper”
was produced that was stronger and easier to cast.
This was discovery of bronze (청동).

• Natural iron was found in meteorites (운석), which contains 6~8%


• Hematite (적철광) was used by ancients (고대인) to smelt iron, with carbon
as a reducing agent (환원제). This was done using iron ore (철광석),
charcoal(숯) and lime(석회), much like in today’s blast furnace (송풍로)
but the furnace itself was much smaller and forced air was supplied by
large bellows(풀무)

Temperatures probably reached 1,100C for the reduction(환원) to take


Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 29 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

History of Metals (Continued)

• The product was pig iron (무쇠, 선철), containing 3-4% carbon and
1~2% Si, mixed with slag(용재). The pig iron was allowed to cool until
mushy (죽같은 상태) then it could be cut and forged into bars. Once
cooled it is like cast iron (주철, 1620s) and too hard and brittle to forge

• Iron suitable for forging -- wrought iron (단조철, 가단철) -- was

roasted in air or “puddled (교반법)” to remove carbon .
The product was a ductile iron (연철) intermixed with slag.
By forging(@750℃), much of the slag could be expelled.
Layers of this material were forged-welded to produce the
famous Damascus and Toledo swords (백제, 일본도와 유사).

• Iron weapons revolutionized warfare and iron implements did the

same for farming. Iron and steel(강철, 1850~) have become the
building blocks of our society.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 30 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Syria : Damascus swords

Spain: Toledo swords

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 31 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Cast iron technology (1620s) established the dominance of metals in

engineering; since then the evolution of steels (1850 onward), light alloys
(1940s), and special alloys has consolidated their position.

By the 1950s, “engineering materials” meant “metals.”

Engineers were given courses in metallurgy(야금학);
other materials were barely mentioned.
There had been developments in the other classes of material. (Improved
cements, refractories(耐火物), and glasses; and rubber, Bakelite, and
polyethylene among polymers; but their share of the total materials market
was small.
Since 1950 all that has changed. The rate of development of new metallic
alloys is now slow; demand for steel and cast iron has in some countries
actually fallen.
The polymer and composite industries are growing rapidly, and projections of
the growth of production of new high-performance ceramics suggests continued
expansion here also.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 32 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Modern Materials

• Virtually all products are made from materials.

• People are dependent on and limited by materials.

• Stone, copper, bronze and iron ages testify to our dependence on


• Key to technological growth and economic prosperity.

• Intellectual foundation - material science & engineering - was
developed over the last 25-35 years.

• New materials and processes enable other new technologies to be

commercially successful.

• Many examples point to (시사하다) marked progress in materials


Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 33 Prof. H.S.Choi

Materials, our humble servants
throughout history, have become,
in another sense, our masters.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 34 Prof. H.S.Choi


The Lamborghini
Aventador has a carbon fiber
monocoque, with front
and rear steel subframes,
mounting the

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 35 Prof. H.S.Choi

Carbon Chassis

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 36 Prof. H.S.Choi

Tesla Model S
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 37 Prof. H.S.Choi
Electric Vehicle (TESLA)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 38 Prof. H.S.Choi

H2 FCEV MIRAI (일본어로 미래) Drive Train (Toyota Japan)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 39 Prof. H.S.Choi

BMW i8
쉬보레 콜벳 Z06
CFRP 60%, Al 20% 적용
CFRP 36%, Al 55% 적용

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 40

“Université Laval” wins “Shell Eco-Marathon Americas” …
Again Six-time champion prevails after tight race
with rival University of Toronto. (2014.4.30)

2014 Champion :
(1200 km/l, 가솔린)!!
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 41 Prof. H.S.Choi
현대차그룹 전기차 아이오닉 5

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 42 Prof. H.S.Choi

아이오닉 5에 적용된 신기술과 특징
1. 향상된 외부 전력 공급 시스템
 배터리팩에 내장된 전기 에너지를 활용할 수 있는 V2L 기술을 적용.
 전력 소모가 더 큰 가전기기 사용도 가능 !! (3.5KW 고전력 지원)
 기존 내연기관 자동차에 제공되는 220V 콘센트 전력(150W)에 비해 무려 20배 이상 증

대형 전기오븐, 하이엔드 스피커, 러닝머신까지 작동 가능.
2. 국산차 최초의 카메라 미러
 사이드미러 대신 카메라를 사용
 기존 사이드미러 대비 작아진 부피로 공기 역학 성능 향상 (에너지 절감).
 고화질 광각 카메라 사용으로 사각지대 해소, 악천후에서도 시야 확보
 거울, 전동모터, 열선, ECM 등 관련 구성 부품 수가 줄어 수리비도 한층 저렴

3. 현대차 전용 E-GMP(Electric-Global Modular Platform) 최초 적용

 ‘전기차만을 위한 최적화 구조’로 설계
 기존의 전기차는 내연기관 자동차의 플랫폼을 활용
 새로운 플랫폼이 적용된 차세대 전기차는 한 번 충전으로 최대 주행 거리 500km 이상가능
800V 충전 시스템으로 초고속 급속충전기 이용 시 18분 이내 80% 충전 가능
(단 5분 충전으로 100km를 주행)
 E-GMP 플랫폼을 탑재 시, 기존 엔진룸을 비롯해 변속기 등이 차지한 공간 활용 가능
 실내 디자인 자유도가 비약적으로 향상!!
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 43 Prof. H.S.Choi
What is the Hyundai E-GMP Platform for Electric Vehicles?
Christian Wardlaw | Dec 03, 2020

The Hyundai Electric-Global Modular Platform (E-GMP) is a

Designed for use with various body styles, the Hyundai E-GMP employs a
skateboard-style foundation for battery electric vehicles (BEVs).
new, compact Power Electric (PE) System. The PE System includes a liquid-
cooled battery pack housed between the front and rear axles, an inverter
equipped with silicon carbide semiconductors, and an IDA(Integrated Drive
Axle) with an oil-cooled electric motor turning the rear wheels. A second
electric motor is available, powering the front wheels and creating an
electric all-wheel-drive system that drivers can switch on and off.

Hyundai claims the E-GMP’s smaller components save weight, making

vehicles using the platform more efficient. In turn, this also frees Hyundai
to reduce the emphasis on aerodynamics and offer more alluring(매력적인)
BEV designs. Depending on the vehicle, the E-GMP can provide up to 310
miles of driving on the WLTP cycle, and Hyundai claims performance
models will hit 60 mph in less than 3.5 seconds while accelerating to a top
speed of about 160 mph.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 44 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 45 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
1. E-GMP로 1회충전시 500km이상 주행가능 (5분 급속충전으로 100km주

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 46 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
2. 18분만에 초급속 충전이 가능한 고전압 충전 시스템
E-GMP는 별도의 제어기 없이도
800V와 400V 급속 충전이 모두
가능한 멀티 충전 시스템을 세계
최초로 적용했다.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 47 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
2. 18분만에 초급속 충전이 가능한 고전압 충전 시스템

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 48 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
3. 전기차 전용 플랫폼만의 새로운 디자인과 넓은 실내

내연기관 자동차나 내연기관 플랫폼을

기반으로 한자동차나
비율이 크게한 전기차와
다르고 공간비교하면
훨씬 커진
다.비율이 크게 다르고 공간 활용성이 훨씬 커진

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 49 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
4. 저중심 설계와 전용 섀시 기술로 완성한 E-GMP의 향상된 주행 성

E-GMP를 바탕으로 하는 전기차는 저중심

설계를 적용해 세단, SUV, CUV, 고성능차 등
차종에 관계없이 직진 가속 및 코너링,
승차감 등 전반적인 주행 품질이 우수하다.
E-GMP를 바탕으
로 하는 전기차는
저중심 설계를
적용해 세단, SUV,
CUV, 고성능차 등
차종에 관계없이
직진 가속 및
코너링, 승차감
등 전반적인 주행
품질이 우수하다.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 50 Prof. H.S.Choi

전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP의 5가지 핵심 장점
5. 새로운 구조와 기술로 향상시킨 안전 성능

E-GMP의 안전 성능 구성요소
배터리와 차체를 더욱 견고하게 연결하기위해
배터리를 관통하는 8점 마운트 방식을 적용했

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 51 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

1. 모듈(Module)화 개념을 도입, 고객이 요구하는 다양한 상품성을 반영

한 제품 구현
2. 전기차가 갖는 고유의 성능(Performance)을 극대화
3. 예기치 못한 사고에서도 탑승객을 안전(Safety)하게 보호
4. 모빌리티 사용(Usability)을 일상으로 확장할 수 있도록 개발
5. 기획단계부터 개발 복잡성을 축소, 보다 유연한 방식으로 Multi-
Segment에 대응
6. 차종의 경계를 넘어 다양하고 완성도 높은 전기차를 제공하도록 모듈화,
표준화 개념 도입
7. 시스템 모듈화를 통해 간결해진 차량 Platform 구조로 시장의 요구에 고
품질 차량으로 신속 대응
8. 차급과 주행거리, 고객 라이프스타일에 맞춘 다양한 선택이 가능한 전기
차에 최적화되고 표준화된 배터리 시스템

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 52 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

9. 기본적으로 AWD(4WD) 구동이 가능하도록 설계, 사용자의 선택사양으로

후륜구동 2WD도 가능

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 53 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

10. 내연기관 차량의 엔진공간에 구동모터를 하향 배치하고 배터리를 차체 하단에

낮게 위치하여 전후 중량배분과 저중심 설계가 가능

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 54 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

11. 중대형 차량들에 적용되던 후륜 5링크 서스펜션과 세계최초 개발된 기능통합형

드라이브 엑슬 (IDA, Integrated Drive Axle)을 적용하여 승차감과 핸들링 성능 향상

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 55 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

12. 충돌에서 배터리를 보호하기 위해 배터리 전방과 주변부에 Hot Stamping 부재 적

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 56 Prof. H.S.Choi

현대차그룹 전기차 전용 플랫폼 E-GMP

13. 차체 사이드실 내부는 알루미늄 압출재를 적용해 구조적 안정성 확보

알루미늄 압출재
(Aluminum Extruded Material)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 57 Prof. H.S.Choi

아이오닉5 '돌풍'…예약 첫날 2.5만대 돌파
한국경제 입력2021.02.25 17:46 수정2021.02.26 01:26 1022593181

현대자동차의 첫 전용 전기차 ‘아이오닉 5’의 사전예약이 25일 시작됐다.

현대차는 이날부터 아이오닉 5 롱레인지 모델을 대상으로 사전예약을 받고

있다. 예약 개시 하루 만에 계약 건수가 2만 대를 돌파해 올 연간
판매목표(2만6500대)에 근접한 것으로 전해졌다.

사전예약 가격은 트림(세부모델)에 따라 5200만~5750만원으로 책정됐다.

정부와 지방자치단체가 지원하는 전기차 보조금을 적용하면 3000만원대
후반부터 구매할 수 있다고 회사 측은 설명했다.

아이오닉 5에 대한 기대가 높아지면서 올해 전기차 보조금 신청이 예상보다

일찍 마감될 것이라는 전망이 나온다. 저공해차 통합누리집에 따르면 서울시가
민간에 보조금을 지급할 수 있는 차량은 총 5067대다.
취약계층 등을 대상으로 한 우선순위(506대), 법인·기관용 물량(2027대)을
제외하면 일반 소비자에게 할당된 수량은 2534대다. 서울시에 이어 두 번째로
보급량이 많은 인천시도 전체 대수는 4568대지만 일반 소비자 물량은 2284대다.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 58 Prof. H.S.Choi

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 59 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Fig. 1.2 The progressive filling of material-property space over time showing the way
the materials have been developed over time to meet demands on strength and density.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 60 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Fig. 1.2 The progressive filling of material-property space over time showing the way
the materials have been developed over time to meet demands on strength and density.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 61 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Fig. 1.2 The progressive filling of material-property space over time showing the way
the materials have been developed over time to meet demands on strength and density.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 62 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Fig. 1.2 The progressive filling of material-property space over time showing the way
the materials have been developed over time to meet demands on strength and density.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 63 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

1.4 The Evolution of Materials in Products

4 Examples of the Changes in Material usage,
(each spanning about 100 years)

- Kettle
- Vacuum cleaner
- Camera
- Aircraft

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 64 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

(Direct heating kettle, (Teapot) (Electric kettle)
BC2000~ )

cast iron 1922. Swan Co., UK

Jade/silver (Tibet)

Polypropylene (co
rdless, 2010s)
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 65 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product


Plate camera,1900 Leica film camera,1960 Plastic camera, 2006

(Wood, canvas, leather, (Aluminum, magnesium, titanium (Polypropylene or ABS body,
Glass lens) For durability and prestige) acrylic or polycarbonate lenses)

Steven Sasson and his 1st digital camera Kodak DC-210 Plus, 1998
The 1st Digital Camera (Kodak,1975)
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 66 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

Vacuum cleaners: centrifugal
The electric vacuum cleaner, 2010
cleaner 1st appeared
around 1908.4 a hand-powered
cleaner, 1880
Electrolux cylinder
cleaner of 1960

1869 patent for

a “sweeping machine” 2 ton-steam engine
Vacuum cleaner, 1902
Karcher RC-3000
Robot vacuum cleaner

cleaner, 1910

Hoover O model
1st electric Dyson Cordless
Vacuum (Li-ion Battery)
cleaner, 1908 centrifugal cleaner,
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 67 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product


Wright biplane, 1903 Douglas DC3, 1935 Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 2010

Low-density woods (spruce, Aluminum airframe 80% CFRP by volume

balsa, and ply), Steel wire, (43% CFRP by weight)
and silk.
- 30% lighter per seat than
- Highbending stiffness and
Wood remained the competing aircraft
strength at low weight for
principal structural material
scale-up & extended range. - By the end of the century, the
of airframes well into the
twentieth century, but as pressure for greater fuel
- Dominant structural
planes got larger it became economy and lower carbon
material of civil airliners for
less and less practical. emissions had reached a level
the remainder of the 20th
that made composites an
increasingly attractive choice,
despite their higher cost and
greater technical challenge.

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 68 Prof. H.S.Choi

Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

100 years after 1st commercial flight

First Commercial Flight (1914)

 Benoist XIV (1914. 1.1~+3months)

• Aerodynamics (공력) 2010년

• Aeroelasticity (공탄성)  Boeing 787
• Control System (제어)
• Computational Method, CA
D,CAM, FEM (콤퓨터)
• Mathematics (수학)
• Material Science (재료과학)
• Manufacturing Tech. (생산기술의 발전)

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 69 Prof. H.S.Choi

보잉 차세대 항공기 B787 대한항공 설계/제작 참여 부분
(연 예상 매출액 : 1억8천만$)
 좌석: 210-250석
 가격: 1억 6,200만$
경쟁비행기 : A350 (2011출시예정)
1호기 : 일본 메인랜딩기어 격벽일부
 대한항공 10대구매 2010년 도입
노즈 랜딩기어

• 60m

• 높이 17m
• 플랩 서포트 부

• 동체수평재
 43 wt % Carbon fiber/Epoxy composite structures
 677대 주문 (2007.7현재), 2014년까지 포화
 동급항공기 대비 20% Fuel Efficiency향상 (GE, 롤스로이스 엔진)
 2007.7.8 시제작기 공개  -20% 유지보수 (O&M) 비용 절감
시제작기 : 8대  Mach 0.85로 16,000Km flight distance
(6대: 시험비행, 2대 : 내구성 시험)  65% 큰 전자제어 창문
Eng.  객실기압42 향상 (2400m 압력 1800m 압력)으로 쾌적 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

1.5 Summary and Conclusions

 There is an acceleration in material development and of the ways in which
materials are used in products. One of the drivers for change, certainly, is
performance: The displacement of bronze by iron in weapons of the IronAge,
and that of wood by aluminum in airframes of the 20th century, had their origins
in the superior performance of the new materials. But performance is not the
only factor.

 Economics exerts powerful pressures for change: the use of polymers in

the jug kettle, the vacuum cleaner, and the cheap camera derives in part from
the ease with which polymers can be molded to complex shapes.

 Engineering materials are evolving faster, and the choice is wider, than ever
before. It is important in the early stage of design, or of redesign, to examine
the full materials menu, not rejecting options merely because they are

Eng. 43
71 Prof. H.S.Choi
Chapter 1 Introduction : Evolution of Materials in Design & Product

2013 Spring
Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 72 44 Prof. H.S.Choi
Investigate one of goods around you for the changes in material
usage (each spanning about 100 years) and submit 1 page report
(see a sample below).

Dept. of Mech. and Design Eng. 73 Prof. H.S.Choi

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