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UPM Task 2 Template (TOWS Analysis)

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Student No: 23034215 Brand: Hotel Chocolat

Opportunities Threats
1.Only has stores in 3 countries
1. Operates in different growing (Japan, UK and USA).
markets like, Cafes, chocolate
and gifting. 2. Threats of new entrants into
the market
2. Growing trend of online
shopping, gives the opportunity 3. Inflation rates are high,
for Hotel Chocolat to expand people have less of a
their e-commerce platform and disposable income.
reach a wider customer base.

1. Integrate the Velvetiser as a 1. Hotel Chocolat could
1.Innovative products, like the flagship product in their online emphasize the value proposition
velvetiser. store, showing its unique of their products by highlighting
features and benefits through their superior quality,
2. Has a strong distribution interactive multimedia content, craftsmanship, and indulgent
network, with many different including videos and virtual experience. Positioning the
outlets. demonstrations. (S1, O3) chocolates as an affordable
luxury can resonate with
3. Strong brand reputation for 2. Could create partnerships consumers looking for small
producing luxury chocolates with with more luxury cafes and indulgences despite budget
premium ingredients coffee shops to offer Hotel constraints. (T3, S3)
Chocolat branded products as
part of their menu offerings. (S3,

1. Higher employee turnover 1. Hotel Chocolat could 1. Hotel Chocolat may face
rate, lack of motivation in the introduce subscription-based problems with the fact people
workforce. services or loyalty programs for have less of a disposable
online customers, offering income due to the fact their
2. Their prices are higher than recurring deliveries of Hotel prices are higher than
other competitors so it may limit Chocolat products at discounted competitors, people may choose
their market reach, especially rates or exclusive perks. This to shop elsewhere as they can’t
during economic downturns. not only encourages repeat afford the luxury of expensive
purchases but also provides a chocolate, during the time
predictable revenue stream for inflation rates are high. (T3, W2)
the company.

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