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Distribution System

A distribution system can be subdivided into feeder, distributors and service mains. Feeders
are conductors of large current carrying capacity carrying the current in bulk to the feeding
points. Distributors are conductors from which current is tapped off for supply to the
consumers. The service mains are the small cables between the distributors and consumers’
premises. A typical distribution system with these elements is shown in Figure 1. S is
generating station or substation. SA and SB are feeders radiating from station. ACB and
ADB are distributors.

It is important to note that the size of the feeder is determined primarily by the current
it is required to carry. This is due to the fact that the voltage drop along a feeder can be
allowed for by regulation or compounding of the generators. On the other hand, the
permissible voltage drop along a distributor forms the main basis of design in the case of a

Types of Distributors
(i) Radial System of Distribution
(ii) Ring Mains System of Distribution

Radial System of Distribution:

(1) Distributor fed at one end:

In this type of distributor, the distributor is connected to the supply mains at one end only and
the loads are tapped at different points along the path of the distributor as shown in Figure 2.
In this type of distributor, current in the section away from the feeding point and voltage
across the load away from the feeding point goes on decreasing. The minimum voltage
occurs on the farthest load point.

If a fault occurs on the feeder, the whole distributor is required to be disconnected

from the supply mains and thus supply discontinues.

(2) Distributor fed at both ends:

In this type of feeding, the distributor is connected to the supply mains at both ends as shown
in Figure 3. The voltage at both feeding points may be different or equal.

1. In case of fault in any one feeder feeding the distributor, the continuity of the supply is
maintained by feeding it from the other end.

(3) Distributor fed at the middle point:

In this type of feeding, the centre of the distributor is connected to the supply mains through
feeder as shown in Figure 4.
In fact, this type of distributor is equivalent to two single fed distributors, each distributor
being of one half of its total length and having common feeding points. If a fault occurs on
section AC, then this section will be isolated and section CB will get power.

Ring Mains System of Distribution:

Another system of distribution known as ring mains employs a feeder which covers the whole
area of supply finally returning to the generating station. The feeder is closed on itself. This
arrangement is shown in Figure 5, where the feeder SFABCDEFS forms a complete close
ring. The distributors are connected at A, B, C, D and E as shown in the Figure 5.
The arrangement is similar to two feeders in parallel on two different routes. The
advantage of such an arrangement is that it offers greater reliability of supply. In the event of
of a fault on any section of the feeder, say at ‘X’, the supply to all consumers can continue to
be available by isolating the faulty section between B and C.

Question 1: A two wire distributor 1200 m long is loaded as shown in Figure 6. B is the
middle point. The power factor at the two load points refer to the voltage at C. The
impedance of each line is (0.15+j0.2) Ω. Calculate the sending end voltage, current and p.f.
The voltage at point C is 200 V.

Taking the voltage at C as reference


= ( )

The impedance of each line is (0.15+j0.2) Ω.

Hence, total impedance of the line (impedance of both lines) is

( )

= Impedance of section AB (BC)

Drop in section BC, ( ) ( ) ( ) volts

Therefore, Voltage at point ‘B’ is ( ) ( ) volts

Current drawn by load connected at point ‘B’ is

( ) ( ) Amp

Hence, current flowing in section AB is

( ) ( )
=( ) amps

Drop in section AB, ( )( )

=( ) volts

So, sending end voltage (i.e. voltage at point A) is

( ) ( ) ( )

Figure 7 shows the phasor diagram of different voltages and currents.

Angle between sending end voltage ( ) and sending end current ( ) is ( + )

Hence, sending end p.f. = ( ) (lag)

Question 2: A three phase distributor is fed at P and is loaded as shown in the Figure 8. The
impedances represented are that of each phase. Assume balanced loads. Calculate the current
in each section.


Voltage at ‘P’ is volts/phase

Choosing this voltage as reference, volts/phase

Let current flowing in section PX is ( ) amps

So, drop in section PX is ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) volts

Hence, Voltage at X is ( ) ( )

=( ) ( )

Current drawn by the load connected at ‘X’ is A

So, current flowing in section XY is

Or, ( ) ( ) ( )

Hence, drop in section XY,

Or, (( ) ( )) ( )

= ( ) ( )

So, voltage at Y, ( ) ( )
(( ) ( ))

( ) ( )

Current flowing in section YZ, ( ) ( )

( )

Or, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Drop in section YZ, (( ) ( )) ( )

( ) ( )

Voltage at Z, ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Current flowing in section in ZP,

Or, ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Drop in section ZP,

(( ) ( )) ( )
( ) ( ) -----(1)

Also, drop in section ZP is ( ) (

) ------(2)

From equations (1) and (2)

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) -------(3)

Equating real (imaginary) parts of LHS and RHS in equation (3)



After solving equations (4) and (5), we get


Hence, current flowing in section PX from P to X is

( ) Amps

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Or, Amps

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


Question 3: Solve question 2 using Thevenin’s theorem.

Answer: Applying Thevenin’s theorem across section YZ, the Figure 9 shows the circuit
after removal of section ZY.
Different load currents are

( ) Amps

( ) Amps

( ) Amps

Drop in section XY, ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Current flowing through section PX, ( ) ( )

Drop in section PX, ( ) ( )

Voltage at Y, - (Drop in sections PX and XY)

Or, ( ( ))

Drop in section PZ, ( ) ( )

( ) Volts

Voltage at Z, - drop in section PZ ( ) ( )


Since, , current will flow from Z to Y.

Thevenin equivalent impedance,

( ) ( ) ( )

Thevenin voltage across ZY,

( ) ( )

Refer to Figure 10

Current flowing from Z to Y,

( )

( ) ( )
Currents in other branches,

( )A


Or, ( )A

( )

( )A

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